Thursday, June 21, 2007


1- Agudath Israel Of America- These hoodlums had the time to issue two statements against the parade in Jerusalem, but did not find the time to chastise Rabbi Lazer Ginsburg, the Mirrer Yeshiva, and Osher Berenbaum and Co. for harboring and enabling indicted pedophile Stefan Colmer.

2- Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky - The rabbi that sent Moshe Eisemann off to Ner Israel because he did not want a sexual predator in his yeshiva, and URGED the parents of the victims of Stefan Colmer NOT to go to the police! Shame on you, you're a disgrace to your father's memory!!

3- The entire staff at the Mir Yeshiva who was aware of the danger that is Stefan Colmer, and did not even have the humanity to call any rabbi, not one, in Passaic - warning them as to why Colmer ran off to Passaic.

4-The entire Baltimore community including their gang of idiots "Vaad", who were prepared to welcome Aron Tendler into their community without a word of protest. Aron Tendler is dangerous as well as his brother Mordecai and their uncle Shalom from Los Angeles. These sub-humans have caused vast amounts of disgrace to Judaism and the Orthodox rabbinate, and all of them, all three should be banned from the rabbinate, they should not be near women and children, and publicly disgraced for their despicable inhumane and criminal behavior.

5-Sheftel Neuberger, for permitting Moshe Eisemann to continue to live on the Ner Israel Campus, and Aron Feldman for endorsing Moshe Eisemann's new book on nothing!

6-I hope I'm wrong, but I don't believe that the New York State Legislature will pass the mandatory fingerprinting bill for sexual offenders in private schools. Sheldon Silver-- Your'e a disgrace to Judaism and humanity!

Readers...feel free to add your choices to the UOJ Hall Of Shame!