Wednesday, November 07, 2007


There's been some mumbling about what to do about our dire situation. This rabbi says this chachma, that rabbi says another. But the truth is they don't give a damn. They profit off the status-quo.

So I'm going to tell you what needs to be done to save us from ourselves and from the Establishment, and their disdain for anyone who actually can think for themselves.

Firstly--- anything that does not add up to truth and is illogical and damaging, is just that! Don't pay any attention to the falsehoods they're feeding you. If your kids are uneducated, starving in kollel, stealing your retirement money, causing you to get ill over your three mortgages on your house, see it for what it is ---SCANDALOUS!

Here are some ideas that everyone needs to look at carefully to save us from the rabbis who would much prefer keeping you and your kids desperate and dependent on them for advice, and helpless on your own - to fight the corrupt ideas, dogma, and fraudulent concept of mesiras nefesh for Torah - that they've been feeding you.

1-Demand that your yeshivas have a full-fledged, coherent, cogent, secular studies department - on par with the best private schools in the country.

2-These departments are not to be run by rabbis--hire the best Orthodox educators that money can buy to create a real secular studies department.If necessary, create separate entities to educate your children in the afternoons and transport them there at 3 p.m.

3-ALL children would be required to frequent these schools, boys and girls in separate facilities, without exemptions. These entities would be subject to oversight by professional Orthodox educators....independent of the rabbonim.

4-All children would be expected to continue after high school to a school of higher education. Any person that wants to continue learning full time, would have to pass a rigorous examination and demonstrate his capacity to excel in learning.

To be continued.............


A Reader Writes.........

Dear Readers,

I have been asked by Rabbi Yosef Wikler of Kashrus Magazine & Yeshiva Birkas Reuven to solicit information.

He has been investigating the rumors flying around the internet about Rubashkin.

He contacted Rav Weissmandel who basically said:

- the Internet is filled with lies and is assur.

- he only backs what he certifies at the store level if there is repacking.

- he certifies only a few stores -- not Rubashkin in Boro Park (he says they have KAJ hashgacha in BP.) [Goldberg's is under Babad.]

- he claims the man with the stickers is the mashgiach

Rabbi Wikler is asking that anyone with >>> serious information only <<< about possible fraud by anyone connected to Rubashkin or otherwise mishandling Rubashkin products - email:

Office phone: 718-336-8544

Tizku lemitzvos.