Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is a day that will live in infamy for all children of New York State!

by survivor of abuse

"The Lopez Bill" made it this time by a vote of 18 - 1. This is a day that will live in infamy for all children of New York State.

As for Dov Hikind...how could you Dov? We backed you. We believed in you. We gave you time. We gave you a chance. We even looked the other way when you backed out of your promise to help Joel Engleman get rid of Reichman and save innocent Satmar kids. We should have listened to Pearl Engelman about you.

And you sell us out to the Agudah, Satmar and the Catholic Church? You deny those of us who were abused as children the right to sue our abusers? You won't do anything to stop them? You won't do anything to help us? But at least allow us to defend ourselves. It is like the Nazis not allowing Jews to have guns. You have taken away the one potential way that innocent children can get justice for what has been perpetrated on them by your friends, Dov. Why?

Shame on you. You are neither a "frum" Jew nor a caring person. You are "nuch" a politician, and we will not forget what you have done.

Shame on you and your whole family. Shame, shame shame. How can you look any Jewish child in the face now? Knowing that for the sake of "getting along with Satmar and Agudah and the Catholic Church" you took away the only weapon given to a victim of abuse by the United States government? You took away their chance to have their day in court! The victims of Mondrowitz and Kolko and all the rest will never forget and never forgive.