Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Funeral At The New York Hilton - May 17, 2009

When Yudi Kolko got arrested, believe it or not, I broke down with emotion. Tears welled up in my eyes. I felt bad for us Jews, especially Jewish children who have been tortured by the likes of him, Lipa Margulies, Yisroel Belsky and the entire Agudath Israel.

Children, whose only crime was being in a yeshiva or in an Orthodox Jewish summer camp like Camp Agudah. Children whose emotional well-being was crippled for life, and were cast aside like trash on the filthy streets of Brooklyn. Their families were threatened if they "spoke up", or if they sought redress at the local police station. "Whispers" of a "nebach" child would spread around the community like a flu-like virus, destined to destroy the families that were not "immunized" by money and protectsia.

And a great job these scumbags did indeed.

Families destroyed, children going off to worlds they hoped would ease their pain and shame. Suicides, drug overdoses, alcoholism....and anything that would distract them from their miseries; heaped upon these innocent souls by our rabbis, gedolim, community leaders, bastard organizations like the Agudath Israel, and shamefully what has become Torah Umesorah.

So when the dumb-ass ignoramus, Yaakov Perlow, got up to speak at the Agudath Israel dinner last Sunday, after I was informed of his opening lines, I again broke down with emotion -- for us!

Is this the best we've got? Is there no shame left among the Jews? Do we dare permit ourselves to have this charlatan "divine" his words on the Jewish community. In front of a roomful of obvious peasants, he spouts out his words of such idiocy, that the Heavens had to break down and weep.

Every person sitting in that room in the Hilton that did not walk out, is an accomplice to this madman's agenda. Trample on the truth when it suits you, at any expense.

My third grade rebbe was correct; two of the things that separate us from dogs are; humans have no loyalty, and dogs relieve their waste wherever they feel like it.