Friday, December 11, 2009

Speechless! - Almost..

More nonsense piled on nonsense!

One can get seriously ill reading peoples' attitudes to the sex-abuse crisis at hand in the Orthodox Jewish community. Orthodox Judaism is disintegrating in front of our very eyes...and we're pontificating who is more at fault; the brainless-criminal rabbis or the brainless - idiot plain Jew!

There's been an utter breakdown in our humanity - our brain functions have ceased functioning as humans. We have become sub-animals; rabbis working on the survival instinct of preserving their reputations and yeshivas at all costs - not the God-given intelligence, command and instinct to protect our vulnerable children!

The Torah commands us - in the very essential mitzva of Shiluach Hakan...shalach tishalach es ha'em...send away the mother-bird before you capture the child-bird - because the suffering of the mother is unbearable for her to observe; to see her offspring - hurt, slaughtered or captured.

To me this is - and always was - the essence of our Torah ha'kdosha. Rachamim...caring for our children - indeed the essence of a viable society. The Torah understood that if we, the bnei Yisroel, were to understand the essence of this tzivui Hashem for birds/animals; we would certainly derive there-from that a parent would not be able to bear any pain heaped on their offspring and protect them at all costs; and indeed those are the instincts of normal people.

We mock, rightfully so, the degradation of society at large; look at their kids' heroes and values! Look what is recreation for them! Look at the fatherless children; in many cases the children do not even know - who - the father is - never mind having a parent to actually take care of them.

Have you been to a zoo recently? Ever notice that the mama monkey protects their baby from harm from other dangerous apes? ---------

Now - that - you - know - that there is at least one child-rapist in every yeshiva and many in your girls' schools - as bad as the Tendler Trinity of human garbage - what - are - you - idiot - parents - doing - about - it? --- Planning for Pesach? --- Which fress place serves more main dishes? Which tea room is open 24 hours? Huh? Chaim Kaminetzky cheap on the chocolates - to hell with him, we'll go to Moishe Wein. WHAT!!!! no private seder room? I'm gonna bounce that check on the momzer! -Right?

What will it take for you to realize that these "rabbis/gedolim" that you trusted to care for, and protect at all costs - the essence of the Torah - rachamim...only to now know for certain, that they are the biggest achzorim and menuvalim?--- Not all - but most!

Nothing doing...we're off to Florida, UOJ - don't bother us with your crap! OK!?

Darwin had it wrong - we are less human than the apes and monkeys. Their brains are more developed than ours, they take care of their kids, and we trust the gedolim....