Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Stand By Your Man - Featuring The Jews Brothers

Avi Shafran (left) Gavriel Bodenheimer (right) - The Jews Brothers

A prominent Monsey rabbi who runs a boys school pleaded not guilty Tuesday morning to charges of having sex with an underage boy.
Gavriel Bodenheimer, 71, principal of Yeshiva Bais Mikroh, was arrested by Ramapo police Monday on a warrant involving a sealed grand indictment.
The rabbi's arrest resulted from an investigation by the police and the Rockland District Attorney's Office Special Victim's Unit. The unit deals with are sex crimes against children.
He was charged with three counts of criminal sex act and one count of first-degree sex abuse, all felonies, at his arraignment before Rockland County Judge William Nelson. The indictment said the abuse occurred over a period of time.
Bodenheimer's attorney, Deborah Wolikow-Loewenberg, asked the judge to release the rabbi without bail. She said he had been a fixture in the community his whole life.
"He's not a flight risk. There is no reason to suspect he will not return to court. His roots are here," she said.
Prosecutor John McGowan recommended $100,000 bail and, after having the two sides confer, Nelson set the bail at $25,000 cash or bond.
Loewenberg said the family would raise the bail and expected the rabbi to be out of jail on Tuesday.
"We will fight these charges because they are not true," she said.
The judge also issued a stay-away order, directing the rabbi to not contact the victim, known in court records as "Y.E."
"There is no gray area," he said. "You have to stay away from Y.E. Clear?"
The rabbi responded: "Clear."
He is due back in court Aug. 26.
The rabbi was silent in court, except when he confirmed his identity to the judge and when he answered the judge's stay-away question. He wore an orange jumpsuit and was shackled.
Attorney Kenneth Gribetz, a former county district attorney, said he and his partner, Wolikow-Loewenberg, met with the rabbi's family on Monday to discuss the case.
The rabbi had been held without bail on the arrest warrant in the Rockland County jail in New City.
"I am convinced of his innocence," Gribetz told The Journal News/lohud.com Tuesday morning. "His reputation is impeccable, without exaggeration. He's a very prominent rabbi."
Bodenheimer has for decades led the Bais Mikroh on Viola Road where thousands of Orthodox Jewish boys have been educated.
Bodenheimer has been active recently in the push to change the state education aid formula to bring more aid to East Ramapo School District, whose board is controlled by Orthodox and Hasidic Jewish residetns, and to the private schools. He has spoken at a spring news conference on the matter and gone to Albany with other advocates to lobby state officials.

Why I Can’t Forgive The Jews…

I make no apology for this title. The Jews have much to answer for, especially the Jews of Israel – and there’s no letting up.
I write from England, this precious stone set in the silver sea, where our forefathers were nourished on the blessed freedoms of a robust paganism.
We relished our ever-inventive superstitions and gloried in unbridled passion. We made our choice between 14 gods, worshipped devils, and were in lifelong bondage to an inexorable fate known sinisterly as Wyrd. Standards there were, agreeably low.
Sure, hopeless ruffians were we, shackled to a changeless decree of the gods; but we felt mostly good about our brute lives and ourselves. We were all in the same boat, no better and no worse than the next bloke.
However, like the distant rumblings of an approaching rainstorm, the Jewish Messiah’s teachings had reached our shores in the 1st century; and their voice was growing louder. The Jewish Messiah and the Jewish Bible would become our nemesis and break open our little world.
What followed is well documented, and one may Google for the relevant facts; but, for us, it meant that we could no longer enjoy the life of unbridled paganism. The bar of morality had been raised. It was a rude awakening; our stone of shelter was overturned.
Now I am reminded of a friend back in the 70′s, who was employed for a few days in a factory that manufactured long, electro-plated metal rods. Turning out nearly 300 of these things every day, he was approached by the Foreman.
“Look ‘ere, son you’re working too ‘ard. The rest never do more’n 250 and you’re makin’ ‘em look bad. Before we know it, everybody will be expected to do 300. Now, toe the line; there’s a good lad.” He was in no forgiving mood.
Similarly, are we seriously expected to forgive the Jews for turning out more ethics and ever-higher standards of morality than the rest of us? Things like ‘love your neighbour as yourself’, in place of the good old traditional ethic of ‘do it to him before he does it to you.’ It takes only one do-gooder to make the rest of us look bad. We might be living under a stone, but it’s our stone.
Twenty centuries have passed; and we’ve managed, with varying degrees of success, to not merely get used to this higher morality, but also to convince ourselves that we thought of it in the first place–and that it had nothing to do with the Jews, their Messiah, and their Bible. But prior to this Jewish education, we were like Caliban in the unwholesome fen, satisfied with his water with berries in’t. Ah, the savage at liberty.
We know who’s to blame for this. The Jews. What were they trying to do, for Pete’s sake, bring heaven to Earth? Behold this dreamer cometh. If not for the Jews, God would most likely have remained in heaven, His Place, and never come to Earth to make us uncomfortable, by awakening in us a desire for more than berries in water.
Heaven is God’s; and the Earth would be ours, if not for the Jews. Unforgivable.
Now, back in 1948, between 400,000 and 700,000 Arabs vacated their homes on the advice of their warring brethren from neighbouring lands. But between 1948-72, 820,000 Jews were forcibly driven from their homes in the Arab countries, 200,000 finding refuge in Europe and North America, and most of the others in the State of Israel. The Muslims have sucked at the breast of the UN for 66 years, whilst the Jews, from Day One, were fed and sheltered at the expense of their fellow Jews. And where are they now? Look for them and their children in the halls of academia, on the stage, in the hospitals, in the hi-tech milieu, and in the Apollo Space Shuttle.
Those vexatious Jews have pride and dignity! They make the rest of us feel bad whilst the Arabs are enough to make any of us feel good about ourselves.
There was a glimmer of light when I heard the State of Israel excoriated for being apartheid. Ah, a serious flaw, I thought, but was disappointed; for the Arabs of Israel have full citizenship and enjoy equal rights with their Jewish neighbours. In fact, the Arabs of neighbouring countries receive free medical care in Jewish hospitals.
And as if this were not enough, in response to thousands of rockets lobbed from Gaza to Israel, Jews are putting their own young people at risk in a ground offensive in order to spare the lives of possibly innocent Palestinians. What’s more, they actually drop thousands of leaflets to warn the Gazan citizenry to flee the area of an impending attack. Then, they fire a rubber warning missile to knock on the roof five minutes before the real one. Finally, if the women and children have not departed, the Israelis call off the strike.
Furthermore, Israel has opened an emergency clinic near the battle zone to treat injured……Palestinians! This includes a gynecology unit. Isn’t that childbirth?!
Am I dreaming? Somebody pinch me.
During the bombing of Dresden in 1945, it took a mere 3 days to drop 3,900 tons of high explosives and incendiary (none of them rubber), destroying two-and-a-half square miles of the city centre and killing between 22,700 and 25,000 people, mainly civilians. Compare this with the 11 days which the Israelis have taken to kill 274 people, despite their having far more powerful weaponry than we had in the 40s. The Israeli restraint is downright perplexing and irritating to the hypocrites in the UN.
Did we warn Dresden? No, of course not! Was a dummy hydrogen bomb dropped in advance of the real one? No! Did we burn people, blow them to smithereens, and starve them? Yes. And we didn’t issue an apology to Germany or Japan for disproportionate warfare! War was war, and we insisted on ending it sooner rather than later.
How do you respond to an enemy that vows to destroy you and your way of life, rape your wife, and enslave your children? You kill ‘em, that’s what you do! And because we were all doing it, nobody felt bad about it.

But these irksome Jews, with their raising the bar ever higher, are attempting to civilize war itself, resisting the temptation to carpet bomb and visit hell on the enemy once and for all, relinquishing the crucial element of surprise by leafleteering and calling Palestinians on their cell phones first.
And the torn metal from the missiles which land in Israel? Transformed into works of art to adorn your mantlepiece. They seek to bring order and civilization right up to the gates of Gehenna. If it were possible, hell itself would be abolished by these sons of David. Col. Kemp, a British officer who served in all the major conflicts between 1977-2006, said of the Israelis,“Based on my knowledge and experience, I can say this: during operation Cast Lead, the Israeli Defense Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in the combat zones than any other army in the history of warfare.”
The Jews are again leading the way to higher ground, making us uncomfortable with our double standards and our odious hypocrisy.
God bless ‘em.
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/cant-forgive-jews/#cBbubWR1Z1p05MQT.99