Tuesday, March 05, 2019

What If We Stopped Vaccinations?

How bad would things get if everyone stopped vaccinating their kids?

One of the most recent videos takes viewers on a 4-minute journey through a world without vaccines. We have all heard people say,

“Vaccines cause Autism.”

“There are so many toxins in vaccines.”

“I want to control what is put into my child’s body.”

With so many people believing that vaccination is a personal choice, many people fail to realize the impact of their decisions.

The video helps viewers understand that not vaccinating affects the entire community. Viewers are reminded that vaccines help protect the most vulnerable people in our communities from contracting preventable diseases.

Social media has created a world where misinformation spreads rapidly. Due to the misinformation, people wrongly believe that vaccines are not safe. However, the video shows viewers that the world without vaccines would be far more dangerous. A world without vaccines would pose a considerable threat to the health and survival of infants and children.

Misinformation is not the only reason people opt not to vaccinate. The producers say that many people are ignorant to the severity of the diseases or how much the diseases can impact people in society.

A few statistics provided in the film outline the impact on our community:
  • 48,000 hospitalizations due to the measles per year
  • Over 500 deaths from the measles each year
  • 10,000 hospitalizations from chicken pox
  • 71 deaths from the chicken pox each year
For individuals that lack a scientific background, the video is easy to understand. The easy to watch format is probably why the video has over 9 million views.

Watch below and step into a world without vaccines:
