Monday, August 17, 2020

Here We Go......"Unfortunately, there has been a notable uptick in Covid-19 cases recently in our community and we would like to re-emphasize the importance of the safety procedures our Shul has implemented so that we can safely come together and daven as a Kehilla...."

5TC has been informed by a few Shuls and physicians that there is an uptick of positive cases within the community. As always, the purpose of sharing this information is not to create any undue hysteria, rather to inform people about what is going on in the community. Many people have ‘let their guard down’ so please be mindful to wear masks where it is required and continue to social distance wherever necessary.

We encourage everyone to contact your own physicians and Rabbonim for specific questions. Below are 3 emails that local Shuls sent out to their congregants. We took out all personal information to protect the privacy of specific Shuls and individuals involved. Those who needed to be informed for precautionary measures, have already been informed. Additionally, please check out our interview with Dr. Lightman & Rabbi Dr. Glatt involving specific COVID related questions for the upcoming school year, Yomim Tovim and more HERE.

 Email #1
I want to inform our mispallelim that a mispallel in our shul tested positive for COVID. He was only in shul on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. (He was not in shul on Shabbos.) He was in close proximity of only two people who were already notified.
Should anyone be of more concern, please feel comfortable to call me or text me at ###-###-####.
At this point, I would like to ask our mispallelim in the non-masks section only to remove their masks when they are at their seats.
Rabbi ###### #######.
Email #2
Message from the Rov:
I wanted to inform the Tzibur that one of our Mispalilim, ###### ##### (son of Mr. #### and ### #####), who was in Shul this past Shabbos, recently tested positive for Covid. As per CDC guidelines the family has performed contact tracing and informed all people who had close contact with #### to quarantine. Close contact is defined by the CDC as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a sustained 15 minutes period (without a mask). Boruch Hashe-m, #### is fine, experiencing only mild cold-like symptoms.
I am in contact with several doctors including a leading national infectious disease specialist to make sure we are taking the proper precautions for the Kehilla, and remind all members to please be sure to wear a mask when entering and exiting the Shul and when you leave your seat during Davening. Masks may only be lowered when you are stationary at your seat.
If anyone has any questions please email me and I will make every effort to respond within 24 hours as I am still away with my family. If members have individual medical concerns, I encourage them to speak with their own physician.
The details in this email were sent out with permission from the ##### family.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Rosh Chodesh Elul. Have a wonderful Shabbos!
Email #3

Dear Members,
Unfortunately, there has been a notable uptick in Covid-19 cases recently in our community and we would like to re-emphasize the importance of the safety procedures our Shul has implemented so that we can safely come together and daven as a Kehilla.
– Masks covering your mouth and nose must be worn at all times while in Shul
– Shacharis on Shabbos is open to associate and full members only.
– Each family may have no more than 2 guests at the Shabbos Shacharis minyan
– In unique situations such as a Simcha where members would like to bring additional guests to Shul, we ask that you – contact the Rav or a member of the board for special arrangements
– Anyone returning from a mandatory quarantine location, or who has a household member returning from such a location is asked not to come to Shul until the 14-day quarantine period is complete
– Anyone who has attended a large gathering or Simcha with positive cases, is likewise asked not to come to Shul until the 14-day quarantine is complete
– Any family with children returning from camp with a confirmed case of Covid-19 is asked not to come to Shul until the 14-day quarantine period is complete.
We join all members in hoping that we can come to Daven together safely for the Yomim Noraim. As such, we ask that all members adhere to these requirements to prevent a spike in the coming weeks.