Thursday, October 14, 2021

UNBREATHABLE --- If You Go Fress, Buy a new Dress, Bring an Oxygen Tank, & Whatever You've Got In The Bank. When You Die, They Will Lie, They'll Say Because You Got Vaxxed, When Kotler, Wachtfogel, Kamenetzky's Daas Toirah Was Aghast!

Trials and travails are a reality of Galus. Over the past 18 months, Klal Yisroel and Reb Yisroel have faced challenges and through it all we survived and we thrived.

COVID-19, loss of our gedolim, shuls shuttered, families suffering through illness and tragedy, schools closed, challenges to the chinuch and self esteem of our children, financial woes, Meron, Stolin, Surfside… we faced an unending stream of tests.

Time and time again, we emerge from the kur habarzel stronger and clearly unbreakable. 

Join us as we celebrate our accomplishments and growth, and let us reflect on what makes it all possible.  

From where do we get this strength, how can we become stronger, and how can we pass it on to the next generation? Join us at The Agudah Convention as Gedolei Yisroel guide us along our unbreakable path.

COVID-19 was the No. 1 killer of Americans age 35 to 54 last month, and No. 2 overall

COVID-19 was the No. 1 leading cause of death in the U.S. in January, at the peak of last winter's brutal coronavirus surge, but then vaccines became widely available and it dropped to No. 7 by July, the Kaiser Family Foundation says in a new analysis of COVID-19 fatalities. 

Then the Delta variant hit and found ample unvaccinated Americans to kick COVID-19 back up to the No. 2 killer in August and September, the leading cause of death for Americans age 35 to 54, and even the sixth or seventh leading cause of death for children. 

COVID-19 Deaths

Kaiser Family Foundation