Friday, July 08, 2022

For The Historical Record - Rabbi Schorr Was Never The Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath! Disregard The Revisionists WannaBe Historians Who Pull Their Facts Out Of Nowhere To Align With Their Personal Agendas. The Machlokes For Leadership Of YTV In the 1960s Brought The Yeshiva To Its Knees, Never To Recover Its Original Glory, and the Collapse and Demise of Beis Medrash Elyon!

Yahrzeit of
Moreinu Horav Gedaliah Schorr, zt"l
Today - 7 Tammuz

Rav Gedaliah ben R' Avrohom zt"l

Today, 7 Tammuz, is the yahrtzeit of our revered Rosh Hayeshiva, Moreinu Horav Gedaliah ben Rav Avrohom Schorr zt"l. 

For a biography on Horav Schorr with pictures which appears in  "AMERICA'S YESHIVA" Click Here.  
Horav Gedaliah joined Yeshiva Torah Vodaath when his family moved to Williamsburg. He quickly became the heart and soul of the Bais Medrash, where his brilliant “kushyos” generated excitement with regard to the sugyos the Yeshiva was learning. When he was twenty one years old, Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz zt"l appointed him to a position in the Mesivta, despite his unmarried status. His talmidim, many were only a few years his junior, were drawn to him, and accorded him great respect. 

When World War II broke out Europe's Jewry was on the brink of extinction, but in America little was being done to save it. Rav Schorr worked closely with Elimelech "Mike" Tress, and the others involved in the hatzoloh efforts, saving thousands of lives. Scores of people still remember the Shabbos when Horav Schorr received a report about exterminations and the need for immediate rescue efforts. He spoke to the minyan until every single person there was weeping and was determined to give the rescue mission top priority. On a sub-freezing Shabbos in January, he walked from Williamsburg to Boro Park to make an appeal. He arrived numb and frozen - but the freezing in the ghettos was far worse; and so he walked. He sold his one personal treasure, a Vilna Shas he had purchased in Europe, and contributed the money to the rescue effort.

Upon the passing of Reb Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz in 1948, Rav Schorr was appointed Menahel Ruchni of Torah Vodaath, a post he maintained for 31 years. After the passing of Horav Reuven Grozovsky zt"l in 1958, he also became Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medrash Elyon, the post-graduate division of Torah Vodaath.
Y'hei Zichro Boruch!

Rabbi Yitzchok Gottdiener
Executive Director
Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Vodaath