Rav Shraga Feivel did not seek a particular type of Jew. Everyone
was welcome, everyone was made to feel comfortable, and
everyone was important.
The Torah Vodaath Talmid
Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky put it this way: “The average yeshiva
is a ‘S'dom bed.’ Boys are cut and stretched to fit the mold of
that particular yeshiva.” Torah Vodaath, he continued, was not
like that. Each bochur maintained his individuality and, at the
same time, became part of a group of bnei aliyah who wanted
to grow together in every aspect of their avodas Hashem.
“Each yeshiva has its own unique approach,” says Rav Moshe
Wolfson, “and it is usually understood that those who are not
suited to that approach will not find their place in that yeshiva.
Rav Shraga Feivel, on the other hand, had a different approach
for each talmid. The number of talmidim equaled the number
of methods he employed. He fulfilled Rashi’s definition of ‘ish
asher ruach bo’ (‘a man in whom the spirit dwells’—Bamidbar
27:18), a leader who is able to relate to the spirit of each