Wednesday, December 14, 2022

A robbery in broad daylight!



Knesset approves 'Deri Law' in preliminary reading 


Knesset approves bill that would allow Shas chairman Aryeh Deri to serve as a minister in the government.

The Knesset on Tuesday evening approved in a preliminary reading the so-called "Deri Law", proposed by MK Moshe Arbel, which will allow Shas chairman Aryeh Deri to serve as a minister in the next government despite his conviction of tax-related offenses.

Deri was sentenced in February to a one-year suspended sentence, along with a fine of 180,000 shekels, as part of a plea bargain.

In 1999, Deri was convicted of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust, and given a three-year jail sentence. At the end of 2012, ahead of the elections for the nineteenth Knesset, he returned to lead the Shas party. He was placed in the 2nd position, and was re-elected to the Knesset. In May 2013, he was re-appointed to the role of Shas chairman. In December 2021, it was reported that Deri will resign from the Knesset as part of a plea deal for tax offences.[2] However, during December 2022 negotiations between Likud and Shas, it was agreed that Deri would serve as both Interior Minister and Health Minister for the first two years of the upcoming administration, before taking on the position as Finance Minister. In addition, Deri is set to serve as Deputy Prime Minister for the administration. Prior to holding these positions, the Knesset must vote to allow convicts to hold ministerial positions.[3]

As part of the plea bargain, Deri was not barred from returning to politics on the grounds of moral turpitude, but was forced to resign from the Knesset.

Tuesday’s proposal was supported by 62 Knesset members compared to 53 who voted against it, and it will be forwarded to the Knesset Regulatory Committee which will, in turn, determine the committee which will prepare the bill for its first reading.

Justice Minister Gideon Sa'ar said on behalf of the outgoing government, "This is a moral turpitude bypass law, this bill is distinctly personal legislation, it looks less like a constitutional change and more like robbery in broad daylight. Such brutal personal basic legislation, which is the first proposal put forward, is the sign of things to come.”

The agreement between Shas and the Likud stipulates that during the first half of the term of the government, Deri will serve as Interior Minister and Health Minister, and in the second half of the government's term, he will serve as Minister of Finance.

In addition, Shas will receive the Ministry of Religious Services and the Ministry of Welfare and Social Security. Two additional ministers on behalf of Shas will serve as minister in the Ministry of Education and minister in the Ministry of the Interior.

Deri will serve as Deputy Prime Minister throughout the term of the government.