Saturday, February 25, 2006


To our readers, friends and others...I invite you to respond to the Jewish Press editorial. Well written comments will be posted in my headliner and included in my response to the a few days.

Please use logic, common sense and well reasoned arguments, the world media will be reading your responses. You are welcome to use your names; in matter of fact I would encourage rabbis, lay leaders, medical professionals, attorneys and all people of good will to comment.

Disclaimer: Just because someone chooses to comment on this blog, that does not mean that you agree with or endorse any or all of my writings and opinions.

I do believe that all fair minded people will agree that there is no place in our yeshiva system for sexual predators and their protectors...and that a sex abuse registry system for our schools, an independendent panel of professionals to investigate claims of abuse, and a zero tolerance policy for these crimes are long overdue.

I do apologize to the thousands of people that have e-mailed me and posted comments that as of yet I was not able to read, publish and respond to.

I do find it very curious that Yeshiva Torah Temimah, Lipa Margulies and Yudi Kolko have not found the time to come out with a simple written statement denying the allegations against them.

To all that this does concern:

Although as a concerned parent I have monitored this blog for a while, I have held back from posting until now.

Truth, you are a liar and misleader, and if all this innuando about Kolko turns out accurate, your are as evil in my mind as the molestors themselfs.

As a significant contributor to TT, (Appelgrad had me on speed dial-Margo has come to my house in the past year-I have 2 boys there) I had a phone conference with Rabbi Margolis a few days after the letter.

He actually asked me "what would you do". I said to him "In ten years you never aked my advice, why now?" He said he's never been in such a tough position.

He did admit hearing rumors years ago. He also admitted to a few people coming foward in the past, but nothing "serious" in the past 10 years. He also layed on the Rabbi Kolko sob story. Don't get me wrong Rabbi Kolko was mine and my sons' favorite Rebbi. But my childs safety supercedes any sob story or personal tastes.

At no point did he completely deny that Rabbi Kolko was or is, a child Molestor. He even stated that the yeshiva is set up, so that no Rebbi should ever be allowed to be alone with a boy. Implying in my mind that there was concerns with Kolko and maybe at some point other Rebbeyim.

All in all, the conversation left me with a sick taste in my mouth. One of my sons is graduating, but the other I am removing from the Yeshiva at the end of the year. Three other parents in my sons class are removing their kids as well. Must of us were unhappy before this debacle anyway.

Oh, icing on the cake unfortunately, I found out last week, a distant cousin of mine punched Rabbi Kolko in the mouth a few summers ago. As I hear now, he has for years accused Kolko of molesting him. I believe his name is public now.

Anyway, sorry about my spelling and grammer, I am also a TT graduate. I think this problem is prevelent in every yeshiva, but a man with so much accusations around him (especially abuse)should be removed. With the safety of our children the saying applies in my mind. "Where there is smoke, there is fire".

Again I wanted to reiterate that the "Truth" is lying. Rabbi Margolis hedged himseld and did not give me or other parents an assuring denial of the accusations.

This whole incident is a Chillul Hashem and hope this matter concludes shortly.

Posted by Anonymous to Un-Orthodox Jew at 2/26/2006 09:30:10 PM


  1. Whoever you are in real life, UOJ, would you find the need to formally respond to every comment you found on a bathroom wall about you?
    Maybe not from a handfull of comments. but if 25.000 letters went out about me, i can assure you that i would respond in some way.
    There is a saying *when it hurts you scream*
    ------------*Any parent who called TT or RK or RM with genuine concerns was told unequivocally that there is no truth to any such charges.* ----------------
    Are you Dumb or just plain stupid?
    why would you expect to get a *guilty* answer from RM or YK if the whole problem is them to begin with.
    What an ass!

  2. Truth:

    The plain common sense approach is that every TT parent should receive a letter from the Hanhalah stating the denial.

    With the wide publicity the anonymous accusations have had we deserve no less.

    We should not have to call Rm and raise this awkward topic. We should be given the respect we deserve and receive a written denial ASAP.

    We get notes sent home fron Tt constantly about the trivial and mundane. This is much more important.

    If I can get several calls about the chinese auction and melava malka each year, I can be reached about this much more important issue as well.

    Frankly, I do not hold of this "insider" shtick where you need to be connected to call and receive answers. We are all parents. This concerns our children, and we deserve the courtesy of a direct response.

  3. UOJ did not ask why there was no formal response to his mailing. Interesting how you twisted what he wrote. What he is pushing and has been pushing from day one is to get sexual predators out of the scools.

    But some people hear and see only what they can handle in their small little boxes that they live in!!!

  4. above tt parent beginning, "whoever you are", please think up your own screen name. I had this one first.

  5. Any parent who called TT or RK or RM with genuine concerns was told unequivocally that there is no truth to any such charges.
    How can you LIE and tell us that ANY PARENT who called was told that there is no truth to the accusations.
    You are certainly not a proffesional liar.
    Go count sheep for a living.

  6. I challenge both of the accused to sign a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury that these charges are false; both that Margulies was not aware of the accusations against Kolko, and that Kolko never molested anyone.
    TT parents deserve no less.

  7. Lawyer representing victims said...
    I challenge both of the accused to sign a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury that these charges are false; both that Margulies was not aware of the accusations against Kolko, and that Kolko never molested anyone.
    TT parents deserve no less.
    Nice short and to the point.
    This is a very very fair request, and the parents of TT deserve at least this much.

  8. A letter from TT and RM will never happen. To do so would acknowledge UOJ's point.

  9. boog said...
    A letter from TT and RM will never happen. To do so would acknowledge UOJ's point.
    I still feel that this offer should be presented to Rm and Rk.
    Ihey can go for it or decline!

  10. The day is soon approaching when Margulies and Kolko will have to testify under oath in a courtroom.

    If I had my child in that school I would raise hell to get a sworn affidavit under penalty of perjury out of the both of them, or I would take my child out of that den of criminals.

  11. I wonder if UOJ is concerned that he will be sued for defamation.... and I wonder if this is the beginning of a new effort by the honest and 'simple' members of the Frum community who have been seeing and hearing of the disgusting acts of the "Machers" of our community for all these years and who have never been exposed for their dishonest acts. I hope that the next 'expose' will center on the issue of yeshiva tuition - the degradation of parents who can't afford the ridiculously high cost of yeshiva education. The 'machers' who 'own' these yeshivas, who control the inner workings of yeshivas for their own profit.... I pray that one day they are put in their places... and that 'regular' frum families will not have to suffer under the great burden of the curse of ridiculous tuition costs. UOJ...I hope you come out of this mess in tact and that you are not hurt with lawsuits against you for your effort to expose the scum of our society.... good luck!

  12. why has my comments not been published?

  13. Which comment was not published, please resend.

  14. I am not concerned at all about being sued. I have retained an extremely "high powered" attorney ready, willing and able to make the accused wish they never found me!

  15. I believe you should be concerned....unless you are not a part of the 'frum' community... In our world, the one who cries the loudest gets heard and believed.. as is with the Arabs and their claims against Israel. If the lowlifes cry foul against you in a loud voice, I believe you will be hurt. I have been hurt also by certain types who cried out loud against me... but I am not anymore part of the Frummy world, so I don't give a damn about them..

  16. Have they found you?

  17. Anon,
    Yes, I intend to use the uncensored power of the internet to do the work that the organizations' refuse to.I need to focus on one issue at a time to be effective. I will be reaching out to all members of our community to help me..there's a limit to what one man can do.
    Boruch Hashem, on the sexual abuse issue, the esteemed frum attorney, Elliot Pasik Esq. has stepped in to lead the charge.
    On my radar screen:
    2-abused women
    3-incompetent rebbes and teachers
    4-Transparency in all our yeshivas.No family or person has a right to "OWN" a yeshiva that was built with public money.

  18. I wish you luck in all your endeavors.... i wish I had the resources to do the same.... unfortunately, my head is totally into making enough money to pay the $40,000 in tuition I need to pay for my kids....

  19. I am out there!
    1-I daven with a minyan three times a day.
    2-My kids go to frum schools
    3-I attend 20-30 simchas, dinners and parlor meetings every month, double that in June.
    4-I give shiurim.
    5-Every single person that comes to my office or home door walks away with a minimum of $100.
    6-I give away seven figures of tzedaka every year but was never honored at a dinner.(by choice)
    Ok guys...let's see you connect the dots.

  20. Honestly, I would love to meet you... there is so much crap I can offer you as to the pain I and my family has gone through because of the "Frummies".. Yeshivish and especially Chasidish "holier than though" cholerahs. The arrogance that exists out there within the Frum community is shameful...I wish I could move with my family to a small community where everyone is truly 'finer mentchen'..caring, simple and easygoing... who care more about 'bein adam l'chaveyro' rather than anything else. Be well UOJ.... perhaps we already do see each other somewhere... LOL!!!

  21. the rumors have been around for years the yeshiva needs to address it one way or another
    this will not go away
    this cannot be swept under the rug anymore.

    as a parent we have enough pressures paying abnormanl amounts of tuition to the private schools who bitch allday that they are loosing money on every student we dont have to tolerate this kind of crap

    by the way if the schools are loosing money why dont they close down
    businesses close down every day when they realize that expenses exceed revenue
    i have yet to hear of aschool in my lifetime that closed down due to economic reasons
    its bullshit!!!
    they are overstaffed with the principals and owners families

  22. regarding school tuition how is it that all schools charge basically the same regardless of class size ,new building or old building
    alot of mortgages or no mortgages at all

    someone wrote into the yated recently complaining about those people who dont pay tuition yet go to hotels for pesach
    while obviously their priorities are screwed up
    the issue is that people would gladly pay full tution or close to that and help yeshivas if they felt they were supporting a "mokoim torah"
    however the attidue by practically all schools and definitley girls schools that comes from the owners of the school does not lend itself to wanting to help them

    i get disgusted when the school owners tell you that they are "clei kodesh"
    stop the bullshit!!
    just tell me that you are running a business and ill deal with you like any other vendor in my business

  23. In response to 'FrumHipocracy' who wrote about
    "extreme right-wing poison...the larger Brooklyn beliefs and hashkafas...":

    If you think it is poison, then move to the left. Maintain your own set of beliefs in an environment that is not extreme right-wing poison.

  24. The real problem with the Jewish Press editorial is its blatant hypocrisy. For two years now the Jewish Press has been running a massive campaign on behalf of Rabbi Mordechai Tendler to undo his expulsion from the RCA. That campaign included news articles as well as editorials. The thrust of the campaign is that Rabbi Tendler did not receive due process from the RCA. The Jewish Press particularly gave a lot of publicity to a Psak from a Jerusalem Beth Din which demanded that the expulsion issue be brought before a Beth Din. The Jewish Press through its publicity campaign, brought tremendous pressure to bear on the RCA to comply with that Psak as the RCA seemed more inclined to ignore it. That pressure included veiled threats of Siruv and the suggestion that failure to comply would call into question the validity of the RCA’s own Beth Din, The Beth Din of America. Primarily as a result of those efforts it now appears that indeed the RCA is participating in a Beth Din process.

    It must be pointed out, that each and every one of the editorials in favor of Rabbi Tendler and pressuring the RCA was anonymous. Never once did any member of the editorial board dare identify him or herself. Obviously, this was done to avail themselves of the protective shield that anonymity provides. Especially, when going up against a powerful and influential organization such as the RCA.

    Moreover, Jewish newspapers traditionally reported the news. Nowhere, in the laws pertaining to Beth Din is there any role defined for a Jewish newspaper to come in unasked and act as an enforcement arm of Beth Din, and pressure people to abide by Jewish Law or to force recalcitrant litigants to come to Beth Din. This is an unprecedented role that the Jewish Press has created for itself in the Tendler matter where it has inserted itself into a judicial process that, in the first instance, was way beyond its calling and jurisdiction.

    To put it more succinctly, the Jewish Press’ role in the Tendler matter was nothing more than one big anonymous pashkivil to correct an injustice - giving Rabbi Tendler due process - that it believed was worthy of its time and attention.

    In truth, notwithstanding the unprecedented nature of the actions by the Jewish Press, we don’t disagree with the Jewish Press’ methods of using their anonymous pashkivil to get justice where nothing else will work.

    The instant anonymous pashkivil seeks similar relief. Due process for the victims of a known child molester who has to date avoided justice. The use of different media, mass mailing and a website, are hardly the point. The principle, the use of an anonymous pashkivil as a last resort to bring about justice when members of our community evade our Beth Din system, is an effective one as ably demonstrated by the Jewish Press.

    What really seems to be bothering the Jewish Press is that with the emergence of alternative media they are losing their ability to control the procedure and agenda of the anonymous pashkivil. In and of itself that is understandable. What is more disturbing, however, is the Jewish Press’ apparent willingness to turn a blind eye to an explosive issue that has rocked the Frum community to its core only because it didn’t come off their desks.

  25. TT "losing money"???

    If you really believe that, I've got a room with a river-view booked for you at Bellvue.

    Look around: TT, Chaim Berlin, how many Mishpucha is on the payroll? Why aren't the books reviewed by an Independent panel? How many sets of books are there?

    Parents are being taken to the cleaners big-time. Perpetual spin-dry cycle.

  26. To all that this does concern:

    Although as a concerned parent I have monitored this blog for a while, I have held back from posting until now.

    Truth, you are a liar and misleader, and if all this innuando about Kolko turns out accurate, your are as evil in my mind as the molestors themselfs.

    As a significant contributor to TT, (Appelgrad had me on speed dial-Margo has come to my house in the past year-I have 2 boys there) I had a phone conference with Rabbi Margolis a few days after the letter.

    He actually asked me "what would you do". I said to him "In ten years you never aked my advice, why now?" He said he's never been in such a tough position.

    He did admit hearing rumors years ago. He also admitted to a few people coming foward in the past, but nothing "serious" in the past 10 years. He also layed on the Rabbi Kolko sob story. Don't get me wrong Rabbi Kolko was mine and my sons' favorite Rebbi. But my childs safety supercedes any sob story or personal tastes.

    At no point did he completely deny that Rabbi Kolko was or is, a child Molestor. He even stated that the yeshiva is set up, so that no Rebbi should ever be allowed to be alone with a boy. Implying in my mind that there was concerns with Kolko and maybe at some point other Rebbeyim.

    All in all, the conversation left me with a sick taste in my mouth. One of my sons is graduating, but the other I am removing from the Yeshiva at the end of the year. Three other parents in my sons class are removing their kids as well. Must of us were unhappy before this debacle anyway.

    Oh, icing on the cake unfortunately, I found out last week, a distant cousin of mine punched Rabbi Kolko in the mouth a few summers ago. As I hear now, he has for years accused Kolko of molesting him. I believe his name is public now.

    Anyway, sorry about my spelling and grammer, I am also a TT graduate. I think this problem is prevelent in every yeshiva, but a man with so much accusations around him (especially abuse)should be removed. With the safety of our children the saying applies in my mind. "Where there is smoke, there is fire".

    Again I wanted to reiterate that the "Truth" is lying. Rabbi Margolis hedged himseld and did not give me or other parents an assuring denial of the accusations.

    This whole incident is a Chillul Hashem and hope this matter concludes shortly.

  27. There is no doubt that every single Yeshiva that is family run is basically stealing money from working class "frum" families. The people who run the yeshivas are the biggest hypocrites. When will these thugs become accountable?

    The Jewish Press will support any issue as long they profit from it. Obviously on of Margolies' stooges threatened to pull some advertising if they didn't come up with something to defend him and his yeshiva.

  28. I am a former student of the school. Whether or not I liked the man is irrelevant, he never touched me. A sad fact is that if this did happen he did it in a place called Brooklyn NY where too many people are concerned about themselves and "as long as its not my kid it's not my problem" is a mantra for too many. People are so wrapped up in nonsense that they can't take the time to even consider that such a tragedy may have been committed in their own territory, to people they may know and are not willing to stand up and say enough is enough. Our community is more concerned about how many more stories they can put on their house and how many cars they can fit in their driveways. This is exactly the environment a predator would love to stay in. With all the protocols and rules that the Rabbanim place on situations like this, we should consider ourselves lucky that there aren't many more of these people out there who know that no one is listening to the cries of victims.
    This is an opportunity to literally save children from a future of pain and suffering. How many of us would beg for someone to save us from 1 single catastrofic painful event in our lives.
    Unorthodox, I don't know you (at least I don't think I do) but if you are able to help 1 neshama from a harmed future or bring nechama to 1 soul that was already hurt you are doing a good thing.
    Please make sure to keep this L'sheim Shamayim.

    A Good Jewish Boy

  29. i am also a former student of tt. Never has rabbi kolko touched me inappropropriately.

  30. Any parent who keeps his kid in tt after this fiasco is a psychopath.

  31. Jeez. If you have never been part of the physically, psychically, emotionally and spiritually abused members of the Orthodox Jewish Community in Crooklyn, you couldn’t possibly understand, especially if you are male, that you don’t drop a dime on the tribe. Legitimate or not, that’s how they brainwash you from day one…Teacher is hitting you with a stick ’cause you don’t know your place in chumash? Who is an 8-year-old gonna call if no one notices his black and blue marks? Had your ears twisted? Your parents, when you were little and went to complain, were told by the principles of the little two-bit child molesters that they would never find a yeshiva willing to take their kids if they “moisered.” Ten years ago, I ripped the lid off of this can of worms, and interestingly, todays’s Jewish Standard has an article on this very topic.
    The toughest thing to teach Orthodox women to do, some of them beaten bloody, was to get them to call 911. And then there’s the statute of limitations, too. Someone should ASAP call Ed Gluck in BP and get hold of the persons in Hyne’s office who handled the three boys from Bobov who gang raped a kid who then committed suicide. They should be able to put this on the criminal track–and BTW, this menuval’s name popped up years ago, but no one would come forward. Do you guys know who to call for publicity? I do.

  32. I just saw the CBC documentary on Ephraim Bryks.

    It was very disconcerting.

    We Must protect our children from predators at all COSTS!

    I pray Kolko is innocent.


  33. UOJ:

    Not fair!

    I fit your profile! All six clues!

    Someone may think its me!

    Now I have to tell people that I give only six figures to tzedaka a year.

    Imagine how embarassing that could turn out to be...............

  34. Has anyone pressed charges yet? If not, how come?

  35. And who do we call for publicity?

  36. Former TT student,

    I'm really happy to hear that Kolko has never touched YOU inappropriately.

    Therefore what??

    Do you think I think he molested every kid he came in contact with over forty years around kids?

    He would not have had time to put on Rabbeinu Tam tefillin!

  37. I have been told by a reliable source (someone that I suspect UOJ actually respects!) that there was a bais din convened 15 yrs. ago about Kolko. Does anyone have any info on that? Why did UOJ not mention this?
    Why is UOJ moderating comments?

  38. UOJ,

    He has never touched anyone in my grade inappropriately.

  39. For every one person that comes here and says that he was NOT touched inappropriately by koko, there will be more than a handful that would come here and disagree.

  40. Mr. uoj,
    I understand that you have all this evidence built of against tt and kolko and gang.
    Why hasnt any thing been heard on the radio, tv or news papers?
    I think it high time that this is exposed if he is indeed guilty and he is a danger to kids.
    Talking about it on this blog is not going to be saving any souls from further damage.
    Please lets take the next step.

  41. X TT Parent,
    The day of reckoning for both Kolko and Margulies is coming!

  42. UOJ,

    My point as well. It is very nice to post on an anonymous blog.I have not seen or heard anything anywhere else.

  43. I can assure that if this same scenario of koko happened with a goyish teacher that was hired by tt or for that matter any school, it would have been dealt with a very long time ago.
    What are we waiting for???

  44. Anonymous said...

    He has *never* touched *anyone* in *my* grade inappropriately.
    Unless you were the only one enrolled in your class, which is a possibily but doubtful,then

    you are simply a class A liar and a bad one at that which doesnt surprise us.

  45. Margulies has been attempting to play this every which way possible, except the correct way.

    Now, Margulies has retained Izzy who has joined the fray. What Izzy isn't disclosing is that Margulies has known of Kolko's culpability for a very long time.

    If Margulies has a Psak Din clearing Kolko of these charges, send it out to the public!

    If Magulies believes Kolko to be innocent, why not convene a Bais Din against the accusers?

    Izzy, you have some smidgen of reputation left. Don't waste it on this lost cause. Kolko is exposed for the sick pedophile he is. Save the remnants of your career for a cause with better odds.

    Margulies, do the right thing for once in your life. Let the world know what you have known for decades. Come clean now before your cover up destroys you. If for no other reason, you owe it to the children upon whose blood your empire is built.

    You people are a shanda to our holy nation.

  46. You seem to be mistaking me for soemone that I am not. If by "retained," you mean to say that I am an attorney, I am not. Furthermore, I never even heard of Kolko or Margulies before a week ago. I also have scant conection to Torah Temima. What I am is a person who is greatly bothered by the incidence of sexual abuse in our community, and the lack of an infrastructure to deal with it. That being said, I am somewhat skeptical of the allegations on this blog, especially in light of all the other kooky things that UOJ has to say for himself. Do I think that its possible? Unfortunately, yes. I merely asked a question about the history of this saga, which UOJ has neglected to adress, possibly because he is ignorant of the details, which casts further doubt on believability.

  47. Izzy's Knish Knosh?

    Leave poor Izzy alone. Bad enough the Bakery shut off his Gas on a busy saturday night this past summer.

    Anyway, us luxor menchen love his pizza knishes. So Free Izzy and Fry Kolko.

  48. Izzy:

    Nice backpedaling. Were you disbarred recently?

    Direct any questions you have about the Kolko saga to Margulies. Utilize your “scant connection.” When you have had your fill of Margulies and his stories, ask around the neighborhood; work or home; and come to your own conclusions.

    Kolko has been found guilty by the dozens of victims that have been bold enough to come forward. This sick pedophile is violent, has harmed the lives of many and will be sitting in a Torah Temimah classroom tomorrow protected by Margulies. If you choose to join the Margulies team, know what you are dealing with. This issue is not one of “Mamonous,” it is one of “Nefashos.”

    Even you should understand the concept of drawing a line somewhere.

  49. when are you all gonna wake up and smell the coffee... this guy, kolko, has been doing this for years! are you waiting for it to happen to your kids... is that what it will take to make you realize this is a sickness that does not go away!!! margo is just as guilty as kolko for the cover-up all these years... there are many that will come forward when the time is right to publicly state that margo was aware of kolko 20 years ago and chose not to do anything... kinda makes you wonder what does kolko have over margo...
    Still Hurting!

  50. New York Magazine credits Un Orthodox Jew Blog with providing the necessary information for victims of Rabbi Kolko to finally bring their tormentor to Jusice. Pedolphia; Marital Rape; Domestic Abuse are rampant in every community. But our community does its utmost to keep things quiet. Our community is sick and needs help. It would be wonderful if we had dinner to honor Un Orthdox Jew and applaud openness; education and awareness. Bring sex offenders to Justice. Force Yeshivot to allow outside independent investigations. And let us withold charity and scholarship dollars to schools and individuals that would harm the interests of even one child. It is time for Rabbi Margulies to step down. It is time for Rabbi Tendler to step down. It is time for so called Rabbis to apologize to the community at large and seek psychiatric help. Unorthodox Jew please reveal your identity and let us give you the honour you so richly deserve.
