Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Yeshivas Should Not Exist If They Violate The Basic Precepts Of The Torah!

The UOJ Archives - March 21, 2006

Dear UOJ,

You wrote: "Sheinberg knew what he was doing; to give him a pass is tantamount to permitting retzicha....

"Sheinberg is a rasha gamur for what he did ...."

Many Gedolim, even in response to the latest incarnation of the Kolko scandal, believe that it is their sacred duty to protect the Yeshiva system from any blemish. They fear that the eruption of such a scandal will cause the demise of the entire Yeshiva system. While I believe that this approach is Kineged Halacha and Daas Torah and extremely misguided, I would still not use the term term "rasha gamur".

I also agree that we are dealing here with Dinei Nefashos a fact that they appear not to apprehend. Nevertheless, a Dayan can make a mistake in Dinei Nefashos as well. There are many misconceptions about molestation that people from a certain generation just don't get or are unwilling to face.

You suggest "he knew what he was doing" that he fully understood the horrific ramifications of what he did, knew that what he was doing was against Halacha and did it anyway. I think the jury's still out on that. I would like to believe that he just doesn't appreciate the enormity of this matter or its correct Halachic implications.

For example, the one Gadol you suscribe to in previous posts was the Lubavitcher Rebbe. I think most people agree that the Meshichistin in Lubavitch have made a complete churban of both Judaism and Lubavitch. And the question arises did the Rebbe know and want this. I ask you if he was such as brilliant man didn't he realize that everybody in Lubavitch was saying he was Moshiach. Of course he knew. And yet you admire him.

The flaw in the aforementioned Gedolim's reasoning is that if the Yeshiva system can only survive by suppressing molestation, the whole system should be shut down. Not tommorow but today, immediately. The Netziv closed down Volozhin when the Government decreed they have to study Russian. Yeshivas only exist to do the will of Hashem. They cannot be predicated on violating basic precepts of the Torah. If truth, getting rid of these rotten apples will only serve to strenghten and purify the Yeshiva system tremendously. We don't need these menuvalim to thrive. The notion that we do is truly flawed.


  1. The Lubavitcher Rebbe was one of the great minds of our generation.

    I do place blame on him for the most part in not stamping out the Moshiach movement when he was able to.
    The disaster that became Lubavitch, in my opinion, came about when he no longer had the mental capacity to see the coming demise of the Lubavitch movement as adhering to the basic tenets of Judaism.

    I believe his mental capacity diminished way before it became apparent to all that he was no longer in charge of his faculties.

  2. Anonymous said...
    Rabbi Yaakov Weiner's brother is Rabbi Yissochar Weiner from Tiferes Yisroel--an abusive, corrupt, unqualified, disturbed, incompetent principal. His school is The Frum Emporer's New Clothes.

    Not a single teacher in Tiferes Yisroel is qualified to teach. No surprise since they pay their teachers the least from any other yeshiva. So then they take any rebbie or teacher who is willing to be paid bubkes. Case in point, they have the nerve to send out a letter asking the parents to buy life insurance for the rebbies since they won't give them life insurance or pay them enough themselves. Their first grade teacher can barely speak english. The Rebbes and teachers have no idea how to teach a child.
    All they care about is continuing to deceive the frum public, and mailing letters home telling the mothers how high their necklines and hairlines should be and that they should wear pantyhose, because appearances are all that matter!
    We will continue to deprive your children of an education while you continue to wear pantyhose! Priorities!!!

  3. I believe his mental capacity diminished way before it became apparent to all that he was no longer in charge of his faculties.
    IMHO i believe the same applies to some of our Big Senior Gedolim today.
    Many of them them are suffering senility but we just dont want to see it. This is besides the ones that actually *look* sick and disheveled.

  4. Comparitively Tiferes Yisroel is the Harvard of the yeshiva system. First, you can be certain no one is pocketing any significant cash there. All the rebbis struggle. Rabbi's aren't supporting their son in laws nieces and nephews through the yeshiva.

    Parents and children seem to really like Weiner. It is JAcobson that I hear is abusive and unreasonable.

    And yes, they care if your wife wears fish-net stcokings when driving carpool. This doesn't seem unreasonable.

  5. "Not a single teacher in Tiferes Yisroel is qualified to teach."

    I disagree. My son is there and his Rebbe and English teacher are terrific. G-d bless them.

  6. In response to:
    "Comparitively Tiferes Yisroel is the Harvard of the yeshiva system."

    The key word being "comparitively." Has this airing of yeshiva system abuse not opened your eyes even a little? Comapared to the likes of yeshivas that are even worse?!

    And in response to:
    "Parents and children seem to really like Weiner. It is JAcobson that I hear is abusive and unreasonable."

    What is the difference which one is abusive and unreasonable? Whether it is one or the other or both, it boggles the mind that people give their children over to these people every day.

  7. "I disagree. My son is there and his Rebbe and English teacher are terrific. G-d bless them."

    Your standard are so low, I have to lie on the floor to see them.

  8. "Comparitively Tiferes Yisroel is the Harvard of the yeshiva system. First, you can be certain no one is pocketing any significant cash there. All the rebbis struggle. Rabbi's aren't supporting their son in laws nieces and nephews through the yeshiva."

    You further my point. Rebbies and teachers who are willing to to be severely underpaid obviously could not find better paying work elsewhere for lack of skill. That does not a Harvard make.

  9. Actually, fishnet is a great loophole! Ha Ha, spread the word to all the shaitel wearing, manicured, tight-skirted Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel mommas.

  10. Someone who was involved in the case thinks that whatever Rav Scheinberg may or may not have said, was irrelevant. He claims that wether or not crimes were committed, the elterre bochur who brought the firestorm against Kolko, did a sloppy job gathering evidence & presenting his case to the Debreciner.

    There's also an unconfirmed rumor that Reb Elya Svei wanted to speak to witnesses but they never contacted him.


  11. Besides being a stooge for Tendler, he headed a group called Jews for Judaism, until he allegedly got in trouble with the FBI (about what I don't know). His position at Jews for J was then taken over by Rabbi Tovia Singer. Jewish Survivor blog is now reporting that Jews for Judaism in California tells them that these guys are imposters & have no right to use their name.

    Somebody is trying to slander Jews For Judaism. This is the second blog that I've seen lies posted concerning Tsvi Kilstein, Tovia Singer and Jews For Judaism.

    I want to point out that I'm neither a fan nor an enemy of either Kilstein or Singer. I've never met Kilstein. Singer was a colleague for a while. He's a talented charming rogue, and while I wouldn't be surprised if Tovia's yetzer hara got the best of him every now and then, as it does to each of us, unfortunately, I've never heard Tovia accused of serious bad behavior. YMMV.

    Still, the record must be made clear.

    Tsvi Kilstein NEVER "headed" Jews For Judaism. He was never even involved with the organization. Not as a staff member nor as a volunteer in all the years I was involved with that organization. As far as I know he never was involved before that. Jews For Judaism was founded by Motty Berger in Baltimore and BenZion Kravitz in Los Angeles. When they discovered they were both using the same name they merged. Kilstein was a street counter-missionary activist. He claims to have had his picture posted in the Jews For Jesus HQ as a man to avoid. That may be true. I know that the missionaries didn't like him. However, he was never with Jews For Judaism. He had no position in that organization.

    Tovia Singer started the Teaneck office of Jews For Judaism. He had no predecessor. He was later asked to stop using the name due to not meeting certain organizational objectives. To my knowledge there was not even a whiff of sexual impropriety as who I suspect is the same poster as "Norman Lamm" has alleged elsewhere. Tovia didn't want to give up using the name, and may have registered it in New Jersey, so he litigated.

    To my knowledge, the matter was resolved and Tovia started using a different name for his counter-missionary organization.

    End of the story. Except for the fact that Kilstein is apparently a supporter of the Tendlers. It's his right. I think he's using poor judgement, but that's his right. Tovia and Kilstein are indeed old buddies, apparently boyhood neighbors. And Tovia indeed used to work with Jews For Judaism. Two other people affiliated with Jews for Judaism in an advisory role, their halachic posek, a noted Rosh Yeshiva, and their psychological advisor, a therapist, have institutional and familial ties to individuals accused of sexual misconduct.

    Based on these rather slim links, the Sex Abuse Activists who are clearly obsessed with this issue and have no sense of perspective have decided to target Jews For Judaism for their smears.

    I believe that UOJ is being responsible in how he is proceeding. I believe him when he says that there have been multiple corroborations of the misdeeds of Kolko.

    I also believe that the coverups and stonewalling have created an atmosphere where hysterics and witch hunters thrive.

    I worked with Jews For Judaism for a long time. I never experienced anything worse than normal Jewish organization infighting and politics. People who came for help were dealt with sensitively. I know that they dealt with at least one destructive Jewish cult, and the people who staffed the organization were aware of the problem of clergy acting sexually with people they counseled, in part because a 'messianic' leader was notorious for using "but Jesus will forgive you" as a seduction line.

    I'm also kind of pissed off that you chose the name of Rabbi Lamm for your nic. Why hide behind someone else's name when taking potshots at an organization that has helped a lot of families? I'm sure that Rabbi Lamm never would have engaged in the kind of reckless criticism of a good organization that you have done here.

    UOJ, I'm sorry for ranting here.

  12. Where is Tiferes Yisroel?

  13. on e. 35th street in brooklyn (flatbush).

  14. I've been a big opponent of tiferes yisrael for a long time. It's known that they play games as far as who they accept and who they reject. They claim that they're picky, but they have a lot of weirdos among the parent body, not to mention the creepy rabbeim. I've lost count of how many screw-ups have come out of that place.

  15. There's also an unconfirmed rumor that Reb Elya Svei wanted to speak to witnesses but they never contacted him.
    For your info .
    Reb Elya has been out of commision for quite some time now . I would also choose not to meet him. Besides my personal exoerience with him is that he is very much NOT a straight shooter.

  16. The rabbeim in yeshiva tiferes yisroel are soooooo creepy and downright stupid. That place gives me the creeps. Whoever didnt get in, I would say it's a blessing, unless you sent your kid to another creepy yeshiva instead.

  17. I'd rather send my kid to public school than to tiferes eisav (or toras sheker for that matter).

  18. I know a rebbe in Tiferes Yisroel hit kids.
    Does anyone have a kid who was hit by a Rebbe in Tiferes Yisroel?

  19. Regarding Rabbi Harlan Kilstein.

    The Editor,

    I had read something on another blog, and I am wondering what the story is. I have never posted anything about Kilstein before. You are obviously confused about my intentions re Jews for Judaism. I don't know much about them & only noted what I had read on the Jewish Survivor blog, that Kravitz says the other guys have no business using the name.

    Gee, Kilstein has "poor judgement" in defending Tendler ? You don't say ! I'm glad that UOJ has such astute readership. What about Kilstein attacking anti-molester activists ? Is that just "in poor taste" ?

    Kilstein has also been accused of creating the vicious website "Blau facts" that specializes in slandering the Tendler nemesis & YU mashgiach Rav Blau. I don't know however how that would come to light, as the website creator carefully covered his tracks when registering the site.

  20. It sounds like the poster attacking Tiferes Yisroel is some bummy woman or her husband, so upset about a tznius guideline, that they resort to cowardly slander from behind a wall of anonymity.

    While the merits of shnorring for life insurance are debatable, many yeshivos ask parents to pay.

    It is precisely because of the good secular standards in the high school that Tiferes attracts a modern element, who in turn resent that the yeshiva tries to temper things with yeshivishkeit.

    They are the only yeshiva practically that is honest enough to publicly state their finances by filing a 990.

    I don't know the administration at the school that are being lambasted but I do suspect that the attacker is the sort of Flatbush bum who has daughters in Masores & goes mixed dancing at clubs in Manhattan.

  21. It's not just one poster attacking tiferes eisav, you idiot! And don't tell me about their amazing education. The eighth grade has gone through about ten English teachers this year. And they're known to not give tuition breaks so easily. Which begs the question, if the rabbeim and English teachers are underpaid, WHERE DOES ALL THE MONEY GO?

  22. Hey Flatbush Bum Watch, not only are YOU anonymously slandering, but you are also presumptuous AND you admit that you do not even know the administration at Tiferes Yisroel.

    I do not send my daughters to Masores, I do not go mixed dancing, and no one would consider me a bum. Tiferes Yisroel would not complain about my family's tsnius standards.

    My statements are based on the yeshiva's inadequacy, its disrespect for its parent body by dictating what the women wear and by not taking their desires for their children's education into consideration at all, and abusing their children.

  23. For the person wondering where the money goes, go to guidestar.org and look up their Form 990. If you want to know how this school spends their $$$, then find out and report back.

    But don't put out a rhetorical question that seems to smack of an interest in besmirching the yeshiva. It's just not mentchlich.

  24. Hey anonymous who is offended and feels disrespected by the tznius letter- i would like to respond to that. I too got that tznius letter. And I also read tghe tznius letter from Rabbi asshole Levi from BYDM. You cant compare the two. The one from Tiferes Yisroel was written respectfully. And the one from BYDM was outright obnoxious.In my opinion, A yeshiva has the right to set tznius standards for the parents when in the yeshiva. Tiferes Yisroel was very careful with their wording. They never said parents cant do any of the specified things on their own time. YTY was clearly stating to follow these things when in the yeshiva. I dont personally do all the "tznius" things they specified, but when I go to the school I make sure my skirts are long enough, and I wear stockings and make sure all my hair is covered. What I do at home is my own business. But I respect the yeshiva's right to request for me to uphold the correct tznius standards when I am there. I know and so do all people, that when we arent truly tznius it is not according to halahcha. Generally, I push that aside and I dont think about it. But deep down I KNOW. I also know that when one gets SOO offended by a yeshiva's courteous request, that person is on the defensive. Stop fooling yourself. NOone gives a shit if you wear bare legs in the summer. But dont do it in a yeshiva. Have some respect.

  25. Wow! Jacobson's salary is unbelievable!

  26. Chofetz Chaim mom,

    You call your daughter's principal an asshole--an obvious sign that you are on the defensive. You are really showing your frustration and your defensiveness. Do yourself a favor and find another school.

    You are so wrong. As I said above, I have no issue with the tznius standards. I have an issue with the yeshiva and its disrespectful way of dealing with the parents and treating the kids. The fact that you have an ax to grind with rabbi levi and b.y.drav meir is YOUR issue. You took the opportunity to air it. Feel better?

  27. TO the Chofetz chaim mom,

    Don't send your kids to a yeshiva and then curse when you write about it. You are a typical parent in those yeshivas you wrote about. What a hypocrite. What you say is as much about tsnius as what you wear.


  28. "Don't send your kids to a yeshiva and then curse when you write about it. You are a typical parent in those yeshivas you wrote about. "

    I'm sorry, c.c. mom. I'm sure you don't mean to be harsh to you in particular, but people like you have destroyed the middle of the road yeshivas in Brooklyn.

    10-15 years ago, the stampede to the right in Brooklyn made it unfashionable to send a child to middle of the road yeshivas.

    Now, few of these yeshivas are left and the more right-wing yeshivas are filled with students who would have been much better off at a yeshiva more consistent with their home lives. Instead, these kids are growing up in conflict between what they are taught at home and school.

    Are you interested in doing anything about it?

  29. I do not have any daughters in bydm. My 'ax to grind' with him began when I read that letter that he sent out to parents. I was shown the letter by someone who was horrified at the wording and content in the letter. Mostly the wording. And to the person who took offense at my language, where does it forbid saying 'shit' or 'asshole' in the Torah. Is that a halacha i am not aware of ?? It may be a personal choice to not use those words, but they are regular words that are not considered 'cursing' according to halacha. Tznius has set guidelines. Set rules and measurments. The words i used are not forbidden.There may be many who choose to not speak that way, out of their own personal standards, but that is their personal decision. Dont compare that to dress code tznius. And to the person who felt i was hypocritical. I dont consider myself to be the epitome of frumkeit. I know who i am. I do not pretend to be anything else. My point was to have respect for the Yeshiva you send your child to , and follow their requests for you to follow the guidelines of halacha when you are at the Yeshiva.

  30. "I do not pretend to be anything else. My point was to have respect for the Yeshiva you send your child to , and follow their requests for you to follow the guidelines of halacha when you are at the Yeshiva."

    I wonder if you even realize what you are saying and how you're setting up your kids for a life of empty, pointless, rote frumkeit.

  31. To the Mom who is lightyears removed from the Chofetz Chaim,

    "where does it forbid saying 'shit' or 'asshole' in the Torah ... The words i used are not forbidden."

    If you would ask your namesake the Chofetz Chaim, you would bring him to tears. If you ask a competant posek who is more contemporary, you would sense his obvious disgust with you. It's unbelieavable that ignoramouses such as yourself, who arrogantly decide on your own what is right, are commonplace in our communities. Have we ever sunk to a low point since Sinai.

    You should stop by Eichler's & buy some musser seforim translated into english. Besides transgressing the positive mitzvos of "kedoshim teeheyu" & "tamim teeheye im Hashem Elokecha", you completely miss the boat that as a Jewish mother, you are supposed to serve as the shining example of good midos to your children who should be pitied.

  32. Lucky me that I only have to answer to Hashem and not to all of u then. You are right. I must be the only frum person to ever say 'street' words. I surely will burn in Hell for all of eternity. Thank you for your kind and loving musar. 'Bless me father for I have sinned.'

  33. "Forgive me father..." is how it goes.

    Get your confession right, yeshiva girl.

  34. "Get your confession right, yeshiva girl."

    What do you expect from some half-wit who can't even remember the lines she's seen & heard so many times when she made it a Blockbuster video night ?

  35. oyyyy gevolt nebech nebech nebech. I see everybody has it all figured out ch ch mom is an idiot and stupid and wrong huh? And so i repeat, nebech nebech nebech its sad to see so many krum om harotzim ballai gayva sitting together and teaming up and sounding so darn stupid together. All of you idiots make me laugh and cry at the same time. First of all there is the problem of being motze shame ra that all of you do so well against a whole yeshiva and rabbim of talmidai chachomim, but coursing like almost all poskim is not being motze shame ra because most people curse out of frustration and thats how its consrued by all the listeners. Moving along, its brought down by the rashba in shuts, that if the only way to stop a doraysa is by embarrasing somebody in public, we say shuv vial taseh and let the other person be oyver, especially considering that the other person doesnt think that they are doing anything wrong and like r'akiva aiger makes you a misasek and makes it muter completely, but all this aside, like most poskim, bizman hazeh, its very posible the only issur nivul peh would be on the f word and not ass and shit, since its meaning is not bad and bizman hazeh its used so much. So ibeg you stupid idiots that just like talking to hear thier own voices, and like bilittling other people just to make themselves feel high and mighty, think before you open your dim witted mouthes to speak, please

  36. yu,

    What the heck are you smokin' man ? You aint makin' a whole lot of sense.

  37. any comments on ruach chaim. my son has been so destroyed and abused by this school. just wanted some input about it. rabbi klor is the scariest most manipulative person i have ever known

  38. i have 4 children bli ayin hara in tiferes yisroel
    while the school may not be perfect no one is it educates the boys but most importnat it emphasizes good midos and menchlechkeit which is more important then knowing all the rav boruch bers (no offense)
    rabbi jacobson is not abusive at all
    the school has a woderful parent body and an administrative staff that listens to all and treats all with respect
    every yeshiva has limited space and it is a heartbreaking descision for the hanhala who to accept
    i suspect that some of the ranting is by parents who couldnt get there children in
    as to the tznius letter
    flatbush has a huge problem that the young mothers walk around like sluts and if you show up this way for your childs interview dont expect to get in this is a yeshiva not a tryout for scores

  39. My father has a large Yeshiva, and I heard him railing against the Catholic church. He was indignant about how they could just move these depraved priests around to different cities once they were accused. I told him that this happens ALL THE TIME in yeshivas, and I told him that he would have done the EXACT same thing if he was in that situation. If one of his rebbeim was found molesting a kid, he'd fire the guy, but he'd try to sweep it under the rug to the extent possible. The guy would then move to another yeshiva and start over. I personally was molested when I was 13 years old (I'm in my 40's now) in a very prominent brand-name yeshiva, by a prominent brand-name Rov. I actually went to the Rosh HaYeshiva, and my reward was that I got thrown out of the Yeshiva. It was my word against his. I learned a valuable lesson about keeping my mouth shut. Today he writes articles in very frum magazines and newspapers, and it makes me want to vomit. I know of at least one other such story in a different Yeshiva. Don't think this molestation is unusual. Kudos to you for trying to do something about it.

  40. I agree. Similarly, YU should not exists because it harbors gays.

  41. General Question to all posters: Does anyone agree with the title of this thread blog or whatever it is. I mean really how many here believe that if a Yeshivah is just not following the dictates of Torah law that it should be closed. I certainly do. A Yeshivah which does not teach the student how to have a relationship with the Almighty and how to respect all peoples, Jew (specifically loving ones friend as themselves) and non-Jew (Kavod Habriot) alike, is simply not fullfilling its purpose.

  42. i'm a student at yty now and u guys are all nuts. the principal's arent abusive and overbearing and the rabbaim don't hit. you must've gotten screwed up somewhere in your life but it definitly wasnt at yty. seriously floks, you all need extreme help. About the tzius letter, the yeshiva has a right to respectfully request that the parent coming to pick their kids up from school dress like a tznius frum jew. they dont care if you walk aroung naked in your own home but they care if you walk around naked in their building. by the way rabbi jacobson is awsome. all his students like him and he's actually very chilled out. rabbi weiner is also nice. you guys must have real animosity towards them, what did they do to you, not accept your son? why are you acting like a coward naming yourself anonymous? wuss. anyways there's a reason there's a huge waiting list to come into the school. and probably the same reason that they're building another building because they need more space. get a life guys. stop bashing something that doesnt need bashing. get a life. put your peanut brains to something else. thanks for reading the truth.

  43. My father has a large Yeshiva, and I heard him railing against the Catholic church. He was indignant about how they could just move these depraved priests around to different cities once they were accused. I told him that this happens ALL THE TIME in yeshivas, and I told him that he would have done the EXACT same thing if he was in that situation. If one of his rebbeim was found molesting a kid, he'd fire the guy, but he'd try to sweep it under the rug to the extent possible. The guy would then move to another yeshiva and start over. I personally was molested when I was 13 years old (I'm in my 40's now) in a very prominent brand-name yeshiva, by a prominent brand-name Rov. I actually went to the Rosh HaYeshiva, and my reward was that I got thrown out of the Yeshiva. It was my word against his. I learned a valuable lesson about keeping my mouth shut. Today he writes articles in very frum magazines and newspapers, and it makes me want to vomit. I know of at least one other such story in a different Yeshiva. Don't think this molestation is unusual. Kudos to you for trying to do something about it.

    Would you please tell us the name of the Rabbi that molested you as a child? I feel everybody has a right to know. Thank you for talking about it.

  44. Its just ridiculous how Yeshivos, which are teaching Bava Kamma, BM, and BB, laws of stealing and interpersonal relations and ethics, are the culprits of fraud, corruption, money laundering, and milking the government on bogus programs. For Shame!

  45. Rabbi Pinchos Scheinberg was "just" a plain murderer when I originally called him a rotzeach some five years ago, I stand corrected now!


    For him to know explicitly what Kolko did, and allow him to be put back in the classroom, the next time he comes to the USA, Charlie Hynes should grab him and lock him up for whatever is left of his miserable life!

  46. I realize that this post and the attached comments are from UOJ archives.However the following from the mouths of babes.... is appropriate to the various comments I've read here and if you ask why just listen to what this zees kid is saying.


  47. JWB says:

    April 2011 New Release

    Tendler v. The Bloggers Part II:
    The Bloggers Strike Back

    1) Bloggers' Press Release

    2) Bloggers' Memo in Support of Motion

    3) News Article - April 5, 2011

    4) Public Citizen Blog - Bloggers' Lawyer

    5) News Report - TJC Week in Review March 25, 2011 (video news report)

    6) Tendler Subpoena to Google

  48. JWB says:

    New Tendler mediation case


    1) Wikipedia:Mediation Cabal/Cases/2011-03-31/Mordecai Tendler

    2) Mordecai Tendler From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    3) Mordecai Tendler Wikipedia Discussion

  49. the bottom line is webberman uses his mishpocha to get of the charges

    Then kolko uses margolis and the rabbonim

    why are the rabbonim so blind

  50. http://thinking-jew.blogspot.com/2011/04/am-haaratzus-and-lack-of-common-sense.html

    Some insights into modern day Da'as Torah.

  51. Tropper at it again!12:30 AM, April 07, 2011

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Sefer Kuntres Hateshuvos

    In 1952 the famous Sefer Taharas Yisroel on laws of family purity was published in America for the first time. It was published by Rav Yehuda Tropper Zt"l. Since then it was published 10 more times.

    The author of the Taharas Yisroel received various haskamos. Mongst them is a Haskama from Maran Rav Chaim Halevi of Brisk Zt"l.

    The author also left unprinted a Sefer called "Kuntres Hateshuvos" on 4 Chelkei Shulchan Aruch. This Sefer was recently published by R' Leib Tropper, founder of Yeshivas Kol Yaakov in Memory, of his most respected father.

    This new Sefer with notes and comments from the publisher seems to be turning into a best seller.

    Lehagdil Torah U'lahadira

  52. If Tropper represents Torah then Shannon Orand was instumental in the raising and growth of Torah. "L'hagdil Torah".

  53. Its just ridiculous how Yeshivos, which are teaching Bava Kamma, BM, and BB, laws of stealing and interpersonal relations and ethics, are the culprits of fraud, corruption, money laundering, and milking the government on bogus programs. For Shame!

    --The more you know, the easier it becomes to deceive. Some people learn to get better, better at doing the very things that the Torah rails against. The nature of people to study how not to get caught at doing the reprehensible. Lawyers, doctors, managers - different?
