Monday, May 29, 2006


"As man is a social animal, it is almost certain that he would inherit a tendency to be faithful to his comrades and obedient to the leader of the tribe".

The Descent Of Man by Charles Darwin

How does a low-life become a head of a yeshiva? I asked this question over and over again to myself as I twist and turn trying to fall asleep.

This is what I came up with.

When we view history, especially recent history, I asked myself the same question regarding the onset of the PLO.

Who in the world would want a filthy dirty slob, bad to look at, disgusting to be near,an abomination of a human, a known murderer and thief, to be their leader? Could it be that the masses of the Palestinians were that dumb? Could it be that no matter how rotten a person is, he will find followers that will support him and his evil?

Could the world be that crazy by allowing "Chairman" Arafat the podium at the United Nations with a gun on his hip? Well, the Agudath Israel gave Margulies the podium at the siyum haShas armed with his black hat and gartel!

The parallels between Arafat and Margulies are startling. OK I know some are you are saying " this is the final straw, UOJ is an over the top certified lunatic".

Read on, listen carefully.

1-Who made Arafat "Chairman"- Who made Margulies "Rabbi"?

2-Who raised millions of dollars from all sorts of people only to enrich themselves as they robbed their supporters blind? Who had the SOLE authority to write himself millions of dollars of checks without asking anyone?

3-Who controlled/controls all of the assets of the organizations they led with other people's money? Who recently "SOLD" 55% of their house to the yeshiva and pocketed $1.9 MILLION DOLLARS?

4-Who killed off( emotional killing is murder) all their detractors and slandered those that would not support their evil ways?

5-Who has laundered all sorts of ILLEGAL money through their institutions?

6-Who has defied all logic and kept lying until their dying day?

7-Who unashamedly issued statements that were filthy lies without any hesitation?

8-Who began their institutions on a huge fraud; Palestinian people-Torah Vodaath Of Flatbush!

9-Who has led their groups into the abyss and convinced them that their cause is justifiable according to ancient texts?

10-Who is willing to destroy their peoples because of their illusions of grandeur?

The world is watching and shortly the "fetter Shmiel" will be coming to visit!


  1. Who is the fetter shmiel?R. Kaminetsky? Who will he visit? uoj or tt?

  2. you can afford a better mattress.

    I do not know the rosh yeshiva personally so cannot comment on his alleged fraud. But, aside from Rav Aharon Kotler, has every Rosh Yeshiva since Slobodka been a monk? Where is the pledge of poverty?

    It is not uncommon for executives of large institutions to receive housing benefits. In fact, it's a fairly common practice. You won't fargin him, that's for sure, but are you fair?

    Is the huge moisad ytt is, a complete fraud? This requires a stretch of the imagination. We aren't talking about a phony orphanage, an empty building with pictures of pathetic children merely being used for fundraising.

    Shielding YK he will answer for, but is your declaration of all out war on Torah Temimah pure, or pique?

    Daddy would be proud.

  3. This is fetter shmiel:

  4. I guess we're all related.

    The world is watching, the salacious world.

    Hamodia ignores the problem. Perhaps, a guest editorial espousing your subtle views comparing Yasir Arafat to an Orthodox rabbi would advance your cause.

    I understand you can buy them.

    Goodbye A. M. Rosenthal.

    Hello, UOJ.

  5. Reb Lipa,
    Mach a borei meoirei ha'aish oif de beicher. Men darf nisht machen a bracha.

  6. Rep Lipa,
    meer halten az meer darfen machen a brocho. freg r'elyashiv.

  7. Lipa baby,
    I can convert the books into mortgages, hang on i'll be right over.

  8. The rebbe told me today to tell you to file bankruptcy.

  9. Hey, don't leave me out of this, I'll talk to the OU, maybe if we send over a mashgiach the books will walk away by itself.

  10. Thanks to the Forward, here’s the text of the ad that ran in their paper last week.

    To my holiest friends,

    I want to say I understand I have made grave mistakes. I made choices that clearly hurt people I love. I am infinitely saddened and profoundly sorry for the pain I have caused.

    I take full responsibility for all the pain I have inflicted. Clearly all of this and more indicates that in these regards I am sick. I need to acknowledge that sickness and to get help for it. That is what I am doing in this letter.

    I want to state clearly and unequivocally that I now recognize that I am sick in these ways and I am committed with all of my energy to check myself into the appropriate programs that will get me healing on this. I have already turned to a leading figure to guide my treatment program and am entering treatment immediately. I want to enter into the most appropriate healing process with both myself and where appropriate with the others involved.

    I promise you from the bottom of my heart and in the name of everything that is holy, I am taking this crisis with utmost seriousness. I am making healing the number one priority of my life. I must act now to discover what led to me to make these damaging choices that hurt people I care about, hurt my community, and hurt the people who have supported me for years in building Bayit Chadash.

    In light of all that has happened I am leaving all of my rabbinic teaching capacities. I am looking now, together with a professional team, for treatment centers where I can go and learn about what led me here, where I can grieve for all the pain that I have caused, and where I can heal so that this never happens again.

    I apologize with all of my heart and soul to everyone.

    With love and pain beyond words,


  11. Lipa,
    shik der fetter tzu inz in villiamsboog, mer visen vus tzu teen mit em.

  12. Damn the molesting rabbi. Damn the school. Damn the Administration. Damn the Boss. Damn u all for torturing generations of children and for condemning thier spouses, children & grandchildren to have to live with confused angry and often depressed victims who even when they had the courage to take a stand were shot down by old bloated rabbis with an agenda of saving the prestige of the wayward ultraorthodox as a whole on the backs of tenoikois shel bais rabim sh'lo taamo tamm chet until these perverts came along and taught them about cheit and then the toilet gedolim came along and showed them g-d and justice have Cv"S ceased to exist. Damn u gedolim from the depths of my heart.

    From a victim of rabbinical sex abuse and gedoilim coverup.

  13. Lipa,
    Ich ken bahalten de beicher far deer tzuzamen mit dee druuugggs vus ich hub geshmugelt.

  14. lipala,
    Der Dinover is a tipish, geb der beicher aher, ich velin ligen zei mit a pur toiter menshen in mine nyer sub-zero.

  15. Lipa botchey,
    Der kirhauzer is a gonnif, er iz meer shildig asach gelt.
    Ich hub a nyer Kitchen-Aid mit a shabbos electric.

  16. Yudi Kolko was also the gym teacher at the Mirrer Yeshiva on Ocean Parkway. I was only 13 at the time but I remember vividly him holding me from the back in a room just off the main gym and fondling my private parts.

  17. Yudi Kolko was also the gym teacher at the Mirrer Yeshiva on Ocean Parkway. I was only 13 at the time but I remember vividly him holding me from the back in a room just off the main gym and fondling my private parts.
    Please e-mail or call Jeff Herman with your story. If you are uncomfortable speaking with an attorney please e-mail UOJ and he will keep your information in confidence.

  18. The Kirhauser is Hessie Neiman's father. He's in the nursing home business? Und noch dem tzu putting bodies in the freezer? I thought Frankel's shul had the monopoly on that.

    The Spinker is also in the business?

    The Dinover shmuggler is by East 9th and 18th Ave or is that his brother?

    Ich her az der Munkatcher lets the ner havdola drippings fall on a Pell Grant form.

  19. Me, Lipa and Yudi should get together on a Motzaei Shabbos to watch some gay porno flicks. Don't forget to bring the becher.

  20. Couldn't UOJ have called down the posse a little earlier? It's going to take ages to sort through all the decades of complex mess that Margo left behind.

  21. Attention IRS,

    Margo tells me he's been instructed by Daas Torah that we need not reply to you. Of course I'll be signing a letter to that effect like a goylem.

  22. The 2 fellows who say Kolko molested them in Mirrer Yeshiva,

    Did you ever complain to the hanholo? If so, to who?

  23. I could have told Margo that not listening to gedolim will get him nowhere fast.

  24. Dear unknown UOJ,

    Though some profess to know who u are, I don't nor do I care!

    Please keep up your great work. I hope others will learn from this what Yudi & Margo refused to and our children will be in safer environments. I have 1 question. If Yudi & other molesters are driven out by force as they seem to have been, what do we gain in terms of restoring our faith in the system and in the toilet gedoilim who are cowards at best and accomplices at worst? Why should we believe now more than earlier that our way is the true derech as opposed to the modern orthodox way? They at least have confronted the beast after blundering with coverups and now don't tolerate the slightest hint of impropriety. God bless u rabbi Blau.

    Please answer me!

    Distraught victim who has yet to come to terms with himself, god and the ultraorthodox community I live within that failed to protect me and so many others.

  25. why do u have so much hate in you?
    why do u dislike so much
    y are u such a coward?
    y do u hide behind an alias?
    y dont u wait for bes din and courts to decide who is guilty?
    who r u to bring "justice"?

    what do u say to the thousands of talmidim who love rabbi kolko and believe that hes innocent?
    what do u say to the thousands of manavu campers that have such amazing memories of rabbi kolko??

    what do you say to the kids that have learned secular studies in temima and only have good to say?
    what do u say to the people in rabbi kolko shul who love him and protect him?

    what do u say about the people who have had buisness dealing with rabbi kolko and only have good to say?

    what do you think about all the people that "rabbi kolko" has helped personally?

    he has done so much good, who are you to come out of nowhere and destroy him?

    if u think hes guilty go to court, go to besdin
    do it quietly. if hes guilty bring him down...until then he is a respected member of out community who has done great for thousands of us....

    IYH rabbi kolko will come out stronger than ever..and when he does i hope he brings down all the mamzarim who attempted to bring him down.

  26. In what ways is uoj like yasir arafat, i wonder.

    i cannot sleep.


    Believe me, if the IRS heads down to Torah Temimah, Margo is in some pretty deep doodoo.

  28. Distraught victim who has yet to come to terms with himself, god and the ultraorthodox community I live within that failed to protect me and so many others.
    You are on target. "Our way" is not in fact our way. Our way is to get the Rodeph away from the children in any way possible including going to the police and DA.

    There is clear Halacha that obligates us to go to the authorities to rid our community of a child molester and anyone who stops a victim from doing so has blood on their hands.

    This is our way.

  29. I can see the analagy between Arafat/Margulis. Arafat spilled blood via suicide bombers and other terror tactics, while Lipa Margulis spilled just as much blood as Arafat did, for allowing Kolko to continually molest boys and not doing the proper and moral thing, of getting this predator as far away from children as possible!

    Remember folks; don't let the hat, payos, or gartel fool you. You don't suddenly become immune from doing wrong, even if you happen to be of those above mentiond attributes!


    Does Margo have a thing with baby wipes too?

  31. I know the right way. I read the responsa of R. Wozner on the Tendler affairs and it applies to all molesters. My question still stands, however. Again, how can the confidence in an ultraorthodox way of life be restored? What can realisticly be done and what do u think will be the picture of this Brooklyn (BP, Willi & FB) community in the future? Living a life full of grief and distrust is killing me.

    As for "dedicated talmud's" ranting a few posts up allow me to answer: Hey dedicated to Kolko, did u really expect yudi to molest all the thousands of boys he chanced upon over the years? He would of had to wear a Muslim pajama all day and been overdosing on Viagra to molest every single boy. Until u read up on the modes operandi of molesters and understand the molesters art of long term grooming shut up! And just in case u might be a true dedicated talmud OF THE TALMUD BAVLI and halacha please see a copy of the responsa from rabbi Ben Zion Wozner which u should be able to find on the Awareness Center's web site and on other sites of child advocacy against molestation. Finaly, u must of been living under a rock to ask why UOJ didn't try bringing Margo & Kolko Y"S to Beis Din AKA Beis Wimps/Pimps. Thanx UOJ, I owe u so much.

  32. Margo is in stable condition despite the onslaught against him and being exposed by UOJ.

  33. What would Kolko do without Margo ?

    Thursday, November 11, 2004 3:50 p.m. EST

    Yasser Arafat is in stable condition after dying in a Paris hospital. A hospital spokesman "said there would be no details about the cause of death because of French privacy laws," reports the Associated Press--secrecy that is sure to fuel suspicions Arafat died of AIDS.

    Most media organizations are enveloping Arafat's long-overdue death in a giant cloud of puffery. Typical is the Washington Post, which begins its obit:

    For virtually his entire adult life, Yasser Arafat had one dream, and he pursued it with such energy and zeal--some would say fanaticism--that he came to personify the dream itself.

    The dream was of self-determination and statehood for the Palestinian people, and in the end he did not live to see it.

    Of course, "the Palestinian people" would have had a state in 1948 had the Arabs not immediately declared war on the nascent state of Israel.

    France's President Jacques Chirac calls Arafat "a man of courage and conviction," while Nelson Mandela says, "Yasser Arafat was one of the outstanding freedom fighters of this generation."

    Mandela won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

    Arafat was also implicated in the murder of Americans, as The Wall Street Journal's Robert Pollock reported in 2001:

    In early 1973, Black September [a Palestinian terror group] took the American ambassador and his deputy (along with one Belgian diplomat) hostage in Sudan's capital, Khartoum, and, after President Nixon refused to negotiate, murdered them. . . .

    Persistent rumors that the U.S. and Israel possess tapes of Mr. Arafat directing the 1973 Khartoum murders (confirmed to me by Ariel Sharon late last year) have gained further credence with the recent allegations of James J. Welsh, a former Navy and National Security Agency intelligence analyst. He says the NSA sent out a warning of a possible PLO attack, based on shortwave intercepts, that was inexplicably downgraded by the State Department. After the murders, it was covered up. His story deserves congressional attention. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

    Jimmy Carter describes Arafat as "a powerful human symbol and forceful advocate" who "was instrumental in forging a peace agreement with Israel in 1993." Kofi Annan, secretary-general of the United Nations, says: "President Arafat will always be remembered for having . . . led the Palestinians to accept the principle of peaceful coexistence between Israel and a future Palestinian state. By signing the Oslo accords in 1993 he took a giant step towards the realization of this vision."

    Carter won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. Annan won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2001.

    In the short run, Arafat's legacy is likely to be more of the same. The Islamist group Hamas says it plans to continue murdering Jews (though thanks to Israel's security fence, this is a lot harder than it used to be).

  34. i don't care what all of you are saying about margo...margo is the king of "branding". He created something out of nothing and convinced a bunch of Hungarians that they and their children will be considered "besserer mentchen" if theu enroll into his school. He should give a marketing class in the New School!

  35. Ryan Karben said...
    Me, Lipa and Yudi should get together on a Motzaei Shabbos to watch some gay porno flicks. Don't forget to bring the becher.

    Why am I not invited?

  36. Ryan Karben said...
    Me, Lipa and Yudi should get together on a Motzaei Shabbos to watch some gay porno flicks. Don't forget to bring the becher.

    me too, I want to be invited.

  37. Ryan Karben said...
    Me, Lipa and Yudi should get together on a Motzaei Shabbos to watch some gay porno flicks. Don't forget to bring the becher.

    me too, I want to be invited.

  38. Ryan Karben said...
    Me, Lipa and Yudi should get together on a Motzaei Shabbos to watch some gay porno flicks. Don't forget to bring the becher.

    What am I chopped liver? Ruderman eynikel and Slonimer eynikel not to be invited? Kovod Hateyrah!

  39. With all the stuff UOJ has up his sleeve, things are going to explode at YTT like DYNOMITE !

  40. I would just like to call something to everyones attention.

    Someone tried making a blog blasting Dr Bulmash for something he never did. Many came to his defense and the writer of the blog changed the name of the blog to "About Dr Bulmash" and people are writing a bunch of unrelated crap about nothing on that site. Dr Bulmash saved my life 20 years ago when I was sick. I met him yesterday and I can tell that this whole thing is causing him alot of pain. He is the most amazing person I have ever met and he is "anav mikol adam" I would like to request that we all put pressure to take his name off the blog or take it down completely. We can use blogs to accomplish alot but not to make the innocent suffer.

  41. Boy the way alter Ingarisher chazonim played, songs that made the hit parade, guys like Margo had it made, those were the days, and you know where you were then, ganovim were ganovim and men like Kolko were preying on yingelach, mister we could use a man like Shia Fishman again, didn't need no lunchless welfare states, Leib Pinter pulled his weight, gee Yudi's old Chrysler Plymouth ran great, those were the days.

  42. Are Margo and Willy Wiesner stupid or what? Sheesh.

  43. This is so ibe, haazit. Sounds to me like Margo would neek a kelb if it would put money in his pocket. Ert! Doesn't he realize that floos is not everything? What a jeje, I bet when he sits on the tesh he thinks of new ways to neek the whole dinye. I was at a sebit once and this whole issue of lot 6 and rabbis came up and I almost puked my lachma bajin, yaharam we have come to this. I'll just keep on shoofing every abo on every maynish I see because that's better what these rabbi lot sixes do.

  44. Even the Agudah is laughing at Margo's phony claim to be following "Daas Torah". Torah Temimah couldn't do better if they hired Saddam Hussein's Information Minister.

  45. How can we believe Kolker’s story when there are throngs of happy boys who have passed through Rebbe Kolko’s class to build beautiful families like my own husband has? The dirty truth is that this is all about money. The accusers know that the yeshiva has millions, and they’re going to sue the school’s pants off. These lies have brought hell to our community. May G-d get His revenge for all the unnecessary evil.
    —Name withheld, Brooklyn

    How can we believe the Nazis killed millions of European Jews? Look at how many survived and came to America! Why, one not only survived he also managed to build the Torah Temimah House of Horrors!

    May G-d get his revenge for all the unnecessary evil, indeed.

  46. How can we believe Kolker’s story when there are throngs of happy boys who have passed through Rebbe Kolko’s class to build beautiful families like my own husband has?

    Wow. The evidence of Kolko's innocence is his inability to molest 950 kids a year.

    Here we have the classic Torah Temimah parent. So deep in denial they see the world through their Margulies colored glasses.

    Mrs. TT: Wake up! Kolko, with the help of Margulies, molested hundreds of boys. This will go down in history as the scandal that exposed everything. Change your name, Mrs. TT. Torah Temimah is now known as a den of evil. Your shidduch choices are now very limited.

  47. Oh ARRRchie! What about meathead Yaakov Applegrad?

  48. did all of you personally get attacked by TT? i doubt it! why should Mrs L. who lives in milwakee and never heard of Kolko suddenly hear all this garbage? Why should Levi from Tennessee hear all about this? this doesnt concern anybody except who was involved. Stop with your zealousness for other victims. If it didnt hurt YOU than you have no business getting involved.

    Maybe Mrs TT believes it, and maybe she doesn't, but her point is to get people all over the world who hear these stories irrelevent to them, to not be affected by Loshon Hora. Why do THEY have to get involved.

  49. How can so many people on this board be so crazy--

    Yidi "did so much good" etc- therefore what?!!?-


    THEY ARE 'BROOKLYN FRUM'- which by defintion means "FRUM CRAZY"

    They are so crazy- they don't want your kids to smoke- since 'bad heath effects down the rode'

    BUT when presented when evidence of your child being in the presence of a virus the likes of which are worse than EBOLA do they say- wait this is serious let's investigate? No. Why- because they are 'frum crazy'

    Frum Crazy/ Brookltn Orthodoxy all the same--

    Big speeches aginst TV (no violence in home) while screaming at the wife and kids--

    They strees how much to 'love love love God oh so very much' then scream at their kids for nopt learning on shabbos afterrnooon after a whole wek of mishmor (way to go- now they will really LOVE GOD even more truly deeply).

    They have the abnormal super human quickness to outfit the whole brooklyn with water filters for the devasting bug 'matziv'-- but no response to the Kolko masturbating the kids (oh I forgot-masterbating the kids is not darisa- while bugs are- silly me)

    Basic human dignity displayed to kids- NO (haven't you heard of kibud av) [[NOTE- kibud av does not apply to Crazy or Abusive Parents -whatsoever! (let al the crazies slam me 'rayies faregt'--- they are all wrong)]].

    The frum today are SO CRAZY- really really CRAZY- they are not FRUM since they do not practice judaism- In short--


    Schienberg- buddah worshipper
    Belsky- loves jesus

    etc. etc.

    Let such a 'judaism' be destroyed bemhaira vyminu amen.


  50. I am sick and tired of hearing as supposedly a defense of Kolko, etc. or better, as a PROOF that Kolko didn't sexually abuse anyone, that "How can we believe Kolker’s story when there are throngs of happy boys who have passed through Rebbe Kolko’s class to build beautiful families like my own husband has?"

    I am a criminal defense attorney. I defend people accused of multiple murders. Could you imagine the waves of laughter from a jury, judge and other personnel in court if I said, in my client's defense, "How can you believe that my client killed those three people on a Wednesday when I can bring into this courtroom thousands of people he knows and saw that day WHOM HE DID NOT KILL?"

    Anyone who makes the above argument should really check his 'yichus' and find out if he (or she) is truly Jewish. Because if he (or she) is, I would conclude we're not as smart a people as others make us out to be, if we make such a nonsensical argument...

  51. Unbelievable how naive and dense these people are. If someone is dangerous, it's a chiyuv to be mefarsem it all over to make sure no one comes in contact with him.

    A major talmid chochom in Brooklyn told me that he condemns the blog in general but that any pirsum about Kolko and Margo is 100% ok. I could see though that some loserish out of town rov who would never make it here, would misguide these poor souls from eg. Detroit and where ever else they are. I once spoke to an out of town rov who must have been the bottom of the barrel in his yeshiva. The poor guy struggles through Maayana shel Torah to repeat as his drosho.

  52. Modern Orthodox Attorney,

    Maybe Ben Barfman could learn a thing or two from you. He seems to be able to sell the jury on any bupkis imaginable.

  53. This Torah Temimah story sounds like one of my fables.

    A Satmar-Magyar opens a yeshiva in a dubious fashion.
    The Magyar-lemmings are impressed that's it's difficult to get into, expensive and a way to slip into the yeshivishe sevivah.
    He calls himself Rosh Yeshiva.
    The place keeps on growing.
    People sacrifice their kids' future just to get into this club. No education.
    Israel post high-school and post-marriage.
    Parents broke.
    Then some dude calling himsef UOJ says that the Emperor has no clothes.
    The scam is over.
    It was that easy.
    I've already seen some of the fallout.
    Boys are asked in which yeshiva they have learned, If the answer is Torah Temimah.
    Then wink, wink, nudge,nudge.
    The revolution is coming.

  54. UOJ is being attacked for being anonymous. What choice is there? Who wants to have problems with shidduchim, getting your kids into schools. Nosson Kamentzky's grandchildren are having problems with shidduchim because their grandfather wrote a book,[see his foreward to the new Improved Edition].
    McCarthyism lives on in the frum community.

  55. "another Mrs TT said...
    did all of you personally get attacked by TT? i doubt it! why should Mrs L. who lives in milwakee and never heard of Kolko suddenly hear all this garbage? Why should Levi from Tennessee hear all about this? this doesnt concern anybody except who was involved. Stop with your zealousness for other victims. If it didnt hurt YOU than you have no business getting involved.

    Maybe Mrs TT believes it, and maybe she doesn't, but her point is to get people all over the world who hear these stories irrelevent to them, to not be affected by Loshon Hora. Why do THEY have to get involved. "
    Let's say Mrs. bright one you child G-d forbid gets molested, and you being such a frum woman your child won't talk to you about it. So your child goes over to someone she feels close to and tells them. Is it none of their business? As Jews we must watch out for each other, and today when so many parents stick their head into the sand it is incumbent on each and every one of us to root out all evil. Margolis was begged very privately to fire Kolko and not let this escalate. He refused and this is the result. Yes it is a terrible Chillul Hashem, but look at who caused it. Not the Blogger, but rather the people who have covered this for 35 years.

  56. modern orthodox parent 54 said:
    Anyone who makes the above argument should really check his 'yichus' and find out if he (or she) is truly Jewish. Because if he (or she) is, I would conclude we're not as smart a people as others make us out to be, if we make such a nonsensical argument...

    For a long time I have had a theory, that our brand of Judaism
    is a result of the attrition of the best and the brightest from our ranks. The intelligent and curious have left the fold. Especially in the past century, as doors have opened, Jews have gone out and excelled in so many fields. The superstitious and the close minded have stayed and transformed our religion into a backwater of segulas and darkness. I am not indicting the religion or all frum Jews but Jews from a certain region of Europe [Hungary] have hijacked the frum community. It is a reign of terror. In Europe the frum community was hardly monolithic, now we have been Wal-Martized. G-d forbid,one should deviate from community norms, then society will take its pound of flesh. I really don't see a way out of this.







  58. I know the right way. I read the responsa of R. Wozner on the Tendler affairs and it applies to all molesters. My question still stands, however. Again, how can the confidence in an ultraorthodox way of life be restored? What can realisticly be done and what do u think will be the picture of this Brooklyn (BP, Willi & FB) community in the future? Living a life full of grief and distrust is killing me.

    As for "dedicated talmud's" ranting a few posts up allow me to answer: Hey dedicated to Kolko, did u really expect yudi to molest all the thousands of boys he chanced upon over the years? He would of had to wear a Muslim pajama all day and been overdosing on Viagra to molest every single boy. Until u read up on the modes operandi of molesters and understand the molesters art of long term grooming shut up! And just in case u might be a true dedicated talmud OF THE TALMUD BAVLI and halacha please see a copy of the responsa from rabbi Ben Zion Wozner which u should be able to find on the Awareness Center's web site and on other sites of child advocacy against molestation. Finaly, u must of been living under a rock to ask why UOJ didn't try bringing Margo & Kolko Y"S to Beis Din AKA Beis Wimps/Pimps. Thanx UOJ, I owe u so much.

  59. Exhibit A:

    Anon- (the one with the brillianty loshon Hara insight- is (everyone at the same time) CRAZY--

    The chofetz chaim would burn all of his books (and jump in the fire himself)if he knew that it would end up in your serving jesus (well, at least not GOD) with that off-the-charts retarted loshon hara post. No words can be expressed except- you are so very very crazy.

    GOD will surley punish UOJ for bearing the truth and saving innocent children-- in fact, lets see the discussion.

    Upon UOJ's death he comes to shamyim and then:

    GOD: What did you accomplish with the blog?

    UOJ: Saving thousands of kids from being analy raped from ages 8-18.

    GOD: Well who cares about that- don't you know that now you will get punsihed for raping kids since I will now 'redistribute' kolkos averious and give them to you and he will get your zchus of saving the kids...

    GOD AGAIN (in a loud humoungus roaring laugh)- HA HA HA HA HA - I got you UOJ- now we will bring the molester right next to the Kisai Hacoved- in fact, I will sit him right next to his victims - HA HA HA HA HA and now UOJ you- off to hell...

    The Frum people have taken G-od and made him into a sick, dimented twisted, distgusting, abonimation of an entity-- Jesus is a bteer person than whatever they think G-d is about--

    As I said FRUM = CRAZY

    The revolution is on..
    We want our religion back...

  60. ******NEWSFLASH******

    THings are cooking at Ruach Chaim/Simcha Klor again.

    Anyone with details, please post ASAP.

    Country Yossi

  61. listen orthorev:

    UOJ may claim to have saved hundreds of kids from rape BUT will be punished for the MILLIONS of people around the world who get entertainment from this blog and never even heard of this little shtetl called flatbush which is self destructing.

  62. Exhibit B = "sick of all this crap"

    Another great example of a "crazy"

    Equates "saving thousands of kids from rape" (please pause and note- rape- that is rape on little boys- rape on kids- baby raping)

    So again, the good of saving kids from a babyraper is equivilent to the bad of
    "giving people entertainment"?!?!?!?

    So crazy..just very very very crazy


    Flatbush Judaism = Being muslim is more wrothwhile.

    Oh I almost forgot..

    Go be sick and vomit the crap diareah out of your mouth while beating your kids with tefilin straps...get our stinkin hands off my religion..go back to serving jesus and christ you perveted sick twisted dimented retard.


  63. SickOfAllThisCrap said...
    listen orthorev:

    UOJ may claim to have saved hundreds of kids from rape BUT will be punished for the MILLIONS of people around the world who get entertainment from this blog and never even heard of this little shtetl called flatbush which is self destructing.
    what exactly is your point??
    if its a self destructing shtetl that that all the more reason for uoj to step in do what hes gotta do to fix its problems so it wont self destruct.

  64. orthorev said...
    Exhibit A:

    Anon- (the one with the brillianty loshon Hara insight- is (everyone at the same time) CRAZY--

    The chofetz chaim would burn all of his books (and jump in the fire himself)if he knew that it would end up in your serving jesus (well, at least not GOD) with that off-the-charts retarted loshon hara post. No words can be expressed except- you are so very very crazy.

    GOD will surley punish UOJ for bearing the truth and saving innocent children-- in fact, lets see the discussion.

    Upon UOJ's death he comes to shamyim and then:

    GOD: What did you accomplish with the blog?

    UOJ: Saving thousands of kids from being analy raped from ages 8-18.

    GOD: Well who cares about that- don't you know that now you will get punsihed for raping kids since I will now 'redistribute' kolkos averious and give them to you and he will get your zchus of saving the kids...

    GOD AGAIN (in a loud humoungus roaring laugh)- HA HA HA HA HA - I got you UOJ- now we will bring the molester right next to the Kisai Hacoved- in fact, I will sit him right next to his victims - HA HA HA HA HA and now UOJ you- off to hell...

    The Frum people have taken G-od and made him into a sick, dimented twisted, distgusting, abonimation of an entity-- Jesus is a bteer person than whatever they think G-d is about--
    Mr orthorev,
    If you were GOD then that is precisely how the discussion would go but unfortunately you are NOT god.
    Nice thought though!!

  65. Anonymous said...
    I know the right way. I read the responsa of R. Wozner on the Tendler affairs and it applies to all molesters. My question still stands, however. Again, how can the confidence in an ultraorthodox way of life be restored? What can realisticly be done and what do u think will be the picture of this Brooklyn (BP, Willi & FB) community in the future? Living a life full of grief and distrust is killing me.

    As for "dedicated talmud's" ranting a few posts up allow me to answer: Hey dedicated to Kolko, did u really expect yudi to molest all the thousands of boys he chanced upon over the years? He would of had to wear a Muslim pajama all day and been overdosing on Viagra to molest every single boy. Until u read up on the modes operandi of molesters and understand the molesters art of long term grooming shut up! And just in case u might be a true dedicated talmud OF THE TALMUD BAVLI and halacha please see a copy of the responsa from rabbi Ben Zion Wozner which u should be able to find on the Awareness Center's web site and on other sites of child advocacy against molestation. Finaly, u must of been living under a rock to ask why UOJ didn't try bringing Margo & Kolko Y"S to Beis Din AKA Beis Wimps/Pimps. Thanx UOJ, I owe u so much.
    If this is indeed what rav vozner hold that why do we not see him come out with a letter like he did about tendler and about the slifkin affair.
    Wosner does not seem to be embarresed to write a letter.
    Is there a reason why he is NOT writing one??

  66. MILLIONS of people around the world who get entertainment from this blog
    I can't see how this blog is really entertaing for anyone. I read it becasue I care about victims who have been living hell and about out inability to deal with this properly in the past. I am always left feeling sick and angry but maybe it will lead to some action. As for anyone who is entertained by this including some commentors who seem to relish in sticking it to whoever is on their personal blacklist, they are dispicable. But for anyone who is a victim or genuinely enraged about the suffering of victims, I think there may be a place for their venting. We would all be better off if we moved to action , aside from UOJ's lawsuits. Maybe that's the way to start, though.


    Another RAMCHAL overdose. Call the medics.

  68. UOJ

  69. UOJ is the epitome of what chazal call, “Toivel vesheretz b'yodo”. You can scream and cry how pure and holy you are due to all your hard work uncovering an alleged molester, but that doesn’t negate the big black “sheretz” in your hand and that is the ridiculing and mockery made of talmidei chachomim and askonim that devote themselves to the Klal and to Torah, and no matter how great your accomplishments are (and I admit if the allegations are true, they’re truly great accomplishments) you will serve your time in hell for the bizoyon hatorah you caused.
    And if anybody (including orthorev) can’t deal with such a god, they need to find themselves a new religion, because starting from Adam till this very day god judges us “K’chut hasarah” and just as we find in the torah punishments to the holiest of holiest for seemingly trivial things (for lack of a better description) us lowly people (yes, even you) most definitely have a lot to fear.

  70. Another Crazy- so so very very super crazy--

    "Kchut H'asarha"??!?!? Out of all the millions of millions of jewish 'quotes' you could of slapped down on your pathetic post-- you pick the one....(drum roll please)--- that makes God into a sick monster!! Of course! God the monster- who everyday expands hell so he can get more enjoyment by turning up the heat on more and more jews. (you are so crazy).

    Listen- you dumb piece of crazy- yes your entire being is 'crazy'- you one one big 'crazy'--

    Here goes:


    I know this will ruin your entire concept of judaism (fake judaism) because now you have the entire reason for all of your actions (i.e. fear) ripped out from under you- so now your entire being is destroyed (so very crazy).

    If you are doing any 'jewish' actions out of this fear of hell-- STOP IMMEDIATLEY- SEEK PSYCHAITRIC HELP and DO NOT DO THEM!!!.

    You are too crazy right now too understand the logic and torah sources behind this..but when you are ready visit Dr. Ben Sortkins website (can be linked through my site).

    Final thought: Do you really think God wants you to daven/learn/do anything out of fear- (does he get off on S&M??). I think that you do- and therefore you:

    a. do not practice judaism (maybe start buying hallal)
    b. are not frum and
    c. need help


    Another 'crazy' practicing non-judaism- bites the dust.


  71. To all those that use hilchos lashon harah as a smoke screen for child molesters to hide behind:

    Eff every one of you.

  72. I'm getting weary from all of the tochacha, at best, and sina, at worst, directed towards UOJ.

    Its enough. He's a frum yid, a musmach, and most important of all, a mature adult. He has demonstrated over and over again he knows what he's doing. He is machmir, so to speak, on the mitzvos of saving Jewish lives, which is encompassed in at least one negative and one positive commandment, Lo sa'amod al dam ra'echa, Do not stand upon the blood of your brother; and V'ahavta l'ra'echa kamocha, Love your brother as yourself. The whole Torah gets set aside for saving one Jewish life, except for the three major sins of arayos, incest, avodah zara, idolatry, and r'tsicha, homicide. None of these apply here. Even assuming, for the sake of argument, that UOJ has utilized, or facilitates, nivel peh, or lashon hara, these "violations" are for the sake of stirring the masses to save Jewish life. A rodef din has been exposed, and removed from the classroom.

    Let the would-be baalei mussar direct their emotions towards those responsible for enabling a pedophile to work around children for more than 30 years.

  73. Reading Is Believing

    The age-old cliché “seeing is believing” should be altered to “reading is believing.” In this media-frenzied age that we live in, we have grown accustomed to taking everything that we read—regardless of its source—and accepting it as biblical truth.

    We need neither a judge nor a jury; and surely not a beis din, or even two eidim (witnesses) to determine what’s true and what’s fabricated: If it’s printed, then it must be true. It goes without saying that this applies, of course, to the New York Times—the mother of all publications—but it also applies to anything that is printed, even the most sensational and controversial publications that are available to the media-hungry public.

    This is not a new phenomenon, for the Chofetz Chaim, zt’l, in his sefer painstakingly and carefully warns us in at least three different places to be aware of the danger of being mekabel lashon hara from the written word, which is no less of an aveirah than hearing or speaking it directly.

    Yet, events over the last weeks and months have placed members of the community of K’nesses Yisrael into the eyes and mouths of the secular media, who don’t just report the news, but serve as judge and jury and, at times, even as executioners, with misspoken (or actually, miswritten) innuendos and accusations. Whether it be in business matters or in personal matters, it is we who are the recipients of that transmitted lashon hara when we read it and accept it as truth and as real as the Thirteen Ikarim of the Rambam. We have to take a moment to reflect not only on the pain and hurt of the people involved—and of their loved ones—but the damage and harm that is brought upon our community as a result.

    Not by chance, Rav Chaim Voloshin, zt’l, teaches us, did the Torah in Parashas Kedoshim (Vayikra 19:16) put the sin of “Lo seileich rachil be‘amecha” (the prohibition of lashon hara) in the very same pasuk as “Lo sa‘amod al dam rei‘echa” (“Do not stand by idly as your brother’s blood is being spilled”). For participation in the peddling of rechilus—whether by speaking or by listening or reading and then believing in that unsubstantiated tale—is akin to the witnessing of your brother’s blood being spilled and doing nothing about it.

    The Chofetz Chaim, in his introduction to Sefer Shemiras HaLashon, writes in the name of Chazal that B’nei Yisrael were destined to go into four galuyos (exiles) until our final redemption; and this current one, the longest and most painful of all, is the fourth galus. The reason for this is that the first three are required to be mechappeir (atone) for the three capital sins that K’lal Yisrael committed: adultery, murder, and idol worship. The fourth, and the most difficult of all, is to be mechappeir for the sin of lashon hara.

    We need to do some introspection. Why are we always ready to believe the worst about someone—maybe even a neighbor or friend—just because we read about it in the secular press? We all know full well how a story about an Orthodox Jew, whether business or personal, always makes for a great story, and it sure sells papers. The umos ha‘olam (nations of the world) love a great story about Orthodox Yidden—the more sensational, the better.
    But we need to ask ourselves why we get such enjoyment out of it. As the late rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, HaRav Avrohom Pam, zt’l, once decried in a public address, we Yidden have to think of the spouses and children of those involved in the story lines and shed tears for them.

    I remember a personal situation where I had learned firsthand of the sheker of the media, especially when it comes to writing a story about a frum Jew. A number of years ago, a popular sensationalist magazine was doing a story on a Yid, who unfortunately made some poor choices in life and was made to pay for those indiscretions. The magazine was going to obviously do everything it could to destroy the person as well as the community associated with that person. As an acquaintance of that person, and being well aware of the good that this person had accomplished over the years, I was asked to meet with the team of reporters doing the story and at least try to protect the integrity of the family and community.

    I faced a dilemma. I felt it would be an opportunity to be mekayeim the mitzvah of Lo sa‘amod al dam rei‘echa, yet I was fearful of having my words distorted by the secular media. I consulted with my rebbi, the rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, HaRav HaGaon Rav Henoch Leibowitz, shlita, who strongly advised me to avoid them at all costs, because they are kulo sheker (completely of falsehood) and nothing positive would come out of it.

    I subsequently declined to be interviewed. Several days later, the subject of the story called and personally appealed to me to please reconsider, because the article will be written without any positive statements being made, and for the sake of the family would I reconsider? I was truly torn as to what to do, so I turned once again to consult with the rosh yeshiva. When I called, the rebbetzin (Pesia Leibowitz, a’h) picked up the phone and I shared my dilemma with her. Being the wise woman that she was, she had a great suggestion. She said, “Tell them you will not be interviewed, but they should fax you a list of questions, and if reasonable, you will respond to their questions in writing, as well.” I followed her suggestion.

    It was at that moment that I fully understood the rosh yeshiva’s description of them as kulo sheker. Not one of the 12 questions submitted for me to answer had to do with the fine reputation and past charitable activities of that person. All they wanted to know was if I could reveal to them a list of other possible accusations, and whether other people in the community were involved…!

    In essence, what they wanted from me was to help them in their goal of destroying an individual and a family and, if they would be lucky enough, to bring down an entire community along, as well. And not just any community, but a community of Torah-observant and Orthodox Jews. Needless to say, I didn’t respond to any of their questions. However, what I did do was to fax to the editor of that publication, in English and in Hebrew, the pasuk in the Torah that states “Mid’var sheker tirchak.”

    We are all guilty, on some level, of accepting these truths to be factual, despite the Torah’s explicitly defining for us a halachic process of eidim, of a beis din, and what the Chofetz Chaim defines as a davar mefursam (a publicly acknowledged fact). The extent of how far the influence of the “written word” of the press goes came to life for me as well a few weeks ago, when the press was filled with accusations and innuendos about several prominent ba‘alei tzedakah in the Orthodox community who were tried and convicted for illegal activity, in a case which not only was brought with no proof, but caused them a tremendous financial loss. Yet I received a call from the head of a chesed organization that has been the beneficiary of the kind and generous heart and hand of one of those involved, and he actually asked me incredulously, “Is it true?”

    I responded, “You more than anyone have been the beneficiary of such chesed and such ahavas Yisrael from one of the individuals; how could you even think, let alone verbalize, even the possibility of wrongdoing, just because you read it in the press, which when it comes to frum Jews is kulo sheker?”

    After a moment or two of silence, he responded in a heartfelt expression and said, more to himself than to me, “How could I be so foolish?” Maybe that’s a question we should all be asking ourselves.

    By:_ Rav Aryeh Zev Ginzberg - 25/05/2006

  74. Scheinberg, the master of duplicity, taught Ginzberg well.

  75. have we truly been walmartized? On thirteenth avenue?

    uoj doesn't mind sinking tt because of the mystery of the missing millions which really belong to the trustees of the old TV. A press conference should be called. Justice must prevail.

    What the Jewish world needs is more tv.

  76. when the press was filled with accusations and innuendos about several prominent ba‘alei tzedakah in the Orthodox community who were tried and convicted for illegal activity, in a case which not only was brought with no proof, but caused them a tremendous financial loss.

    So not even a conviction convinces this Scheinberg pupil.

  77. I find it quite ironic as to why he chose to bashmutz the media is this particular case but has never written and article about anyone else getting smeared by the media.
    Rabbi ginzburg ,
    where were you when they killed rabbi slifkin and family?

    Eagerly waiting for your reply!

  78. This Ginzburg letter is about a shmuck who had two choices:

    1- Defend his teacher Scheinberg and claim he never said it, but faces the wrath of at least 23 people who will swear that they heard him say it.

    2-Or propogate the media is "kulo sheker" bullshit, to save face for just hosting the 93 year old tzisis freak.


  79. So if I correctly understand and read between Rabbi Ginzburg's lines, he is implying that:

    David Framowitz is a liar.

  80. Boog,

    The three plaintiffs so far are liars( more coming), Herman is a liar, Pasik is a liar, Greenwald is a liar...but this demented Scheinberg the "Penetration Rebbe" and Yasir Margulies are telling the truth as well as Father Kolko.

  81. The three plaintiffs so far are liars( more coming), Herman is a liar, Pasik is a liar, Greenwald is a liar...but this demented Scheinberg the "Penetration Rebbe" and Yasir Margulies are telling the truth as well as Father Kolko.


    Finally, you get it! Daas Torah at its finest.

  82. Ginsburg's first letter was right on target. An absolute and clear statement that child molestation is prohibited (and even if some say "duh!" they are being dishonest with themselves as many continue to believe that Sheinberg hold this no penetration thing to be true).

    Ginsburg's second article only serves to show that his first letter may not have been well-intentioned. The article - taken alone - is fine. But knowing that the world knows he has already commented on the magazine artlice, how can he not have the decency to acknowledge that certain circumstances exist in which making accusations is not considered loshon harah? I was a big fan after the original letter but I'm sad to say that this article is a slap in the face to every victim of abuse out there. It would have been so easy for him to add one or two sentences about "mitzvah l'farseim" if you have real knowledge about sexual abuse. Does anyone out there have any idea why he would suddenly totally turn his back on this scandal after commenting on it only a week before? It's almost as if he's a different person.

  83. Yes, I have an idea why the about face.

    He was spoken to and admonished to toe the line; AKA-Ostrichitis.

    His analogy does not hold water. The Jewish victims ever so slowly, painfully
    coming forward, opening up their old wounds are not the secular media with an agenda.

    The victims are being victimized once again.

  84. Above Anon,

    Ginzburg's latest statement is what happens to you when you attempt to speak the truth, in part.

    The Hats jumped all over him and threatened to take away his hat.


    mmmm. is this a threat? has uoj been unmasked?

  86. Boog,
    The victims will NOT be victimized again.


  87. Ginzburg's latest statement is what happens to you when you attempt to speak the truth, in part.
    The truth, in part, is not the truth. It is deception.

    Ginzberg never meant to speak the truth. He meant to cover Scheinberg's ass. Bad job, Ginzberg.

  88. The Hats jumped all over him and threatened to take away his hat.
    Perhaps it wasn't a Borsalino.

  89. Dear UOJ,

    You've had your few months of fame. now its time for your downfall. the entire flatbush knows that yor name is BEN HIRSCH, and they now know how retarded and sick you are, making false accusations about a wonderful and special person. I hope you die a long and painful death.

    A UOJ Hater

  90. Does anyone out there have any idea why he would suddenly totally turn his back on this scandal after commenting on it only a week before? It's almost as if he's a different person.
    i bet some of the shienberg thugs threatened him.

  91. That Bulmash guy seems to have disappeared.

  92. What is this I hear about a certain Rabbi in Boro Park who impregnated BY girls?

  93. Oops there he is.

    This Bulmash guy seems to have migrated to calmer pastures.

  94. if i were part of knesses israel i woul arrange a protest in front of his shul.
    shame i dont live there.,

  95. UOJ is a rebel with a cause. He is the true leader of our liberation movement (fires gun in air).

    But, to be fair, while sexual abuse is the number one, politically correct issue of the decade, (a safe obsession for our masked crusader) what other scandals can you reveal, fearless leader?

    Show us the dirt. Cleanse our soul.

    And in the words of Red Skelton, gd bless.

  96. Ginzberg is a professional Chofetz Chaim fan.He has made a fortune off his name.How much has he given back to the chofetz chaim's decendents.

  97. Who does UOJ remind you the most?

    I can't decide between superman and the lone ranger.

    Help me out here.

  98. Ginzberg is a professional Chofetz Chaim fan.He has made a fortune off his name.How much has he given back to the chofetz chaim's decendents.
    thats loshon horah!!

  99. Rabbi gizberg,
    From the way i read you , you would not believe the lakewood police dept or the app that the girl was abducted and raped. Why?
    because the mediaare a buncha lyers? i guess your logic does hold water.
    Go go shafted by your ry in yerushalayim but make sure he stop before actual penetration.
    You are one sick dog and i hope the locals in the 5 towns throw you out on you ass.

  100. This is fascinating. UOJ has forced organized orthodoxy to show its hand, and organized orthodoxy has shown that it sides with the predators.

    If UOJ's quiver is full of more than just hot air it will be interesting to see just how far down a dead end road organized orthodoxy will ride a dying horse.

    BTW, UOJ, I can see why the Yated/HaModia/Jewish Observer crowd is spiking the Kolko lawsuit story, but a search of the JTA site doesn't get any hits on "Kolko" either. JewishWeek may have picked up the story because it's a local NYC story, but if you want more than just frum Jews to know about this, you're going to have to pitch the story to JTA, which is where most of the Jewish weeklies in North America get their national and international stories.

    If folks are concerned, you can send an email to JTA urging them to cover the Kolko/YTT scandal and coverup.

  101. Case Study,

    Let’s go out and implement this in every Yeshiva in the US and abroad: Open dialogue in every classroom at every age.

    Surely thow jest.

    Open dialogue in a yeshiva classroom????!!!!

    About sex????!!!!

    'Fraid it tain't gonna happen, boychick.

  102. Editor,
    The JTA had it up about a week ago.

  103. Case Study and the Editor talking to each other...hmmm..that's a case study in itself!!!!!

    Anyway, I'm working on every single angle imaginable to mankind to seek out solutions. I have some very good people assisting me in this task.

    The major obstacle is that the "system" wont recognize that it is seriously ill.

    Maybe a few large yeshivas will have to close down before they get it. One thing you can wager on, I am not going away until the system gets fixed.

    More yeshivas go down, more rabbis go down, so be it. I'm dead serious. I'm in contact with a network of media people...they're begging me for any story.

    I have a full team in place ready to act on anything I tell them to.

    I'm calling the shots now...rabbis fix the system or there will not be a crooked yeshiva or rabbi left standing!!!!

  104. Ginzberg,
    I don't know who he his, he is a vile imbecile.

    "a Yid, who unfortunately made some poor choices in life and was made to pay for those indiscretions."

    What do you say about the black fellow who shoplifts or steals a car? Poor choices?

    Colin Cowherd of ESPN has more seichel than you. On one of his shows he said that a person could live a totally ethical life and then one day commits a crime. The crime is what defines the person. You don't say that the person is a fine person except he committed one murder. He is a murderer, period. You are a jerk, period. I can learn more erlichkeit by listening to sports radio than by listening to you.
    Where do you think your friend got his money to do his good deeds? He stole it. Groyse tzaddik. The bad bad media is after the nice frum community. If we would keep our noses out of trouble, we wouldn't be in the news. It's nice that your shul hired a mentally handicapped person as their Rabbi.

  105. Hey Rabid Gunzberg! U are both a low life enabler (hosting the Penetration/Penislover Rebbe Shlita)AND a Am HaAretz to boot. I guess your so caught up in Shmeras HaLoshon u never bothered to read the Good Doctor's works AKA the holy Rambam. He in no uncertain terms says that in the case of a molester (don't know about the penetration thing - go ask your 97 year old prick of a toilet godol-im) one should embarass his kids by stating to them that father is a molester. Sounds extreme? It's true he wrote that, and I'll have the whole halacha researched and translated in a few days (hope to work on it over Shavuous)Oh Oh1 Did I just speak loshen horah on the rambam. In any case your distortion of halacha puts u in company with all the other toilet gedolim. Congrats!

  106. UOJ, please post a link to rabbi wozner's responsa re:tendler for all to read. It dispels all the loshen hora sh-t crocodile tears your opponents are spewing.

  107. monsey - ite said...
    Anonymous said...
    I know the right way. I read the responsa of R. Wozner on the Tendler affairs and it applies to all molesters. My question still stands, however. Again, how can the confidence in an ultraorthodox way of life be restored? What can realisticly be done and what do u think will be the picture of this Brooklyn (BP, Willi & FB) community in the future? Living a life full of grief and distrust is killing me.

    As for "dedicated talmud's" ranting a few posts up allow me to answer: Hey dedicated to Kolko, did u really expect yudi to molest all the thousands of boys he chanced upon over the years? He would of had to wear a Muslim pajama all day and been overdosing on Viagra to molest every single boy. Until u read up on the modes operandi of molesters and understand the molesters art of long term grooming shut up! And just in case u might be a true dedicated talmud OF THE TALMUD BAVLI and halacha please see a copy of the responsa from rabbi Ben Zion Wozner which u should be able to find on the Awareness Center's web site and on other sites of child advocacy against molestation. Finaly, u must of been living under a rock to ask why UOJ didn't try bringing Margo & Kolko Y"S to Beis Din AKA Beis Wimps/Pimps. Thanx UOJ, I owe u so much.
    If this is indeed what rav vozner hold that why do we not see him come out with a letter like he did about tendler and about the slifkin affair.
    Wosner does not seem to be embarresed to write a letter.
    Is there a reason why he is NOT writing one??

    Ok monsey-ite I hope u find this response:

    1. If u truly cared to derive the halacha perspective why don't u scoot over to Emes Lane (how appropriate a name for his street)and ask rabbi wozner himself?

    2. If u read his responsa (my bet is u didn't bother)u would see he states that it was a local issue (monsey-NH)and as a member of the Monsey rabbinical community it was his duty to represent the views of the 6 major rabbis (and Torah mind u) he was asked to write this for.

  108. UOJ, please post a link to rabbi wozner's responsa re:tendler for all to read. It dispels all the loshen hora sh-t crocodile tears your opponents are spewing.

    It is on Ms Polin's site I believe. I think after Rabbi Blau he might be the second most outspoken rabbinical advocate for the sexualy abused.

  109. If Ginzburg is representative of the next generation of rabbis, how sick is Judaism?????


    Rumor has it that Yudi Kolko of YTT fame and Avrohom Mordechai Leizerowitz of MBY fame could not stand the heat any longer and have beat a hasty exit via jet to the holy land, to persue interests in hole-iness. Rumor has it they took the same flight. Can u confirm either of these 2 rumors, UOJ?

  111. Above Anon,
    With all due respect, If your child got hurt in an accident, would you need to call a rav and ask him what to do?

    If your child was molested by an animal and protected by a bigger animal, why would you call a rav, CALL THE POLICE!

  112. I told my two loser sons, Mordy and Aron, to get on that flight with Kolko and Leizerowitz, but they seem intent in causing more shame for the family.

  113. If this is indeed what rav vozner hold that why do we not see him come out with a letter like he did about tendler and about the slifkin affair.
    Wosner does not seem to be embarresed to write a letter.
    Is there a reason why he is NOT writing one??

    Ok monsey-ite I hope u find this response:

    1. If u truly cared to derive the halacha perspective why don't u scoot over to Emes Lane (how appropriate a name for his street)and ask rabbi wozner himself?

    2. If u read his responsa (my bet is u didn't bother)u would see he states that it was a local issue (monsey-NH)and as a member of the Monsey rabbinical community it was his duty to represent the views of the 6 major rabbis (and Torah mind u) he was asked to write this for.

    actually i did read his responsa.
    But tell me one thing .
    Since when is a monsey child molester different than a Brooklyn molester?
    If he had the balls he would write one about ytt but hes got non
    He signes his name on every pashkevil in town etc but a child molester in brooklyn?

  114. What has Israel become? a receptacle for all the american sewage?

  115. Doesn't UOJ have any rachmuness on Hungarians? As Forrest Gump was famously asked, what are we going to do now?

  116. "Margo happens", now get out your pooper scooper and clean up the mess.

  117. Nobody wants u to go away, uoj, least of all the media. We love a good story.

    I fear the only solution is to move the yeshivas to Sura and Pumpeditha.

    When Klal Yisroel wears black. winter weight hats and jackets in Iraq, problems on Ocean Parkway will be forgotten.

    U can invite CBS to cover the story.

  118. anyone here get abused / beaten or molested in yeshiva bais dovid in monsey n.y?

  119. It is with great pain that we were left with no choice but to alert the public in these forums, of the physical and sexual abuse that were inflicted on my brother and other victims over 15 years ago. I know that it is a shock for some to believe or come to grips with the reality that some of our own "Rabonim" could commit such henious and reprehensible crimes against children.

    Yet, as it stands now, we know that a "Rebbe" Such as Yudi Kolko did exist. We know that Yudi Kolko is a sick child molester who did much of his dirty work while employed as a "Rebbe" at Yeshiva Torah Temima in Brooklyn. We also know that as of this writing, another child molester is hunting his victims at Yeshiva Of Brooklyn (it could EVEN BE YOUR CHILD that he is molesting as his latest victim).

    (Rabbi) Yehuda Nussbaum/(Rabbi) Yaakov Mandel sex/scandal is something perhaps not as well known yet as the other child abuse cases. There has not been much light shed upon this sex scandal of the 80's and 90's, and it was tried to be put to rest by (Rabbi) Yaakov Mandel who at the time still was Principal of the elementry boys school. 'R" Mandel threatened my father he "would turn his name into mud" if he tried to press Yeshiva Of Brooklyn about my brother and others in his class who were being sexualy molested and physically abused with a thick wooden ruler by "Rabbi" Yehuda Nussbaum . There was not one iota of even an attempt by "R" Mandel to look into the sexual allegations of "R" Yehuda Nussbaum, the 5th grade Rebbe at the time (where he served for many years) and now is still employed as a "rebbe" in Yeshiva Of Brooklyn. Ironically, two of my brother's classmates, had parents who were Rebbe's at Yehivah Of Brooklyn at the time of the abuse. Two of the victims are now in process with attorney's in pressing forward and exposing this sick Child Molester "Rabbi" Yehuda Nussbaum AKA (Shatnez Checker) and his boss "Rabbi" Yaakov Mandel for not firing him.

    I Understand that there may be those who may be reluctant to believe or accept these allegations, yet my motive in exposing this is to make sure that Child Molester's such as Kolko and Nussbaum and their respective bosses of Margulis/Mandel, don't ever get a chance to KILL even ONE child again. Yes, sexually molesting boys is KILLING THEM. If a Rabbi were to take a loaded gun and pull the trigger on one of his students, that is what the marriage of Lipa Margulis/Yudi Kolko and the marriage of Yaakov Mandel/Yehuda Nussbaum, did to all these victims.

    My dear father A'H, was a very respected Rabbi, he was known and admired by many. My dear father A'H, spoke to other parents in my brother's 5th Grade class at the time, and confirmed with at least three of them that their son's had also complained to them about being sexually abused by (Rabbi) Yehuda Nussbaum. Later though, after being spoken to and threatened by "Rabbi" Mandel, they refused to press the issue anymore, and were unwilling to go along with my father's insistence in removing this pedophile from Yeshiva Of Brooklyn and away from kids. Eventually my dear father A'H, got all of us out of Yeshiva of Brooklyn, including the girls. He knew he cannot keep any of us in such a currupt envionment.

    I miss my father terribly, but up in Gan Eden, he must be smiling that finally we are addressing the horrible truth that some of our Yeshiva's are guilty of which is, sheltering and abaiding Child Molesters who pose as "Rabbi's". This is a mission i will not drop. My mission is clear: SAVE CHILDREN"S LIVES (Maybe even your kid's life).

    The Torah Tells us: One who saves one life, it is considered as if he has saved the world!

    There will be more posts and updates on this issue and the pending lawsuit against Yeshiva Of Brooklyn and those responsible for the sexual and physical abuse the victims horrificly endured. There is much more to write and I will continue to do so G-D willing.

  120. To so-called Rabbis Lipa Margulies, Nosson Scherman, Eli Teitelbaum, Simcha Kaufman, and all others who have been involved in this decades long coverup regarding the accusations of illicit acts supposedly committed by Rabbi Yudi Kolko on numerous young victims over a period of almost 40 years.

    It is time to stop hiding behind a wall of silence and begin answering some tough questions:

    1. When was it first brought to you attention any allegations of Yudi Kolko's improper behavior toward young boys in Yeshiva and or camp?

    2. How many boys/victims either directly or indirectly informed you over the years regarding Yudi Kolko's supposed improper behavior?

    3. What did you do with such information?

    4. Didn't you find a need, with such information, to request that Yudi Kolko be distanced away from young boys?

    5. How did you allow it that Yudi Kolko be permitted to continue to teach and tutor young boys whether in Yeshiva, or in camp, or in his home, or drive young boys in his car, when you had information that he was supposedly molesting young boys?

    6. Why did you not bring the matter up with the senior management and board of your Yeshiva and or camps, and if you did, with whom did you discuss such?

    7. Why was this issue not presented to the relevant civil authorities for investigation?

    8. Why over all these years have you not contacted the Police, or the DA's office, with the information that you have all known and upposedly hushed-up for so many decades?

    9. Please inform us as to whom in fact you told regarding these accusations and what was done as a result.

    10. Did anyone of you do anything to assist or help any of the victims?

    11. How long have you been involved in or actually participated in this cover-up?

    12. Did you know of the setting of a beis din some 20 years ago that was to look into these allegations?

    13. What were you told was the outcome of the first and second beis din?

    14. Did any of you discuss these allegations with one another, or anyone else?

    15. What right do you have to call yourselves Rabbis and mechanchim when you knowingly allowed Yudi Kolko, an accused pedophile, to be near boys, and to destroy the lives of so many? You all had a legal and moral obligation to protect all of the boys that were in your Yeshiva's and camps - so where were you?

    How many boys and young men did you allow and permit to be destroyed and murdered over these several decades?

    There is a saying - "Me shematzeel nefesh achas b'Yisrael etc." - well it also works the other way - Me shehoreg nefesh achas b'Yisrael, etc!

    You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Whilst you all have tried to be good educators, you failed miserably at protecting the safety and well-being of some of your talmidim.

    For this you are all negligent and each of you must pay the price.
    By either not doing anything, or by actually being involved in this on-going cover-up, you helped and assisted to destroy untold Jewish lives.

    You should all look at yourselves in the mirror and thereafter ask selicha and mechiela for what you all did - for you are guilty.

    Zman masan Toraseinu - you've all taken what is so holy and precious - and totally destroyed it.

  121. Pardes in Jerusalem will host Judy Klitsner tomorrow night (Shevuot)who will lecture on the subject of abuse of power in the religious community.
    UOJ and other similar blogs will be part of the discussion.

  122. Sh-t! look what went up on the web this week:

    UOJ, you are the savior of all the little Chareidi children out there. My fear is history will not give u enough credit for the revolution u have started on behalf of all the innocent victims. I should kiss the ground u walk on.

  123. YTT Parents are pushing to hire an "independent" shrink. Does anyone know if he is contaminated by ties to Margo ?

  124. ClooJew said...

    Anonymous (naturally!),

    I just went to your link and I can't figure out, lulei demistafina, what the devil you're talking about. Rabbi Ginzberg's article simply points out a basic truth--that you can't believe what you read in the papers. That should be pretty obvious to anyone who follows Israel in the media.

    Orthomom is right in that we all have to send some sort of complaint to New York magazine so that they understand that Orthodox Judaism does not support that which they purport it to support.

    Are you suggesting that anything written in a newspaper is untrue? I assume that you are merely objecting to BLIND FAITH and the practice of accepting anything you hear, e.g. if a rabbi told you that you had not been molested, when in fact you knew you had been, you would of course not accept his word over your first hand knowledge.

    Or, would you? What if it were also written in a magazine article? Would that make your first hand knowledge invalid since you believe anything written in a paper can't be believed?

    The NY Magazine article was all factual. The reporter interviewed many people and fact checkers verified the veracity of the information.

    Rabbi Ginzberg's transparently insidious attempt to undermine the facts behind Pinchus Scheinberg's deplorable conduct in 1985 speaks volumes as to his mindset. Protect Scheinberg and to hell with judaism.

  125. YTT Parents are pushing to hire an "independent" shrink. Does anyone know if he is contaminated by ties to Margo ?

    YTT parents need to form a Parent's Association and approach another yeshiva to set up new parallel classes for their children. Bring along some of the better rabbeim and teachers.

    IMO, anyone who leaves their children in Torah Temimah after all we've seen in the past few months is derelict in their duties as a parent.

    Any shrink hired by TT may disclose information to Applegrad and Margulies. We all know what Margulies will do with information given to him.

  126. Again, forget Ny magazine.

    Is David Framowitz a LIAR?

    I don't believe so.

  127. Call for action to expose the known sexual predator MENDEL HOFFMAN.

    Can anyone post what they know of Monsey's MENDEL HOFFMAN? This man must be taken down. He has been suxually abusing the women in his office for years.

    Again, this is a call for any information on MENDEL HOFFMAN.

    If you know of anyone that lives in Monsey please forward this to them via email.

    HOFFMAN preys on women in distressed situations. He is a vicious sexual predator. Warn your women and be aware.

    Note to MENDEL HOFFMAN - you think Kolko has it rough?

  128. Ashamed and sick,




  129. Hey OrthoRev,

    It is quite sad for you to be injecting your hateful and bitter agenda on this blog where important issues are being broght to light.

    Specifically, your pathetic attempt to piggy back on the popularity of this blog by linking to your sorry website is quite unfortunate.

    You have no stake in this game other than your incredible bitterness and rage against anything Jewish, which has now been energized with your ability to spew your bile on this blog.

    We all know who you are; a divorced father of adorable children and a wife whom you abandoned in Passaic, New Jersey.

    Your questions, insecurities, guilt, and anger weren't enough to keep inside where they have festered for so long.

    You had to try and reach out to friends and aquaintances with your heretical ideas, insights, and mindless bile...all conveniently cloaked in your "desire for intellectual honesty".

    This effort resulted in your being shunned and ostracized by even those people who considered you a friend.

    All this while, you have never been honest with youself. You are not "Anti- Brooklyn/Passaic/Lakewood version of Judaisim. Indeed, you are "Anti-Jewish", period, in all of its forms and manifestations.

    For the sake of your wife, children, and all of us who know who you are and recognize your agenda, don't continue to bring more shame upon yourself and your family.

    You are a really good person inside with so much to share, please do some soul searching and realize that this effort will not help your "cause".

    Wishing you only the best and true redemption of your inner self.

    I remain,

    Your FRIEND



    Comments like that do not enhance your credibility.

  131. Please be aware that many of the top names involved in the coverup are now saying the they believe David Framowitz. They are gaining credibility in the community as a result of this shrewd ploy. The implication of this proclamation, of course, is that they would never have been involved in a cover up as as soon as they heard about David Framowitz's story they believed it.

    I have indeed heard people comment that they didn't think that these people could have COVERED UP the Kolko molestation story because they have spoken to them and they believe Framowitz.

    How shrewd, slimy and how low these people will sink to protect their reputations.

  132. UOJ, I have been reading this blog since day one, but the remark you just made about Rabbi Fischer. Wow, Why? Yes i heard and red all the stories but i sont think they are true.

  133. What company does Mendel Hoffman own and what are the exact complaints against him? Isn't there a guy by that name that comes to me and Mutty Katz for Pesach?

  134. Is it true Kolko made a bee line for Israel?

  135. Hoffman owns and runs Monsey Family Health Center - he was thrown out of Hatzolah up here and makes Pinter look like a patzer. His modus operandi is very familiar to Kolko's.




    UOJ is now going after a mohel, probably because his own mohel cut off too much.

    UOJ - some metzitzah b'peh to your brain would probably do some good.
    ANd if you think that rabbis scherman, fishman or fischer could care less about your rantings, you're wrong.

    this blog has ebcome the greatest source of entertainment for the community. I love it! all the hock right here. like a coffee room.
    this is the place where you could discuss the most holy and sacred of issues like you are on the beach having a martini.
    what an absolute blast!

    thanks for the free entertainment.

  137. How dare anyone even compare some little pisher in Monsey to me, the Great ganvening Leib Pinter. The Olympia Ponzi scheme was for $44 million and before that was the gold heist and before that was the lunch program fraud in states all over the country. Don't insult me with over two-bit little crooks. You don't even know what's next with my maze of shell and front corporations.

  138. "How shrewd, slimy and how low these people will sink to protect their reputations."

    That's pretty standard for Hungarian sickos in Boro Park / Flatbush. They sit back and let people get screwed in business or shidduchim or whatever the heck. After the victim gets taken in, they put on a phony act of "Oh, vee didn't know"

    These are some of the very same people mind you, who posted shtussim here that anything against Kolko and Margo is "loshon hora" They speak loshon hora when it suits them and don't reveal loshon hora when they are mechuyav for toyelless.

    Don't worry, there is a special place in the oylam ha emess for these two-faced Shlishka-eating slimeballs.

  139. Pinter you shoiteh, what kind of putz leaves a paper trail like yours? Please, Hoffman may have had his beard handed to him by Hatzoloh but he never got caught with his hand in the macaroon jar siphoning off gelt like a grubba ferrd from all of his government programs. But his worst crime remains his sexual assaults of women in his employ.

    Someone should check with Bongiorno the tilaynishe DA up in Rockland as to why this bihayma gassa has never been prosecuted. I'm sure he's threatened every one of his victims into silence so no one can come forward.

  140. Pope Benedict XVI prayed on Sunday at the cells and crematories of the concentration camp complex here, on a visit he called "particularly difficult and troubling for a Christian, for a pope from Germany."

    He said he came here "as a son of the German people, a son of that people over which a ring of criminals rose to power by false promises of future greatness and the recovery of the nation's honor, prominence and prosperity, but also through terror and intimidation."


    "that people over which a ring of criminals rose to power by false promises of future greatness and the recovery of the nation's honor, prominence and prosperity, but also through terror and intimidation."

    It took a German Pope to clarify the similarities between the Nazis and Lipa Margulies. A reign of terror by a ring of criminals premised upon false promises future greatness.

  141. Oy lahem leyom Hadin said...

    "How shrewd, slimy and how low these people will sink to protect their reputations."

    That's pretty standard for Hungarian sickos in Boro Park / Flatbush. They sit back and let people get screwed in business or shidduchim or whatever the heck. After the victim gets taken in, they put on a phony act of "Oh, vee didn't know"

    I said this here a few months ago and got chided. As the UOJ snowball gets bigger and bigger to roll these perverts, the "enablers" will come shouting as to how they were instrumental in "outing" these pedophiles and preen in front of the cameras for their "Photo-OP".

    As they preen like Peacocks, a pie in the kisser would be well-deserved.

  142. hello everyone!
    we had the second survivor/rabbi meeting last night. it was attended by 6 survivors and 5 rabbis. R' Hauer, R' Gottlieb, R' Lerner, R' Dinowitz and R' Silber. i know that a lot of you could not make it due to the timing. for next meeting we will definitely choose a better time. it was a very positive meeting and i feel like we have a solid core of rabbis who are willing to stand up, take action and make a difference. R' Dinowitz said again that a perpetrator has a Din of a Rodef (halachik status of a murderer) and we must bring these matters to the attention of the authorities, i.e. Police, F.B.I., etc. They all were in agreement with him. R' Hauer mentioned that our priorty as a community aught to be to have a system in place to deal with the cases that are going on right now. not to ignore the past, we must try to undue the wrongs of the past. but we need to start with the present. i agree with that.
    i think our next step is with the rabbis. a call to action, a public forum, something. we are all open to ideas and suggestions. lets keep in mind that our goal is to create a POSITVE AWARENESS that will be heard by the community.
    i am gathering a group of clinicians to educate the rabbis from their side. i will let you know when that happens.
    please get back to me with your comments, suggestions and most importantly how you are willing to help!
    once again, i am blessed to have shared another incredibly courageous experience with my fellow survivors. thatnk you all for being there. and thank you to the rabbis who are stepping up to the plate with the absolutely toughest challenge we could choose in a community. i would not want to be in your shoes!
    God Bless and God Speed to all.

  143. "That's pretty standard for Hungarian sickos in Boro Park / Flatbush. They sit back and let people get screwed in business or shidduchim or whatever the heck. After the victim gets taken in, they put on a phony act of "Oh, vee didn't know"

    That's only ven vee didn't screw you ourselves.

  144. Anonymous said...

    UOJ, I have been reading this blog since day one, but the remark you just made about Rabbi Fischer. Wow, Why? Yes i heard and red all the stories but i sont think they are true.

    Only a real simpleton would say that it is untrue. Fischer transmitted the Herpes Virus (HSV1) to newborn infants. The fact that the results of his medical exam were withheld from our merciful government confirms it. End of story.

  145. UOJ:
    Kolko has a lawyer who wrote to the judge asking for the identity of the John Doe's and the dates of the incidents as a prelude to claiming the action untmely under the statute of limitations.

    Oh by the way both your blog and the NY mag article are cited., although interestingly only a prior iteration of the blog "unorthodoxjew.blogspot" was cited. I guess the lawyer does not wan the judge to read the latest posts.

  146. I am a 42 year old male who BTW had Kolko as a Rebbe in the 2nd grade and as a Head Counsler in camp and then was his waiter in the same camp. I tend to belive the accusations that UOJ has brought to life even though they never happened to me. However, I just thank G-D impregnated my wife with one of the reasons I came out of so called retirement being the hope that I could use Fischer as my mohel if needed.

  147. YTT Parents are pushing to hire an "independent" shrink. Does anyone know if he is contaminated by ties to Margo ?

    YTT parents need to form a Parent's Association and approach another yeshiva to set up new parallel classes for their children. Bring along some of the better rabbeim and teachers.

    IMO, anyone who leaves their children in Torah Temimah after all we've seen in the past few months is derelict in their duties as a parent.

    Any shrink hired by TT may disclose information to Applegrad and Margulies. We all know what Margulies will do with information given to him.

  148. Does anyone remember us? Not even a mention. We had two scams.
    We took our company public in the mid 80's. Then the stock tanked, the company went under and noone was the wiser.
    Then there was a "robbery" but the insurance company wasn't buying it.
    We are real Marmorosher, we deserve to be in the Hall of fame of Ungarishe Farbrechers.
    We are the Rodney Dangerfields of The Ungarishe velt. No respect.

  149. No Redress For Abuse Victim

    While you say in your May 26 editorial "Allegations Against a Rabbi" that your position "should in no way imply support for the accused," you seem to strongly disagree with the bringing of the lawsuit and having the plaintiff "publicly accuse another," preferring instead to "have our rabbinic leaders come up with a process that can appropriately deal with these very serious challenges to our community" – with "a course of action compatible with Torah standards."

    If you read the article that you refer to in New York magazine carefully, you will note that the victim sought relief from the community some twenty years ago but that the accused rabbi’s employer, "a pillar of the … community, took extraordinary measures to derail a rabbinical court action, or beit din."

    It seems it was decided that the appropriate way to deal with the rabbi was to let him continue having his fun with young boys.

    At least the Catholic Church transfers offenders to another area.

    Gerald Deutsch
    Glen Head, NY

  150. kolko web page
    # of hits in May


    # of people who download the complaint

  151. Case of Rabbi Kolko: An intelligent response to an unintelligent editorial

    Letters To The Editor
    By: Our Readers
    Jewish Press (NY)
    Wednesday, May 31, 2006
    No Redress For Abuse Victim

    While you say in your May 26 editorial "Allegations Against a Rabbi"
    that your position "should in no way imply support for the accused," you
    seem to strongly disagree with the bringing of the lawsuit and having
    the plaintiff "publicly accuse another," preferring instead to "have our
    rabbinic leaders come up with a process that can appropriately deal
    with these very serious challenges to our community" – with "a course of
    action compatible with Torah standards."

    If you read the article that you refer to in New York magazine
    carefully, you will note that the victim sought relief from the community some
    twenty years ago but that the accused rabbi’s employer, "a pillar of
    the … community, took extraordinary measures to derail a rabbinical court
    action, or beit din."

    It seems it was decided that the appropriate way to deal with the rabbi
    was to let him continue having his fun with young boys.

    At least the Catholic Church transfers offenders to another area.

    Gerald Deutsch
    Glen Head, NY

  152. Kudos, Gerald Deutsch, for your letter to the "jewish press". It's a darn shame that they continue to defend Kolko/Margulis. They have an obligation to report the truth, and yet continue to stray far from it by un-informing and mis-informing the public. JP has a unique ability and an obligation to inform the public, especially when its concerning the saftey of our kids, yet they have unforgivenably strayed afar from this obligaton. Shame on you "Jewish Press"!

  153. On Lakewood Yid's blog, he has a back and forth in the comments where he is asked whether he would allow Kolko to babysit his son. Watch how he doesn't give a straight answer. Shevet Levi's finest indeed!

  154. UOJ,

    I realize that your blog has created a sort-of "political correctness" litmus test of one's priorities. Bascially anyone who expresses negativity about anything other than the abuse issue, is immediatelky branded a UOJ "heretic", a crazy, and just another part of the problem.

    Having acknowledged this, let me ask, am I the only one who is upset by the racial nature of the anti-hungarian/anti-semitism being expressed in many posts. Aside from the fact that some of the stuff being said woud make Goebbels proud, people need to realize that the reason the the Hungarian brand of orthodoxy is dominant in New York is a simple mater of demographics. The Lithuanian/Russian/Polish Jewish populations were much more fully and efficiently exterminated by the Nazis YM"S by the time the allies arrived in mid-1945.

    UOJ, Whatever editorial standards you are applying to your posts (and I have to say they're not readily apparent) I would hope you might consider excluding some of the more genocidally offensive ones.

  155. Canadian Jewish News

    Danger lurks at the supermarket

    The May 17 edition of the Community Link, a Jewish equivalent to the clump of advertisements and coupons that arrive with your weekly community newspaper, was pretty much true to form. There were ads for such things as kosher pizza parlours, maternity wear, quality linens and real estate agents just what you would expect from such an advertisement-geared publication.

    But on page 69, there was something different: a message from an organization called F.A.I.M.A.

    F.A.I.M.A stands for Families Against Immodest Advertising, a recently founded Ortho-watch group. It took out a full-page ad in Community Link to advise the Jewish community about the latest step in an ongoing plan to ghettoize the Orthodox or, as F.A.I.M.A would say, shelter the community from the dangers and filth of the non-Jewish world.

    Much effort is being invested on behalf of our community in order to maintain our sensitivities and protect our children from offensive advertising displays,� the confusingly vague message began. Thus, when visiting certain stores, members of our community are being urged to shop at designated aisles only. By doing so, they will be displaying their commitment to the values we hold so dear.

    The message went on to specify that certain checkout lanes at your local Dominion and Fortinos supermarkets have been deemed family friendly (for those keeping score, aisles 1-6 at the former and 7-14 at the latter). The notice then ended with this: �Our Rabbanim have advised that one is required to use one of the above aisles.�

    This latest attempt at religious manipulation raises a few questions that other, more blatant attempts by rabbinic authorities and kashrut boards have at least been up front about. Who is this F.A.I.M.A? Who are these rabbanim? What do they consider our community?

    The vagueness of F.A.I.M.A�s message makes it difficult to decode, but here's the basic idea: the covers of magazines that we all eye while waiting on line at the grocery store, Cosmo, TV Guide, People and Seventeen � are polluting our religious minds and exposing Orthodox youth to things they shouldn't be seeing. Sex, women and television, that unholy trinity are plastered all over these publications, and there�s no way to avoid seeing them when waiting in line. This is, according to F.A.I.M.A, what we need to avoid � for our sake and the sake of our children.

    Of course, on the surface, this looks like a straightforward, run-of-the-mill attempt to shelter religious people from the rest of the world. There have been a lot of these lately, ranging from decrees on how late popular restaurants can remain open on weekends to bans on an ever-growing list of fruits and vegetables amid advances in microscopic testing. It seems that just about every other week, something new is disallowed or deemed unkosher.

    But while previous plots to self-ostrasize the Orthodox community have always come from official organizations, this is a faceless attempt at religious exploitation by a mysterious group trying to solve a problem we never knew we had, with the support of rabbis they are unwilling to name. It makes perfect sense, then, that the F.A.I.M.A notice contains no number or address where readers can potentially reach the group for questions or comments. The intent is clear: no questions, no discussion. Just do as you're told.

    F.A.I.M.A's message is a bold manoeuvre and a dangerous precedent that must not be permitted to take root. The stakes involved with religious edicts get much higher when every zealot out there thinks they've got the right to tell the rest of us what to do. Until this group steps forward to reveal who they are and what authority they possess, everyone should disregard page 69 of the Community Link. Once we know who or what F.A.I.M.A is, we can all decide how to respond to its message.


    Certain professionals are required by law to report suspected child abuse or maltreatment to the New York State Central Register (SCR) of Child Abuse and Maltreatment. The law also assigns civil and criminal liability to those professionals who do not comply with their mandated reporter responsibilities.

    New York State recognizes certain professionals to be specially equipped to hold the important role of mandated reporter of child abuse or maltreatment. Those professionals are:

    School official

    As soon as you suspect abuse or maltreatment, you must report your concerns by telephone to the SCR. The SCR is open 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week, to receive your call. The timeliness of your call is vital to the timeliness of intervention by local Child Protective Services (CPS). You are not required to notify the parents or other persons legally responsible either before or after your call to the SCR. In fact, in some cases, alerting the parent may hinder the local Child Protective Services investigation and adversely affect its ability to assess the safety of the children. The telephone numbers are:

    Mandated Reporter (800) 635-1522

    Public Hotline (800) 342-3720

    If a call to the SCR provides information about an immediate threat to a child or a crime committed against a child, but the perpetrator is not a parent or other person legally responsible for the child, the SCR staff will make a Law Enforcement Referral (LER). The relevant information will be recorded and transmitted to the New York State Police Information Network or to the New York City Special Victims Liaison Unit for action.

  157. If You Seal It Off, They Will Evolve

    By Lipa Margulies

    Here's a pretty cool example of how isolated environments lead to the evolution of new sick species. The more isolated, the more unique:

    Prehistoric ecosystem found on Ocean Parkway.

    Brooklyn scientists said on Wednesday they had discovered a prehistoric ecosystem dating back millions of years.

    The discovery was made in a yeshiva during a meeting of Torah Temimah parents. Scientists were called in and soon found eight previously unknown species of people without souls, hearts and brains, similar to scorpions.

    "Until now eight species of animals were found in the yeshiva, all of them unknown to science," said Dr Hanan Dementia, a biologist at the Flatbush University of Ocean Parkway [...]

    The cave (yeshiva) was completely sealed off from the world, including from any form of intelligence seeping through by newspapers, the Internet or anything that requires intelligence.

    Scientists who discovered the cave/yeshiva believe it has been intact since the government started giving money to yeshivas.

    "Every species we examined had no eyes, brains, or the ability to reason which means they lost their ability to think due to the evolution of gedolim," said Dementia.

    The cave is an "island" of sorts, and like islands out in the ocean, it has unique species that can be found nowhere else but by the charedi Jews.

    Isolated populations that have their gene pools cut-off from their parent populations tend to speciate rather quickly and lose all sense of right and wrong.


  158. "people need to realize that the reason the the Hungarian brand of orthodoxy is dominant in New York is a simple mater of demographics. The Lithuanian/Russian/Polish Jewish populations were much more fully and efficiently exterminated by the Nazis YM"S by the time the allies arrived in mid-1945."

    I sometimes wonder if the Nazis purposely decided to spare only the Hungarians when Eichmann y's made his barter. Maybe the Nazis calculated with Aryan cheshbonos that the Hungarians descend from the Khazars and not from the shvotim. Hungarian shuls have the highest rate of convicted felons and general sleaze. The damage that the Nazis did to Klal Yisroel is still alive and well in this respect.

    The Hungarian majority in Brooklyn and satellite communities is actually the exception to the rule. The rest of the country is not predominately Hungarian due to pre-WWII immigration. Boruch Hashem for that.

  159. UOJ is short, bald and fat with eleven fingers. Last week, when he was behind you on line at the grocery, you did your best to avoid eye-contact because he looked like he was going to eat you! and look at all of you now!
    So you've had the pleasure of meeting him?

    What does UOJ's eleven fingers have to do with Kolko's guilt?

  160. "Hungarian shuls have the highest rate of convicted felons and general sleaze."

    Before the Magyar PR department swings into full denial gear, how about we come up with a listing of every sleaze-botchie from Hungarian shuls that has ever been convicted of a felony, filed bankruptcy more than twice (I'm trying to be fair here), or has been under serious state or federal investigation but got off the hook after slick moves by Benjamin Brafman or some other sky high retainer lawyer.

    The pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow would be Frankel's shul but consider these others,

    Too many in Boro Park to list
    Shulem Rubin
    Mr. Rubinstein in Suffern/Monsey
    Agudah of Ave L (even though they try to act "Amerikanish")

    Start naming names.

  161. Don't forget the Hungarians that try to hide out undercover by the Litvishe like Leib Pinter.

  162. "Don't forget the Hungarians that try to hide out undercover by the Litvishe"

    Sounds like almost the entire Philadelphia and YTT Yeshiva student bodies.

  163. What about these dens of thieves,


  164. "Sounds like almost the entire Philadelphia and YTT Yeshiva student bodies."

    Those are the Hungarian prep academies before they get to Lakewood.

  165. Is there any way to list almost the entire population of New Square, NY ?

  166. ForWomenByWomen said...
    what does it have to do with kolko's guilt?
    he's tried talking to you before! but you ignored him and you didnt believe him because he's a freak. nowthat he's anonymous you worship him!

    That's exactly the point, anyone could be a hero. You are probably a
    superficial Magyar. Just because UOJ doesn't go with a $10,000 Christian Dior sheitel or he didn't go for a facelift and nose job doesn't make him less of a human being.

  167. If you think Koklo is bad visit

    and see the real deal !

  168. 14 year old boy hit by jeep in Maryland.Condition critical.

  169. To Anonymous-batchu who needs his filthy Unterlander mouth washed out with a fine soap import from Budapest,

    No one is advocating more genocide, not even of Khazars who never converted to Judaism. Simply stated, It's a shame that Heinrich Himmler y's, picked Hungarians of all people to be the ones spared. We are now left with a disproportionate number of Magyars who make the front page NY Times with oft recurring chilul Hashem.

    We wouldn't have to put up with all this Hungarian drek if the Nazis saved all the Yeks or the Warsaw ghetto or Vilna instead.

    Go play monkey bars on your oversized crystal chandeliers.

  170. That anonymous Hungarian spewing the repetitive expletives shouldn't throw stones in his glass house. Munkatch refers to their own Rebbe that they booted out as "Mach Shmoy" as if he's on par with the Nazis.

  171. A Hungarian is shreying about advocating genocide? One of their own, a Hunk by the name of Rudolph Kazstner, was the only Jew in the land given freedom by the Nazis as long as went around to convince his brothers to get on the trains for "jobs and resettlement" a.k.a. the Aushwicz death train.

  172. "for you to single out the hungarians is totally idiotic and immature"

    You asked for it buddy. There will be a list compiled and posted here either later today or next week of the Hungarian rogue's gallery of crooks and lowlives. Try to match it with everyone else collectively (except sfardim). You won't even come close.

  173. 14 year old boy hit by jeep in Maryland.Condition critical.
    I sincerely pray for a Refuah Shelaima.

    I just need to comment to UOJ - Wow! Now they are coming here for tefillos. Do they believe in the zechusim of the bloggers here, or do they feel that Hashem must listen to these prayers or risk being blogged about here.

  174. Let's cut the bullshit about the Hungarians.The hijacking of judaism was done by the Litvishe in Lakewood and Bnei brak,etc. Mean and nasty Elya Svei-Litvak
    No penetration,no molestation Scheinberg-Litvak
    Sheitel ban-Litvak
    Slifkin ban-Litvak
    Making of a godol ban-Litvak
    Bugs in the water-Litvak
    Tuitions which are destroying families-Litvishe yeshivas
    Every schmuck must stay in
    I could go on but I have to help my wonderful Hungarian wife prepare yom tov

  175. i agree.
    the litvishe introduced the chumra society.
    they are the ones who open up bottles of soda before shabbos and let all the fiz out, ruins every kiddush!
    The chassidim open the soda fresh at the kiddush, nothing like a cup of gassy coke with your chulent!

  176. anon, above.

    You make a very good point.

    Basically what we have here is the Classic "Zevulun-Yissocher partnership"

    The frickin crooked Hungarians take care of the money (Gashmius) and the frickin crooked Litvaks take care of our Soul (Ruchnius).

    The rest of us poor shmucks are Erev Rav.

  177. The detailed attack on Litvaks that paints them as the supposed root of all evil is hilarious, especially considering the grubba Hungarian source.

    Of course fiction is usually thin on facts.

    The Slifkin ban was engineered by Hungarian Leib Pinter so he can kiss up to the Litvishe that so many Hungarians worship.

    Rav Scheinberg was manipulated by your friendly neighborhood Hungarian Leopold Margulies. We'll take Reb Elya Svei anyday over your demonic list from Margo on down. If tuition is too high it's because everyone's playing catch up to Margo.

    Many Litvishe gedolim will tell you privately that not everyone has to go to kollel. But why is kollel so bad? Because you are a "schmuck" who had to impress your Ungarisher shver even though you don't know how to learn? Life is tough Luzer.

    I guess your lovely wife (anyone ever notice how much excess facial hair Hungarian women have?) is busy mixing bug water into your Goulash.

    You peasants are the ones who hijacked Yiddishkeit. Simchos in Lita had mixed seating which is a big no-no in America thanks to the Hungarians.

    Lakewood yeshiva had to stop providing cholov stam butter that they received for free because the Hungarians complained.

    Lakewood yeshiva had to start serving parve dinners that were crap because of you Hungarians who complained that 5 hours and 31 minutes wasn't enough to wait after fleish.

    It became a whole song and dance to get the vein for kiddush in the Lakewood dining room because of you Hungarians who go beserk if a goy even LOOKS at the bottle.

    Be careful with the kokosh cake tonight so it doesn't make shmutzy your bekishe with the velvet strip.

  178. Many Litvishe gedolim will tell you privately that not everyone has to go to kollel.

    But if your little shepsel doesn't go, who you gonna make a shidduch with? The Vasser-Treiger's daughter?

    Why won't these Rabbi's say it PUBLICLY?

    Because it's their PARNA$$AH.

    They got us all by the short and curlys.

  179. "Let's cut the bullshit about the Hungarians."

    Sounds like he's scared stiff that his relatives or half of his shul is going to show up on that list of crooks that's being compiled for UOJ to broadcast around the world.

  180. Happywithhislot,

    Our sincere apologies if you feel deprived by the Litvaks of all the ingredients necessary (ie cholent with gassy coke) to produce melodious raychei nichoach. Just for your info, there are Litvishe poskim that hold you can open a new can and pour all the contents out and immediately dispose of the can.

  181. Check the yichus of most Litvaks and you'll find they are Ungarishe. They won't fess up that they are Magyars. "My grandparents lived in Vienna", "They were Ashkenazim not Hungarians" "We are Americans" blah blah blah

    The real Litvaks are predominantly non-practicing Jews.

    Check out Skevre, you can't find a Russki. All narishe Ungarishe.

    Even Weberman of the Neturei Karta, who is American as apple pie is Hungarian.

    I spoke to many old time Magyars and they say that the Poylisher yidden got what they deserved because they were were leaving the fold.

    The Hungarians did not expect the Nazis to come after them because they were ok in G-d's eyes.

  182. From

    Bubbe Yittel Lefkowitz:

    On the subject of Rabbi Lefkowitz standing up for true Jews everywhere, see A perfect example:

    Avi: "The legend isn't that they are gentiles; they are from "Bubbe Yittel" who was pregnant with their great grandfather while her husband was away for business one year. There is a Teshuva from The Divrei Chaim of Tsanz and Satmar Ruv giving a Heter to be engaged with their kids but most Satmars aren’t meshadech with them, but they are a huge family and they are marrying with their cousins."

    HirshelTzig: "Lefkowitzes marry other Satmarers as well, I know many personally."

    Tzemach Atlas: Can someone produce the tshuvos please?


    The Tshuvah is in Machne Chaim (not Divreh Chaim). Allegedly, she was pregnent from a Shed (Demon). Alegedly, the Satmar Rov said " while the Machen Chaim permitted this, who would want to marry a demon !!"
    Twistelton-Twistelton | 05.24.06 - 1:04 pm | #


    Great, immaculate conception
    Tzemach Atlas | Homepage | 05.24.06 - 1:05 pm | #


    I saw a letter from the Satmerer Rov saying that still in Europe he complained to an older rov (can't remember whom) that people were refraining from being meshadich with the Lefkowits family unfairly and that rov agreed with him.
    yehuda | 05.28.06 - 11:05 am | #

    Here is the link to the Tshuva of the Machne Chaim

  183. Show me a Hungarian whose definition of frumkeit and yeras shomayim is wearing 50 pairs of tzitis.

  184. The Hungarian definition of frumkeit is keeping silly minhugim from some shtetl while being mechalel Shabbos around the kitchen because they're grubbe Am Horatzim or just flat out don't give a damn.


    How the Laws Look the Other Way When It Comes to the Financial Improprieties of Religious Institutions, And How They Should Be Amended to Make Them Accountable


    Thursday, May. 04, 2006

  186. Find any Litvishe talmid chochom who starts his day like the Munkatcher Rebbe. You roll out of bed and me geit tze mikve at noon and then roll into shacharis at 1 pm when it's too late to daven.

    Hey Rabinowitz, you may be able to fool your Hungarian peasant chassidim, but you don't fool us. You don't just go from playing shortstop on the Telzer baseball team to closing your eyes and conjuring up nissim venifluos.

  187. Does anyone know if the Monkeycatcher Rabinowitz played "balls" with Shlomo Mandel of Yeshiva Of Brooklyn in Telz?
