Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Aaron Twerski-I am ashamed and greatly angered by what you did. I truly believe that your participation last night has damaged the Jews!

A Very Respected Criminal Defense Attorney Writes:

Dear Professor Twerski:

I apologize for writing this after the fact, and I have as yet heard no reports how the meeting went last night. And while as a criminal defense attorney I truly believe that all are presumed innocent until proven guilty, that is in the eyes of the law, but not in the eyes of a 'kahal' who must be concerned about 35 years of a 'shmu'ah' that has surrounded Rabbis Kolko and Margulies and YTT.

The (so far) lack of proof in the eyes of the law and halacha - although there seem to be many more than 'al pi shnayim aydim' around - may not condemn the parties yet legally, but I believe it does not give anyone the right for others to go out of their way in order to give them the cloak of purity and innocence as this hastily prepared meeting featuring yourself and David Mandel did. Clearly this was a P.R. campaign to make the public believe that Rabbi Margulies is innocent of all 'charges' against him. To the extent that you are (in my humble opinion) prematurely 'mesayai'a' him 'lidvar aveirah' - to perpetuate his claim of innocence in the cover-up - I am ashamed of you and greatly angered by what you did.

I truly believe that your participation last night has brought great harm and damage to the Jewish community at large, to your own reputation, to the institution that you are employed by, and to hundreds and hundreds of innocent kinderlach.

Had you truly been interested in helping alert the community to this problem, you would have received the invitation from Rabbi Margulies and then done all you could to move the meeting to another location, had it sponsored by an independent group, and found a sponsor for an ad and mailing that said "Invitation to all YTT Parents and Parents of any and all Yeshiva students to come hear experts on the topic 'Keeping your children safe and Preventing Abuse' ."

By allowing your name to appear on a YTT letterhead above the signature of Rabbi Margulies, I believe you have wrought upon yourself disgrace and shame. As our chazal have told us, "Oy la'rasha v'oy lishchayno."



  1. To the person who asked why he is crazy if he is frum:

    Unless you don't do any sins ever, you are crazy, because the gemora says that ain adam chote ele im cen nichnos bo ruach shtus.

    We are all crazy for sitting quietly as children are molested. We buy Jewish newspapers that care about many issues of lesser importance (I'm not only talking about bugs in water, etc.) and nothing about the abuse of children in our heilige yeshivas.

    We are all crazy for giving money to these yeshivas who refuse to listen to the plights of victims. And Torah Tmima is not the only one, (YOB, Gur, Ner Yisroel, etc.)

    We are all crazy because we daven in shuls of Robbonim who speak about every other issue with passion and concern, but have nothing to say for the helpless victims, not to mention the horrible chillul hashem that comes about from these coverups when they get out.

    We are all crazy because we have not called our District Attorney to prosecute the abusers because we fear the "chillul hashem" even after Newsday did a piece a year ago in which it said that in Brooklyn there are 2 codes of law, one for the Jews and one for everyone else. Talk about chillul hashem. This was after the papers to extradite Mondrowitz and bring him to justice, mysteriously disappeared due to community pressure.

    We are all crazy that we send our children to schools in which they are not safe, and do nothing to demand their safety from the educators who we trust them to.

    I don't think keeping the Torah is crazy, but being Frum in Brooklyn the way we do it really is


    We need massive therapy to help us all learn proper values and how to deal with reality. It will heal us and make us better Jews as well. Let's get help.

  2. This writes assumes. He assumes that Aaron Twerski has an ounce of honor in him.

    Anyone who knows his history of covering up horrendous crimes on behalf of Bobov and others, knows otherwise.

    Aaron Twerski is an unscrupulous deceptive hack who belongs alongside Margulies. They are a perfect match.

    His performance last night is in character.

  3. "Lawsuit Over Yudi Kolko, the Tora T'mima Rebbe's Nipple Fetish Resolved":

    child abuse is a problem in London's charedi chadarim and boys schools with the same tendency to cover up, lie, intimidate children and parents etc, and to attack those who actually object to this state of affairs.

    British charedim need to wake up and do something!

  4. Who says the weak law will even be enforced ? The Agudah must be rubbing their hands with glee.


    Some of New Jersey's state-financed preschools have failed to conduct required background checks on teachers and other employees, according to a published report. The Record of Bergen County found that the required checks, intended to prevent criminals and child abusers from working with children, are frequently incomplete or nonexistent. In 2005, proof that every required check had been completed was missing at 24 out of the 31 school districts in which the state is required to provide free preschool, the newspaper reported.

  5. Lawsuit Over Yudi Kolko, the Tora T'mima rebbe's Nipple Fetish Resolved
    By The Associated Press-Edited and amended by UOJ

    (AP) - Two former board members who refused to bare their breasts to a 250-pound (120-kilogram), love-language speaking rabbi named Kolko, have settled a lawsuit against the Rebbes Molester Foundation.

    Avrohom Greenfield and Yaakov Applegrad claimed they were fired after they refused to expose their bosoms to the rebbe, and after reporting sanitary problems at Kolko's home in Flatbush, an upscale town in Brooklyn, New York.

    The pair claimed they were threatened that if they “did not indulge Kolko's nipple fetish, their employment with the Rebbes Molester Foundation would suffer,” the lawsuit alleged.

    Greenfield and Applegrad claimed that Lipa "Gelt whore" Margulies, the molester's longtime caretaker and president of the "Genaive Lifetime Foundation", pressured them to expose their breasts as a way to bond with the 60-year-old pig, and to avoid getting Kolko angry enough to blackmail Margulies.

    “On one such occasion,” the lawsuit said, “Applegrad said, 'Kolko, you see my nipples all the time. You are probably bored with my nipples. You need to see new nipples.”

    The plaintiffs never undressed, said their attorney,"honest"Abe Konstam, from Monsey. The foundation has denied the allegations.

    Lawyers for both sides refused to disclose terms of the settlement, but Deep Nose claims that one of the elements of the settlement bans Kolko from going to the mikve for life.

    A second similar lawsuit filed by another employee is pending.

    The Rebbes molester Foundation was founded in 1976 to promote the preservation and study of perverted rebbes in black suits and hats. It's best known for Kolko, who has mastered a variety of more than 1,000 ways to seduce innocent kids.

  6. Recap of the June 12th circus on sexual abuse held at Yeshiva Torah Temimah as sent to UOJ:

    By: Sickened TT parents who attended the forum.

    Approximately 65 men and 50-60 women were present.

    Dais (on a raised platform) from left to right: Twerski, Mandel, Margulies, Hissiger, Finkel, Rappaport, Weisner

    Hissiger: Your children are # 1. Extremely important topic (apparently, referring to abuse) that hasn't been addressed in the OLAM H'Chinuch. Spoke about open lines of communication with our parents for example the 311 phone line and the Vaad Hahorim.

    Rabbi Rappaport:
    spoke about "bridging the gap" - between the the end of one year and the beginning of the next and the importance of a productive vacation.... Comprehensive summer programs... importance of writing letters to communicate to children...

    Margulies: In what seemed like a letter that his legal team had written for him, here are some lines:

    There are reports concerning alleged child abuse. I am precluded because of pending litigation from discussing. The safety and happiness (of the children) are the overriding goal and primary concern - always has and always will be.... Zero tolerance for any type of abuse - physical or emotional. We are taking steps for absolute safety. If anyone was ever subject to abuse, our hearts go out to them B'TZaarum to the fullest degree. Rav Shteinman compared our children to precious jewels. I could not agree more (SPARSE APPLAUSE)

    Twersky: I am a long time friend of the yeshiva and Rabbi Margulies. (boy, makes you wonder how Rabbi MArguluies picked him to sit on the Bais Din) When the allegations came out, Rabbi Margulies consulted with me and I consulted with David Mandel....

    The Forum is on the future. What can the Yeshiva do to provide maximum safety. We live in a dangerous world... We try to shelter our kids and are moderately successful. And what about sexual abuse? It most frequently comes from outside the school - friends, neighbors, relatives, and even parents - and and cases in the school.

    Several years ago - spoke to R' Malkiel Kotler. He goes on to quote a pasuk in tehilim - Hotziah M'masger Nafshi.... The Malbim says this is the imprisonment of the soul where one can not serve Hashem. Rabbi Kotler said this is Sexual abuse (actually a very nice Pshat) - locked up, intolerable burden, can stay with a person for many years...

    Several years ago the Rabbinical Board of Torah UMesorah met with David Mandel and myself to develop guidelines. The premise was zero tolerance in MOSODOS HACHINUCH. Examples. 1. No closet or enclosure without a window so that a passerby can't see 2. no bachur can be alone with a Rebbi. A new issur Yichud. Male/male female/female. Days are gone when a rosh yeshiva can sit privately with a bachur.... Sad but true.

    Formal process to investigating (think he meant Kolko). The Yeshiva is in full implementation of the guidelines (Torah Umesorah).

    Independent Ombudsman through whom parents can discuss these topics with... who will have no allegiance to anyone... objective.

    A trained counselor will be on staff for Rabbayim from Project Counter Force. For many years, Rabbayim have worked with this program but off site... now the counselor will be on site.

    Intensive training by OHEL on how to spot sexual abuse (wondering why Ohel is not sending guidance counselors into the classrooms to speak to the children)

    There have been charges impugning the character of Rabbi Margulies. I know him to be a man of great honor. Indeed, the 311 line had been set up before any of this occurred. Rabbi Margulies wanted to provide the parents with an independent way to voice themselves.

    Yeshiva is strong and vibrant. Move forward vigorously into the future...

    David Mandel Spoke about safe touching provided statistics 90% of children do not report... and 90% of molestation is by a a person they know..provided reasons why victims don't speak out... fear shame loyalty stigma. Mentioned that "unwanted touch" is on top of the clothing

    Discussed signals or red flags change in behavior extreme mood swing, nighmares, withdrawing unusual interest in sexuality fear of certain people

    Quoted Pelkowitz saying that children are very resilient and that Baruch Hashem the overwhelming majority of such children turn out to be 100% fine a small % who are badly hurt need professional help specialists must be sought.

    Questions from crowd passed up on index cards: How can we obtain the Torah Umesorah guidelines?

    Twersky answered call them up and they will give it to you it is not a state secret.(smart-ass)

    What about summer camps? my understanding is that guidelines went out and they are aware... you have a right to ask...

    What if a parent finds out that next door to his son's summer camp, a known child molester is renting a bungalow? Generally - it is similar to the store down the block (presumably who employs a molester)...in a Torah observant world...a lot of people to ask... ask your rov your rebbi morah dasrah...complicated not simple (really? Why not call the police or protest loudly)...ask your rov -who you consider to be the smartest...

    How far should one trust his rebbi? Implicitly, totally - no reason to believe otherwise. We've lived for thouands of years we trust our rebbis and the person next door we can not lead our lives in any other way...the world is mostly good

    What are future ramifications of abuse? Is there a critical time period when this must be addressed? "time heals all wounds" but not true for abuse trauma becomes encapsulated and difficult to access as time goes by more and more devastating...early treatment is better.

    Why were high school parents not invited? On behalf of the hanhala this can be provided.

    Can a molester ever do teshuva? Individuals may have touched a child and never hurt a child again... for the offender, it doesn't go away...similar to the prison that we spoke about early in the name of Rabbi Kotler... It is possible that they have stopped...there is the other extreme where they will continue to offend... does he have charatah? These are not one word answers you want them to be supervised until they no longer have the urge and replace it with other machshovos.

    Comment in response to a question about grooming children: some children succumb more easily - fit a profile - broken home...needy lonely...but molesters are sophisticated and will groom even others who don't fit this profile.

    Danger of Internet is that they can have "unwanted touching" without touching and develop relationship etc.

    TWERSKY: Questions on litigation and the past have been passed up front:...can't comment. These questions have to be dealt with in litigation. Time will tell.. the story will ultimately be told.

    TWERSKY: Closing statement: Rabbayim take a vow of poverty and are selfless... to allow one incident (really now???)...How do you trust your relatives?... the world is full of good people... we can't live under the shadow of the boogey man on the other hand we have to keep our eyes open..we can't paint with a broad brush that's devastatingly unfair. We shouldn't stop our lives over an unfortunate incident

    Yeshiva is commited to a vigorous program to making sure the children are safe...it will all be related to you. You are entitled to it and you will get it.

    Sickened Parents meeting after the circus: RESOLUTION:


  7. aron, where have you been all these years? What have you done for the klal? You are a nationally prominent authority on tort law. You occupy a prominent position with the American Law Institute. You have been a full professor at Brooklyn Law School, and now you are Dean at Hofstra Law School. Your name and photo have appeared in numerous legal and general media publications. You have prospered. You have occupied leadership positions at Agudath Israel. You are close to everyone in leadership there, and at Torah U'Mesorah. The sex abuse problem is now new. What have you done for the klal? Everyone is talking about background checks, and a registry - but where have you been Aaron? What have you done? Where have you been while children were being molested all these years? Why weren't you mentioned in the Jewish Week article? Or the New York Magazine article? Rabbi Blau, Rabbi Dratch, Rabbi Weinreb and Elliot Pasik were quoted. What about you Aaron?

    Sleep comfortably with your law books Aaron, while the victims continue to suffer, and the children are in danger. You just don't give a damn.
    i do not know what is involved to get mandel and twerski from thier positions and / or have thier licenses revoked for covering up for molesters.
    If you can give us some insight in this area please let us know

  8. I urge all concerned Jews to write letters of rebuke regarding Twersky's participitation in an illegal cover-up to the New York Bar Assoc. and the board of directors of Hofstra Law School.

    All complaints regarding David Mandel's behavior should be sent to the New York State Child Protective Services.

    All letters should be sent certified mail.

  9. uoj ,
    would it be fair to give Mandel and Twersky the heads up and an official warning that if they both do not come out with a public apology, both written and oral, within the next 48 hours, then we are going to the authorities to have them remove thier respective licenses?

  10. Aaron Twerski

    Hofstra University School of Law
    121 Hofstra University
    Hempstead, New York 11549

    Voice and E-mail

    Phone: (516) 463-5854
    Fax: (516) 463-6091
    E-mail: lawadt@hofstra.edu

    HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY Hempstead, NY 11549-1000 (516) 463-6600 © 2000-2006 Hofstra University

  11. I agree with you guys on Aaron Twerski. He makes me sick too.

    Mandel and Ohel are different. They're like doctors. They have to go wherever and whenever they're asked. Its an ethical imperative. They must treat everybody, everywhere.

    Twerski? He knows litte about the law in this area. His specialty is tort law. He's Margo's cloak of respectability. But you parents saw through it. He's a fraud, and a con artist.

    People should make their feelings known to the student newspapers at Hofstra. They'll print it. Twerski started this battle. Don't be afraid to fight back. This is an outrage. He's using his Hofstra prestige as a cloak of respectability for a terrible man, a destroyer of children's bodies and souls.

  12. *Mandel and Ohel are different. They're like doctors. They have to go wherever and whenever they're asked. Its an ethical imperative. They must treat everybody, everywhere.*
    Ethical imperitave ? my ass!!
    It would be ethical if he did show up and instead of speaking and showing support the way he did ,he shouldve turned the tables and instead blasted the margo clan in full view of the parents that were there last night. This i would call ethical .
    Is this your hakoras Hatov as a talmid of BME?

    Aron you blew it .
    Say good bye to your carrer

  13. Right you think this little prick UOJ is going to knock ouy Aaron twerski?
    Start smelling the coffee YTT is innocent all the Rabbonim back them and try as you might you can't besmerch all of them.


  14. Start smelling the coffee YTT is innocent all the Rabbonim back them and try as you might you can't besmerch all of them.


    They "besmerch" trhemselves with their actions.

  15. Hey UOJ prick are there any Rabbonim you hold of? Untill Reb Dovid Cohen turned the table on you he was the only one you liked. You might besmerch them on your blog together with Gedolim from 200 years ago but you are a joke.

  16. Maybe you can get some chizuk from your alter ego screen names Boog and Gross.

  17. It's Besmirch.

  18. Could always count on making a spelling mistake or two on purpose to wake up alter ego Gross.

  19. "Could always count"

    Perfect! TT boy.

  20. uoj, if he has a b.s. from marquette, what's your problem with his piece of paper from bm elyon? "to marquette, to marquette." His pulse is on the marquetplace. Why is a phony yeshiva degree worth revealing or worth any less than a btl from your beloved old Ivy, NER ISRAEL (a high level research institute)?

    OHEL, they said. How can we lose such important frontage on Ocean Parkway? For condos? Chas v'sholom.

    The Hofstra Dean knows that what our nation needs is more Medicaire sponsored and private pay assisted living facilities.


  21. R'UOJ,Shlita

    The Roshei Hayeshiva are clowns, one bigger than the next.They are only interested in kovod hatorah, walking in backwards, talking in the third person etc. The Rabbonim or better known as "Melave Malka Rebbes are on the most part idiots interested in their own kovod and who says krias sh'ma the longest and kvetches the loudest, in addition who can come in the latest to a simcha..since later means more bachovodik. The ADMORIM have absolutly NO CLUE at all. They take their clues from their shammosim who are total IDIOTS.

    Why do these cretins worry about 7 year old girls riding bicycles and women talking on cell phones.(as per signs posted all over Boro Park and Williamsburg) when our children are being destroyed by total incompetence and lunacy. Our leaders are leading us and our children down a path of destructions.Are we that stupid that we cant see what is happening? Why are we allowing this to continue? Help!

  22. YASSER KOACH ( margo) has struck again with his phony forum, crying crocodile tears, aided and abetted by twersky, and mandel.


    Parents, pull your kids now while you have time to register them elsewhere.

    They are not safe in YTT. The teaching staff will not come to your defense, will not help you, they are afraid for their jobs.


  23. Melave Malkah Rebbe,

    What's this about signs in boropark saying women can't talk on cell phones and girls can't ride on bikes?
    I didn't see it, can you share it with us?

  24. Somehow I don't think that a law school dean, or major personality, from a religiously-affiliated school, such as Cardozo, Touro, Notre Dame, Fordham, Georgetown, Brigham Young, would defend a scoundrel like Lipa Margulies who knowingly employed an active pedophile as a 1st grade teacher for more than 30 years (not to mention his refusal to appear in a religious tribunal to defend against claims).

    Twerski is a dean who looks religious, not a religious dean. He observes the rituals of the Jewish religion. Those rituals do not inform his work nor his life. He has compartmentalized his Judaism. He is a Jew in the home and the synagogue, not a Jew at work. He is more Hellenist, than Jew, seeking the pleasures of the outside world through his profession, by defending the powerful, and crushing the weak. He gets pleasure in the kavod, and defeating or at least slowing the victims' quest for justice. He uses his intellect for rishus, not for good. He aids the oppressors, as they seek to crush the oppressed.

    He can't talk about the allegations because a lawsuit has been filed. Does he have an answer for why the "yeshiva" did not talk about the allegations before the lawsuit was filed. Of course not. That would be answering the oppressed, and Twerski lacks a Jewish conscience, he is incapable of doing that.

    Twerski sits on a raised dias, alongside Margulies, Wiesner, and other gangsters. I'm reminded of the Judenrats and kapos. The "Jewish" traitors who oppressed the weak, the feeble, and the hungry.

    This is why Twerski stinks. He stinks, he stinks, he stinks, he stinks.

    Fuck you, Twerski. Eat shit, and fuck you.

  25. All institutions resist change, change of any kind.

    YTT is too big to simply go away. There is a catering hall to consider.

    Does twersky share his tort recipes?

  26. Melave Malkah Rebbe,

    Share with us some info about them signs in boro park and williamsburg against women on phones etc.

  27. Twerski's son-in-law, Rabbi Meilech Miller is a menahel in the Bobover cheder who works with kids at risk from not such heymishe backgrounds.

  28. What do you want the rabbonim to do? Rabbi Ginsberg spoke out and said any abuse is assurr, and you guys ripped him. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

  29. girl-loves-to-shop has left a new comment on your post "Lawsuit Over Yudi Kolko, the Tora T'mima Rebbe's Nipple Fetish Resolved":

    hi, i was just reading TIME MAGAZINE AND THIS WEB_SITE WAS MENTIONED so i decided to take a look. In my opinion i dont think anybody would lie about being sexually abused. Do you think there is the same kind of abuse going around in all girl schools?

    Its nice that we can say statments like "we need to wake up and do something" but reality is there is nothing we can do. If a child is being attacked right now somewhere in the world- the truth is we cant help. Instead of brain washing kids with thorah thoughts we should sit down and talk to our kids about topics some dare not to like sex, drugs etc..

  30. I must have missed this part of the story. Who is Ginsberg, what did he say, and what was UOJ's reaction? Please inform.

  31. ginsberg said shi*

  32. Obviously, sexual abuse of girls occurs in our community, just like it occurs with boys. Scientific research needs to be done to determine the prevalence of both. In the meantime, what can be done to encourage women to come forward on this site with their stories. Psychologically, the shame dynamics are much different for a girl/woman. For example, when the poor young woman was raped in Lakewood, Many people's first reaction was "nebach, she'll never get a shidduch." And when I complained about the ricdiculaousness of this statement, i was told that in our "Frum" community, that is in fact the way it works. She is screwed twice, by her rapist and by the community. Faced with this kind of backward thinking by our community, it may be even more difficult for females victims to tell anyone of their suffering.

    UOJ, what can we do for them?

  33. Ginsberg wrote a letter that there have been allegations that Rabbi Scheinberg said "no penetration is muttar" but this is not true. Any molestation is assurr.

    The comments here said that Ginsberg was full of it because he was hosting R' Scheinberg.

  34. Tzedek;

    Take your left-wing liberalism, bleeding heart mis-placed, mis-guided empathy and stick it up your hairy ass.

    Your attitude is one of the prime reasons we're in this friggin mess in the first place.

    Go read Jeremiah all you want and see if it does anything to undo past pedophilia and make whole the tormented victims.

    YASSER (margo) KOACH loves misfits like you, because he can control you. Wake up and smell the coffee.


  35. Rabbi Aaron Twerski is related to Dr. Issac Twersky of Monsey
    that was involved in treating convicted pedophile and NAMBLA member and instrumental in protecting Rabbi/Dr. Alan Horowitz who was relocated to the Ohr Somayach campus in Monsey so that he could avoid jail (until of course he reoffended a few
    years later and was jailed for several years)?
    see: http://www.theawarenesscenter.org/disciplineorder1.pdf

    A family of perverted Jews!

  36. Yeshiva In Sex Scandal Pledges More Protection
    Torah Temimah, at meeting with parents, admits no wrongdoing in Kolko
    Jennifer Friedlin - Special To The Jewish Week
    Jewish Week (NY)
    June 14, 2006

    The yeshiva at the heart of a sex abuse scandal that has rocked the
    Orthodox community of Flatbush has pledged to take a series of steps to
    protect children from sexual molestation, including forbidding teachers
    from being alone with students and hiring a counselor and ombudsman to
    hear any future complaints.

    While not admitting to any wrongdoing in the wake of two lawsuits that
    allege that Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah knowingly harbored a
    molester, the school announced the latest moves on Monday night at a forum
    attended by 150 parents of school-age children.

    A number of parents applauded the school’s efforts, and there were no
    critical questions from the audience. But some observers said the event
    shed light on the inner workings of the insular Brooklyn community in
    terms of the deference it pays to its leadership.

    The head of the yeshiva, Rabbi Lipa Margulies, who allegedly
    perpetrated a cover-up of the abuse and threatened students who made complaints,
    called the meeting, he said, to stress the importance of children’s
    safety. However, he declined to address parents’ concerns about the
    allegations, saying the matter was in litigation.

    “I’m sure you’ll understand, I am precluded because of pending
    litigation from discussing any of that,” Rabbi Margulies said in reference to
    the claims.

    In his only allusion to the past, he noted: “We always have had and
    always will have zero tolerance for any type of abuse, whether physical or
    emotional. … If, however, any member of our yeshiva family was ever
    subject to abuse by anyone at any time, our hearts go out for them and
    their families.”

    The event was the first open forum for parents following the filing of
    the lawsuits in May. In two complaints, three former students of Torah
    Temimah alleged that Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, a longtime rebbe at the
    school, had sexually molested them in attacks that occurred more than 20
    years ago. The lawsuits, which seek $30 million in damages, claim that
    Rabbi Margulies conducted a rigorous coverup, including the foiling of two
    beit dins convened in the 1980s to air alleged victims’ complaints.

    One of the alleged victims, David Framowitz, 48, said that Rabbi Kolko
    fondled him on multiple occasions in a car as well as in the school and
    at a summer camp for boys.

    After the lawsuit was filed in Brooklyn Federal Court, Rabbi Kolko, who
    has worked for the yeshiva for four decades, was put on administrative
    leave. Rabbi Margulies, who appears to have the community’s full
    support, has remained in his position.

    None of the named defendants in the two lawsuits — Rabbi Kolko, Torah
    Temimah and Camp Agudah — have yet responded to the lawsuit. A lawyer
    for Torah Temimah previously denied the allegations.

    In the wake of the charges, Torah Temimah invited Rabbi Aaron Twerski,
    dean of the Hofstra University Law School, and David Mandel, the
    executive director of Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services, a Jewish
    social service agency, to speak at the event on Monday night.

    Rabbi Twerski, a legal scholar who said he has been working on the
    issue of abuse for “a long time,” dismissed the allegations against Rabbi

    “I know Rabbi Margulies for many years and know him to be a man of
    great honor,” said Rabbi Twerski. He did not make any comments about Rabbi

    Rabbi Twerski then outlined a host of steps he said the yeshiva was
    taking to improve school safety, including agreeing to train employees to
    recognize signs of abuse. In addition, he said the school would be
    hiring a counselor and an ombudsman to handle claims of abuse.

    One member of the audience was overheard saying under her breath, “It’s
    about time.”

    In addition, Rabbi Twerski said the school had implemented a number of
    guidelines, including forbidding teachers to be alone with students and
    requiring that there be no enclosure without windows “so that a
    passerby cannot see what is going on.”

    Rabbi Twerski also said that Torah Temimah was in the process of
    implementing additional, but undefined, steps recommended by Torah U’Mesorah,
    the Jewish education arm of Agudath Israel of America.

    A call placed to Torah U’Mesorah in search of the guidelines was not

    Following Rabbi Twerski, Mandel spoke about ways to engage children in
    conversations about sex abuse. Mandel noted that it was up to the
    parents to engage their children because most victims do not come forward
    due to shame, fear of their abusers, a sense of loyalty to their abusers
    and/or concern about being stigmatized.

    However, when an audience member asked whether sex education could help
    to strengthen children’s knowledge of inappropriate behaviors and
    empower them to come forward if someone violated them, Mandel responded that
    sex education was “not something realistic” in a community that
    stresses modesty.

    He told parents that the overwhelming majority of children who have
    experienced “unwanted touch” would go on to live happy, healthy lives,
    while only a “small percentage” of individuals would be permanently harmed
    by the abuse

    Mandel also said that abusers could be treated for their perversions.

    “An individual who abuses children and who participates in treatment
    can lead a successful life and be believed that they would no longer hurt
    children,” Mandel said.

    When asked, in an interview the following day, whether such people
    could work with children again, Mandel evaded the question.

    Several parents who were in attendance said they were pleased with the
    information they received and with the school for holding the session.

    “A little too late, but better late than never,” said one parent
    following the event.

    Another parent, requesting anonymity, said he felt the school was
    “taking every step humanly possible” to prevent abuse. He added that Rabbi
    Margulies had his full confidence.

    But some Orthodox observers said the event amounted to a whitewash of
    the allegations.

    Rabbi Yosef Blau, spiritual adviser at Yeshiva University who has been
    working to focus communal attention on the problem of rabbinic abuse,
    said that the community was so “authority oriented” that it prevented
    members from demanding more accountability from its leadership.

    “No one who protected him [Rabbi Kolko] all these years is paying any
    price,” Blau said, adding that Rabbi Margulies “should remove himself
    for awhile until things can be reviewed objectively.”

    Rabbi Mark Dratch, executive director of JSafe, an organization that
    fights abuse in the Jewish community, said the Brooklyn Orthodox
    community had a somewhat spotty record of taking care of its own.

    “Part of the problem with Brooklyn is that it’s a very insular
    community,” Rabbi Dratch said. “They look to solve the problems themselves even
    if it’s not in the best interest of the community.”

  37. Rabbi Twerski, a legal scholar who said he has been working on the
    issue of abuse for â€Å“a long time,” dismissed the allegations against Rabbi

    â€Å“I know Rabbi Margulies for many years and know him to be a man of
    great honor,” said Rabbi Twerski. He did not make any comments about Rabbi

  38. Someone said that Twerski has been covering up abuse in Bobov. Would he care to let us in on the details?

  39. Why is he the only talmid chochom we have heard thus far to publicly call for Margo to be removed? Shame on other rabbonim who had better start jumping on the bandwagon and had better do it pronto.

  40. "A number of parents applauded the school’s efforts"

    Margo must think yeshiva parents are as stupid as Democrats in attendance at the National Convention. Party operatives get stooges to applaud everything for the cameras and to energize the crowd in a phony show of enthusiastic support.

    The only thing missing besides Twerski & Mandel was a laugh track.

  41. “I know Rabbi Margulies for many years and know him to be a man of
    great honor,” said Rabbi Twerski.

    Hit it.

  42. only a “small percentage” of individuals would be permanently harmed by the abuse.

    Mandel also said that abusers could be treated for their perversions.

    - end quote

    Let's see what Mandel says if one of his kids is abused.

    As the National Chairman of the Safe Kids Campaign and the former U.S. Surgeon General who knew and respected Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, it sounds to me like Mandel is full of it.

  43. A parent has full confidence in Rabbi Margolis? Orthorev is right - the guy's got a mental disorder.

  44. "Several parents who were in attendance said they were pleased with the information they received and with the school for holding the session."

    We have to hold on to YTT so we can be choshuv. Es passt nisht to live in a triple mortgaged Italian brick house with a Lexus and Infiniti in the driveway and have to send our kids to Torah Vodaas or Mir along with the peons.



    wealth seeking, prefers extravagence, superficial, believes the bigger the pay check the more important the person, competitive, selfish, preoccupied with money, believes they deserve to have whatever they want (sense of entitlement), seeks status and power relative to peers, believes there is nothing wrong with marrying partly for money, disdains financial insecurity, avoids losing status and control, looking good is more important than comfort, believes in success through appearances, second place is not good enough, manipulative, has a need for applause, not generous, loves to win awards, does things primarily for own benefit, gets angry when they don't get when they want, used to getting their way, prefers instant gratification


    “I’m sure you’ll understand, I am precluded because of pending
    litigation from discussing any of that,” Rabbi Margulies said in reference to the claims.

    In his only allusion to the past, he noted: “We always have had and
    always will have zero tolerance for any type of abuse, whether physical or emotional. … If, however, any member of our yeshiva family was ever subject to abuse by anyone at any time, our hearts go out for them and their families.”


  46. David_Mandel@ohelfamily.org

    This is my working address. I will be happy to respond to all emails, just please tell me your name.
    Thank you

  47. Excerpt from full article below:
    >“People go to rabbonim [rabbis] to talk,” said David Mandel,
    >chief executive officer of the Brooklyn-based Ohel Children’s
    >Home and Family Services. “This law may discourage people from
    >going to talk to their rabbis if they think that the conversation
    >is going to be on the record.”
    >That, Neiburg argues, “is like saying that since pediatricians
    >are mandated reporters, no one will bring a kid with injuries that
    >could look like abuse to a pediatrician, and it obviously doesn’t
    >work that way.”
    >Even so, said Mandel, “the legislation may be premature” for the
    >Orthodox community.
    >“Legislation will not necessarily dramatically improve the way the
    >Orthodox community handles these issues,” he said. “Continuing to
    >educate the community, to remove the stigma from the victim and his
    >or her family and put the onus on the offender, will make the most
    >dramatic changes.”

    Haredi Group Balks At Clergy Law
    ‘Some rabbis may not comply’ with measure mandating report of sexual
    abuse suspicions,
    Debra Nussbaum Cohen - Staff Writer

    New legislation adding clergy to those professionals who are legally
    required to report suspected child abuse is being welcomed by a wide
    range of rabbinic leaders and those who work with victims, but it is being
    opposed by an influential group in the fervently Orthodox community.

    As Catholic Church officials struggle to deal with a flood of lawsuits
    over the sexual abuse of children by priests, the New York state Senate
    unanimously passed the measure. The Assembly is preparing a similar

    The legislation comes as Manhattan’s largest Reform congregation,
    Temple Emanu-El, remains silent on the sexual abuse charges against its
    cantor, though its leadership had information about the allegations before
    Howard Nevison was arrested last month. (See accompanying story.)

    Professionals who come into contact with children — doctors, nurses and
    dentists, schoolteachers and administrators, psychologists, social
    workers, child care workers and law enforcement staff — must report to the
    state any suspected abuse.

    But clergy have been exempt from the requirement in New York since
    1828, when the state Legislature became the first in the nation to protect
    the “clergy-penitent privilege.” The law has stood through the efforts
    of the Catholic Church and Agudath Israel of America, which have
    blocked measures for change at the state and local levels.

    This time, however, the Church is staying out of the fray, leaving only
    Agudath Israel, which represents the interests of fervently Orthodox
    Jews on a variety of issues, in opposing the addition of clergy to the

    The organization, whose offices are essentially closed for the Passover
    holiday, is still undecided on whether it will formally oppose the
    bills, said David Zwiebel, Agudah’s executive vice president for
    governmental and public affairs.

    But, he said, if the law is passed without any exemption for
    clergy-penitent privilege, some Orthodox rabbis may choose not to comply with it.

    “If the law tells the rabbis ‘you’ve got to go to the authorities on
    this’ and the rabbis feel that, for instance, a case of abuse goes back
    seven years and the best way to deal with it now is to refer the man to
    therapy rather than to law enforcement, they will choose to deal with
    it themselves,” said Zwiebel, who is also an attorney.

    “You decide where your first duties and obligations are,” he said.

    Illustrating the position of some in the haredi community, an Orthodox
    pediatrician in Brooklyn who has lectured on child abuse and
    disseminated tapes of her speeches has said that though she is required to report
    suspicions of child abuse, she checks with her rabbi to get permission.

    Psychology professionals who work with victims of sexual and physical
    abuse say the new law will likely help their young victims.

    It “makes it easier for clergy to do the right thing,” said Herb
    Neiburg, who directs behavioral medicine at the psychiatric Four Winds
    Hospital in Katonah, N.Y., and teaches pastoral counseling at the
    Conservative movement’s Jewish Theological Seminary.

    “When something is mandated by law, it takes away the guilt over
    breaking what used to be this old type of priest-penitent relationship,” he

    “The tough part will be when clergy hear that other clergy have
    molested kids. It’s always tough to turn in a colleague, but it has to get
    done,” said Neiburg. “This law will open that door.”

    Leaders of the Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist and centrist
    Orthodox movements have all publicly voiced support for the legislation.

    But those who work with the fervently Orthodox say it may not work in
    their community, which is suspicious of secular authority and has its
    own way of dealing with problems — relying on rabbinic judgment.

    “People go to rabbonim [rabbis] to talk,” said David Mandel, chief
    executive officer of the Brooklyn-based Ohel Children’s Home and Family
    Services. “This law may discourage people from going to talk to their
    rabbis if they think that the conversation is going to be on the record.”

    That, Neiburg argues, “is like saying that since pediatricians are
    mandated reporters, no one will bring a kid with injuries that could look
    like abuse to a pediatrician, and it obviously doesn’t work that way.”

    Even so, said Mandel, “the legislation may be premature” for the
    Orthodox community.

    “Legislation will not necessarily dramatically improve the way the
    Orthodox community handles these issues,” he said. “Continuing to educate
    the community, to remove the stigma from the victim and his or her
    family and put the onus on the offender, will make the most dramatic

  48. HOW SUPER CRAZY INSANE. (Note to 'pieces of crazy'- YES, this IS highly repetitive,)

    When it comes to LOSHON HARA- they say "we must not violate the laws of the torah for any reason- ever!"


    "Well, because of a lawsuit we can't talk."

    NOW THE ENGLISH LAW SUPERSEDES THE COMMANDMENT (incorporated into many many other commandments) OF NOT CAUSING SUFFERING TO YOUR CHAVER!!?!?!?



    Repeat after me:



    This Margulies situation has gotten so out-of-hand it defies all logic and reasoning.

    This cannot be left alone.

    Would you be agreeable to setting up a place on this website to form an email distribution list. With the power of your site you would be able to get 10,000 to 20,000 addresses-- easy.

    Then, a weekly publishing could be circulated with really piercing headlines/articles.

    This in turn would be forwarded-on by all 'members' to everyone on their email contact list- bringing the circulation in the 100,000's.

    First Title (in super bold) would have (side by side) the Nazi Germany apology and then a quote from TT "we will not apologize".

    I know you are busy and I would do anything to assist in this project if you are interested- please let me know via email or through posting on this board.

    Everybody- (yes- I am repeating myself again):




    INSTEAD.. the great suggestion that we "take a summer vacation and everything will be alright" was given.



    Margulies is a ‘rodef’ since he is actively KILLING the victims by not apologizing and causing them (by dragging this out) to re-live their abuse over and over again.



    I am, OrthoRev.

  49. Haredi Group Balks At Clergy Law
    ‘Some rabbis may not comply’ with measure mandating report of sexual
    abuse suspicions,

    New legislation adding clergy to those professionals who are legally
    required to report suspected child abuse is being welcomed by a wide
    range of rabbinic leaders and those who work with victims, but it is being
    opposed by an influential group in the fervently Orthodox community.

    As Catholic Church officials struggle to deal with a flood of lawsuits
    over the sexual abuse of children by priests, the New York state Senate
    unanimously passed the measure. The Assembly is preparing a similar

    The law has stood through the efforts
    of the Catholic Church and Agudath Israel of America, which have
    blocked measures for change at the state and local levels.

    This time, however, the Church is staying out of the fray, leaving only
    Agudath Israel, which represents the interests of fervently Orthodox
    Jews on a variety of issues, in opposing the addition of clergy to the

    The organization, whose offices are essentially closed for the Passover
    holiday, is still undecided on whether it will formally oppose the
    bills, said David Zwiebel, Agudah’s executive vice president for
    governmental and public affairs.

    But, he said, if the law is passed without any exemption for
    clergy-penitent privilege, some Orthodox rabbis may choose not to comply with it.

    “If the law tells the rabbis ‘you’ve got to go to the authorities on
    this’ and the rabbis feel that, for instance, a case of abuse goes back
    seven years and the best way to deal with it now is to refer the man to
    therapy rather than to law enforcement, they will choose to deal with
    it themselves,” said Zwiebel, who is also an attorney.

    “You decide where your first duties and obligations are,” he said.

    Illustrating the position of some in the haredi community, an Orthodox
    pediatrician in Brooklyn who has lectured on child abuse and
    disseminated tapes of her speeches has said that though she is required to report
    suspicions of child abuse, she checks with her rabbi to get permission.

    But those who work with the fervently Orthodox say it may not work in
    their community, which is suspicious of secular authority and has its
    own way of dealing with problems — relying on rabbinic judgment.

    “People go to rabbonim [rabbis] to talk,” said David Mandel, chief
    executive officer of the Brooklyn-based Ohel Children’s Home and Family
    Services. “This law may discourage people from going to talk to their
    rabbis if they think that the conversation is going to be on the record.”

    Even so, said Mandel, “the legislation may be premature” for the
    Orthodox community.

    “Legislation will not necessarily dramatically improve the way the
    Orthodox community handles these issues,” he said. “Continuing to educate
    the community, to remove the stigma from the victim and his or her
    family and put the onus on the offender, will make the most dramatic

  50. Orthorev,

    While some may debate wether you have various psychological and attitude problems, writing in large cap upper case is definitely rude.

    Could you please go easy on our eyes and start typing like a mentch?


  51. Orthorev, when are you going to update your site? Also, what's your take on people growing brisker payos?

  52. “I know Rabbi Margulies for many years and know him to be a man of
    great honor,”

  53. Isaac Twerski And Aaron are brothers.
    A family that protects pedophiles and HONORABLE people like Margulies deserves to be outed.
    Aaron, I am starting a letter writing campaign to Hostra and the Bar.
    There will be hundreds of letters from attorneys expressing our outrage.
    I defend menuvalim, yes, they're entitled to a defense, but I turned Margulies down because I could not bring myself to defend a "rabbi" who in my opinion is a bigger criminal than Sammy The Bull Gravano.

  54. "Man of honor" is an oft used term for mafiosos. That would mean that a "Great man of honor" designation would make Margo the boss of bosses & Twerski a Capo.

  55. Brafman,

    So then what's your self-righteous explanation for defending one of the biggest chilul Hashems on two-feet, in the form of Leib Pinter?

  56. Man is this ever pathetic. Margo looked like such a liar on Monday night that even O.J. Simpson was more believable when he took the stand.

  57. MR. MANDEL,

  58. "Mandel told parents that the overwhelming majority of children who have
    experienced “unwanted touch” would go on to live happy, healthy lives,
    while only a “small percentage” of individuals would be permanently harmed
    by the abuse"


  59. Thank you Jennifer for your wonderful article. However what you failed to mention is that this same Lipa Margolis who want's windows on doors, let Kolko who he knew had allegations against him to have his own private bathroom. How sick is that.

  60. Even so, said Mandel, “the legislation may be premature” for the
    Orthodox community.

    “Legislation will not necessarily dramatically improve the way the
    Orthodox community handles these issues,” he said. “Continuing to educate
    the community, to remove the stigma from the victim and his or her
    family and put the onus on the offender, will make the most dramatic

    Mandel; you ass-hole. You have had years to get this accomplished. You and your cronies who are there to protect our children have been abysmal failures. Instead of being pro-active, you have been part of the cover-up.

    Your Sitting on the YASSER (MARGO) KOACH panel the other night and granting 'legitimacy' to a "Rosh yeshiva" Rodef who has Jewish blood on his hands tells us everything we need to know about you, and it ain't pretty.

    You have let Jewish parents and children down. SHAME on you.

  61. Over the last few days, I received numerous e-mails and have been the subject of blog chatter concerning Ohel’s role in Yeshiva Torah Temimah. The letters have focused primarily on two issues – why is Ohel “covering up” for YTT, and why did I agree to speak at YTT rather than in another venue?

    The forum Monday evening at Yeshiva Torah Temimah was for parents whose children attend YTT. It had several purposes: discussing Chinuch over the summer months, as well as Keeping our Children Safe, Prevention and Response to Sexual Abuse. Parent forums are generally held in Yeshiva school buildings their children attend.. I, on behalf of Ohel, was invited to provide information to parents on how to prevent, identify and respond to sexual abuse, a very complex issue that has varying meanings and.responses at different ages and at different stages of one’s life. Information was provided to help parents identify early signs, red flags, how to question a child, provide support and seek treatment. This was followed by a Q & A, and questions that did not relate to the pending litigation were addressed. Ohel staff has presented at forums for parents, educators and the public many times over the last eight years throughout New York and across the United States.

    While the issue is of interest to our community at large, it is most relevant to the YTT parent body. Therefore, the most important question is, was the information imparted at the Monday evening forum helpful to them for the present and for the future? There were 100 parents, so it could result in 100 differing responses. We can only hope the information and the forum was helpful, especially to any individual who came that evening searching for, as we say, a pesach, a door to walk through.

    All the Best,

    David Mandel

  62. Mandel;

    Wrong venue, terrible timing. The fact that you acquiesced to appear under the auspices of YASSER (margo) KOACH in his building during on-going litigation against him and his 'yeshiva' speaks volumes about your lack of decision-making abilities and common sense. You were 'used'.

    If you really want to protect our children against pedophiles, as you aver, have these forums on neutral sites, e.g., yeshivas that are not under a cloud as YTT is.

    Rhetoric without action that is appropriate to the time and place is meaningless.

  63. Orthorev,

    You have my blessings(not that you need them.) Go for it my friend!

  64. I kindly urge everyone that lives in the vicinity to attend this demonstration!

    The following comes from a source at Jewish Women International

    Dear Friends of CHANA and all those interested in justice,

    On Sunday June 18th at 10:30am your presence is needed in support of an abused woman.

    Under Jewish law, only a man can grant a divorce. When he refuses the woman lives her life as an agunah, literally chained to her past and her husband no matter how abusive or unfaithful he has been. She is not allowed to date or remarry and her children are often viewed as coming from an unhealthy situation and not a good choice for friendship or marriage.

    CHANA has a client who has been in this untenable situation for quite some time. She has been granted a divorce by the state of Maryland. Several Protective Orders were granted by the District court due to abuse to her and her children by the ex-husband. The Circuit Court of Maryland found that the husband voluntarily impoverished himself (abandoned a $50,000 a year job) in order to avoid paying child support. He testified under oath that he had several sexual affairs while he was married.

    Still, as a last bastion of control over this woman, he refuses to give her a get (Jewish divorce). The Vaad HaRabbonim (group of Orthodox Rabbis) of Baltimore have issued a statement that this gentleman is not complying with his obligations and until he does so, should not be welcomed into other Jewish homes, businesses or places of worship. Still the man refuses to give his ex-wife the freedom to move on with the rest of her life.


    The object will be show this individual that his behavior is not acceptable and that the community wants her to be unchained from him and given the justice that everyone deserves.

    The demonstration is being organized by Get Ora, an organization in New York that advocates for women in these situations. Information on the group can be found at www.getora.com.

    Please consider doing this mitzvah.

    Letter from the Vaad HaRabbonim of Greater Baltimore
    has been issued towards
    Mr. Efraim Ohana
    3600 Labyrinth Road Apt. J2,Baltimore, MD

    which states that he should be refused entry into all
    shuls and homes

    Mr. Ohana has refused to give his wife a Get
    A peaceful demonstration is scheduled in front of his home
    Sunday, June 18th at 10:30am

    With the support of
    Rav Yaakov Hopfer
    President, Vaad HaRabbonim

    Rav Shraga Neuberger
    Magid Shiur, Ner Yisroel

    Rav Moshe Hauer
    Rav, Congregation Bnai Jacob ShaareiZion

    Rav Hershel Schachter
    Rosh Yeshiva,YeshivaUniversity
    Please do everything within your power to attend the upcoming rally!!!

    We hope and pray that Mr. Ohana will give the Get in a timely manner as required of him by Jewish Law.

  65. OrthoRev,

    Father of 3?

    From your homepage...

    "I am a married professional, have several children (2 boys, 2 girls), and am wholeheartedly disillusioned by 'Orthodox Judaism"- as practiced "

  66. Orthorev, what would be the point of a radio show? The retards who drink the chareidi cool-aid will still do what they've always done. But I support you a hundred percent.

  67. A radio show would be great. It would bring this blogspot's message to the whole community on a regular basis. Callers of course would be anonymous, for fear of life and limb, but the message would get out there. Great idea. But who would be ther moderator? What price would be on his head?

  68. Under Jewish law, only a man can grant a divorce. When he refuses the woman lives her life as an agunah, literally chained to her past and her husband no matter how abusive or unfaithful he has been. She is not allowed to date or remarry and her children are often viewed as coming from an unhealthy situation and not a good choice for friendship or marriage.

    Ask the Bais Din to render a Psak of Chayav Litain Get or better yet Kefiyah.

    Once you have this Psak report back and Mr. Ohana will be persuaded to give his wife a get.

    This is one area where Bais Din, used properly, will deliver.

    Good luck.

  69. Rattling the Cage: Community of collaborators

    Larry Derfner, THE JERUSALEM POST Jun. 8, 2006

    It's one thing when the haredim riot to keep a street closed on Shabbat, or to stop archeological digs, or to trash billboards showing girls in bikinis. But when they're rioting against the police for daring to look into the alleged deaths by child abuse of haredi babies - even when a haredi father has confessed to bashing and biting his three-month-old son to death - that's something else altogether.

    When haredim in Jerusalem instantly turn the young so-called father Yisrael Valis into a hero and victim of a police "blood libel," and when haredim in Ashdod storm a cemetery and snatch the corpse of a one-year-old girl who allegedly died because her haredi parents didn't believe in inoculations or antibiotics, this is not "colorful." It's not a "cultural difference," either.

    This, instead, is all the proof any reasonable person needs to see that there's something twisted in the psyche of haredi society. The problem is not just the Valis family in Jerusalem and the Sitner family in Ashdod, it's the haredi community at large that's gone to war for these two families against the "evil regime" that's pursuing them over the deaths of their little children.

    Imagine if such deaths had occurred to babies living in normal, mainstream communities. The accused parents would obviously be seen as monsters, or at the very least strongly suspected of being monsters, by everyone. People's allegiance would go strictly to the memory of the babies.

    But has anyone in the haredi community spoken up publicly for these two deceased infants, Refael Valis and Malka Sitner? In the haredi war against the "Nazi" police, these two young victims are irrelevant. The real victims, in the haredi view, are their parents.

    Valis's grandparents' home in Mea She'arim, where he is under house arrest, has become a pilgrimage site; the place is reportedly filled with haredi yeshiva students coming to study and pray with him. The big-name haredi rabbis put in obligatory appearances. By now Valis has retracted his April confession - that he slammed his son against the wall because of the boy's birth defect and incessant crying - but even before he wised up and claimed the police coerced him into confessing, the people of Mea She'arim had made him their new martyr, their new cause celebre, and were setting streets on fire.

    In Ashdod, whoever knows where Malka Sitner was buried isn't saying. Police asked a prominent local haredi rabbi, Shmuel David Gross, to make a halachic ruling that anyone with information about the body-snatchers or the burial site should tell them. Rabbi Gross, however, made a very different ruling - he warned his followers not to go to the police with information because this might make them "informers" in the biblically worst sense.
    "Only the leading halachic authorities can decide on giving names to the police," the rabbi declared. (The baby girl died after a week of high fever, which her parents chose to treat homeopathically instead of with antibiotics as a physician had prescribed. They reportedly hadn't seen to her inoculations. The child's corpse was abducted last week from the purification room of the Ashdod cemetery as hundreds of haredim, enraged at having learned that a criminal court had ordered DNA tests to be performed on the baby's body, assaulted police.)

    WHAT IS there to make of all this - that the haredim don't love their children as much as other parents love theirs? That they have so many kids, and have them at least in part out of religious obligation, that they don't really care that much about them as individuals?

    A lot of secular, anti-haredi Israelis believe this; I definitely don't. As far as basic, instinctive parental love goes, I see no evidence that haredim have any less of it than the ordinary run of mothers and fathers. (Yisrael Valis, however, seems to be a different case entirely.)
    But I also believe that the mothers and fathers at Jonestown loved their children, even as they gave them cyanide-laced Kool Aid to drink. The problem with the parents at Jonestown wasn't a lack of love for their children, the problem was that they belonged to a crazed cult, and had been brainwashed by a messianic leader and by group hysteria into thinking they were "saving" their children from an evil regime, the US, that in fact was coming to rescue them.

    The problem at Jonestown wasn't in the parents' hearts, but in their minds. When a community mobilizes to murder its own children, that's the mind working, not the heart.

    Just so it's clear, I am not equating the canonization of Yisrael Valis or the omerta being enforced in Ashdod with the mass murder/suicide in Jonestown. The haredim aren't lining up to kill their children - you obviously can't equate the two.

    But you certainly can compare the two. While the haredim aren't a community of child-killers, they are a community of moral collaborators after the fact with the killing of two haredi children that, to a disinterested eye, seem at this point to have been caused, respectively, by the Sitners' fanaticism and Yisrael Valis's awful brutality. (Incidentally, these people are innocent until proven guilty only in the eyes of the judge; everyone else is fully entitled to form any opinion he wants.)

    The haredim aren't guilty of evil on the scale of Jonestown, but they are guilty of evil. They've made heroes and martyrs out of parents who give any normal person the chills, and made villains out of the police trying to do justice in the name of the victims.

    What sort of message about child abuse are the haredim sending to young haredi parents? What sort of message about child abuse are they sending to haredi children?

    This is almost too appalling to think about. But Israeli society had better start thinking and doing something about it, for the sake of the helpless haredi children if nobody else. Their parents have good hearts, they love their kids, but they are brainwashed members of a cult - a very large, ancient Jewish community, but one led by absolute spiritual rulers, one that insists on utter conformity, that holds fanatical beliefs, and that views society at large and its instruments of power as demonic. In short, a cult. The haredim are rioting for the Sitner parents and Yisrael Valis. Shouldn't society at large be rioting for Malka Sitner and Refael Valis?

  70. Get Me'usseh or coerced get.

    It is a basic principle in the laws of gittin (religious divorce) that the husband must give the get of his free will without compulsion. Consequently, interference with the husband's free will involvement in the get procedure would raise the question of a get me'usseh, a coerced get.

    There are certain specific cases where the halacha prescribes coercion as a legitimate means of effecting a get in order to remove the wife from an intolerable situation. In regard to the proper use of coercion in such situations, the Gemara discusses and establishes the guidelines for the exercise of this method for the executing of a get. It is required that the Bet Din first deliberate and rule that the husband is in the category of one who must be compelled to give the get. Only then is compulsion employed.

    After due deliberation, the Bet Din may employ even physical methods for compliance, and even non-Jews may act as its agents. They are to state to the recalcitrant spouse: "Do what the Jewish court has told you to do!" These procedures are discussed in the Gemara, and are considered legitimate and effective, as long as there is adherence to the guidelines applicable in the specific case. The principle of permissible coercion must be initiated and decided by a Bet Din before employing non-Jews to carry out the get procedure. If it is initiated by non-Jews without the ruling of a Bet Din, even if such a ruling were in favor of a get, the get would be considered "pasul" (invalid).

    In a situation where Bet Din has determined that a coerced get is proper, and non-Jews are carrying out their ruling, there is a difference of opinion whether the non-Jews must clearly state, "Do what the Bet Din of Israel are telling you!"

    According to R. Meir Halevi,5 if they do not mention the Jewish court, the get is pasul even if the Bet Din has ruled that he must be coerced. However, the Rosh disagrees and rules that the get is valid even if the non-Jews made no mention of the Bet Din's ruling, as long as that ruling permitted coercion.

    In regard to the method of coercion which may be employed, there is a controversy whether actual physical force may be used in a case where the Talmud only used the expression "yotsi," i.e. the husband should divorce his wife, or whether he is to be told that he is obligated by law to divorce his wife and if he refuses he may be called an "avaryan", a law-breaker. Because of this dispute the Ramo rules that physical force should not be used in these cases, in order to avoid a possible get me'usseh. But where the relationship is forbidden, he states that physical force may be used to compel the giving of a get.

  71. mandel

    so if a neo-nazi group under investigation by the justice department invited you to lecture on anti-semitism to spruce up their image you would of course acquiesce in order to give them "information".

    know this. we here in the frum community are not as stupid as you think we are. maybe weve been asleep but were not stupid. you are in a leadership position but instead of demonstrating leadership you are demonstrating both contempt and cowardice.

    we are outraged at what margolis has done to jewish children and doubly outraged at the jewish leadership that has stood by and turned a blind eye to this ongoing horror. even now you still don't get it. you still think that soporific platitudes and lip service to "child abuse" will ameliorate the damage and calm the angry masses and we are going to let that monster continue.

    You don't even begin to know how wrong you are. we are going to put margolis out of business with or without your help. we will also hold accountable each and evrey member of jewish leadership who so miserably failed jewish children. i am sorry to say that by your participation in margolis' sick coverup on monday night you have joined the ignonimous ranks of jewish leaders who must go. I suggest you resign your position in disgrace right now and issue a public apology to the hundreds of victims of kolko/margolis who were yet again betrayed by jewish leadership -- you and aaron twersky.


  72. Are blessings equal to cash?

    Bless us all, Rebbeh jou.

  73. Folks, I'm disappointed w/ Twerski, but Mandel has a point. Someone has to give YTT parents information on how to spot abuse. Let me play the devil's advocate. Ohel was in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. If they didn't send a representative they could be accused of abandoning the families that are most likely affected by the problem. Some of the stuff I've read about Ohel doesn't exactly fill me with confidence in that organization, but in this case I think they had to participate.

  74. NEWS FLASH!!

    Pinchos Lipschutz comes out in support of UOJ.

    Wednesday, June 14, 2006
    By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

    Look around you at the people who have used their lives to make an enduring difference. Examine some of the people who have really made the world a better place and see what is different about them. Taking a careful look, you will often discover an ordinary person, with one difference: he stuck his neck out and worked to right wrongs. He saw a vacuum and sought to fill it.

    With dogged determination and persistence, he fought off the urge to pull back and give up. He ignored the nagging voices that said it couldn’t be done and dug deep into the recesses of his soul to find the strength and succor to accomplish his mission.

    People like this refuse to be discouraged by those who advise them that their goals are impossible to attain.

    We often hear such an individual being praised for “accomplishing the impossible,” almost as if he pulled off something supernatural, against the natural order. The truth is that the person may have indeed gone far beyond the norm in dedication, sacrifice and commitment.

    But that is not what brought him success. He tasted success only because the Divine hand enabled him to do so, or else it truly would have been impossible to achieve what he did.

    Anyone who walks this earth with his eyes open is aware of the Yad Hashem that touches us every moment of our lives. We see siyata diShmaya constantly. We work hard to accomplish our goal and then Hashem takes over.

    Every person was created to carry out a shlichus, mission, in life. Those who succeed are the ones who don’t let anything deter them for long. With faith in the One Above, they ignore the difficulties that would throw off lesser men. They continue their hishtadlus with the knowledge that Hashem will assist them and take over for them at the proper time.

  75. Thanks for posting the Valis-Sitner
    story again. It shows that what the
    haredim practice is frumkeit and
    not yiddishkeit. Basicly, the
    zealots have hijacked the Yeshivish
    world. All they need to do is call
    someone not frum enough b/c he's not a zealot(kanai) and instantly
    the guy will become a zealot too!

  76. Pinchos Lipschutz comes out in support of UOJ.

    Wednesday, June 14, 2006
    By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

    Look around you at the people who have used their lives to make an enduring difference. Examine some of the people who have really made the world a better place and see what is different about them. Taking a careful look, you will often discover an "ordinary" person, with one difference: he stuck his neck out and worked to right wrongs. He saw a vacuum and sought to fill it.


  77. Editor,

    I hear your point but why couldn't Mandel simply say, "Yes, I agree a forum is necessary and I would like to hold it in a neutral venue because of the sensitivity of the issue."

    He could have seized the opportunity to do right in the eyes of all and hold the discussion in a venue open to everyone. He would've scored big points too and it would have also been good PR for Ohel. I'm sure they could use it.

    The fact that he went ahead with the plan and essentially held Margulies' hand in the process - in front of all - is as if he issued a statement in defense of TT. It's obvious where he stands and no amount of spin can change that. He was faced with countless emails and phone calls and he knew what people thought of it in advance.

  78. First off, I would like to extend my greatest sympathies to all the delusional and IQ challenged people that are defending the Kolko/Margulis travesty. I would also like to commend UOJ and OrthoRev (and others) for the fantastic work you are both doing. OrthoRev, You are a 1000% correct, "Frum" is a mental disorder.

    Proof: There's too much of it, but let's look at the latest:

    Rabbi Twerski, a legal scholar who said he has been working on the
    issue of abuse for “a long time,” dismissed the allegations against Rabbi

    “I know Rabbi Margulies for many years and know him to be a man of
    great honor,” said Rabbi Twerski. He did not make any comments about Rabbi

    See what I mean? This is insane. FRUM when it's convenient. What an absoloute crime. All you fake, phony, and frauds (yes many of you) get real. You daven Mincha one minute, kill a jew the next, the true meaning of yideshkeit!

  79. uoj has changed the world.

    one man, singlehandedly.

    boog, gross, you were there.

    god bless ordinary people.

  80. Question:

    IS Boog the same guy as The BOOGER who commented quite frequently on the earlier UOJ blog site and was vehemently opposed to UOJ?

    Is this the same guy who saw the light or a totally different person?

  81. I just realized that Rabbi Yissachar Frand asked a question at the sium hashas, in which "he prophesized without knowing what he prophesized" : "Vos Vet Zein Mit DeKinder?" You think maybe he waas alluding to something? What Is happening to the kinder in Baltimore?

  82. in the article about the monday night meeting in this weeks Jewish Week, Mandel is quoted as saying the following:

    He told parents that the overwhelming majority of children who have experienced “unwanted touch” would go on to live happy, healthy lives, while only a “small percentage” of individuals would be permanently harmed by the abuse
    Mandel also said that abusers could be treated for their perversions.
    “An individual who abuses children and who participates in treatment can lead a successful life and be believed that they would no longer hurt children,” Mandel said.

    Earth to Mandel:
    This stuff is pure toxic waste. What are you smoking. Who put you up to spew this vile nonesense?

    To all you defenders of Mandel. These statements are perverse and sick and tremendously damaging to victims evreywhere.

    Twersky's statements that there was only one victim in thirty five years is equally repulsive.

    These are respected community leaders viciously, perversely and intentially lying about the facts of this case and the realities of the horrors of child molestation to save margo's ass.

    What about the halachic obligation to turn a child molester over to the authorities? Any mention of that Rabbi Twersky?

    What about the criminal and legal implications of the failure of a school to report molestation. Any discussion of that Dean Twersky?

    What about the statistics of redicivisim among pedophiles. Any word about that Doctor Mandel?

    What about the empirical data regarding the shattered lives and inner turmoil of victims of molestation. Any analysis of that CEO Mandel?

    You people fool no one. Your sick and perverse defense of these pedophiles and their protectors will fail. Their reputations are already gone and yours will soon follow.

  83. Hey OrthoRev --

    It's me again - SuperSleuth.

    "and my parnassah is from a big fat corporation."

    Which Top 10 law firm is a corporation? Did you mean "LLP," or are you an imposter?

    I'm on your side, by the way, just trying to have fun with you. Keep up the good work. We should chat -- many people think that I'm you.

  84. Mandel;

    You should be driving a Taxi.

  85. ARTIST: Twisted Sister
    TITLE: We're Not Gonna Take It

    Oh we're not gonna take it
    No, we ain't gonna take it
    Oh we're not gonna take it anymore

    We've got the right to protect the children, darn it
    There ain't no way we'll let Margo & Twerski lose it
    This is our life, this is our song

    We'll fight the powers that be, just don't let Mandel pick our destiny 'cause you don't know us, you don't belong


    Oh you're so condescending
    Your gall is neverending
    We don't want nothin', not a thing from you

    Your life is trite and jaded
    Boring and confiscated
    If that's your best, your best won't do

    We're right, we're Kolko-free, we'll fight, you'll see

  86. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/14/nyregion/14behave.html

    In a separate matter, the Council passed legislation requiring the Administration for Children's Services to provide quarterly reports to the Council and the public. The agency was not previously required to make such reports to the Council.

  87. Just like when we did nothing about child sex abuse. It's a wonder the press even takes us seriously anymore.


    It is the first time that a government agency has issued protocols governing the practice of brit milah, Rabbi Zwiebel said. “My preference would have been that the rabbis promulgate these guidelines on their own and the state Health Department then saying that they were acceptable, rather than the state imposing them.”

  88. There are over 11,000 desecrated Jewish graves in a NY Jewish cemetery
    called Mokom Sholom. These are mainly the graves of Jewish children.

    They fail to protect the dignity of children in life, should we expect
    more after children are dead?

    And the person in charge of this cemetery? Former President and current
    Treasurer of OHEL, David Jacobson, who may hold the record for
    desecration of Jewish children's graves under his care and control with a
    whopping 11,000+ graves.


    Arial photos:

    Photos of piles of headstones ready to be discarded:

    For some links you may have to go to http://www.archive.org/web/web.php
    and then put the URL for the archive above in.

  89. OrthoRev,

    Hey Bro;

    I've got a really full plate; radio show is a great idea. The problem is that to do it right it's a full time job.

    I believe for now, for me, the blogosphere is the way to go to get out the message.

    I will be glad to publicize your work here, your message is right on!

    With friendship,

  90. You lost me, OrthoRev. I doubt we've ever chatted. I don't know the history behind what you've said about a certain individual or his family. My recollection is that something eas once posted about a guy from Passaic, etc. Unfortuneately (I think), I don't know anything about or anyone from (other than one or two casual acquaintences from work) Passaic.

    Wrong guy, but we should still chat. Where'd you go to law school, by the way?

  91. http://www.nyc.gov/html/acs/html/child_safety/prevent_abuse.shtml

    Call the NYS Central Register Child Abuse & Maltreatment Hotline to Report Child Abuse and Neglect

    General Public: 1-800-342-3720
    Outside NY State: 1-518-474-8740
    TDD: 1-800-638-5163
    If a child is in immediate danger, call 911.

    If you are a Mandated Reporter, you are required by law to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect.

    If you need information or help, call: Prevent Child Abuse New York Prevention Information & Parent Helpline: 1-800-342-7472.

    All allegations of abuse or neglect must be called in to this Hotline. ACS cannot accept calls directly, nor can allegations be accepted by e-mail. Please note that false reporting is a crime.

  92. http://www.preventchildabuseny.org/programs.shtml

    Legislative and Policy Advocacy

    Prevent Child Abuse New York advocates for policies and programs to protect children and prevent them from abuse and neglect.

    Prevent Child Abuse New York advocates on behalf of all children in New York State, for laws that better protect them and for funding for child abuse prevention programs.

    We provide advocacy leadership to hundreds of professionals and advocates from across New York who join us in speaking out on behalf of children. We are an active and reliable source of information to the legislative and executive branches of state and local government.

    Prevent Child Abuse New York’s annual Legislative Advocacy Day educates both public officials and citizen advocates who share our concern for the children of our state.

    Through our advocacy, we have helped assure the continuation of the New York State Children & Family Trust Fund's family violence prevention programs, and the establishment and growth of the Healthy Families New York program. In addition, Prevent Child Abuse New York has successfully advocated for laws that protect children and assist child victims

  93. http://casey.umd.edu/resources/topic.cfm?id=23&parent_id=10

    I'm not so sure they would agree with what Mandel said at the Margo-pandering session on Monday night.

  94. to all of the rabbi- hating punks who post on this hate-site:

    all of you are cowards. you refuse to back your accusations up by identifying yourselves. yet you insist that the rabbis - who are public figures, and who if they make false accusations could be sued - should go around and carry the ball for all of you cowards. the only way you can demand that the rabbis carry the ball is if you are similarly prepared to carry the ball - and since you brave people all insist on maintaining anonymity, why should the rabbis not do likewise? who knows, maybe uoj is some rabbi --- so stop all the hate-filled nonsense

  95. They’re creepy and they're kooky,
    greedy and spooky,
    They’re all together with Twersky,
    The Margo Crime Family.

    YTT is a sex dungeon.
    When first graders come to see 'em
    They really cry and screa-um.
    The Margo Crime Family.

    Kolko likes his little boys,




    So get a kaful shmoyna shawl on.
    Margo barks an order that Applegrad can crawl on.
    We're gonna pay a call on
    The Margo Crime Family.

  96. Dear Mr. Mandel,
    My name is Yehuda Kolko, and I'm currently unemployed. I am very impressed with your opinion on touching, and was wondering if OHEL needs a good Rebbe. Please phone Lipa Margolis for any references.
    Yehuda Kolko

  97. Earth to Mandel,

    Great Comment!

  98. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sud-IdjIV-o&feature=PlayList&p=22856E55574EE174&index=65

    This would really take considerable talent. Can someone replace the lyrics for Billy Joel's "We didn't start the fire" with persons and events related to the Kolko-Margo cover up? This is the video link.


    Here are the lyrics. Don't post unless you know all the characters from the yeshiva and other organizational and Brooklyn figures. It should reasonably flow.

  99. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Twerski

    Gee, I hope no one edits my Wikipedia page to reflect my ties to Mafia boss Margo.

  100. David Mandel,

    Please accept this notice as your termination letter.
    What better place to let you know that you're a disgrace than this site that reaches millions of readers.
    We asked you not to go, start looking for a job.

  101. Dear Mr. Mandel,
    My name is Yehuda Kolko, and I'm currently unemployed. I am very impressed with your opinion on touching, and was wondering if OHEL needs a good Rebbe. Please phone Lipa Margolis for any references.
    Yehuda Kolko

    Rabbi Kolko, SHLITA

    I would be happy to consider you for a position in Ohel. I have spoken to Rabbi Lipa Margulies, Yaakov Applegrad, HaRav Pinchus Scheinberg, Shia Fishman, Aaron Twerski and Simcha Kaufman who all praise you highly.

    I believe your expertise with young men makes you well suited for employment at Ohel. Rabbi Margulies informed us that as a condition of employment you insist on having a private office with a private bathroom. We can provide this for you.

    Please respond with your salary requirements.

    Awaiting your response, I remain,

    David Mandel

  102. Could we please get a life and not do the lyrics? What an incredible waste of time that would be. Let's spend our time more productively, by bringing to light other cases of abuse and putting an end to it.

  103. David Mandel, there are also a number of perquisites and fringe benefits that you have to sign for upfront.

    Free summers at Regency so I can still lurk around Camp Silver Lake.

    A steady supply of the chocolate truffles that Abe Biederman complains I pig out on at Sholom Zachors.

    Items I will specify in private that I need retrieved from Lipa Geldwerth's closet.

    Lifetime tenured membership at my shul. Make sure Weinfeld can't kick me out, even for molesting kids of mispalelim.

    A bodyguard to accompany me to Bris Milos.

    Free winter vacations to third world countries that are lax in child prostitution enforcement.

  104. Dear Mr. Mandel,
    Thank you for your quick response. Please note that as a bonus you do not have to supply my private bathroom with toilet paper, since I like to dry hump my victims, and leave me mess in my pants. Finally at this point my salary requirements are low, since my partner Lipa Margolis is still paying my salary.
    Yehuda Kolko

  105. Please, please, don't stop the lyrics. I can only read this blog which is so full of tragic news about our community, when it is accompanied with some comic relief. If you don't like it, just skip them. Are you addicted to them?

  106. OrthoRev, I don't know you and don't want to pass judgment, but I disagree in the strongest terms with your thesis. Frum is definitely NOT a mental disorder.

    It is the perversion of frumkeit that is a mental disorder. Hiding deviant behavior behind laws that promote brotherhood among men is a mental disorder. Deceit and dishonesty, deception and duplicity, are mental disorders.

    The purity of the Torah is unequivocal.

    I urge you not become jaded as a result of the perverse acts of a few. I urge you to draw on your faith.

    Don't become another victim.

  107. I am told that R' Shteinman proclaimed Moshiach/the geulah are very close. Close to him or us? How close exactly? How close is close? Or maybe just close to his local nursing home?
    Can someone ask him exactly when is close? I like particulars.

    Also can someone please check with the Gerrer Rebbeputz and tell him the year is fast drawing to a close with Rosh Hashanah approaching. He did say Moshiach will be here this year.

    With Yitzchok Kaduri gone...I'm suffering from Mashiachitis.

  108. UOJ,

    Though I am a big supporter of you, your remarks against Rav Shteinman Shlita and Rav Kaduri Zt"l are ridiculous.

    You surely know that great leaders throughout the generations have always spoken of Moshiach and even predicted the exact date that he would come.

    Please be careful before you print words against these 2 greats on your blog for so many to see.

  109. Who are you calling Gerrer Rebbeputz ?

    I inherited a fortune and a cult/chasiddus.

    I'm worth $300,000,000.00 and that is only what they know about. What about my stuff in the US?

    I have thousands of chasidim who quake in their boots when they see me.

    I control a couple of seats in the Knesset.

    I just had a world tour, people were flocking to see me as if I was the second coming of Madonna.

    I didn't even had to say much.

    I don't even have to prepare a speech and they say that I'm a talmid chochom.

    How would those peasants know how much I know?

    I'm really Chauncey Gardiner. By the way, Jerzy Kosiński was a Lodzer.

    Who's the putz? Me thinks its not me.

  110. Yeah, that begs the question. Why DO they always make these predictions when time and again they are proven wrong? It makes you wonder if they knew what they were talking about at all. It definitely makes it impossible to take seriously anyone who "knows" when moshiach is gonna come. No?

  111. Anonymous said...

    to all of the rabbi- hating punks who post on this hate-site:

    all of you are cowards. you refuse to back your accusations up by identifying yourselves. yet you insist that the rabbis - who are public figures, and who if they make false accusations could be sued - should go around and carry the ball for all of you cowards. the only way you can demand that the rabbis carry the ball is if you are similarly prepared to carry the ball - and since you brave people all insist on maintaining anonymity, why should the rabbis not do likewise? who knows, maybe uoj is some rabbi --- so stop all the hate-filled nonsense

    Well, I'm not sure that this is directed to me because I don't hate rabbis. As I've told people for decades when they call me "rabbi", there are people I respect with that title and I'm not on their level and there are some frauds who use that title and I'd rather not be associated with them. While some rabbis have acted well beyond inappropriately, calling into question the value of a Torah education/lifestyle in terms of character development, the fact that I know some yashar yashar rabbis and knowledgeable Jewish women who do walk the talk is one of those things that helps keep me in the fold.

    I find it well beyond ironic that an anonymous poster calls others cowards for posting anonymously. I've certainly never hidden my identity online. I use a screen name that I use for a family of automotive news websites that I'm publishing, but I've never made a secret of who I am. Hell, I've even posted my name and hometown here on UOJ's blog and just to call your bluff, I'll do it again. I'm Ronnie Schreiber of Oak Park, Michigan, well known misanthrope and general nut case, and you can't say anything negative about me that's true that I won't say myself, so you are wasting your time if you respond to my criticisms with ad hominum attacks on my own flaws. If I say 2+2=4, that's correct whether I'm a tzadik or a complete menuval. There are problems with the frum community. We point these out not because we are haters or want to sin but because we love Judaism and are saddened by how the most magnificent concept in the universe has been turned into something small and petty.

    Anonymous, you want to discuss the issues? Well, then let's have at it like grownups. Stop calling us names and deal with the substance of our criticism and use your real name while you're at it. The rabbis we criticize have chosen to carry the ball by appointing themselves "Roshei Yeshiva" and "Gedolim". They have indicated that their leadership will more concerned with bugs on lettuce and in water than with dealing with issues that drive Jews from Yiddishkeit.

  112. Case No. 11044/1994

    Plaintiff : TWERSKI,AARON
    Plaintiff Attorney: HERSCHEL KULEFSKY
    Opened : 06-APR-94
    Type : Slip & Fall on Naked Ass

    This should make for some interesting reading.

    Aaron Twerski suing Meshilem Rottenberg for a slip & fall. Stay tuned for some interesting quotes from the legal pleadings.

    Twerski, you should have stayed far away from “your dear old friend” the “man of honor” Leopold “Spawn of Hitler” Margulies.

    It’s too late now.

  113. Editor;

    Ronnie is on target. "Leaders" and Rabbanut should lead, that's there job, not make like an ostrich. The allegations against koko have been around for 40 years. If not for the UOJ and his Blog, he would still be at YTT picking his prey.

    Bugs in Water and Indian Hair gives these "Rabbis" apoplexy, but pedophilia in our Mosdos is hushed and swept under the rug.

    48 year old David Framowitz has nothing better to do with his life at this time but to come here from Israel and lie.

    Approx. 13 weeks to our worthy "Leaders" Rabbanut Shabbos Shuva Droshos. Bring Barf Bags.

  114. I thought you might be interested in these stats.

    So far this month we had 812 visitors to the kolko site on The Awareness Center's web page. His site is the 6th most popular site on our page.

    78 people downloaded the complaint pdf file we have on him since June 1st.

  115. Ortho-Rev,

    Here's a suggested list for your new blog:

    60 ways to appear frum & intellectual
    > 1. Shaved Head (Really frum = Women with shaved heads)
    > 2. Play with the beard...the more you twirl it the better!
    > 3. Do the "Thumb Dip" (The lower you dip, the frummer you look)
    > 4. Whenever quoting a Gemara in order to paskin, never quote from a
    > Mesechta that has anything to do with the subject. For example: If the
    > question is: What bracha do I make on Apple Sauce? Do NOT quote from
    > Mesechta Brachos (that's too logical), quote something from Gittin!
    > Always say, "I heard Rav Feinstein say...", even if you weren't alive
    > when he was.
    > 5. Always quote "The Rosh Yeshiva". Everyone will obviously know who
    > you're talking about!
    > 6. Whenever you're quoting someone to prove that you are right in an
    > argument, always quote a name that is an acronym (i.e. Rashi, Ramban,
    > etc). Heck, you can even use your own name, it won't make a difference!
    > Frum thinking clearly states that, "if someone is commonly referred to
    > as an acronym, he must be right!"
    > 7. ***Do NOT do this!!! This is NOT frum!!!***
    > Bring up a siddur when called up for an aliyah, and say the brachos on
    > the Torah from it. VERY not frum.
    > 8. Have tons of children.
    > 9. When davening with a minyan, remember it's very important to say out
    > loud the first three (some hold four) words out loud, and then mumble
    > the rest quietly.
    > 10. ?I don't hold by that Rav."
    > 11. Always call your children by their first TWO names. i.e. Sara
    > Yehudis, Yisroel Meyer, Pesach Yehuda, Noach Areyah, Shlomo HaMelech,
    > etc. How many REAL frummies do you know with only one first name?
    > 12. Put hebrew dates on everything, and stop using civil dates
    > altogether.
    > 13. In the supermarket, peer into you neighbors basket and say, "You
    > eat that type of cheese?".
    > 14. Translate everything you say, everytime you say it. I.e.
    > Chazal-our sages. This will demean your listener as uneducated and
    > suggest that he can't remember the translation from one time to the
    > next.
    > 15. ***Do NOT do this!!! This is NOT frum!!!***
    > Sing that uppity NCSY benching tune.
    > 16. Must speak in that annoying Brooklyn accent.
    > 17. Meditation is completely assur. (G-d forbid you should spiritually
    > become closer to G-d).
    > 18. You should not wear a tie during Shabbos Mincha.
    > 19. Girls Only: Get the "Bob"/Bais Yaakov haircut at 18 so everyone
    > will know you're ready to get married.
    > 20. Learn Gemara and lain outloud along with the ba'al koreh because
    > maybe he'll pronounce a kamatz as a patach and that pseudo-Sefardi
    > Modern-Orthodox sheigetz with the small black beanie who stands next to
    > him reading from a Chumash won't catch it because he's busy talking
    > about real estate throughout the laining.
    > 21. Got to do that hat slanted ever so-slighty backwards thing for the
    > full gangsta-frumma look.
    > 22. Go "coast to coast" without showering or changing your clothes,
    > sheets, or shaving, until you truly look like a caveman.
    > 23. ***Do NOT do the following***
    > Wear shirt with stripes.
    > Bobby pins and especially those shiny metallic clips.
    > Yalmulke with a rim that's bigger than your head.
    > Tweed jacket with non-black hat.
    > 24. Never say "Thank You", instead say, "Shkoiyach...". Remember it's
    > only one word.
    > 25. Pssshhhhh.
    > 26. Videotape your wedding even though nobody on either side of the
    > family owns a television.
    > 27. Go to bars dressed in your hats and jackets, drink, stare at
    > teenage girls, and claim do be doing kiruv.
    > 28. You must go to the Hilton or any other expensive-type hotel on your
    > first date.
    > 29. Bikur Holim is for wimps, wusses, and girly-men.
    > 30. When learning, make sure to have as many Sfarim open as possible.
    > Many poskim hold you should have out: 2 Mesechtas of Gemara, a chumash,
    > a chelek of Shulchan Oruch, a Ritva, and a sefer written by an achron
    > that nobody knows.
    > 31. Bow REALLY deep at the beginning of Shemona Esrei.
    > 32. For the ladies, if he doesn't ask to marry you until he asks all
    > the stupid petty questions like "what is your name", he's off limits,
    > unless his father is a jeweler who makes big fat diamond rings.
    > 33. Never wash your tallis.
    > 34. Who needs kavanah when davening? Just scrunch up your face, purse
    > your lips, shut your eyes tight, bang one fist into your palm, whisper
    > the words loud enough to disturb your neighbor, let your spit be
    > liberated from the confines of your lips, and get that really, really
    > constipated look on your face. Only then will the Big Guy hear your
    > supplications.
    > 35. The answer to any question: "Mamash, takka, im yirtzeh hashem, bli
    > neder, canina hora, lo aleynu, shelo nedah!
    > 36. Your wife (or you, depending on your gender and all), must wear a
    > frummy robe Shabbos night.
    > 37. When the Bais HaMikdash is built (G-d willing soon), you must
    > dedicate something in honour of a dead relative or a family simcha.
    > i.e. "This Mikva was built in the memory of so and so", or "This Korban
    > Tamid was sponsored by the sisterhood in honour of Shmuel David's Bar
    > Mitzva".
    > 38. When you're engaged, you have a chiyuv to set up your friends too.
    > You might not have anybody in mind for your friends before you're
    > engaged, but once you are, you obtain a special power that makes it
    > possible to sense a good shidduch when you see one.
    > 39. Have a really expensive gold watch that, if pawned, would buy
    > crates of sepharim in Israel.
    > 40. Daven a really fast Shemoneh Esrei so that you can be the first one
    > to say out loud "Ya'aleh V'yavo..." for Rosh Chodesh and other such
    > inserts for special days in the calendar in order to remind others that
    > are davening to remember to say these special paragraphs even though
    > they already heard the clop on the bima and even though this burst of
    > self-righteousness may mess up their concentration.
    > 41. Make sure to get engaged after only three dates, but make sure the
    > baby comes no sooner and no later than nine months from the wedding.
    > 42. Make sure to always look miserable, because G-d forbid, people
    > might think that you are taking some form of pleasure in this world.
    > 43. On Shabbos, Take off your jacket after Hamotzi and put it back on
    > right before bentching.
    > 44. Separate your trash between milchig and fleishig.
    > 45. On the days when you make it to minyan, make sure that your friends
    > who didn't know all about it.
    > 46. The only pop albums you own are Billy Joel
    > 47. Go into Baskin Robbins when there's other Jews there and say really
    > loud, "I wish I could eat here," just so people know that you keep
    > Cholov Yisrael. Then leave.
    > 48. After you get engaged, married, have a kid, etc...go around to
    > everyone else and say "Im yirtze hashem by you," even if they are 70
    > years old or under the age of 12.
    > 49. If someone's name is "doniel" or "Gavriel", pronounce it
    > "gavri-kel" or "doni-kel" in order that you shouldn't say G-d's name in
    > vain.
    > 50. Download micha, maariv, and bentching onto your palm pilot and stop
    > randomly in heavily populated jewish areas to daven from it.
    > 51. Daven with your eyes closed and your finger holding open the page.
    > 52. Wear one of the new Hatzoloh walkie talkies that have the secret
    > service type earphones. Keep the power off but contantly concentrate on
    > what everyone thinks is an important message.
    > 53. Put mezuzas on the doors of your minivan and tell everyone "It's
    > the latest chumrah, but most people don't follow it".
    > 54. Use the term "Please G-d" in your conversations - anywhere "G-d
    > Willing" can possibly be added.
    > 55. Ban any fiction books in your house aside from those ridiculous
    > "frum novels" which are neither frum nor novels.
    > 56. Call a single man at the age of 32 a "boy", as in "I have a
    > wonderful 32 year old boy for you!
    > 57. Be extremely frightened by ANY kind of dog (even a poodle with a
    > head the size of a golfball) and immediately cross to the street when
    > you are within 2 miles of these beasts.
    > 58. Dress your (13) children in matching outfits, girls get dresses,
    > boys get vests and pants made out of same material (i.e. purple tafeta,
    > blue velvet, plaid wool), do this until the oldest is
    > 19.
    > 59. The non invitation...never directly invite anyone to your house for
    > a meal. It is better to tell them to call you when they would like to
    > come. Doing this will yotze you the mitzva of hachnasas orchim, and it
    > puts the pressure on to the other person to call you. When they never
    > actually call you, because for some strange reason, they didn?t think
    > that you gave them a real invitation, come over to them in shul 2 years
    > later and ask them why they never called you. Make sure to look
    > insulted.
    > 60. Whenever a friend gets married, stop looking at her in the face.
    > Now that she is married, you must always look at her stomach to see if
    > it?s getting any bigger, because now that she is married, she will be
    > getting pregnant any day. After a few months and no belly, talk to
    > everyone you know about her.

    I remain.....


  116. "Also can someone please check with the Gerrer Rebbeputz and tell him the year is fast drawing to a close with Rosh Hashanah approaching. He did say Moshiach will be here this year."

    So I guess you mean you don't beleive that moshiach could come any day. "ani maamin...achakeh lo bchol yom sheyavo" is the rambam's mental disorder? Or should I say the Rambamamzer, by your little adorable word games?

    Tell me, UOJ, when do YOU think moshiach is coming? NEXT year?

    evidently you're kofer in the 13 ikkarim. Nice.



  117. Nutin But The Emes,

    Dude you have to get a life really badly

  118. Are u kidding me?

    Framowitz is a world-renowned traveler! As a matter of fact the real reason he came was to earn
    triple frequent flyer miles on El AL ! Besides, those Kassam's
    can really get to you over there.
    It was a good opportunity to visit
    the motherland and do some sightseeing . The YTT was simply
    an excuse he used to justify the
    trip to his family.

  119. nutin;

    You are on the ball. I wAs ROFLMAO!!

    BULLSEYE on every one of your points.

    We are SICK, SICK, SICK.

  120. Boog you sheygitz! What's wrong with you? You can't tell people to bring barf bags to my Shabbos Shuva drosho when there is no eruv!

  121. Why has this blog turned into a bashing forum against frum jews. Cynisism is a poisenous thing. It's one thing to try and root out and destroy frum pedophiles but for "Nutin' but the Emes said..." to waste his time with 60 bashes agains frum jews, that is ridiculous..UOJ, I applaude your efforts, however, many of the commentators appear to be bitter people that are really miserable with their own lives!

  122. Hey UOJ, whatever happened to R' Mandel from YOB? Did he contact you?

  123. Hi OrthoRev and NuttinBut the Emes.

    (Can I call you both Collectively "OrthoNut")

    I'm one of the occasional posters who likes tweeking Ortho for his noble attempts to position himself as "lishma" notwithstanding his self-admitted mental health history (funny from the guy calling everyone else crazy) (Kinda reminds me of the nut 'Exidor' on the mork and mindy show who thought the venutians were attacking and would talk to invisible people and then invariably call Mork 'crazy'.)But I digress. Anyway, NuttinHoney, your list of 60 gave me more than a few good laughs and truth be told most of the "frum crazies" I know would laugh at them too. Most of the things you mention fall into what I would describe as basic human frailties. These things exist in every culture and every society and the surest sign of mental health is our ability to laugh at them. Some items on you list, however, warrant special comment:

    1) How many women in Flatbush do you think shave their head?

    7) Have you or anyone you know ever actually been criticized or condesended to for bringing a siddur to the Bimah, or are you speaking of your own thoughts at the sight of someone who did?

    8) How many kids someone has is their business. How many you have is you business.

    11) I know many people with one first name. I have never heard anyone condescend to those who have one first name.

    16) Speaking with a Brooklyn accent is fairly natural if you happen to be from Brooklyn.

    33) You're right my talis could use a good cleaning?

    34 & 35) Come on, This stuff has been made fun of by evryone and hois uncle, Surely you don't think you're being revolutionary and edgy by pointing it out.

    46) ...and Elton John

    49) Has anyone ever done that for any reason other than to be cute. FYI it also applied to Ginger-Kel

    53) Puhleaze, Hasthis actually been done.

    57) Good one..

    You guys really need to lighten up. Yeah, weve got insecurities and neuroses, and hypocrasy...like everyone else. We've each gotta do the best we can. It's a jungle out there.

  124. Conservrev,

    Clever moniker - I'd be careful though; one might think you mean Conservative in the Jewish sense. We get a lot of yeshivishe visitors...

    I think UOJ's issue with the above-mentioned characters' empty promises of Moshiach's imminent arrival, lies mainly with the false statements implying that they have some sort of "inside information."

    Except for those building the gauche monstrosities of BP, Flatbush and Monsey, many do believe that Moshiach can come in the next hour, but it's upsetting when people with way too much political power constantly give many suckers (for lack of a better word), false “hope” :)

  125. Nutin,

    What about only referring to ones birthday on the Heberew date.

  126. Conservrev,

    Please let us know what you think of the Rishonim who strongly disagreed w/ the Rambam's version of the ikarim. Are they kofrim as well?

  127. I am pleased to say that Yeshiva Of Brooklyn is attempting to deal with their problem.
    Time will tell if it's sincere.

  128. Pretty impressive UOJ. "Regrettably", when I tried to get a sit down with both Saddam Hussein before the first Gulf War and more recently with Margo, even I got nowhere.

    Did Shloyma Mandel actually email you? He must be crapping in his hoyzen that you'll bring him the same fate as YTT.

  129. James,

    I sincerely hope YOB chooses to do what's right; I will afford them that chance.

    If they don't, well you know "the rest of the story."

  130. Hey orthorev

    Which version of orthodoxy are you referring to?

    Orthorev is probably shorthand for "my-big-fat-greek-ORTHODOX-REVEREND."

    Sure fits well.

  131. Man, am I lucky UOJ wasn't around before this year. He would have finished me off as far back as the early 1990s. James Baker III is like the biggest wuss next to him.

  132. Margo has given the order that if UOJ makes one more move, the Fedayeen are to launch Scuds against David Framowitz in Israel.

  133. Like Saddam, Margo has seriously miscalculated.

  134. TARIQ;


  135. We were growing tired of all the strategists in the Lakewood yeshiva coffee room telling us how to fight our wars. But we have to hand it to UOJ for coming up with a winning battle plan to take down Margo.

  136. I guess we can add "communist" to the (constantly growing) list of Orthorev's repulsive attributes.

  137. We were initially major UOJ skeptics, but the man came through.

    How do we nominate him for the Freedom Medal and the Congressional Medal of Honor?

  138. My mother Queen Elizabeth should make Sir UOJ a Knight of the British Empire.

  139. Both Orthorev and I share the common denominator of being kofrim with rabbonishe ancestors, so what's wrong if he also embraces Communism?

  140. Ortho,

    Nope, that wasn't me.

  141. "DEAR" Orthorev,

    Are you familiar with "CLIFFORD" the dog? Are you by any "CHANCE" related?

  142. Being that the summer is almost upon us, is there anything new with Simcha Klor?

  143. Ellenbogen, you might be nisht nogeah here. I don't know if you carry suits like at The Right Place that are big enough to accomodate Margo's tush.

  144. What about spilling the goods on the molesters about whom you have intimate and absolute knowledge?

    Your week is up on Sunday.

    Although I have an expose ready to upload, I will begin my campaign by planting hints on already established sites. Unlike the hint that I left for you they will be hints that people other than you will understand.

    After that I will get more explicit.

    Finally, as the momentum builds and demand to know the truth grows, I will launch my site.

    Or..you could do it yourself and save me the trouble.

  145. For all of you losers who think that molesting has no effect on the kids, read on.

    With the attitude he has shown David Mandel should not be allowed to run Ohel Children's Home.

    Maybe UOJ should contact this ex-cop from Toronto and the writer who is writing a book about child pornography invstigators.

    Top child-porn cop is turning in his badge
    Now, he's stepping up the fight

    From Friday's Globe and Mail

    TORONTO — Paul Gillespie still can't get used to the sounds of crying and pain in the graphic videos of children being raped and molested that he has seen all too often on the Web.

    "It's beyond horrible to listen to the soundtracks of these movies," said Canada's best-known child-porn cop, who headed Toronto's acclaimed sex crimes unit for the past six years until his resignation on Wednesday.

    But it is the silent images of desolate children that tear the most at his heart.

    "They're not screaming, just accepting," he said of the infants captured in these pictures. "They have dead eyes. You can tell that their spirit is broken. That's their life."

    On Wednesday, after six years of trying to save those lives, the detective sergeant turned in his badge -- not to give up the fight, but to expand it as a private citizen by building an international police training centre to fight on-line abuse and make the public more aware of a crime so distasteful he believes many people prefer to ignore it.

    "Just think of how much more people would be outraged if these were pictures of puppies being traded instead of children," Mr. Gillespie said in an interview with The Globe and Mail. "You'd have Hollywood actors and actresses up here, looking for a new cause, jumping over themselves. But no one wants to talk about child abuse on the Internet.

    "It's so important to get the word out," Mr. Gillespie added. "These aren't hockey cards people are trading on the Internet."

    If more people are talking about such a disturbing topic, it is in no small part due to the pioneering, and sometimes controversial, work of Mr. Gillespie and his team; not just in Canada but worldwide.

    "It is hard to measure the impact Paul has had on the way that law enforcement agencies internationally now respond to the sexual abuse of children," said Jonathan Rouse, commander of the Task Force Argos, which tackles child exploitation in Queensland, Australia. "His passion for the protection of children is clearly evident."

    "It didn't matter to Paul where the victims were," said Emily Vacher, an agent with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation's famed Innocent Images program who worked on several international cases with the Toronto team.

    "He was out to protect children all over the world."

    A police officer for almost three decades, Mr. Gillespie joined the force as an 18-year-old cadet, moving through intelligence work on organized crime and international jewel thieves, to keeping the peace in the downtown cauldron of Regent Park. Mr. Gillespie, a father of three, took over the sex-crimes unit on Christmas Day, 2000, and took it to international prominence.

    He first grabbed headlines in 2003 with a frustrated e-mail he wrote to Bill Gates about how ill-equipped police were to battle the flood of Internet child abuse. That prompted not just a quick response from the richest man in the world, but also an eventual commitment by Microsoft to spend $10-million to help police fight on-line predators and porn merchants.

    The Child Exploitation Tracking System, as the sophisticated database came to be known, is now installed in more than 20 police centres across Canada and is in various stages of deployment in the United States, Britain, Italy, Brazil, Australia and Indonesia.

    "He's truly been a leader in protecting the safety of children on-line," Mr. Gates said of Mr. Gillespie when he finally got to meet the Toronto cop in person last March.

    Mr. Gillespie's team also became stars -- particularly in the U.S. media -- when they used sophisticated image analysis to trace a child victim of abuse to Raleigh, N.C., within 36 hours. Their work was featured on CNN and in major U.S. magazines and newspapers.

    The squad has also helped police in Spain, Australia and Britain make arrests and rescue children.

    "The pedophiles don't respect borders so why should we?" Mr. Gillespie is fond of saying.

    But the same bold actions that have saved children have also earned the sex-crimes unit its share of critics. Mr. Gillespie says that comes with the territory.

    "Are we going to make mistakes and trip up? Absolutely," he said. "Have I made at least one bad decision every time I came to work? Positively. But we're acting in good faith for the right reasons."

    That good faith was tested after police identified six people arrested on child-porn charges as part of a "name and shame" program at a news conference in early 2003. One man, James LeCraw, against whom the Crown eventually decided to drop charges, committed suicide.

    His family and friends were incensed but Mr. Gillespie to this day is unapologetic about the policy.

    "If people are charged with horrific offences involving children, then the public needs to know," he said, although he cautioned that he cannot talk about any specific case. "Of course it's a sad state if someone is going to commit suicide. But we would never lay criminal charges unless we were absolutely satisfied we had enough evidence."

    Then last year Mr. Gillespie's squad raised hackles even within law enforcement circles when it came close to releasing a photo of the face of a child porn victim they were desperate to identify. Many police agencies oppose such a practice for fear it might endanger the lives of children or victimize them again with undue public shame.

    Mr. Gillespie disagreed.

    "I have talked to countless victims and asked them, 'Would you have rather us rescued you or would you have rather we'd left you in that situation to protect your privacy?' " he said. "Not one has said anything other than, 'Why did it take you so long to come and get me?' "

    The Toronto cops began by releasing doctored images of the hotel room where the girl had been molested and then the face of another young girl who had witnessed the abuse. In the end, that was enough to identify the victim, who, it happened, had already been rescued by police in the United States.

    The actions were considered needlessly reckless by some on the front lines of the battle against child porn.

    "The thing about Paul is that he is not bothered by who he upsets," said Paul Griffiths, one of the Britain's top child-porn investigators with the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre in London. "Sometimes that's a bad thing because he upsets the people around him. But it's also a good thing, because it gets the profile of the problem raised."

    Paul Gillespie leaves behind what he calls his "proudest legacy" -- a 20-person team that has become the largest unit in any North American city police force devoted exclusively to on-line child protection.

    "It was inspiring to work for someone who has a vision," said Detective Constable William McGarry, who became one of the leading image analysts for the police under Mr. Gillespie's tutelage. "I don't think he or any of us realized how far we would go with this."

    As a private consultant, Mr. Gillespie now hopes to take that vision further. "I wanted to go on a bigger level and to me the obvious would be linking up the world," he said.

    He plans to accomplish that in part by working with Microsoft to take the CETS database to police around the world. He will also work with a non-profit group called the Kids' Internet Safety Association to set up what he calls a world-class training centre in Toronto to instruct investigators, especially from poorer countries -- with support, he hopes, from Ottawa.

    As he cleaned up his office on the third floor at Toronto police headquarters, Mr. Gillespie tried to jam into a black binder more than 100 cards, letters and printed e-mails he has received from victims.

    "Thank you very much for your work," one woman wrote. "If it helps I want to assure you that at least some of the victims will go on to have a normal life like me. Now I have a baby girl. Please protect her from the kind of people who once harmed me."

    In one of his final acts as a detective sergeant, Paul Gillespie placed the letter into the binder and snapped it closed.

    "It makes up for anything you think you deserve," he said.

    One of his first acts as a private citizen, he promised, will be to respond to all of them.

    Special to The Globe and Mail

    Julian Sher is author of a forthcoming book that tracks the work of child pornography investigators around the world.

  146. We seem to be losing focus so lets not forget that Yudi's penchant for prepubescent males and his inability to control the fire raging inside his scrotum led him to masturbate his engorged member on the bodies of his young victims.

    I wonder if the menuval sheygitz Margolis was jealous that Yudi got more tail than he did.

  147. """""""""It says befayrush that masturbation interferes with bias goel so it would seem to me that everyone's rage should be directed at sick bastards like Kolko.""""""

    Based on even conservative estimates, according to your understanding of what is says "befayrush," and if we add one second to the golus for every act committed by any male to ever set foot in a yeshiva, (there being 31,536,000 seconds in a year) moshiach won't be here for another 25,792 years. Thanks for giving us something to look forward to.

  148. reliable people are talking about rav shustal leaving the yeshiva.

  149. I also heard that Rav Shustal is not coming back. I don't blame him.
    He is making a powerful statement.

  150. Tell the shmuck what you feel about him making an ass out of ALL guys with beards and Jews in general:

    "aaron.d.twerski" aaron.d.twerski@hofstra.edu

  151. Case No. 11044/1994

    Plaintiff : TWERSKI,AARON
    Plaintiff Attorney: HERSCHEL KULEFSKY
    Opened : 06-APR-94
    Type : Slip & Fall on Naked Ass

    According to court records, Professor Aaron Twerski filed a lawsuit against Meshilem Rottenberg after he fell in the Mikvah.

    Eyewitness reports tell another story. According to one witness, the accident occurred when an eleven year old boy disrobed and made for the showers. Rabbi Yudi Kolko and Twerski stood at the same time and made a bee line for the boy. As the boy reached the shower he accidentally dropped his soap. As he bent over to pick up the bar of soap, both Kolko and Twerski lunged for the boy. In the heat of passion they collided with each other and fell in a tangle of beards, flab and erect penises. A brawl ensued with both Kolko and Twerski screaming “He’s mine, I saw him first” as they pummeled each other on the ground.

    Kolko being in better physical shape prevailed. Fortunately, the boy escaped as the two perverts battled.

    Twerski left the Mikvah in a huff and demanded his money back. Rottenberg refused to refund the “entry” fee saying “Ve don’t guarantee satisfaction.”

    Twerski sued.

  152. So, what hapenned to all those threats against Twerski and his career? Huh, big talkers?

  153. Ginsberg finally arrested on charges of sexual abuse
