Thursday, August 17, 2006


Address: 1296 E. 10th. St.
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11230


It has recently come to light that the anti-UOJ Blog known as Tuvya is endorsed and encouraged by Rabbi Yisroel Belsky. The rationale for the endorsement is that UOJ is Mevazeh Gedolim and is, therefore, worthy of scorn and contempt. Just for the record, I have made it clear that I do not endorse UOJ’s conduct in that regard and have publicly exhorted him to do Teshuvah. Not only because it is required Halachically but because it will strengthen the campaign and remove an unnecessary distraction.

Notwithstanding the above, I believe Rabbi Yisroel Belsky’s conduct in this entire affair needs to be carefully examined.

By way of preface, the Chazon Ish writes that when it comes to examining the conduct of Gedolei Yisroel there is no Issur of Loshon Horoh. The Chazon Ish explains that when it comes to Gedolei Yisroel, Klal Yisroel needs its Gedolim just like an ordinary individual might need a plumber or a tailor. Just like Lashon Harah is Muttar Litoleles when discussing a tradesman so too it is Muttar when examining the conduct of Gedolim. In other words, if somebody otherwise reputed to be a Gadol is behaving inappropriately, Klal Yisroel has a need to know since it affects his status as a Gadol and thus how the Klal should treat him. There is certainly no shortage of examples of people who one part of Klal Yisroel revered as a Gadol whereas others did not and were not shy in stating that. Such conduct is not only permitted but required, since the failure to advise that someone is not considered a Gadol will inevitably result in people following his erroneous path.

As far as the standard by which we are supposed to judge our Gedolim and Rabbeim, this is set forth in the well known Halacha with respect to a Rav She-eino Hugoon (A Rabbi who is deemed unfit and one is not permitted to learn Torah from him), Im Harav Domeh Limalach Hashem Tzevakos Tivakshoo Toirah Mipeehoo V’im Lav Al Tivakshoo Toirah Mepeehoo. (If the Rabbi is similar to an angel seek Torah from him but if not do not seek Torah from him.) The analogy of a Malach (angel) is explained that a Malach can also be defined as a Shaliach (messenger). A true messenger has no agenda other than fulfilling the mission of his master. If it appears however, that a Rav is pursuing an agenda other than the will of Hashem, be it personal or otherwise, he is considered a Rav She-eino Hugoon and is disqualified from teaching Torah.

Rabbi Belsky is a personal friend of Yehuda Kolko and has been for forty years.

Rabbi Belsky was the Rav in Camp Agudah during Kolko’s tenure there. It is inconceivable that Rabbi Belsky was unaware of the numerous complaints lodged against Kolko during that period. In matter of fact we are aware that other rabbonim are prepared to testify when an action will be brought against Rabbi Belsky in bais din and or in secular court, that they are aware that Rabbi Belsky was informed numerous times that Kolko was molesting children.

Rabbi Belsky was present, although not as a Dayan, during testimony before a Bais Din panel in 1985 against Kolko, and heard the horrific testimony of numerous witnesses recounting how Kolko sexually abused children, all the while protesting that he was unaware of Kolko's behavior. Yet he chose to protect his friend Kolko and participated in the covering up of the many accusations made against Kolko and Margulies resulting in another 20 years of continued slaughter of innocent children.

Rabbi Belsky was present, although not as a Dayan, during testimony before a Bais Din panel in 1985 against Lipa Brenner, and heard the horrific testimony of numerous witnesses. Yet he chose to protect his friend Brenner and actively cover up the abuse of children in our community. When a devastated parent came crying to him several years later and informed Rabbi Belsky that his son was being molested by Brenner, Rabbi Belsky informed the parent in no uncertain terms that the boy was lying and that Brenner was innocent. After the parent was advised by friends to ignore Rabbi Belsky and to go to the police, a sting operation successfully caught Lipa Brenner. Lipa Brenner was charged with 14 counts of sodomy, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. The sexual contact was alleged to have been committed over a three-year period until October 1995 (over 10 years after Rabbi Belsky protected this pedophile from prosecution in 1985.) Brenner agreed to plead guilty to one count of sodomy in the third degree, a Class E felony, in exchange for a sentence of five years' probation. Lipa Brenner is now a registered sex offender. Had Rabbi Belsky prevailed, Brenner would still be destroying children’s lives to this very day. Had Belsky not interfered in 1985, numerous children would have been spared a fate worse than death.

In February 2006, Rabbi Belsky sent a Hazmanah to Eli Greenwald for being Motzee Shem Ra on Kolko. When Eli immediately responded in writing that he would appear for a Din Torah before the RCA Bais Din, Rabbi Belsky abruptly dropped the matter.

Rabbi Belsky directed and encouraged the anti-UOJ blog to harass and abuse individuals involved in the campaign against Kolko.

In truth the facts above go way beyond the issue of Rav She-eino Hogun. There is a much more fundamental problem here. The Siman Moovhuk of a Yid is Rachmanim Baishonim and Gomlei Chasodim. When a Jewish child tells horrifying molestation stories how can anybody with a Jewish heart not have Rachmonis on those Kinderlach? How can anybody with a Jewish soul not seek to protect future Jewish children from becoming victims Rachmunu Litzlan?

Rabbi Belsky’s conduct on the issue of child molestation is clearly not based on Halachic considerations. Any Rov who dares state that Halacha condones or protects Kolko or any other molester is nothing less than a Megaleh Ponim BaTorah Shelo Cihalacha Vuluv Neemar Ki Dvar Hashem Buzuh Umitzvusoi Haifar (One who perverts the Torah against Halacha, and upon whom it is said he has abused the name of Hashem and violated his commandments.) There is no greater Chillul Hashem than a Rov perverting Halacha to defend these evil doers. Chas Vesholom to say or even think such a thing.

Rabbi Belsky’s Negius in this situation should have caused him to recuse himself a long time ago as the Halacha requires of a Nogai Bidavar. His Negius has completely clouded his judgment and has caused him to do and say things that are against Halacha, against basic Mentschlichkeit and human decency and against everything that Yiddishkeit holds dear. Rabbi Belsky’s rulings and pronouncements on this matter are null and void, Botul Umevutal K’afra D’arah.

Those who rely on Rabbi Belsky’s rulings on this issue do so at their own peril. As Rav Chaim Brisker said “Nebach an Apikoirus is oich an Apoikurus”

Blindly following perverted manufactured Halacha is not a valid excuse. The Toirah never tells a Yid to stop thinking and as evidenced by many Mitzvos requiring a Yid to have Emunah and the like. Surely we have to listen to Gedoilim and Daas Toirah. Real Gedoilim and real Daas Toirah. Just as surely, the Toirah requires and expects us to be able to tell the difference between those that are real yirei Hashem and those that are not. Rabbi Belsky's conduct in this affair is painfully obvious. He has lost the right to be considered a Rav Umoraah Horoah B'Yisroel.


  1. UOJ,

    Who is the author of the above opening statement of this thread?

    It speaks of you in the third person.

  2. Can we trust Belsky's hashgocha? If he is such a ruthless unethical man, how do we know what he's doing with the food we eat?

  3. Is Margo paying Belsky to fight for him? Is Kolko?

  4. R' Chaim's exact zog is "An apikorus is nebich an apikorus"

    Azoy zogt AJ in Chumash shiur.

  5. How does Lewis Brenner know Rabbi Belsky?

  6. Is the Rabbinical Alliance the same thing as Iggud Harabbanim? That's the corrupt freak show run by Gershon Tennenbaum & Mendel Epstein.

  7. Anon 8:48,

    The author of this thread is a very prominent Haredi rav. He asked me to post his name. I explicitly told him that I would NOT be responsible for the expected death threats, broken windows...etc., that would follow.

    I do believe that some time soon he will announce himself, but it will not be on my blog.

  8. Where is the Chazon Ish?

  9. Boulder DA: Ramsey murder suspect John Karr started working as second grade teacher in Thailand Tuesday


    These sick bastards can't stay away from kids.

  10. To KAD,
    Either he supported it or Chaim Neuhoff is a liar when he states that Rav Belsky gave him a heiter to out UOJ on the internet. Which ever way you go, the whole thing stinks and the stench is emanating from 555 Ocean Parkway.

  11. According to ABC News in their coverage of the Jon Beney Ramsey developments, pedophile teachers have figured out a way to skirt the sex offender registry. As soon as rumors start bubbling to the surface and they are confronted by school officials, they resign and move elsewhere. Since they pre-emp any legal proceedings, there is not even a paper trail. This is how John Karr who abused children all over the country was able to hold teaching positions in several states.

  12. So now R' Belsky is getting it from the "MO" crowd about Margo and company. He already is out of the "RW" crowd because of Slifken and the copepods in water that he says are no problem. Boro Park hates him because of his stance on the Eruv. Who is with him, the sheitel ladies? HE is becoming the Lone Ranger anyone see Tonto?

  13. Let's not jump to conclusions on John Karr. Every one is innocent until proven guilty. Oops, I forgot, he's not a "heimishe yid". Never mind.

  14. Chaim:

    Put this Daas Torah post in your Belsky pipe and smoke it.

    What does Belsky have to say for himself? How does he defend himself against the charges in this post? Does he deny these facts or does he simply see himself as the defender of all frum child molesters?

    It's time for you to upgrade to real Daas Torah.

  15. Tuvya's secular name is Tonto.

  16. Kool Aid,

    Call Belsky and ask him yourself. He's so sick, he won't even deny what he's done.

  17. Number of days we've waited for the "GEDOLIM" to get rid of Yudi Kolko.....14,600 days, 40 long years our rabbonim "chashuvim" stood by and covered for him....MARGULIES, SIMCHA KAUFMAN, SHEA FISHMAN, BLOGGER POSEK THUG YISROEL BELSKY-BRENNER, THE AGUDATH ISRAEL......14,600 LONG AND TERRIBLE DAYS.....HUNDREDS OF LIVES...HUNDREDS OF FAMILIES.....


  18. how can shustel continue working with kolko and margulies? is money such a corrupting influence?

  19. Word is Karr copped to the Ramsey murder to avoid the rape and torture he was sure to receive in the Thai prison system. Anybody willing to put Kolko's name on a Thai Air flight one way?

  20. flatbush yid,

    Since when do you have to be modern orthodox to be angry about Margo and company ?

  21. Pinchus "Penetration" Scheinberg is in town. I propose a shidduch date between Belsky and Scheinberg. They deserve each other.

  22. I think it's only fair that John Karr gets his turn chaperoning Torah Temimah boys to Lake Compounce.

    He has not been PROVEN guilty yet...Hey John, sneak in to Silver Lake, whisk away a few boys while nobody knows, retain Avi Moskowitz in case someone sees you at Lake Compounce, and have him swear that Camp Silver Lake knew nothing.

    Immediately contact Fraud Momzer Belsky and have him issue a hazmana to the photographer that snapped the picture of you holding hands of young kinderlach, for whatever he thinks will prevent you from giving it to the media.


    Then we get Aaron shtik drek Twerski to discredit the photographer as a "dishonorable man" because he bought the camera at a store that was not approved by Momzer Sheriff Belsky in case the photographer got hungry and decided to eat his camera!

  23. To buy cameras not approved by Rav Belsky to snap pictures of Kolko in action, YOU GO TO B&H!

  24. What is all this leading to?

    Please give us a hint.

  25. Boss Hynes thinks that like Mondrowitz, John Karr is not extraditable.

  26. John Karr should recuse himself from the classroom until it can be determined if he is guilty as accused.

  27. They're going to haul me out of summer vacation for this crap? I just got the order to write an editorial about John Karr. My orders are to not mention anything about victims suffering in case YTT parents get any ideas about drawing parallels.

  28. UOJ,



  29. Regular Flatbush Yid,

    I'm Modern Orthodox and I don't have any problem with Margo.

  30. So John Karr had to keep moving around when allegations surfaced? That's what I call a loser. You can run a yeshiva for Sephardim in Kew Garden Hills and nobody even says boo.

  31. I just googled Yisroel Belsky's name. I think it's interesting the first thing that came up was sex offender Yaakov Menken's site "".

  32. Wow is that ever an uncanny resemblance! If anyone saw the picture of Avi Moskowitz a while back on his website posted here, he has the same hairdo as Bimbo the clown in that last link.

  33. Hey Moskowitz you putz, you may be modern ortho, but you've got the same farshtunkinna goulash in your genes as Margo.

  34. Did Kolko leave any DNA evidence behind in the boiler room or around Lake Compounce?

  35. I thought you might be interested in reading about The Awareness Center's policies in posting sex offenders on their web page:

  36. Regular bensonhurst yid

    Margo you don't have to be human to dislike even dogs stay away from him. It was R' Belsky I was talking about. How well will his next Hakhel speech by R' Reisman shul be attended. Will Mordy still invite him to speak? I always felt bad that he was persona non grata in Boro Park, I guess I just couldn't care less anymore. How's Bais Hatalmud doing these days. They also protected a molestor years back. Know who I am talking about?
    Hey Avi (Bimbo) that's because you are a clown. Any relation to Bozo?

  37. thats why yeedle and lanner are still on the site they never will give up performing for an audience

    jewish awareness rules
    he Awareness Center also has a policy in place in removing an alleged or convicted sex offender from their web page.

    The Awareness Center adopted the following policy.

    If an alleged or convicted offender complies with all the following, our board of directors will meet to discuss removing the name from our page:

    After the offender or alleged offender can demonstrate that he/she has apologized directly to the victim(s), and the survivors feel that the apology was sincere.

    After the offender has made a public statement acknowledging his/her relevant behavior.

    After the offender has entered treatment with a licensed psychotherapist who meets our criteria of someone specializing in sex offender treatment, and can present a certified letter from this therapist stating that "the individual is no longer a threat to those he or she preyed upon.

    After the offender has paid restitution to the survivor(s) for the pain and suffering they have endured and also pays for counseling for his/her victim(s).

    The offender agrees to sign a written statement stating they will not work (paid or volunteer) for any agency, organization or institution that has any connections with children, or what ever population the offender has victimize.

  38. Belsky,

    I'm just getting warmed up. You'll be lucky to get a job driving a truck for Rubashkin by the time I'm done with you.

    I will expose you layer by layer for the fraud that you are.

    The truth will speak for itself, like it did with Margulies and Kolko..... let the community decide what to do with you.

  39. UOJ! you are the greatest. keep up the holy work of exposing tthese scum they are just as bad as the molesters for if they would have only listened to the parents of innocent young children begging please HELP US do somthing about this rebbi/mashgiach or whatever connection that abuser had with their precious neshomele contless others would have been saved. i dont know who this rav (BELCH-ky) is but from what i hear he deserves every dirty word in the book from every persn passing him on the street just like those rabbonim that quited parents with threats in the leizerowitz story. if anybody has more information on LIEZEROWITZ please the oilem has to know what went on in the gerer mesivtah for close to 30 years without him paying a heavy price PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE i canot sleep and will not sleep till somthing drastic happens to him. i am currently working on getting info about his whereabouts his neighbors have to know who is walking amongst their yiddeshe kinderlich. TO UOJ FOR OUR SAKE AND THE FUTURE OF OUR CHILDRENS/GRANDCHILDRENS SAKE DONT EVER QUIT IT HAS GONE ON FOR WAY TO LONG THE SILENCE "WAS" DEAFENING BUT THANKS TO YOU UOJ NOT ANYMORE THANK YOU!! LEIZEROWITZ VICTIM FOREVER

  40. I'm just getting warmed up. You'll be lucky to get a job driving a truck for Rubashkin by the time I'm done with you.
    Please warn the community before Belsky gets the truck driving position. We don't want to be around when he has his first road rage incident.

  41. regular flatbush yid said...
    Hey Avi (Bimbo) that's because you are a clown. Any relation to Bozo?

    You'd have to ask Larry Harmon Picture Corporation. But I kinda doubt they'd have anything to do with Kolko or Margo, Bozo the Clown is nice to kids.

    I checked with Agudat Chassidei Boz, and Avi Moskowitz has never been affiliated with the Bozoer Chassidim. He's certainly never asked the Rebbe, zol zein geshmakt, for a brocha. Klallahs he'll get without asking.


    The Bozoer Rebbe

    NP: Galus On Mainstrasse - Stolling Rones

  42. I'm available as a consultant for Rubashkin & Satmar truck drivers.

  43. I was flipping through the sales brochure created for irgun shiuray torah and of course they market their product very aggressively. Nevertheless, I was extremely surprised to find out that R Belsky is the Posek HaDor. The marketer even italicised it as though to emphasize it and drive it home. Almost as if, by doing so they would succeed in brainwashing me and convincing me that R Elyashiv is not the posek hador. Wait till Leib hears about this one: he will get them to place a ban on the brochure!

  44. Four Buffoons

    Belsky, Chaim Neuhoff (Tuvya), Kolko and Marguilies,

    Are sick verminous slime who are so sickly warped in their twisted view of Judaism that they clearly are making buffoons out of their collective selves.

    We all KNOW now that Belsky ABSOLUTELY VIOLATES HALACHA B'SHITA, by allowing Neuhoff to 'out' UOJ with out so much as a phone call, to speak with him personally (as a human would) beforehand

    Picture this:

    In my shul on shabbos I saw a 'halachic' discourse paper by belsky, in it he had 29 different retarded 'shailos' about milk and meat.

    Questions such as:

    1. what if chew meat for .5 seconds and then spit it out.

    2. what if I 'swish' (yes this is the word they used- "swish" clearly imbecilic) my mouth with clear chicken soup and spit.and on and on and on...the singular focus on sheer stupidity..

    But to say one god damn thing about child abuse- NNNOOO!!

    I literally daven everyday for belsky to be removed from any 'rabinic' position that he has and for the 'Ha'mon Am' to wake up to the scam that represents the current jewish rabbinate.

  45. If I might be of assistance in helping to locate people now living in Israel, please let me know. B'ahavat Yisrael & Shabbat Shalom

  46. "Not Hungarian, Boruch Hashem said...
    Hey Moskowitz you putz, you may be modern ortho, but you've got the same farshtunkinna goulash in your genes as Margo."

    Hey Ronnie, where's the righteous outrage? You only preach when its the froomies hurling stones? How about when your comrades at arms hurl some of the most nauseatingly bigoted statements I've ever seen?
    I'm trying hard to distingish between anti-semitism from people like mel gibson and the trash that the above hoity toity litvak (or is it polak) writes, but it aint working.

    I guess you can rationalize away, though.



  47. Yeshayahu Shlomo said...
    If I might be of assistance in helping to locate people now living in Israel, please let me know. B'ahavat Yisrael & Shabbat Shalom
    -----------------------------------THANKS for your assistance i am taking you up on your offer. his name is AVROHOM MORDECHAI LEIZEROWITZ he is an israeli that came to america in the late 70's to be mashgiach in the gerer mesivtah on 16th av bet.55&54th st he recently ran from america back to israel for fear of of a very recent victim going to the DA i am sorry it never happend his latest address in israel was 102 RECHOV YECESKAL IN JERUSALEM i dont know if he is still there but i do know that he has a brother living in arad you might be able to get current information throuh him there are not many leizerowitz's in arad please post and shabat shalom to you thanks LEIZEROWITS VICTIM FOREVER


    1. Molesters & enablers do not show the 3 simonim of zera Avrohom.

    2. Hungarians in general come from the Khazars.

    Why just litvaks & "polaks"? Yekks & Syrians can't stand you shlishka fressing idiots either.

  49. Hey ronnie, if this guy's not every inch as bad as any froomie jackass, I dont know who is. Where's your moral clarity now, huh?

    And you stupid inbred bigot - anyone who speaks so freely of the zera avrohom is very clearly an eved himself (kol haposel...).
    And your little per khazar theory? Yeah, even if true, which historically it isnt, it sort of reminds me of the jackass cohen gadol who made fun of shmaya and avtalyon as bnei gerim and got his commuppance. Last I checked, the khazars were geirei tzedek - you got a problem with them, you elitist fraud? I'd bet you're the type who wouldnt let his kids marry a ger. Ki gerim hayeesem indeed. Your pleas for racial purity are reminiscent of the aryan nation's.

  50. Not Hungarian, Boruch Hashem said...
    Hey Moskowitz you putz, you may be modern ortho, but you've got the same farshtunkinna goulash in your genes as Margo."

    Hey Ronnie, where's the righteous outrage? You only preach when its the froomies hurling stones? How about when your comrades at arms hurl some of the most nauseatingly bigoted statements I've ever seen?
    I'm trying hard to distingish between anti-semitism from people like mel gibson and the trash that the above hoity toity litvak (or is it polak) writes, but it aint working.

    I guess you can rationalize away, though.

    Nope. The silly attacks on Hungarian Jews are tasteless and completely inappropriate. Besides, everyone knows that Rumanians are worse. Hungarians will sell you their mother. Romanians will sell you their mother, but reneg on the deal. Okay, just joking - the one Hunky joke I know.

    I'm not responsible for what other people post. I've advocated treating other Jews nicely and try to do so myself in realspace - but I didn't realize that I was the police around here, searching for epithets.

    I happen to like goulash - chicken paprikash not so much, but the Hunkies do know how to cook, for sure.

    For the past three years I've spent one of my Pesach seders with four generations of a wonderful Hungarian family. The patriarch of the clan was in Mauthausen. His son is as eidel a Jew as one can imagine. C'mon, they invite me, the pariah, to their seder.


    Department of Redundancy Dept. Alert! One of the definitions of regnant is "predominant". As for your statement, are you saying that Hungarian Jews are the majority of Jews alive today? They aren't even a majority of Orthodox Jews. With the Nazis murdering most Hungarian Jews in the space of a few months in the summer of 1944, I can't see, demographically, how they could now be the "regnant majority". Perhaps in your part of Flatbush, ir haKodesh.

    In this community, the "Ungarishe" shul (Bnai Moshe) affiliated with the Conservative movement back in the 1950s, while the shuls identified as "Polish" or "Litvak" (B'nai Israel and Beth Tfilo [R. Laizer Levin's shul - which my Bubbe and Zayde helped establish]) remained Orthodox.


    I presume your name is Richard and you were signing your post. Tuvya gets upset when folks use nivul peh around here.

    Hey ronnie, if this guy's not every inch as bad as any froomie jackass, I dont know who is. Where's your moral clarity now, huh?

    Who died and made me comment cop? I'm as morally clouded as anyone.

    And you stupid inbred bigot - anyone who speaks so freely of the zera avrohom is very clearly an eved himself (kol haposel...).

    Ummm. When calling others bigots, using the term "inbred" seems, well, hypocritical. For what it's worth, the comments attacking Hungarian Jews as a group are wrong. That clear enough for you?

    And your little per khazar theory? Yeah, even if true, which historically it isnt, it sort of reminds me of the jackass cohen gadol who made fun of shmaya and avtalyon as bnei gerim and got his commuppance. Last I checked, the khazars were geirei tzedek - you got a problem with them, you elitist fraud? I'd bet you're the type who wouldnt let his kids marry a ger. Ki gerim hayeesem indeed. Your pleas for racial purity are reminiscent of the aryan nation's.

    Well stated. Frankly, the Khazar nonsense posted here has more than a whiff of the Jew haters who use it all the time to deny that today's Jews are actually Jews. It has no place here, or in any Jewish discussion.

    As an aside, the fact that the Ukraine is the most Jew hating place on earth may be based on the fact that the Khazars dominated the Ukraine until a kossack uprising overthrew them.

    Your comments about gerim are well stated. Frankly, most gerim that I know act in a manner that I wished froomies would emulate.

    As for me, why wouldn't I let my kids marry a ger? Their father did.

    So, did I make myself clear enough?

    BTW, you'd have more credibility if you used your real name like our correspondent from Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh, Yeshayahu Shlomo.
