Monday, December 18, 2006


A reader writes:

Rabbi Nussbaum appears to have made some transaction involving the property he owns (along with his wife and one other) at 1854 47th st, Brooklyn. NY 11204 on 6/21/06. The documents can be found on acris, the new york city register's web site. Because I'm not a lawyer, the transaction doesn't really make sense to me. I wonder if he is protecting assets because of the possible lawsuits.

The timing seems right. Maybe the NYC Marshall or Sheriff could seize his ruler or that brown 1970's Buick with the matching pinstriped suit.

My recollection is that his fondling usually occurred
in front of the whole class when you were called up to read.

That was his usual method of operation. I remember
devising ways with a few fellow classmates on how to
avoid his wandering hand in our pants when were called up.

We would be tightening our belt, bring up our own
chumash so we could stand at arms length..,etc.

He also used to put his arm around your leg to make sure you couldn't get away.

I spoke with a former classmate, who as I write,
is searching for the diary he kept for that year and other years at YOB.

Keep up the good work and whatever methods are
required to get these people away from children.
