Monday, May 29, 2006


"As man is a social animal, it is almost certain that he would inherit a tendency to be faithful to his comrades and obedient to the leader of the tribe".

The Descent Of Man by Charles Darwin

How does a low-life become a head of a yeshiva? I asked this question over and over again to myself as I twist and turn trying to fall asleep.

This is what I came up with.

When we view history, especially recent history, I asked myself the same question regarding the onset of the PLO.

Who in the world would want a filthy dirty slob, bad to look at, disgusting to be near,an abomination of a human, a known murderer and thief, to be their leader? Could it be that the masses of the Palestinians were that dumb? Could it be that no matter how rotten a person is, he will find followers that will support him and his evil?

Could the world be that crazy by allowing "Chairman" Arafat the podium at the United Nations with a gun on his hip? Well, the Agudath Israel gave Margulies the podium at the siyum haShas armed with his black hat and gartel!

The parallels between Arafat and Margulies are startling. OK I know some are you are saying " this is the final straw, UOJ is an over the top certified lunatic".

Read on, listen carefully.

1-Who made Arafat "Chairman"- Who made Margulies "Rabbi"?

2-Who raised millions of dollars from all sorts of people only to enrich themselves as they robbed their supporters blind? Who had the SOLE authority to write himself millions of dollars of checks without asking anyone?

3-Who controlled/controls all of the assets of the organizations they led with other people's money? Who recently "SOLD" 55% of their house to the yeshiva and pocketed $1.9 MILLION DOLLARS?

4-Who killed off( emotional killing is murder) all their detractors and slandered those that would not support their evil ways?

5-Who has laundered all sorts of ILLEGAL money through their institutions?

6-Who has defied all logic and kept lying until their dying day?

7-Who unashamedly issued statements that were filthy lies without any hesitation?

8-Who began their institutions on a huge fraud; Palestinian people-Torah Vodaath Of Flatbush!

9-Who has led their groups into the abyss and convinced them that their cause is justifiable according to ancient texts?

10-Who is willing to destroy their peoples because of their illusions of grandeur?

The world is watching and shortly the "fetter Shmiel" will be coming to visit!