Monday, January 08, 2007


Torah Vodaath Bachur Says:

January 8th, 2007

The following was posted approximately 11 days ago by Rabbi Yisroel Belsky Shlita on other sites. Rav Belsky mentioned during one of his shiurim last week that he felt it to be Halachicly proper to notify the public on line since so many Yiddin are blatantly violating the issur of being on the internet and not listening to the rabbonim who have clarly forbid it and instead are today reading blogs over the internet.

I, Rabbi Yisroel (Israel) Belsky, feel the olam needs to know my daas regarding Rabbi Yudi Kolko Shlita. Rabbi Yudi Kolko should never have been arrested. A child, whether he is six years or nine years of age should not be assumed to be telling the truth accurately. And even if it were true that the child was touched inappropriately, these type of things happen all the time, its not enough of a reason to label the man a pedophile and danger to society. In the early 70’s,Yudi and I were together in Camp Agudah. I heard occasionally complaints from young campers that they had been fondled by Rabbi Yudi Kolko. Always I suggested that they allow me to go public with their accusation. It was my way of testing them for the truth. Each and every time, I heard the accusing child refuse. It was then clear to me that these campers were lying. Children are known to make up stories. To this day Yudi Kolko was never found to be dangerous to any children. To the contrary, Rav Pinchas Scheinberg Shlita and Rabbi (hagaon-hatzaddik) Lipa Margulis Shlita, after carefully investigating many of the accusers, made a very clear determination that Yudi Kolko was innocent of mishkav zachar, and that the claims of inappropriate touching was nothing more than his showing of affection. That was their psak many years ago, and the olam remains obligated to accept it without any question. We therefore must give no credence to the shouting voices of Yudi’s most recent accusers. These are people seeking false publicity and to make an easy dollar off the back of a Yeshiva which in reality they should be very grateful to. I therefore, as always continue to stand behind Rabbi Yudi Kolko Shlita and give him my fullest support. I am fully certain that at the end Rabbi Kolko will be acquitted of all the false charges.”

For clarification purposes: Someone e-mailed the above tragi-comedic post put on another site. After I verified that in fact Blogger-Posek Belsky indeed has expressed these sentiments, I decided to post it. The person that verified Belsky's positions spoke to him directly on the phone. That person is in a position of trust and someone I trust!