Tuesday, June 05, 2007


E-mail in confidence:a_unorthodoxjew@yahoo.com

From a reliable source:

· He was a Rebbe in TA Baltimore in the early 80’s maybe late 70’s. He molested one of my friends and the sister of another of my friends.

· He then moved to California to YULA (I think – I’m still trying to get info)

· I spoke to a person who Young tried to molest in Camp Agudah-Toronto

· Rabbi Young is presently the principal of Machon Bais Yaakov see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bais_Yaakov_Machon_Academy.


  1. Briarwood, Queens is south of Kew Gardens Hills and East of Kew Gardens. There are almost no regular haymishe people there. It's all Russian and Bukharian.

    Efraim Bryks also slipped into the Bukharian chinuch system nearby until he was pressured out by the RCA. Bryks is still giving shiurim to children in many shuls including the Young Israel of Briarwood.

  2. If Chuck Young was at YULA, he could have been protected by Aron Tendler and uncle Shalom.

  3. http://yudelstake.blogspot.com/2007/06/never-doubt-that-small-group-of.html

    Yudel Shain is on a roll this week against Rabbi Teichman and his hashgocho. Some of his comments are above. He's basically saying that Teichman made a churva of the Los Angeles kashrus scene and that everyone else including the RCC are not reliable by virtue of them not having a backbone to stop Teichman.

    Yudel advises no one eat from any LA hashgocho.

    Can we hear some input from UOJ and whoever else might have some knowledge of this?

  4. http://www.pinknews.co.uk/news/articles/2005-369.html

    Oh phew, for a second it thought it was friend Rabbi Roderick Young.

  5. http://www.lamohel.com/

    Who is UOJ calling a misfit. Come on you coward, get out from behind that computer and put up your dukes! This is how we settle scores in Iran.

  6. Chuck was not in YULA, he was a Rabbi in Palo Alto in Northern California.


    Chuck took over as principal of Torah Academy of Queens iun 1994, immediately after the firing of Rabbi Bryks. The board was in turmoil, and took the first guy they met. {I recall they said Chuck was from Atlanta}

    Torah Academy's board merged with Rabbi Yehoshua of the Bukharian community, and changed the name to Binat Chaim.

    I'm 99% sure that the same board leaders funded the new school Bais Yaakov Machon. The top two guys are Shiu Reichmann, and Itzi Laub.

    His school is Bais Yaakov Machon, NOT MACHON Bais Yaakov. That school is Oelbaum's in Boro Park.

  7. At least Shalom Tendler resigned from Young Israel of Beverly Hills when he was finally cornered instead of feifing on the velt like Margo.

  8. At least Shalom Tendler resigned from Young Israel of Beverly Hills when he was finally cornered instead of feifing on the velt like Margo.

    Resigned my ass. He ran out of there before they fired him!

  9. Yudel Shain is on a roll this week against Rabbi Teichman and his hashgocho. Some of his comments are above. He's basically saying that Teichman made a churva of the Los Angeles kashrus scene and that everyone else including the RCC are not reliable by virtue of them not having a backbone to stop Teichman.

    Yudel advises no one eat from any LA hashgocho.

    Can we hear some input from UOJ and whoever else might have some knowledge of this?

    Teichman is cut from the same shmatta Belsky is. EVERYTHING Teichman touches turns to crap! His bais din (like Belsky he has his own private business)..is a farce. Teichman is nuts!

    His gittin are worthless..the aidim he uses are misfits (aino bar daas) off the street, because he feeds them instead of paying them.

    The RCC has become a haven of corruption and all of its members except Rabbis Bess and Vann are corrupt and worse!

    Every putz-idiot rabbi with free time on their hands became a posek and a halachic authority.

    The "document manager" Sholom Tendler is a child-molester enabler and worse, coverup criminal, ala Lipa Margulies.


    I will be doing a detailed and documented post and visual on the RCC and its members, policies and shenanigans, in the future!

  10. In Palo Alto he was known as Rabbi Yitzchok Young.

    Which Young is he? There are British ones in America and the rov in Philly near the yeshiva.

  11. It runs in the family.


    Radio exec admits: We slanted war news to encourage withdrawal

    “I have failed. We have failed,” wrote Kaveh Shafran, political affairs correspondent for Israel Army Radio shortly before the expulsion was carried out. “As a diplomatic correspondent, I was among those who in the past year were supposed to tell the public exactly what is the Disengagement Plan, why it was created, how it will be implemented… The media’s conspiracy of silence protected Sharon when he fired cabinet ministers who did not support disengagement…”

  12. Beware, beware, Dayan Aron Dovid Dunner a well known London perpetrator is now looking to relocate in the States, possibly Lakewood area, (brother in-law of R Matisyohu Salomon of Lakewood). Long history of horrendous events - ask any Londoner. Currently works with Kedassia Beis Din. Considered very prestigious by those not in the know.

  13. "Long history of horrendous events"

    What kind of events?

    Is this the Dunner who speaks all over like some kind of maggid? The maggid one usually gets a speaking slot at the Agudah Fresser Convention too.

    There is a controversial Dunner as far as hashkofos / modernkeit but I think his name is Pinny Dunner.

  14. I'm sure UOJ checked this guy out before posting this. It's amazing how TA Baltimore and Camp Aguda keep popping up in regards to molesters.

    Regarding the swirling kashrut controversies, until people start realizing that there is no such thing as semi kosher or extra kosher, the corruption will continue. Let's get it straight once and for all, either the item is kosher or it's not. The OU and their counterparts are very happy to continue with these misconceptions since they can cater to every Jew's level of observance or lack of. This in turn creates divisions and sinas chinam among families and within communities where one member will not eat by another's house because "they are not kosher enough". One does not recover easily from such an insult, especially female members.

    One can easily say "what's the big deal, eat what you want, etc, there are more pressing issues out there". However, the needless divisions and break ups within families over kashrut is indeed a very serious problem. It is being exacerbated by these phony hashgochos who are only looking out for their own pockets. There is a lot more to say on this issue and there are many exmaples. It will not be solved in one day, but at least people should be aware of what's going on and try to use their logic and intelligence in making kashrut decisions. We surely cannot rely on the endless list of "alphabet soup" hashgochos to help in those decisions.

  15. I'm sure UOJ checked this guy out before posting this. It's amazing how TA Baltimore and Camp Aguda keep popping up in regards to molesters.

    Regarding the swirling kashrut controversies, until people start realizing that there is no such thing as semi kosher or extra kosher, the corruption will continue. Let's get it straight once and for all, either the item is kosher or it's not.

    Spot-on Steve!

  16. Young was at Camp Mesorah in Hemet for the summer of 1987. He also was a rebbe at YULA. After LA, he went to Atlanta, or maybe Palo Alto before Atlanta. He is the son-in-law of Maurice Lamm

  17. I have done homework on Yaakov Menken. I do not know him or do I care to. Allegedly, he had an adulterous relationship with a woman in his employ. As a rabbi, he should be history, but not as a human. If he did repent, he deserves another chance, but not in the rabbinate.

    If he used his position to force himself on her, he should be in jail. That part seems dubious. I don't know what happened.

    The rabbinate is...or I should say was intended for the "most" perfect Jewish humans. I did not say perfect, there is no such a thing!

    Would a bank employee ever got a shot at working again in any financial institution if he stole one dollar? I think not!

    There should be a "one strike" law in the rabbinate for serious indescretions. Teshuva is fine klapei Shomayim, but if Menken's ability to control his sexual desires is impaired, he has no place in the rabbinate.

    Once we understand these nuances, we perhaps can begin the correction process. Until then, we do not deserve better than what we have, and that in the majority of cases, is human garbage!

  18. Kenny Menken is an orthodox rabbi who is married with children.

    He has a habit of sexually harassing young beautiful women who work for him that are going some sort of personal crisis in their lives.

    One of my friends was one of the women. She was terrified to do anything more then just quit and move away. I heard rumors that there is another woman out there who also quit due to the same situation. Then there's the survivor who's written about on the Awareness Center's web page.

    I have no idea if there have been any more victims of his. Some one has to put a stop to him being involved in any sort of "Jewish outreach". He has a problem with reaching too far.

    Kenny if you read this, please get yourself into therapy with someone trained to work with someone like you. You also need to find a new career where you have no access to teenage girls or young women.

  19. Allegedly, he had an adulterous relationship with a woman in his employ.


    Apparently she was single. While it's considered adultery in civil law if he was married, al pi halacha it isn't adultery, infidelity, but not adultery.

  20. Apparently she was single. While it's considered adultery in civil law if he was married, al pi halacha it isn't adultery, infidelity, but not adultery.


    C'mon Ronnie

  21. Sheldon Silver Shtik Drek!

    Editorial New York Times

    Safe Harbor for Exploited Children

    Published: June 5, 2007

    The New York State Legislature is rightly pleased with itself for passing a new law that offers tougher penalties for sex traffickers, as well as help for their victims who are often smuggled in from abroad and forced to work as sex slaves. As important as it is, the trafficking law fails to deal with the serious and growing problem of American children, some as young as 13 years old, who are dragooned into prostitution by brutal pimps.

    The best way to care for these children would be for the State Senate to pass the Safe Harbor Act, a groundbreaking law that was passed by the House.

    By law, sexually exploited children are too young to even consent to sex. But instead of treating them as victims, prosecutors too often charge them with prostitution and send them off to the juvenile equivalent of jail. Under the Safe Harbor law, sexually exploited children would no longer be charged with prostitution. They would be placed under state supervision and lodged in safe houses where they would get the counseling and medical care they need and are unlikely to receive in detention.

    The law also provides for long-term housing, which is a central issue, given that many of these children have been driven into the streets by abusive parents and have no homes to return to.

    Some prosecutors who oppose the bill say that the charge of prostitution is crucial to getting these children to testify against the pimps. But children who have been brainwashed, beaten and forced to sell themselves on the street are often in no condition to face their abusers in court. Beyond that, the law needs to foster and protect these children, instead of victimizing them yet again.

  22. UOJ,

    Not trying to give you a hard time or raise a point that everyone knows. I like words and how they are used, that's all. I've criticized people for using the word "pedophilia" when talking about attraction to teenagers.

  23. UOJ,

    Not trying to give you a hard time

    I am used to it, but is that my point?

    Would you accept Menken as your rabbi? Should Menken BE a rabbi? Is that the best we can do? And once we find out he's a predator of sorts, we just let him be?

    The issue is NOT the halacha of eishes ish, the issue is DO WE WANT THESE PERVERTS IN THE RABBINATE?

    A guy that hits on women, whatever their marital status, should be hung by whatever the mohel left him with!

  24. By MATT APUZZO and PETE YOST, Associated Press Writers
    15 minutes ago

    WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison Tuesday for lying and obstructing the CIA leak investigation — the probe that showed a White House obsessed with criticism of its decision to go to war.

    What a travesty!

  25. Heinemann is on his way to Beijing.----------

    BEIJING (Reuters) - A man in southeast China says 40 years of swallowing tree frogs and rats live has helped him avoid intestinal complaints and made him strong.

    Jiang Musheng, a 66-year-old resident of Jiangxi province, suffered from frequent abdominal pains and coughing from the age of 26, until an old man called Yang Dingcai suggested tree frogs as a remedy, the Beijing News said on Tuesday.

    "At first, Jiang Musheng did not dare to eat a live, wriggling frog, but after seeing Yang Dingcai swallow one, he ate ... two without a thought," the paper said.

    "After a month of eating live frogs, his stomach pains and coughing were completely gone."

    Over the years Jiang had added live mice, baby rats and green frogs to his diet, and had once eaten 20 mice in a single day, the paper said.

  26. Sounds like a guy from Frankel's shul.

    NEW YORK - A man has sued the maker of the health drink Boost Plus, claiming the vitamin-enriched beverage gave him an--- that would not subside and caused him to be hospitalized.

    The lawsuit filed by..... said he bought the nutrition beverage, which is made by the Novartis pharmaceutical company, at a drugstore on June 5, 2004, and drank it.

    Novartis' Boost Plus Web site describes the drink as "a great tasting, high calorie, nutritionally complete oral supplement for people who require extra energy and protein in a limited volume," in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry.

    Court papers say he woke up the next morning "with an... that would not subside" and sought treatment of the condition, called severe priapism. They say he underwent surgery that day for implantation of a Winter shunt, which moves blood from one area to another.

    The lawsuit, filed late Monday, says he had problems that days later required a hospital visit and artery embolization, a way of closing blood vessels. Closing off some blood flow prevents engorgement of the ... with blood and lessens the likelihood of an ....

    The lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages, names Novartis Consumer Health Inc. as a defendant. A spokeswoman for the company, Brandi Robinson, said Tuesday the company was aware of the lawsuit but did not comment on pending litigation.

    Lawyers did not return telephone calls for comment Tuesday.

  27. "Young ... is the son-in-law of Maurice Lamm"

    That would make him the nephew of Stormin' Norman Lamm and the first cousin of anti-molester guru Rabbi Mark Dratch.

  28. "Regarding the swirling kashrut controversies, until people start realizing that there is no such thing as semi kosher or extra kosher, the corruption will continue. Let's get it straight once and for all, either the item is kosher or it's not."

    But alas, it's not so simple!

  29. UOJ has just described the Toradik hashkofa and halacha in a nutshell. Molesters and men who cannot control their urges have no right to remain in the rabbonus. Even a mere kol is enough to have someone removed according to the Rishonim.

    This happened in the case of Rabbi Ivan Wachmann, an Irish-born rov in Manchester. After losing his shteller due to the intervention of a rare beis din that actually gets things done, he divorced his wife and today leads a freye temple in Florida.

    Along similar lines has Mordechai Tendler followed. It boggles the mind that so many others like Kolko were given a free pass for years.

  30. Bess is the RCC g-dfather. He will not speak out against Teichman. They are together on the eruv vaad,

  31. On the contrary, he could be Novartises poster boy. About how Novartis Boost Plus gives you a boost. The baby boomers will go ga ga for this drink!

  32. Chuck was definitly in LA but he was in CAMP AGUDAH TORONTO not Ferndale. OUJ-you may want to correct that on the front page.

    He is Rabbi Lamm's son-in-law.

  33. Aron Dovid Dunner is a dayan in Stamford Hill London and the Aguda speaker. He's very controversial as he says what he thinks and isn't cowed by anyone but,as far as I know from here in England, not corruptat all. He's tremendously loyal to his baleibattim and won't take garbage from anyone. He is currently fighting to take over his late father's position as Ravad on the Kedasia (frum London beis din)which his hasidic opponents are trying tooth and nail to stop. It's long been rumoured that he wanted to move to America like his brother in law (wives are sisters)Rabbi Salamon in Lakewood and now that his elderly father has passed away the path is clear.
    Pinni's his nephew an entirely different character and Rov of a very modern yuppy shul in London.

  34. Camp Agudah Toronto is a 5 hour drive north of the city in Port Carling. That's like opening a camp in Virginia and calling it camp Boro Park. The place is a midbar shmoma with nothing kosher in the nearest store an hour away, not even cookies. It can get lonely out there if you know what I mean.

  35. Yudel Shain must be eating his Wheaties this week he's moved from Teichman to full throttle expose of Gornish.

  36. R' Shmuel Kamenetzky interviewed Rabbi Kenny Menken, so what does he do with the Rishonim who say Menken should be removed if Menken in fact confessed to R' Shmuel as reported? R' Shmuel suspects Kolko is also guilty. As far as I know, the Rishonim do not allow for the teshuva excuse.

  37. Leib Pinter's son Moishy and mechutan "Rabbi" Herzl Kranz were sponging off Abramoff's largesse.


    House Democrats are expanding their investigation into ties between jailed GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff and the White House and have contacted several Abramoff associates recently about testifying to Congress.
    The contacts were disclosed Tuesday by a House Democratic aide and an attorney familiar with the matter who both spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is ongoing.

    The aide declined to identify those the committee wants to talk to.

  38. http://www.senate.be/www/?MIval=/Registers/ViewReg&COLL=H&PUID=50335373&TID=50352954&POS=1&LANG=nl

    If someone here can translate Flemish, I don't know if Kaszirer has anything to do with it, but his name is mentioned.

    Het imago van de diamantsector krijgt opnieuw een fikse deuk. Eerder kwam de sector reeds in opspraak naar aanleiding van het faillissement van de bank `Max Fischer', een zaak die na tien jaar zal worden berecht, de bedrieglijke bankbreuk van de `Kaszirer Diamonds' en van `Intra Trade Company' en de witwaspraktijken van Fouad Abbas. Het Antwerpse gerecht onderwierp de Antwerpse diamantsector onlangs opnieuw aan een grootschalig onderzoek. Uit dit onderzoek blijkt dat `Monstrey Worldwide Services', het grootste koerierbedrijf in Antwerpen dat instaat voor de verzending van diamanten, op grote schaal fraude pleegde.


    Dealmaking is part of the scenery in Antwerp's centuries-old diamond district. Passing one another on the narrow streets, traders nod in greeting while talking into cell phones. A black-hatted Hasidic broker, spotting a prospective customer, pulls a clear plastic bag of tiny, sparkling stones from his overcoat and launches into a rapid-fire sales pitch. At a nearby café, two men take turns peering through a jeweler's loupe at a pile of diamonds between their coffee cups.

    But lately the buzz of commerce has been tinged with anxiety. Over the past 18 months police have repeatedly swept in, raiding offices and hauling away papers and gems as evidence in investigations of money laundering and tax evasion. One trader died of a heart attack during a police search of his home last December, prompting a protest by fellow traders, who shut down the district for a day.

    Although fewer than 20 of Antwerp's nearly 2,000 trading companies have been raided, police have seized tens of millions of dollars' worth of diamonds. The gems are held as evidence while the probe continues. Adding to the tension, DeBeers Group's trading arm, which supplies 50% of the world's diamonds, warned Antwerp traders that they could be cut off if they don't follow industry rules against money laundering.

    Traders say the pressure is spooking suppliers and customers alike, sending them to rival centers in Dubai, India, and Israel. Imports of rough diamonds, the uncut stones that are Antwerp's main business, fell 20% in April, though year-to-date figures remain above 2006. "People are afraid and upset," trader Shashin Choksi says, sitting in his office next to a refrigerator-size safe full of jewels.

    No question, the $70 billion-a-year global diamond business has some ugly facets. Easy to transport and hard to trace, the precious stones are a favored vehicle for financing illicit activity, from drug trafficking to terrorism. "The diamond industry is very secretive. Large amounts of money can be moved around, and it's relatively easy to misstate the value," says Alex Vines, a former U.N. diamond-trade investigator who now heads the Africa program at Chatham House, part of London's Royal Institute of International Affairs.

    Belgian authorities won't discuss their investigation. But the Diamond High Council, a quasi-governmental agency that oversees the Antwerp trade, says recent raids stemmed from a probe of a diamond shipping company, Monstrey Worldwide Services. Agents searched the company in October, 2005, and arrested its owner in a money-laundering investigation. Monstrey has shut its doors and no one from the company could be reached for comment, but police have seized the inventories of at least 16 traders who were its customers.

    Antwerp traders fear the crackdown could end the city's reign as the world's No. 1 diamond center. Antwerp's first exchange opened in the 15th century, and although most cutting and polishing has relocated to cheaper locales such as China, 80% of the world's uncut diamonds still pass through the city. "If rough diamonds disappear from Antwerp, it is finished," says Koen Smets, a Belgian who buys diamonds from local traders and sends them to a factory in China for finishing.

    The threat to their livelihood has united Antwerp's multicultural diamond community as never before. Over the past decade a growing population of Indians has gradually displaced Orthodox Jews as the dominant group of traders. But now, says third-generation Jewish trader Ziv Knoll, "we're all in the same boat." Knoll says he knows several traders who are relocating to Dubai and Tel Aviv. If the raids continue, he says, he may do the same. "We can't continue to work with constant harassment."

  39. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/05/health/05tb.html

    Letting Kolko & Menken parade around potential victims is a really stupid & reckless thing to do. That's like if some putz has drug resistant tuberculosis and flies on a packed passenger jet.

  40. http://lang.dailynews.com/socal/editorial/inter/x_valley/x_valley_4/features/ford/ford.html

    From today's LA Daily News.

    Luke Ford is a disgrace for getting back into the porn industry.

  41. Shmarya is really going off the deep end lately. He is promoting the idea of "gerus" without intent to be frum and is giving his stamp of approval to Shlomo Goren's being mattir mamzerim for political gain.

    One reader sums it all up:


    I am a publicly professed ingoramous. You, however, claim to know it all while spewing opinions that are so assinine that even an ignoramous like me can see right through them. Tell me have you confirmed that your views are correct with any reputable rabbi? If yes will they allow you to go public with that or do they have no guts (to use your term)? Face it Shmarya you are a fraud. You are a fraud because you profess to know the halacha when you haven't a clue. You are a fraud because you profess to follow halacha when you are creating you own rules based on your warped views of what is just. And you are a fraud because you masquarade as still being of the orthodox persuasion when you aren't even close. Take it from someone who was conservative for more than half his life - most traditional conservative rabbis would consider you a heretic. My only question is is this funnier than it is sad.

  42. Ronnie,

    I have a gentleman on my back about a large order he placed 2 months ago and has yet to receive.

    He and his family want to start wearing the items at all the June simchas.

    I would not mess with this guy if I were you.

  43. Dayan Aron Dovid Dunner has a son that when he was about 15 years of age, was caught on cctv in an area pharmacy buying condoms with the daughter of a frum doctor in london, the doctor being a no nonsense guy called the police, when the dayan was confronted about it he did not want to beleive the allegations. this story occured somewhere between 6-10 years ago, if anyone knows the exact details, bring it on.

  44. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime_file/2007/06/06/2007-06-06_1m_bail_for_teen_perv_suspect-2.html

    For bumping up Mutterperl's bail to $1 million and calling him "every parent's worst nightmare."

    Is the guy pictured with Mutterperl that putz Leo Kimmel? He looks like a shriveled up Caraway seed.

  45. $1M 'PERV' BAIL
    'WORST NIGHTMARE': Bernard Mutterperl (above) has been charged with trying to kidnap Brooklyn 11-year-old Xochil Garcia. A Post editorial in May lashed out at DA Joe Hynes.
    June 6, 2007 -- An accused child kidnapper - who admitted to cops he can't stop his pedophile urges - was finally behind bars yesterday after a judge upped his bail from a measly $25,000 to $1 million in cash.

    Bernard Mutterperl, 19, of Brooklyn, was nabbed last month for allegedly trying to kidnap an 11-year-old girl - only to be stunningly let out on the skimpy bail.

    "This is the very nature of someone who cannot abide by the rules of society," said Judge Patricia DiMango, as Mutterperl was arraigned on upgraded charges of attempted kidnapping.

    "I can't say it enough - it's everyone's worst nightmare," DiMango said.

    A Post editorial lashed out at the Brooklyn DA's Office for requesting only $10,000 bail when Mutterperl was originally arraigned in May. At the time, Judge John Wilson actually set a higher bail than prosecutors requested: $75,000 bond or $25,000 cash.

    DA Charles Hynes stubbornly defended the prosecution's original bail request.

    But even Judge Wilson's increased bail was easily within the means of the wealthy suspect. That left his alleged victim, Xochil Garcia - who managed to struggle free after she was grabbed - fearing he "might come back" for her.

    But when the original charges of unlawful imprisonment went before a grand jury, the panel voted to indict Mutterperl on the more serious charge of attempted kidnapping, as well.

    Yesterday, authorities revealed part of the statement Mutterperl made to cops after his arrest. At one point he told police there was no way he would have raped the girl because "Jewish people don't have sex with non-Jews."

    He also admitted he can't control his compulsion for little girls, cops said.

    "I, Bernard Mutterperl, have realized for quite some time over the last two or three years that I have a problem that when I see young girls I just want to go after them," his statement reads.

    Because of the new charge, authorities revisited the bail issue yesterday.

    Assistant DA Jacqueline Kagan asked for $100,000, while Mutterperl's attorney, Leo Kimmel, asked that bail remain the same.

    But DiMango made the unusual decision to slap Mutterperl with $1 million bail.

    "The circumstances here have changed drastically," she said.

    When DiMango announced the bail, Kimmel protested, reminding her that the DA asked for only $100,000.

    "I'm not bound by the district attorney's requests," the judge said.

  46. http://www.nypost.com/seven/06062007/news/regionalnews/1m_perv_bail_regionalnews_alex_ginsberg.htm

    "This is the very nature of someone who cannot abide by the rules of society," said Judge Patricia DiMango, as Mutterperl was arraigned on upgraded charges of attempted kidnapping.

    A Post editorial lashed out at the Brooklyn DA's Office for requesting only $10,000 bail when Mutterperl was originally arraigned in May. At the time, Judge John Wilson actually set a higher bail than prosecutors requested: $75,000 bond or $25,000 cash.

    DA Charles Hynes stubbornly defended the prosecution's original bail request.

    But even Judge Wilson's increased bail was easily within the means of the wealthy suspect. That left his alleged victim, Xochil Garcia - who managed to struggle free after she was grabbed - fearing he "might come back" for her.

    But when the original charges of unlawful imprisonment went before a grand jury, the panel voted to indict Mutterperl on the more serious charge of attempted kidnapping, as well.

    Yesterday, authorities revealed part of the statement Mutterperl made to cops after his arrest. At one point he told police there was no way he would have raped the girl because "Jewish people don't have sex with non-Jews."

    He also admitted he can't control his compulsion for little girls, cops said.

    "I, Bernard Mutterperl, have realized for quite some time over the last two or three years that I have a problem that when I see young girls I just want to go after them," his statement reads.

    Because of the new charge, authorities revisited the bail issue yesterday.

    Assistant DA Jacqueline Kagan asked for $100,000, while Mutterperl's attorney, Leo Kimmel, asked that bail remain the same.

    But DiMango made the unusual decision to slap Mutterperl with $1 million bail.

    "The circumstances here have changed drastically," she said.

    When DiMango announced the bail, Kimmel protested, reminding her that the DA asked for only $100,000.

    "I'm not bound by the district attorney's requests," the judge said.

  47. Kolko is due in court tomorrow.

    And does anyone know why R' Shmuel Miller's yeshiva is suing the Shaare Zedek shul on Beach 30th in the Edgemere section of the Rockaways? They are suing with Mort Avigdor from East 10th St (not the same block as the Bungalow Putz)

  48. What else will Noah Weinberg think of??!!



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  49. It is not illegal to have sex with a girl if the guy is himself 15 years old - is it? We can hear efshar if the girl is under 10.

    Why was it a police matter?

    Hip hip, cheerio.

  50. "meat-mongers (for want of a better term)"

    I think some of those people show up to the Agudah fresser convention.


    THE TWENTIETH DAY OF SIVAN Last week’s Parsha, B’Haalosicha, describes how the meat-mongers (for want of a better term) among the Dor Deah, who had otherwise witnessed so many great events, had their fleishig consumption request fulfilled--they received the slav “until it would come out of their nostrils” (Bamidbar 11:20).

    Fittingly, the location of the terrible desire and the horrific aftermath that resulted was renamed “Kivros HaTaava--the graves of desire.” After this difficult and horrible ordeal, the Parsha makes it a point of telling us that Bnei Yisroel left Kivros HaTaava and traveled to Chateizros. Incredibly, according to the Seder Olam as brought in the Siddur Bais Yaakov, TODAY (the 20th of Sivan) is the very day, described in last week’s Parsha, that the 30-day stay at Kivros HaTaava ended.

    We might think, then, that it is an auspicious time for great events to occur. And it most likely is. However, to date, two great tragedies are marked by this date. First, the Second Crusades in France took place. More recently, the 1648-1649 Cossack Massacres (known as the Gezeiros Tach V’Tat) in the Ukraine/Poland are specifically marked on this date. The Rabbonim of the time required all able-bodied women over 15 and men over 18, to fast and recite special Selichos known as the “Selichos of the 20th of Sivan.”

    In fact, it is recorded that this day was especially chosen because it can never (under our current calendar) come out on Shabbos, and the Rabbonim wanted to make sure that a year did not go by without properly remembering and repenting on this date.

  51. Two of the latest examples of lack of journalistic integrity in the kashrut industry:

    1) In a recent Torah Times article, Rabbi Hisiger of the KIC, under the heading "Rabbi Yudel Shain's Kashrus Alerts", lists some of Rav Yudel's alerts which were obviously culled from his blog. Rav Yudel had no knowledge of this article until someone commented about it on his blog. The fact that he did not ask R' Yudel's permission was not the worst part. The "list" which included chalav akum=treife, lac resin on apples and chometz wine barrels, made no mention whatsoever of Rubashkin. Anyone who's read R' Yudels blog knows that he's been ranting and raving about the tarfus of Rubashkin for years. There are countless posts and comments he makes on his blog. Imagine if someone publishes without authorization a list under the heading "UOJ's sexual predators alert" and conveniently leaves out Yudi Kolko. Or a list of UOJ's corrupt rabbinical leaders while leaving out Belsky. Can you get more dishonest? What right does he have to pick and choose which alerts he feels are worth publicizing, in the name of R' Yudel? When I asked R' Yudel why Hisiger did this, he said that he's probably afraid to confront the likes of MM Weismandel, Spigel and the OU gang. I'm not so sure about this, since Hisiger had no problem listing chalav akum, which in effect declares all OUD products treife! Either he's another guy on the take from Rubashkin or he knows that most TT readers only buy cholov yisroel regardless. The OU has no problem with the fact that most frum people have always equated OUD with treife. They have their own customer base so they don't feel the need to go out to the farms and find out the truth. Their philosophy is "those freye animals will eat anything we throw at them"(see Le Marais, Mezonos Maven, et al).

    2) The second item was reported last week by Shmarya. There was an article written in "Kosher Today" by its editor, Menachem Lubinsky, defending Rubashkin in regards to yet another labor scandal. Lubinsky failed to mention that he is on the take from Rubashkin. When two readers took him to task over this, his response was, "both this publication and I do have a historical bias when
    it comes to protecting the supply of kosher food, especially meat. I
    have gladly represented them as a professional marketer in the past and
    have the highest trust in our kashrus agencies and government agencies,
    so nothing new there!" There you have it, no problem in using your magazine to shamelessly shill for a corrupt company that brings home your bacon.

    Speaking of Rubashkin, now that R' Elyashiv has declared it assur to benefit from body parts of tortured Chinese people, shouldn't it be assur to derive benefir from tortured animals? You can argue that it's a legitimate kal vchomer since in the case of humans, there is pikuach nefesh which is not the case with animals. I think he gave a huge boost to the tzedek hechsher (I'm no fan of it since I don't want the conservatives touching anything that has to do with kashrut, but it should be adopted by the Orthodox).

    June 4, 2007 -- State officials have slapped a self-styled psychotherapist to the Hasidic community with a $1,000 fine and probation after a judge found he extracted a phony "confession" from a father accused of sexually abusing his daughters.

    William "Zev" Ballen of upstate Monsey, a licensed social worker who was reprimanded last year for calling himself a psychotherapist without a state psychotherapy degree, treated the father in 2005 after the dad agreed to counseling to help defuse his wife's accusations.

    At the end of the sessions, the dad, Abraham Landau, a cook in the Hasidic community of Kiryas Joel, signed a statement admitting that he'd had sexual contact with his girls. But a family-court judge found the counseling sessions were a trap for Landau and dismissed the statement as not credible.

    Judge Andrew Bivone said: "The statements made by Mr. Landau were as a result of the coercive impact of this 'investigation' in which all involved made it clear to Mr. Landau what he was required to admit."

    Ballen later admitted to the charge of failing to keep records during the meetings with Landau in exchange for a fine and one year of probation.

    "There has never been any filing with the disciplinary board in almost 30 years that questioned my competency or care for my clients," Ballen told The Post.


  53. What do you expect from Rabbi Hisiger? The man should be ashamed of himself for staying onboard at YTT which is aiding and abetting Margulies.

    YTT was probably using Shevach meats, the only thing worse than Rubashkin, because YTT Executive Dreck-tor Yankel Applegrad is Moish Finkel's mechutan.

    His son in law by the way is that fool Bayrach Steinfeld who works for Scheinerman at Kehilla Kashrus.

  54. Hmmm,Camp Agudah Toronto, that's fascinating!

    Wasn't "Rabbi" Heshy Nussbaum a known sexual predator the head counselor of Agudah Toronto.

    By the mid 1980’s Heshy Nussbaum had been exposed as a pedophile in Toronto, Canada. At that time his wife divorced him.

    No wonder Chuck was working in Camp Agudah Toronto. If it's good for the head counselor, it's good for Chuck too.

    Hmm, Agudah has never hired molesters.

    Hey Avi Shafran smell the coffee and admit that you and your damned organization are full of crap.

  55. Mutterperl was not the first scummy client that Leo Kimmel took on.


    He also represented the scum Sfardim from Palace Electronics around the corner from Landau's shul. They were the most notoriously shady store in the City that Dept of Consumer Affairs agents were always busy with.

    Before Kimmel joined with the Queens firm that defends al Qaeda terrorists, he was based at 16 Court St, the same address as fat slob Richard Klass of Le Marais infamy.

  56. Sounds like a guy from Frankel's shul.

    Lame shul Great Drinks,

    I know some people say Frankel is lame but I have only fond memories from there. When I was a child and teenager I spent many shobbosos there by my family in Flatbush. They used to go F and after musaf they serve Kiddush with the greatest whiskeys. So every shobbos I was there I used to get smashed (I was not allowed to drink at home)

    There I was introduced to the great staff like Johnnie Walker Black , Johnnie Walker Blue , Chivas Regal , Glenfiddich 18 etc.

    those were the days....

  57. Heshy Nussbaum later got a job with the Toronto Vaad Hakashruth. Pinter's mechutan is a bigwig on the Vaad.

  58. The schnapps at Frankel's shul was most probably paid for with stolen money.

  59. Lubavitch was running summer camps & programs open to the general community. One location was a day camp at a rented public school on Lawrence Ave near Allen Rd.

    One of the counsellors was a sadist who was physically abusing much younger boys. He was a high school student who attended the modern orthodox / Bnei Akiva Yeshivat Or Chaim.

    Has anyone reading this been abused or know someone who was abused by someone fitting this profile?

  60. We're living in seriously troubled times that spilled over to our communities

    BLOOMFIELD, Conn. (AP) Police say a 15-year-old girl who disappeared nearly a year ago has been found alive in a hidden room in a man's home.

  61. I vehemently disagree with my long cousin from Idaho. I like to consider email highly personal so that I can criticize people after the fact if they disagree with the Agudah cover ups.


    Following an Idaho Supreme Court decision earlier this year, the city of Ketchum is contemplating an e-mail open-records rule for all city officials and employees.

    Councilman Steve Shafran reiterated the point behind the measure.

    "It's really important for people to understand: E-mail is not a private phone call."

  62. Does anyone know exactly when Chuck Young was in Atlanta?

    I wonder if he was affiliated with Gilligan's controversial buddy over there, Rabbi Michael Broyde.

  63. I'm pretty sure it's after he left TA in Baltimore. In the late 80's.

  64. From a friend:

    Three engineering students were arguing about who designed the human body. One insisted that the human body must have been designed by an Electrical Engineer because of the perfection of the nerves and synapses. Another disagreed, and exclaimed that it had to have been a Mechanical Engineer: “The system of levers and pulleys is ingenious.” “No,” the third student said, “you’re both wrong. The human body was designed by a Civil Engineer. Who else but a Civil Engineer would have put a toxic waste line through a recreation area?”

  65. Quoting the Semag, Rabbi Salomon told the gathering that Hashem scattered Klal Yisroel in order that they be representatives of Kiddush Hashem. Hashem’s name will be glorified, the Mashgiach explained, when the nations of the world see that the members of Klal Yisroel who merited redemption were those who conducted themselves with honesty and integrity in all their business dealings, those “who shunned avla (corruption) and kozov (falsehood).”

  66. http://www.forward.com/articles/lauder-s-foundation-paid-conference-leader-50-0/

    Lauder’s Foundation Paid Conference Leader $50,000

    Nathaniel Popper | Wed. Jun 06, 2007

    During the recent years of controversy at the World Jewish Congress, much attention has been paid to the financial relationship between the organization’s president, Edgar Bronfman, and his professional lieutenants. Now, as cosmetics heir Ronald Lauder bids to take over Bronfman’s position, tax documents shed light on Lauder’s relationship with his lieutenants in the Jewish world.

    According to recent tax forms, the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation made a 2005 payment of $50,000 to Malcolm Hoenlein, who is the professional head of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Lauder was the chairman of the Presidents Conference from 2000 to 2002 and continues to be involved with the organization in his capacity as president of the Jewish National Fund. The service rendered by Hoenlein to Lauder’s foundation was “money management,” according to the tax forms.

    Harold Tanner, who recently finished his two-year stint as chairman of the Presidents Conference, told the Forward that he knew about the payments. Tanner said the larger conference was not informed about the payments but declined to comment further.

    Lauder’s spokesman did not return calls for comment.

    Hoenlein said that the $50,000 was for work he did in reorganizing the foundation’s finances, which was a “special effort that required extensive involvement on our part.” It was understood, Hoenlein added, that he would give the money to charity, though he declined to say where he directed the money. According to the tax documents, other members of the board of Lauder’s foundation have not been given similar payments in recent years.

    The payment from Lauder’s foundation is not the first reason that the Presidents Conference has drawn attention during the controversies at the WJC during the past year. In April, a letter was leaked to the press that reflected poorly on the current management of the WJC. Some members of the press received the letter from the fax machine at the Presidents Conference.

    At the time, Hoenlein told the Forward that he had looked into the matter and learned that a person who had nothing to do with his organization had been in the office for a meeting and asked to send the letter from the conference fax machine.

    “I’m not finished looking into it,” Hoenlein said. “It’s not an organizational leader — it was a person attending a meeting on our floor.”

  67. http://seekingalpha.com/article/37634

    Beware of Stock Spam Promotion in Major Financial Publications
    Posted on Jun 7th, 2007

    Tate Dwinnell submits: A couple days ago I was reading Investors Business Daily and something caught my eye - no, it wasn't a great piece on technology trends or the next hot company. It was a full page ad from growthstockguru.com promoting a pink sheet penny stock, Guangzhou Global (GZGT.OB) !

    I read a lot of financial publications and don't ever recall seeing a full length ad with the same kind of flashy promotion you get in your junk email. Is the desperation for ad dollars this great? It's unbelievable to me that respected publications like Investors Business Daily would put their credibility on the line for a few bucks like this.

    And IBD isn't the only one. Apparently Forbes, Fortune and BusinessWeek were running these ads as well, but I haven't seen them. The IBD ad is right in front of me on page A13 of the Friday edition (the ad is running yet again on page A15 of the weekend edition). Shame on you, IBD and other publications, for being a part of the stock spam problem and not a part of the solution. How do you live with yourselves knowing that some of your readers may have naively jumped into this stock before the big dump?

    The IBD ad ran in the Friday edition. After all the pumping from these slick ads, Guangzhou Global began the big dump with a little more than an hour to go in trading Friday. A nearly 38% drop.

    I would like to commend Kiplinger's for being responsible and not running these ads. According to Thomas Anderson of Kiplinger, they were also approached about it and declined. There is some interesting background in this article about the relationship between growthstockguru.com, GZGT and the advertiser as well as the financials of the company.

    Some highlights:

    - The editor of growthstockguru.com, Aharon Bronfman, doesn't show in a search of private and public databases. It's entirely possible this person doesn't even exist! Do a search in Google and you'll see what I mean. Fifteen years of investment experience and this guy is invisible? Also interesting to note that the website went online just days before GZGT started trading. So much for the hype in the ad that claims Aharon's three recent stock picks went on to extraordinary gains.

    I've taken this a step further and uncovered the following:

    • The listed address for GrowthStockGuru.com is:

    Growth Stock Guru
    1461 A First Avenue, # 360
    New York, NY 10021-2209

    Google search for the address 1461 A First Avenue, #360, New York, NY 10021-2209 you start seeing other unsavory companies with the same address such as a "Witherspoon, Seymour & Robinson Inc.," which looks to be a fairly shady company in its own right.

    • Is it coincidence that another investing site tradesoeasy.com with rumored links to a german spammer has the same address? I think not. It appears that the address used by growthstockguru.com and many other unscrupulous companies is some sort of address forwarding service.

    It's unclear just who owns what and all the parties behind the pump and dump scheme. But the bottom line is that Business Week, Forbes, Fortune and Investors Business Daily, whether they realized it or not, all were a part of that. That is mighty disturbing. Could they not do a simple background check as I have done and realize this was most likely a classic pump and dump scheme? Or was the desperation for ad dollars too great to pass up?

  68. http://www.greatfallstribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070607/NEWS01/706070314/1002

    An 18-year-old Great Falls man pleaded guilty to lesser felony charges in District Court on Wednesday for his involvement in the severe beating of a 58-year-old man in September.

    Victor Snorsky was originally charged with attempted deliberate homicide and aggravated battery, and faced up to life in prison if convicted. He pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and burglary, both felonies.

    He was arrested in November for his involvement with beating a man that he and other teenagers had mistaken for a child molester. The victim suffered severe brain trauma and was in a coma for some time. He is still suffering symptoms of the beating, court records state.

  69. The blogs say that her husband Izzy Landsman is a kollel man in Israel with their 15 kids. Yes, you read that right - fifteen. She stayed behind in Flatbush to support them. Is this pathetic or what?


    Bronx -- District Attorney Robert Johnson Wednesday announced that a 49-year-old physician’s assistant has been convicted of fraud in a scam involving the theft of tens of thousands of dollars by improperly filing time sheets for working simultaneous shifts at two different hospitals.

    Ann Landsman, of 3412 Avenue L, Brooklyn was found guilty on one count of Scheme to Defraud in the first degree, a felony offense punishable by a maximum sentence of up to four years in prison when she is sentenced in July.

    The jury deliberated for three full days before returning the guilty verdict in connection with time sheets that the defendant had submitted to Montefiore Hospital and its affiliate the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

    The jury found that Landsman had engaged in a “systematic ongoing course of conduct with intent to defraud more than one person by false or fraudulent pretenses, representations or promises.” The jury could not reach a verdict on a charge of Grand Larceny in the third degree and acquitted the defendant of Grand Larceny in the second degree.

  70. Steven I Weiss is convinced that it was UOJ who sent the fax from Hoenlein's office.

  71. Bronx -- District Attorney Robert Johnson Wednesday announced that a 49-year-old physician’s assistant has been convicted of fraud in a scam involving the theft of tens of thousands of dollars by improperly filing time sheets for working simultaneous shifts at two different hospitals.

    How come a frum woman is a PA ? it is one level below MD and required at least 4 years Of semi-medical school not including pre-requisites. Even Touro only has it for few years and only in California/Nevada. Is she a BT ?

  72. Regarding L.A. Kashrut...... I've lived here for decades.If anything,rabanim in L.A. are overly machmir on inyanei kashrut .Some probably won't even eat in their own homes!

  73. Also, I don't think Aron Tendler needs to get pushed around so much. Most of what he may have done was with consenting adults...and he never actually "Did" anything serious. I agree he shouldn't be in chinuch or counseling, but he should be allowed to live in a Jewish community.

    Ostracizing him and his family is the wrong thing to do and if anything, will lead to very negative results down the line.
    We see how many messed-up people got that way because they suffered as kids...let's not do it to his family.
