Thursday, August 23, 2007

For Melave Malke - Throw the Jew Down the Well!!


  1. Just an example what getting turned off by yiddishkiet can cause one to resort to. Hashem yirachem!!

  2. That is really sick.. Let's get a petition out on this evening bar for racism in entertainment.

  3. Funny?

    No! Pathetic and dangerous!

    What Tinaf!

    "Merhasiyich U' Merchavayich Mimcho Yeytzeyu".

    Sasha Cohen, Orthodox Jew Boy, making Parnassah Gelt by bashing his people in front of just the audience that loves to hate us.

    And to think that our own people supported this Tinaf in droves by paying good money to see his Borat Movie.

    And he got a standing ovation in Prime Grill the night he showed up with his entourage.

    How sick are we?

    Dor Eekaish.

  4. We'll all heard about "Borat's" tricking those anti-Semites into showing the world their true colors. What's the point here?

  5. I have written to Harry Maryles and others making the same mistake as Boog.

    Sascha Baron Cohen aka Borat is NOT an Orthodox Jew. He does not travel or act on Shabbos but he is currently engaged to a shiksa actress of Scottish descent that he plans on being megayer before the wedding. I think her name is Isla Fisher. She acted in "wedding crashers" with Owen Wilson. COhen's father is a Welsh Jew and his mother is Iranian.

  6. Yosef Cohen aka Yusuf Khattab - a meshumad to Islam is mentally unstable. He makes it look like in the interview that he is frum from birth from Brooklyn.

    He was actually born and raised as Reform or Conservative in the Albany area. He became a BT as a chossid living in Brooklyn.

  7. Hello Anon; 10:12 AM.

    Already well documented unfortunately, so please spare me "points" like this.

    The only "point" Cohen is trying to make 'points' straight to his wallet, while for the rest of us the "points" are aimed for straight up our arses (without vaselina).

  8. The Prime Grill owner is a real nice guy ya know. Find out about his throwing his brother out of the business and another relative on Kings Hwy that was passing off non-glatt / non-Beis Yosef to customers as such.

  9. You don't need Meir Kahane. The seforim say so as repeated by the Satmar Rov. Der Eibishter zolt hitten.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Yosef Cohen aka Yusuf Khattab - a meshumad to Islam is mentally unstable. He makes it look like in the interview that he is frum from birth from Brooklyn.

    He was actually born and raised as Reform or Conservative in the Albany area. He became a BT as a chossid living in Brooklyn.

    9:45 AM, August 26, 2007
    Granted that he was a BT. But does that make him an unstable person? According to your theory any person that converts from any religion to Satmar or other denominations of judaism should also be UNSTABLE. Or for that matter a yeshivish bochur leaves and becomes modern or converts to become chassidish, would he be unstable too? and Did you ever think that certain aspects of satmar as well as orthodoxy (today) is ~UNSTABLE ~?

  11. Maybe UOJ can get Abish Brodt to sing this song at the Melave Malke at the convention. Throw Shafran down the well lalala

  12. Is America a civilised country? In backward England (and most of Europe)the guy would be facing a stiff prison sentence for a display like this. Is this what you call free speech?
