Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"It's a shame it took so long. People committed suicide over him!"

Abuse victims hope healing begins with rabbi's arrest!


Wednesday, October 17th 2007, 4:00 AM

For too long, an alleged Brooklyn pedophile rabbi's victims have waited for their silencing to end. Now, they hope his prosecution will push their closed community to out child molesters.

Twenty-three years after Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz fled to Jerusalem to evade charges of molesting four boys, Israel's ministry of justice now has an extradition request from Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes, his spokesman said.

"It's a shame it took so long. People committed suicide over him," said a 44-year-old man who says the popular rabbi abused him and his friends in the 1970s.

"If they did this a lot earlier, there would have been a lot more people saved because other child molesters would get the message. This will send the message."

In the hush-hush Orthodox Jewish community, victims say Mondrowitz left a trail of destroyed lives during his tenure as a rabbi/psychologist and headmaster in Brooklyn during the 1970s and early 1980s.

Former District Attorney Elizabeth Holtzman tried to get him extradited in the 1980s, but a U.S. Justice Department official said the extradition treaty with Israel made it hard - until changes last January - to forward the request to Jerusalem.

Hynes, who took office in 1989, had been slammed for failing to go after Mondrowitz. Critics charged he feared losing the powerful Orthodox Jewish vote. But his spokesman denied the allegations, saying Hynes moved swiftly once a treaty change allowed Israel to recognize the 1985 sodomy counts.

An Israeli Justice official declined comment, as did Mondrowitz, contacted at his Jerusalem home.

One alleged victim was only 11 when he described Mondrowitz, who headed his alternative Jewish boys' school, as befriending him, giving him money and taking him to movies and his mountain cabin.

Soon, he began taking friends, he said.

"He used to talk us all up. He did a lot of things to entice kids," he said. "I used to bring kids to his house. He'd grab kids in front of me, in his office.

"It affected me a long time," he said. "I felt I was taken."

The victim, not named in the indictment, said he believed hundreds of boys were fondled by Mondrowitz, and saw dozens himself.

A 39-year-old rabbi filed a complaint last year, accusing Mondrowitz of abusing him when he was 11. He charged that pedophiles are still free to ruin lives in the closed Orthodox community, where leaders routinely silence victims to avoid scandal.

"There are probably more kids harmed in this community than any other because everything is placed under the rug," he said. "They throw a kid out of school if he complains. "This will send a message: You can run away and hide and you can think it is forgotten, but eventually it will hunt you down and get you. That is very important. It is a deterrent we never had."


Hynes Now Seeks Mondrowitz Extradition
by Staff Report - The Jewish Week
- October 19, 2007

A change in the extradition treaty between Israel and the United States has led to a request for custody of a Brooklyn rabbi accused of sexually abusing former students, according to the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office. Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz has remained in Jerusalem for 23 years since leaving the country amid allegations that the former counselor and yeshiva principal molested four boys.

A spokesman for DA Charles J. Hynes on Wednesday said a request for the return for Rabbi Mondrowitz came in February, shortly after the State Department and Israel’s Ministry of Justice agreed to broaden the spectrum of crimes under which extradition from Israel will be allowed.

“As soon as the treaty was changed allowing extradition on the charges he faces, we moved to have him extradited,” said the spokesman, Jerry Schmetterer. The request was first reported last week in the New York Daily News.

The exact charges on which Rabbi Mondrowitz is suspected are contained in a sealed indictment, Schmetterer said.

Hynes has been under consistent pressure from victims’ advocates who speculated that he was afraid of losing support among Orthodox voters if he put Rabbi Mondrowitz on trial. But Schmetterer said, “We have always said over the years that we never lost sight of the case, but the treaty didn’t allow for extradition.” He said Israel’s Ministry of Justice was now “working hard” to fulfill the request.

An advocate for victims of abuse who has been closely monitoring the Mondrowitz case, Amy Neustein, said she felt “exhilarated” by the prospect of an extradition. “I hope this will be the beginning of healing for the Jewish community, and after 20 years of political agitation from advocates and victims, justice will finally prevail,” she said.

When reached by a Daily News reporter in Jerusalem, Rabbi Mondrowitz had no comment.

US wants extradition of prominent Ger hassid accused of sodomy

By MATTHEW WAGNER - The Jerusalem Post

The Brooklyn District Attorney's office has requested the extradition of Avrohom Mondrowitz, a resident of Jerusalem and a prominent member of the Ger Hassidic sect, on child molestation charges dating back over two decades involving four boys aged 11 to 16.

The extradition request was made in January, according to Brooklyn District Attorney's Office spokesman Jerry Schmetterer. "We know that the US Department of Justice and the State Department have begun the extradition process," said Schmetterer. "It is also our understanding that the Israeli Justice Ministry has been contacted as well."

The Justice Ministry declined to comment.

Mondrowitz, who was contacted by telephone by The Jerusalem Post, hung up as soon as the reporter identified himself.

However, a prominent member of the Ger community in Jerusalem defended Mondrowitz.

"There are people who are trying to disparage Mondrowitz's name," said the source.

"Mondrowitz is a very intelligent, talented man and so are all of his children. His father is highly respected in the community. I can't believe these stories are true.

The source said Mondrowitz was in the computer business.

Mondrowitz worked for a short period at the Jerusalem College of Technology as a fund-raiser and at the Jerusalem College of Engineering as a lecturer.

The Post has also learned that Dep.-Cmdr. Avi Aviv of the National Fraud Squad's Cyber Crimes Division is conducting an investigation against Mondrowitz.

Mondrowitz, who was born in Tel Aviv in 1947 and later moved with his family to Chicago, arrived in Brooklyn in the late 1970s and presented himself to Orthodox educational institutions as a rabbi and clinical psychologist.

He provided psychological treatment to children from the mixed Jewish-Italian Borough Park neighborhood where he lived. He also opened a yeshiva for children with behavioral problems.

Four children, all from Italian families and all neighbors of Mondrowitz, complained of sexual abuse perpetrated by Mondrowitz. Jewish victims also eventually testified against him, but only after the statute of limitations had expired.

In 1985, a New York State court charged Mondrowitz with eight counts of child abuse in the first degree, endangering the welfare of a child and five counts of sodomy in the first degree.

Mondrowitz and his family fled to Jerusalem after a warrant was issued for his arrest.

At the time of the indictment, sodomy of boys was not an extraditable crime, since it was not defined as rape under Israeli law. In 1988, the Knesset changed that law, apparently opening the way for Mondrowitz's extradition.

The Brooklyn DA's office said Mondrowitz could not be extradited until this year, when the Knesset approved a law removing the impediments to retroactively applying the 1988 law.

But Michael Lesher, an attorney representing six men who say they were molested by Mondrowitz in the early 1980s but who were not included in the original indictment, said the extradition was delayed due to officials, especially Brooklyn District Attorney Charles J. Hynes, dragging their feet.

Lesher claims that Hynes balked due to heavy pressure to drop the case from the Orthodox community in Brooklyn, which supported Mondrowitz despite the fact that Israel's Edah Haredit Rabbinic Court issued a ruling in 1988 in which unnamed "insidious acts" committed by Mondrowitz were mentioned, and warning him to stay away from children.

"Hynes was elected in 1989 with strong Orthodox support," Lesher said in an e-mailed message. "He appointed a virtually all-Orthodox Jewish Advisory Council after being elected, and he reversed the policy of his predecessor, Elizabeth Holtzman, and did not press for Mondrowitz's return to face trial.

In September 1993, Hynes instructed the federal government to close its file on Mondrowitz and said he would not pursue the case while Mondrowitz remained in Israel.

Lesher said he was "elated" to see the district attorney finally moving to extradite Mondrowitz. "All my clients hope that Mondrowitz will at last be brought to justice."

In response to Lesher's claims, Schmetterer said extradition was impossible until the Knesset acted this year.

But in past news reports on delays, Hynes's office was quoted as providing a different explanation. Sources were cited saying that despite the changes in Israeli law, the extradition request could not be made retroactively.


  1. Remember, "Silence of the Lam: The Case of a Rabbi who Fled Sex Charges", in the Village Voice, July 25, 2006? Its all about Mondrowitz. The ex-Hofstra Dean Aaron Twerski surprisingly allowed himself to be interviewed by the Voice, which features much pornography in its pages. He claimed to advocate "zero tolerance" for sex abuse, but when asked about Mondrowitz, Twerski clams up: "I don't know what to say about that. That's an old, old case, and I'm not going to comment on it."

    What does Aaron Twerski say now?

  2. Twerski was involved in the coverup of Mondrowitz way from the start. Parents in Boro Park told him that their child was molested by Mondrowitz repeatedly and blew them off! That child is now dead--he took his own life! Thank you Mr. Murderer...If I have any say...You will pay very dearly!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. "Mu Rabi Masechu Hashem"

    Its no wonder that the hamodia in this weeks weekly edition for the first time ever printed about molestation and abuse in our community with a letter sighned by several "ktanim", the rabbonim are trying to prepare the community of the dirt that is to fall on us with the abuse d5 in the hamodia.


    Why does UOJ keep allowing that recycled post about Joan Hertz through?

    Ohel is part of the problem.

  6. uoj, can you get a link to the article? thanks

  7. Twerski should be the target of any Mondrowitz suits just like his buddy Margo is sued for enabling Kolko.

  8. UOJ, please see to it that the reporters start going after Twerski and naming him in the articles.

    The Tort Putz will then "resign" from Brooklyn Law School too, citing the "stressful commute" from Boro Park to Downtown Brooklyn.



  10. In the Jewish Week last year, Twerski said Margulies is an "honorable man". That's the Margulies who employed Kolko, just recently re-indicted for molesting a first grader in 2005.

    search for Mondrowitz and the new article comes up. However, no mention of an arrest. R u sure about the arrest, UOJ?

    Closure @ last is on the horizon. thanx


    By Yair Ettinger, Haaretz Correspondent

    A new crisis has erupted between the Ashkenazi and Sephardi ultra-Orthodox over the usual bones of contention: racism, money, and politics. The quarrel resulted Monday in Shas announcing its resignation from the religious lobby in the Knesset.

    The current round began when Shas' spiritual leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, saw a cartoon in Yeted Ne'eman, the flagship journal of Degel HaTorah, the "Lithuanian wing" of the Ashkenazi Haredim.

    The cartoon showed a man dressed in shorts and sandals wearing a skullcap and trimmed black beard, representing a Shas follower, in cahoots with a secular person representing Kadima. Wearing a big grin, the two were dumping a rock labeled "2008 cuts" on the head of a Haredi man.

    The symbols appear obvious, lacking sophistication, and according to Shas, loaded with anti-Semitism and racism of the sort Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox feel about Sephardi Haredim. MK Yakov Margi, chairman of the Shas faction in the Knesset, said Ovadia Yosef was deeply offended.

    "He saw the caricature and protested strongly, telling us to respond very strongly," Margi said. The response came Monday, with Shas announcing its resignation from the religious lobby in the Knesset, which is headed by United Torah Judaism.

    "Degel HaTorah and its journal Yeted Ne'eman have set out as policy to continue racism and hatred of Sephardim," the faction said in a statement. "For the first time an anti-Semitic cartoon that would not have shamed any anti-Semitic paper in the world was published. The Degel HaTorah leadership must rid itself from its hatred for Sephardim, from its patronizing attitude for the Sephardi community, which was its habit before the establishment of Shas."

    In its statement Shas was portrayed as "saving the world of the Torah" and vowed to do so without the assistance of MKs "who hate the Sephardim and Mizrahim." Behind this confrontation lies a struggle over the 2008 state budget, which is expected to allot NIS 310.6 million to religious institutions, compared with NIS 692.2 million a year earlier.

    Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox journals, representing groups that are not part of the governing coalition, began a joint attack, unprecedented in its fervor, against Shas, which is part of the coalition.

    But Shas maintains that the conflict lies elsewhere. They point to their decision to support a Hasidic candidate as mayor in Beitar, an ultra-Orthodox city, against the Lithuanian candidate.

    Still, United Torah Judaism, the Knesset party representing the two mainly Ashkenazi Haredi groups, insists that the 2008 budget is the crux of the argument.

    "I don't see why a cartoon is necessary when the real picture is much worse," said MK Yakov Litzman, chairman of UTJ. "I am surprised to hear that they are leaving the religious lobby. I expected them to leave the government," quipped MK Moshe Gafni, another member of UTJ.

    Litzman acknowledged that there is bickering every year over the budget, but he charged Shas with "disgracing us."

    "The budget for yeshivas was NIS 82.5 million last year and all of a sudden it is NIS 4 million," he said. "Do you have any other explanation for this except humiliation for the Haredim? Shas does not have so many yeshivas ... and in any case they will take care of themselves [from inside the government]."

    Margi rejects these claims. "Do they think we are their employees? Rabbi Ovadia Yosef told us, after he saw the cartoon, that we were to announce in no uncertain terms that Shas is staying in the coalition in order to preserve the world of the Torah."

  13. Warning to men in Boro Park: Ohel Family Services has in the last few years been getting many government grants. One of them was for the purpose of opening a domestic violence center. In order to justify the money they receive Ohel must ensnare woman to come for counseling under the pretense that they are being abused. Ohel hires social workers and counselors and makes a nice fee off this. Once they sink their claws into the woman they don’t let go very easy because this is a major profit center for them. It can evolve into profit from divorce counseling, children counseling and the list goes on.

    Here are the signs to look for if you suspect that your wife is getting involved with Ohel.

    Modus operendi: The counselor will first try to get the woman to get her own cell phone so she can contact her discreetly. The counselor has the woman call Ohel at 718 851 6300 and leave a message for the counselor. The counselor will then call back with the appointment time probably when the husband is at work so he wont find out that they are sucking in his wife. Ohel will not come up on the caller id. The caller id will come up as 646718. If you see that your wife has called 718 851 6300 and then has a call back of 718646 you will know that she is in touch with Ohel and you better take action before its to late. Ohel will give her articles, books and lists of items to convince her that she is being abused. You will then hear her use words and talk in ways that she was not familiar with before. Watch out for these signs. Warning your wife could be involved with Joan Hertz of Ohel Domestic Violence.

    This is being published for the benefit of the Jewish Community by Ohel Insider. I hope to post more information about Ohel and names of its counselors in the future. Anyone else that has information should also share it for the benefit of the community. This is a major scandal ready to break open. The Rabanim are unfortunately all quit about this. Some are paid fat salaries by Ohel to condone what they do.

  14. I have been asked by a few woman to investigate whether Ohel is using unlicensed social workers to counsel them and are billing under the names of the licensed social workers. I have names to investigate and this could jeopardize the licenses of Ohels social workers if they are being used. Anyone with information of if you suspect that an unlicensed social worker was used to counsel you or your family should post information and if you wish to be contacted please note so. All in the strictest confidentiality. If you are a social worker at Ohel make sure your name is not being used to bill for services rendered by an unlicensed person or your license may be in jeopardy

  15. There's still no proof this is a Boro park issue. If there was any molestation - and that has yet to be proven too - it may have taken place in Flatbush or the Catskills.

  16. Twerski,

    Heads up! UOJ's got you in his gun scope.

  17. This is the only Conservative "yeshiva" high school in the country.

    School rabbi charged with sexual acts with student By Jennifer Fernandez
    Staff Writer
    Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2007 3:00 am
    GREENSBORO — The American Hebrew Academy's former director of campus life is facing charges that he had sex with a student, police said.

    Rabbi David Alan Stein, 35, is expected to turn himself in today, Greensboro police Sgt. A.T. McHenry said.

    Stein left the school in the spring, shortly after police began their investigation, police Capt. Gary Hastings said.

    Since then, Stein has been in San Clemente, Calif., living with his parents and working at an insurance company, McHenry said.

    Stein is charged with eight counts of having sex with a student, McHenry said.

    Police spent months investigating the complaint, seizing school computers to examine them for evidence, Hastings said. The order for Stein's arrest was issued last week, he said.

    The incidents took place sometime during the 2006-07 school year on campus, Hastings said.

    The student involved is a 16-year-old male, Hastings said. He did not know if the student was still enrolled at the school.

    School officials alerted police after a student came forward with a complaint, Glenn Drew, executive director of the American Hebrew Academy, said Tuesday afternoon in a prepared statement. He said Stein was fired.

    It was unclear Tuesday how long Stein had been working at the school.

    "This has been a painful incident for the Academy community," Drew said, "but we remain committed to protecting our students and serving justice."

    The co-ed boarding school serves 135 high school students and employs 80, school officials said.

    Students come from all over the world to attend the Academy, which combines college preparatory and Jewish studies.

    The school sits on a 100-acre wooded campus off Hobbs Road in northwest Guilford County.

    McHenry would not comment on whether more students were involved or if further charges are pending. Hastings said the investigation is continuing.

    "Of course," McHenry said about the student's family, "they want justice done."

    Contact Jennifer Fernandez at 373-7064 or

  18. How is Ohel part of the problem?

    Many of our yeshivos raise money for them through fund raisers that the kids do as tzedakah projects. I can't believe they would raise money for molesters!

  19. Oh, so yeshivos hold of Ohel, so it must be 100% kosher, no?

    There are records posted at Awareness Center of Ohel employees raping / molesting kids which Ohel covered up.

    And what about that farce named David Mandel who has no problem lying in the Jewish Observer and giving his hashgocho to animals like Margo & Twerski?


    I can live on beans rice and vegetable soup very easily, but I cannot live in a community rapidly destroying itself under the guidance of the Rubashkin mafia:
    • Moishie the Menace
    • The ignoramus Lang
    • Plotkin the Naif
    and last, but far from least, Jeff “Yankel” Wice, the Democrat hack and Moishies’ political hit man


    Answer to the commenter who said: “pls stick to C.H. we got enough with our problems.”

    Unfortunately, Belsky is one of them Because of his involvement with Rubashkin and Hecht, he is a very relevant topic of discussion for CH.

    The blogger UOJ has started a movement to get him kicked out of the OU & out of Torah Vodaas, so maybe the Rubashkin connection will be eliminated.

    Besides, do you not think the Rebbe wouldn’t feel the tzaar of Yiddishe kinder abused by the monsters that Belsky is protecting?

    And Kol Yisroel areivim zeh lazeh.


    Synagogue settles sex lawsuits

    Out-of-court deal follows allegations of misconduct by rabbi, who will resign at year's end

    October 17, 2007
    Sandro Contenta
    Staff Reporter

    Two women accusing a rabbi of sexual misconduct have agreed to an out-of-court settlement with the rabbi and a prominent Toronto synagogue, their lawyer says.

    The defendants in the case – Rabbi Tobias Gabriel and Beth Tzedec Synagogue – make no admission of fault or liability in the settlement, Simona Jellinek, the women's lawyer, said yesterday.

    Negotiations began after Richmond Hill resident Yona Nadler, 52, filed a statement of claim in Ontario Superior Court last July, alleging she was coerced into a sexual relationship by Gabriel a year earlier.

    Her lawsuit demanded $1.3 million from Gabriel and Beth Tzedec for breach of fiduciary duty and the pain and suffering she claims the relationship caused her and her marriage. The rabbi was accused of abusing the trust of a deeply religious woman.

    Gabriel, who spent 13 years working at the synagogue, was Beth Tzedec's cantor at the time of Nadler's alleged incident. He has rejected her claims as "groundless," and his lawyer has defended his work as "exemplary." He was suspended with pay until the end of the year, when he'll officially resign.

    The allegations rocked the congregation when the Bathurst St. synagogue sent a letter to its 6,000 members last August stating that "the impropriety (had) occurred."

    A second woman came forward with allegations similar to Nadler's after the Star published a story about Nadler's claim.

    Jellinek said the second woman, who lives in Toronto and is in her early 50s, was mentioned but not named in Nadler's statement of claim. The Toronto woman was married and became sexually involved with Gabriel "while she was grieving the loss of one of her parents," according to the statement.

    Beth Tzedec officials knew of Gabriel's relationship with the Toronto woman before he became involved with Nadler, the statement of claim says.

    Asked if the women received financial compensation as part of the settlement, Jellinek said the agreement prevents her from revealing such details. "Everybody knows there's going to be money exchanged, but I can't tell you that that is in fact true," she said.

    Beth Tzedec's lawyer, Michael Royce, told the Star in August that the synagogue was prepared to compensate Nadler financially. Royce was not available for comment yesterday.

    Jellinek described Nadler and her husband as somewhat relieved by the settlement, but added: "It's going to take them a while to rebuild their marriage."

    The New York-based Rabbinical Assembly, a world-wide association of conservative rabbis, is expected to bar Gabriel from membership at a meeting later this month, Jellinek said. That would make it difficult for him to get a job as a rabbi or cantor in North America, she added.

    Nadler alleged she was pressured into a sexual relationship with Gabriel while she was the only female student in his class for cantors at the synagogue in July 2006.

    Beth Tzedec recently said it would implement a code of conduct for its clergy, Jellinek said.

  23. Mondrowitz worked in special education school for boys in Brooklyn, that had connections with Ohel Children and Family Services in Brooklyn, New York. He was responsible for about 20-25 young children who already had either emotional problems and/or learning disabilities.

  24. Jacob Perlow:

    It's because of Mondrowitz's affiliation with your former stable in Chicago, that you and your screwed up brother-in-law stand by laughing victims in the face. You piece of dirt say it's not your concern. Your damned brother-in-law has Meystel as gabbai.

    Your entire dynasty, and your extended family's dynasty will end in a heartbeat. You two slick Willy's are forewarned. Do what's right or what's right will be done to the two of you.

    Dynasty could change to "dynatsy" in a second.

  25. My bet is that after Shmarya used the NYT article to demonize another group of Orthodox Jews, he will either ignore this update or spin it as meaningless.

    Oct. 15, 2007
    Letters to the Editor, Magazine
    The New York Times
    620 Eighth Ave.
    New York, NY 10018

    To the Editor,

    Jakie Kassin is the son and grandson of rabbis and a dynamic do-gooder, but he is neither a rabbi nor a scholar of Judaic studies. The statements attributed to him in “The SY Empire” (Zev Chafets, Oct. 14, 2007) are a gross distortion of Judaism as well as of the 1935 Edict promulgated in the Syrian Jewish community of Brooklyn. That Edict was enacted to discourage community members from intermarrying with non-Jews. It acknowledged the reality of the time that conversions were being employed insincerely and superficially. Accordingly, conversion for marriage to a member of the community was automatically rejected.

    However, it is important in this regard to clarify the policy of the community rabbinate and particularly that of the long-time former chief rabbi of the community, Jacob S. Kassin (the originator of the Edict), and his son, the present chief rabbi, Saul J. Kassin. I quote from an official formulation of the Sephardic Rabbinical Council of several years ago that reflects their position: “1. A conversion not associated with marriage that was performed by a recognized Orthodox court – such as for adoption of infants or in the case of an individual sincerely choosing to be Jewish – is accepted in our community. 2. If an individual not born to a member of our community had converted to Judaism under the aegis of an Orthodox court, and was observant of Jewish Law, married a Jew/Jewess who was not and had not been a member of our community, their children are permitted to marry into our community.” Based on these standards a goodly number of converts have been accepted into the community. Genetic characteristics play no role whatsoever.

    No rabbi considers sincere and proper conversions “fictitious and valueless.” (The comma in the English translation cited in the article that gives that impression was the result of a mistranslation by a layman, a matter I made clear to Mr. Chafets when we spoke.)

    In addition, the quote claiming that even other Jews are disqualified from marrying into the community “if someone in their line was married by a Reform or Conservative rabbi” is a totally false portrayal of community rabbinical policy. Many Ashkenazim whose parents were married by such rabbis have married into our community.


    Moshe Shamah
    Rabbi, Sephardic Synagogue
    511 Ave. R
    Brooklyn, NY 11223


    A MAJORITY of Britons will be obese by 2050 if weight gain continues at the current rate, a major government report warned today.

    Scientists predict that in just over 40 years, 60 per cent of men, 50 per cent of women and a quarter of all children in the UK are likely to be clinically obese. Just 10 per cent of men and 15 per cent of women were expected to be at a healthy weight.

    The consequent impact of chronic health problems on society would cost Britain more than £45 billion a year - obesity is linked with illnesses including Agudah fresserei, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

    Dealing with the problem will require a comprehensive long-term strategy on the scale of tackling climate change (with Shea Fishman) and smoked fatty meats at the Agudah Fresser Convention carving tables, the report, from government think-tank Foresight, claims.

  27. All yeshivos should have electronic locks to protect kids from tresspassers.

    This school is multi-denominational. There is a "traditional" shul there led by a Rabbi Weisblum. He learned in Itri and is the grandson of the Ziditchover Rebbe & the mekubol R' Yehuda Brandwein.

    City Police arrested an Annapolis man yesterday after he ran into a private school after jumping out of a stolen car officers were following, police said.
    Demarcus Beans, 19, was taken into custody at gunpoint inside a chapel at the Aleph Bet Jewish Day School at 1125 Spa Road around 10:40 a.m. yesterday. Two police officers reported they found children screaming and crying in the hallway when they chased him into the school. School officials later denied there were screaming children in the building.

    It was over in minutes," Nan Jarashow, head of the school, said this morning. "Police were very much in charge and all the people followed their directions. It was over quickly.

    She said the suspect got into the school through a back door. "A parent was being buzzed in and he pushed his way by." She said doors are normally locked.

    "I have been here 14 years and this is the first time something like this has happened,"

    It all began when an officer noticed two men in a Hyundai Sonata with a radio blaring at a stop light. The officer checked the Florida license plate and discovered it was a stolen Thrifty Rental vehicle. He started following the vehicle waiting for other officers to arrive.

    The Sonata suddenly sped off and turned on to Spa Road. It pulled into an apartment complex and the two occupants ran away.

    Mr. Beans, who was in the passenger seat of the Hyundai, ran into the school. Officers found him in a chapel, pulled their guns and ordered him to the floor.

    He told officers he was just catching a ride, police said. Mr. Beans was arrested and charged with car theft, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, burglary, trespassing on school property and disruption of school activities. He was being held on $75,000 bond.

    The driver got away and police are continuing to investigate the incident.


    Overcrowding in Israeli prisons reaches new high

  29. Ask yourself why Agudath Israel did not lobby for the extradition of Rabbi Mondrowitz. Ask youself why Agudath Israel did not either provide counseling for the victims of Rabbi Mondrowitz or publicly and contemporaneously educate their communities about sexual crimes committed against children.

    You know the answer.

    They covered up instea!!!

  30. "School officials later denied there were screaming children in the building."

    Bullshit. As if children wouldn't be terrified when cops swarm in, guns drawn, to tackle some dangerous thug.

    It's amazing how these shmucks just lie out of impulse even when it's clear what happened.


    By Randy Hall Staff Writer/Editor
    October 17, 2007

    ( - The head of a pro-family organization in California said on Tuesday that his group is mounting a legal effort to overturn pro-homosexual measures signed into law last weekend by Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger before they can have a negative impact on the state's educational system and religious community.

    "Apparently, the governor now feels the freedom to favor the pro-homosexual message and to disregard conservative voters and traditional values," Ron Prentice, chief executive officer of the California Family Council, told Cybercast News Service.

    Prentice called Schwarzenegger's decision to approve the measures "puzzling," because he vetoed similar legislation last year. (The governor did not explain his decision, nor did his office return calls from Cybercast News Service seeking comment.)

    As a result, "we have no security that any bill that comes to him next year promoting homosexuality" will be prevented from becoming law, said Prentice.

  32. I guess Gil Student & Harry Maryles think the Mondrowitz story isn't important enough to mention.

  33. Send all information in.
    "UOJ" - "The Un-Orthodox Jew" said...
    I have a highly respected journalist that would consider doing an expose on OHEL Family services if there is absolutely bona fide incriminating evidence and witnesses.

    E-mail me your real name and phone number and a summary of the hard evidence that would stand up to scrutiny in a court of law!


    The Yeshivos I attended were Yeshivas Telshe for early high school and more significantly, the Hebrew Theological College where for a period of ten years my Rebbeim included such great Rabbinic figures as Rabbi Yaakov Perlow.


    Draft of Hirchson's indictment released

    According to draft, former finance minister and four other defendants stole millions of shekels from educational organization
    Vered Luvitch

    Ynet obtained Wednesday a draft of what may be the official indictment against former Finance Minister Abraham Hirchson, pending a court hearing.

    According to the indictment, in 1998 Hirchson, Ovadia Cohen and accountant Gideon Ben-Zur conspired to steal funds from Nili, an organization that operated educational institutions, and the Histadrut Labor Federation.

    Two other defendants, former Nili Director General Yitzhak Rosso and the organization's former accountant, Amatzia Bonner, were also part of the plot, the draft of the indictment said.

    "Between the years 2000-2003, and after that until 20005, the defendants stole millions of shekels from Nili in a variety of ways," according to the draft.

    The checks were transferred in envelopes to a female employee in Hirchson's home in Tel Aviv. In addition, the draft said, twice, at the Jewish New Year and Pesach, Hirchson would receive "holiday gifts" of up to NIS 30,000 (about $7,000).

    For each trip abroad the former finance minister received $2,000-3,000. He traveled abroad 50 times during that period, the draft of the indictment said.

    According to the indictment, Hirchson had dined at expensive restaurants and was reimbursed by the Histadrut throughout a five year period. During this period he submitted receipts and was reimbursed with a sum totaling NIS 63,000 (roughly $15,636). The list of restaurants where Hirchson dined is also listed in the indictment. According to the indictment Hirchson paid a sum of NIS 3,300 (roughly $819) for a single meal at one of these restaurants.

    According to the prosecution, during this period Hirchson served as a Knesset member and chairman of the Knesset's Finance Committee, which prohibited him from receiving such reimbursements. He was also reimbursed by the Histadrut for meals taken at the Knesset totaling tens of thousands of shekels.

    Hirchson was charged with 11 additional defendants for theft, fraud under severe circumstances and breach of the corporation's trust, money laundering, and false registration in the corporation's documents.

    Attorneys Eli Cohen and Ilan Azoulay representing the Cohen brothers who are among the defendants, said in response to the indictment: "The brothers were shocked at the severity. We shall study the evidence prior to the hearing and we are confident that we shall succeed in presenting our side of the story before the prosecution."

  36. What's happening on the legal front there?

  37. Ehud Olmert is facing a third investigation into criminal allegations. Israel Attorney General Menachem Mazuz on Sunday instructed police investigators to open a probe into whether the prime minister, as trade and industry minister between 2003 and 2005, helped a former business partner gain from a state investment center and illicitly appointed cronies to government posts. Olmert already is being investigated on suspicion of bid rigging in the 2005 privatization of an Israeli bank , as well as on allegations that a discount on a Jerusalem home he bought in 2004 constituted bribery.

  38. For a period of ten years my Rebbeim included such great Rabbinic figures as Rabbi Yaakov Perlow.
    Perlow taught a mesifta class (not bais midrash)...if not for his father dying - he would be driving a truck for Rubashkin...maybe... with extra plum'b'ers (kosher seals)... or the parking valet at the Agudah convention with bowtie! Says alot about der Chelmer's hasagas of greatness and about himself!

  39. "Hynes, who took office in 1989, had been slammed for failing to go after Mondrowitz. Critics charged he feared losing the powerful Orthodox Jewish vote. But his spokesman denied the allegations, saying Hynes moved swiftly once a treaty change allowed Israel to recognize the 1985 sodomy counts."

    And how did the Daily News let him get away with this BALDFACED LIE???!!!


    I moved so "swiftly" after UOJ lit a fire under my arse, that even in my drunken stupor, I tripped over and broke several bottles of Bailey's Irish Cream to go confer with Aron Twerski & my fundraising friends at the Iggud Harrabonim.

  41. Twerski made it up to Hynes by giving him the pareve Briscoe's version. This article says it's from Herzog, but it's actually made by Bailey in Ireland under the OU.


    by Mort Hochstein

    I also recently ran across Briscoes Irish Country Liqueur, which has the twin virtues of being kosher and lactose-free. If you’re an observant Jew, that means it has no milk and can be served, guilt-free, with both meat and dairy dishes. The folks at Baron Herzog, who make Briscoes, aren’t divulging their secret formula for a kosher version, but I would guess it has to be soy-based, because milk is forbidden if it is to wear the ‘pareve’ label. Briscoes boasts a wonderfully smooth, creamy texture, with soft layers of sweet vanilla, mocha, and cinnamon flavors. Briscoes hasn’t reached store shelves yet, but it is already building buzz in the industry.

  42. October 17, 2007 01:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time

    Leading Kosher Meatpacking Plant Delays Class Action Lawsuit

    CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The United States’ leading kosher meatpacking company will appear in federal court today challenging a class action lawsuit filed against the company on behalf of its workers.

    The lawsuit alleges that Agriprocessors, a kosher slaughterhouse in Postville, Iowa, has not compensated workers for the time they spend preparing for work at the beginning of the day and cleaning up at the end of it. Such compensation has recently been upheld by the Supreme Court.
    Agriprocessors is trying to limit worker participation in its attempt to avoid its obligations under Iowa state law which provides that all employees are automatically plaintiffs in the lawsuit unless they sign a form indicating otherwise. Agriprocessors is arguing that only federal law applies, which requires employees to sign a form requesting participation in the class action suit.
    Working conditions and food safety at the Agriprocessors slaughterhouse have been under scrutiny in the past year. In May of this year, over 200 workers stood up for their rights and walked out of the plant in protest of the company’s misconduct.

    Agriprocessors, one of the nation’s largest kosher meat producers, runs a beef, lamb and poultry processing plant in Postville, Iowa. Agriprocessors produces products under the following brand names: Aaron's Best, Aaron's Choice, European Glatt, Iowa Best Beef, Nevel, Shor Harbor, Rubashkin's, Supreme Kosher, and David's.

    Essentially the company is trying to undercut the voices of hundreds of workers by delaying the lawsuit and trying to limit their right to recover unpaid wages through overwhelming them with more paperwork and red tape,” says Attorney Brian McCafferty. McCafferty will be representing the workers today in Cedar Rapids, Iowa federal court.
    For more information go to

  43. MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican writer suspected of frying and eating pieces of his ex-girlfriend after strangling her has confessed to murdering the woman but denies being a cannibal, a government prosecutor said on Tuesday.

  44. I don't know if Jacob Perlow is cut out to be a Rubashkin truck driver.

    His language isn't salty enough.

  45. Does anyone know where Rabbi Herbie Bomzer is hiding out? He seems to have disappeared as soon as this story broke.

  46. Is Leizerovitz Next?
    What's happening on the legal front there?
    His victims need to petition the D.A.'s office as the Mondrowitz and Colmer victims did!

  47. Mondrowitz:

    Better late than....

    Maybe Olewski and a Gur welcoming committee should meet/greet El Mondro at JFK.

  48. Whatever you do, do NOT send in a comment to the Daashakohol blog. Although I would generally support any anti-Rubashkin movement, the owner of that blog is a weasel. First, he plagiarized a number of comments, including two of mine, off R' Yudel's blog from August. See here:

    and here:

    Then, when I sent in a comment for moderation, he copied most of my post, changing "Lakewood" to "Crown Heights" and crediting "anonymouse" for the comment. The comment I sent in was:

    "We can take Rubashkin down one community at a time. A good place to start would be Lakewood. We need to put pressure on the NPGS co-op to stop carrying any of their products. Once they give in, then Shloimy's will be forced to drop Rubashkin or shut down. Once Lakewood becomes a Rubashkin-free zone, then there will be a domino effect and other communities will follow suit. The coverups must end at once and these frauds that are giving their "hashgocho" must be exposed."

    This is his version of my comment that he posted:

    Anonymouse Says:

    October 17th, 2007 at 1:17 pm

    "We can take Rubashkin down one community at a time.

    A good place to start is Crown Heights.

    We must have sufficient alternatives to the virtual monopoly of Rubashkins, to keep up with demand of CH consumers.

    Once word gets out that Crown Heights is a Rubashkin-free zone, other communities will follow suit.

    The cover-ups must end at once and these frauds that are giving their “hashgocho” must be exposed.

    Even R. Shain has no Kashrus complaints against Weiss and David Eliot.

    It’s a good start and larger Shechitas have to be developed to take up the slack of avoiding Rubashkins less than desirable Kashrus"

    Then the very next comment by "Am Haartzus even on Rubashkins Label" is another one of my comments from R' Yudel's blog:

  49. Watch Your Kids; This Illness Knows No Bounds! One Bogey Man Was A Torah Umesorah Rabbi, Heading up An Important Computer Dept! He Did Serious Jail Time!

    Oct. 17, 2007
    Six years ago, Alicia Kozakiewicz says she was just a normal 13-year-old girl. That all changed on New Year's Day 2002. Today, she recounted for Congress how an online sexual predator befriended her in an Internet chat room, then kidnapped her, drove her across state lines and locked her in a cage in his basement, where he beat her, tortured her and raped her.

    Online Predator Victim Shares Moving Testimony"I cry inside. I mourn for that child that was me. The child that was stolen from me. Make no mistake -- that child was murdered. I know now that some parts of me are forever there. The child that I was is still chained in that room, still suffering."

    Kozakiewicz warned the House Judiciary Committee of the widespread dangers of Internet sex crimes.

    "The boogey man is real. And he lives on the Net. He lived in my computer -- and he lives in yours," she said, looking at the lawmakers. "While you are sitting here, he is at home with your children."

    Kozakiewicz was rescued by FBI agents. She is now a 19-year-old college sophomore. Scott Tyree of Herndon, Va., was convicted of the crime and is serving a 20-year prison sentence. Not only did he beat, torture and rape Kozakiewicz, he also posted online pictures of her taken while she was locked in his basement.

    Committee members were urged by fellow lawmakers to take legislative action against online sex crimes.

    Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., cited a "dearth of federal resources devoted to investigating and prosecuting child exploitation and crimes."

    She cited Flint Waters of the Wyoming Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, telling the committee, "right now there are nearly 500,000 identified individuals in the United States trafficking child pornography on the Internet. Law enforcement knows who they are and where they are. What shocked me the most and what compelled me to get involved in this issue is that due to a lack of resources, law enforcement is investigating less than two percent of these known 500,000 individuals."

    "Sometimes the problems we face as a Congress are extremely complex and other times the solutions are simple and right in front of our eyes," she said. "There is no mystery about what we need to do now to save thousands of children from abuse and exploitation."

    Wasserman Schultz has introduced the Protect Our Children Act of 2007.

    "The Internet has unfortunately become an easy avenue for predators to find unsuspecting victims," said Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash. "That is why I have introduced legislation, the Sex Offender Internet Prohibition Act of 2007, which imposes mandatory penalties, five to 10 years in prison, for individuals who are required to register as sex offenders and knowingly access a Web site with the intent to communicate with an unsuspecting child. This bill sends a clear message to sex offenders that if they use these Internet sites to contact children, they will go to jail."

    Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Colo., touted her bill, the Child Pornography Elimination Act of 2007.

  50. A message for Mondrowitz, Colmer and Kolko....

    The damage that you have inflicted upon your countless victims, their families, your loved ones and all of klal yisroel cannot be measured in words. The chillul hashem that you have caused cannot be erased, even with the most sincere teshuva. My free legal and spiritual advice to you can be summed up in two words: PLEAD GUILTY!

    Do not listen to your money grabbing con artist lawyers. They are not looking out for your best interests, nor that of the community at large. Even if you manage to win in court, you will never be free and you will be scorned and ostracized for eternity. Just ask O.J. Simpson if he ever felt like a free man after his trial. There is no need to drag this thing out and put your victims through the rigors of testifying and reliving their nightmares. There is no need to put your families through any more sorrow and pain. There is no need to continue the chillul hashem that will take place through the press coverage of your trials. Let's put an end to this once and for all. Face it, it's over, the gig is up. Not even Bomzer or Ginzberg or Margo can help you now. Give it up already and start on your long road to possible redemption. Call your fancy lawyers immediately and tell them that you PLEAD GUILTY!!!!

  51. My e-mail to Nancie Katz:

    Dear Nancie,

    On behalf of the Jewish community, I would like to thank you for your fine reporting of the case of Avrohom Mondrowitz. I, among many other caring individuals, have been lobbying the DA's office for many years to request this alleged predator's extradition. The scandalous behavior of DA Hynes over the last two decades has not been given the proper attention by the press. Once again, I commend you for your honest and unbiased reporting and look forward to reading your future reports.

  52. Well said Steve my friend!

    Please all: E-mail Ms. Katz.

  53. I think the reason why he's doctoring posts is because his readership is by and large Lubabs, many of whom are nuts and would go beserk at any mention of Lakewood or anything 'snagdish.

    I recall reading an exchage where one Lubab talmid chochom started quoting from poskim like the Chazon Ish. The fruitcakes ganged up on him with insults and told him he should "go back to Lakewood". The guy said he's very hurt that anyone would call him a misnagid and that he is more Lubavitch than they are. He said his family is in the sefer yuchasin that keeps the real McCoy Lubabs distinct from the BT wackos and that they have been Lubab since the time of the 2nd Rebbe. He was aghast that quoting anyone besides the Tzemach Tzedek would draw that heap of abuse.

    If anyone finds out who the blogger is, he could have his pants stolen from the mikva or worse.

    Still it is not proper that he doctor posts but I can understand it, I think.

    I wrote a post that socked it to Rubashkin. He removed the URL it came from because of other comments at the original source that could be seen if hyperlinked. I get the feeling he's basically on the side of the truth but that he's too chicken to speak the whole truth.

    Don't forget that he is sanctioning Yudel. It was just funny how he had to sanitize him by mentioning Yudel's brother does bris milos in Crown Hts. Maybe it's a Shain cousin even, but you get what I mean.

  54. I hope Belsky will give me a heter to drink the original Bailey's cream.

    I like that the cholov stam it's made from is homo-genized.

  55. I hope UOJ doesn't pick up his pace of shlepping back criminals from abroad. I've already got a full caseload from all these putzes like Pinter and Frankel's shul.

    I'm also used to advocating on behalf of stam ganovim. All these child rapists is a whole new thing.

  56. In case anyone was wondering, the answer is a resounding NO.

    The YTT Vaad Hahorim will not be meeting as it is impossible that Mondrowitz has ever raped or molested a single YTT boy. Rabbi Applegrad and the Rosh Hayeshiva R' Lipa Margulies have vehemently assured me of this.

  57. What did I do wrong?

    Did I not raise enough $$$ moolah $$$ for the Hynes re-election campaign to Charlie's liking like he would stab us in the back by extraditing Mondrowitz?

    I'm the 2nd Putz from the right in this picture, standing next to NYC Comptroller William C. Thompson Jr.

  58. My free legal and spiritual advice to you can be summed up in two words: PLEAD GUILTY!

    8:44 PM, October 17, 2007

    It's not going to happen, dear Steve.

    The only scenario of a guilty plea that I foresee is like in the Lewis Brenner case, a real miscarriage of justice. I pray to G-D it doesn't happen with Mondrowitz.

    According to the New York Law Journal, Schechter represented Brooklyn Rabbi Lewis Brenner, who pleaded guilty to a charge of sodomy after being charged with 14 counts of sodomy, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child.

    According to the Journal, prosecutors said Brenner had sexual contact with a youth he met in the bathroom of the temple they both attended. The molestations allegedly took place over a three-year period that ended in 1995 when the victim was 15 years old, the Journal reported. Rabbi Brenner was sentenced to five years probation.

    The charges against Brenner initially included 14 counts, including sodomy, sexual abuse, and endangering the welfare of a minor. But a plea agreement whittled the charges down to one felony, stunning a Brooklyn judge.

    "Given the nature, gravity and frequency of the sexual contact alleged in the felony complaint, this court was surprised by the People's plea offer and requested of the prosecutor a statement why it was forthcoming," said acting Supreme Court Justice Charles J. Heffernan in a court ruling.

    The district attorney's office told the judge that the boy's family agreed to the plea bargain ... Recently, an official of the district attorney's office said the family did not want to go through with a trial.

    The plea arrangement left Brenner a free man -- he got 5 years probation.

    Brenner is the father-in-law of Ephraim Bryks, a Queens rabbi who was the subject of a story in Newsday on Tuesday.

    Two teenagers told Canadian police years ago that Bryks abused them when they were youngsters. Bryks has never been charged with a crime and has denied the allegations.

    After Brenner's plea deal, he asked the court to exempt him from the sexual abuse registry on grounds that his behavior occurred before the law was passed.

    Heffernan refused.


    Belsky is getting paid to say kaddish.


    Rubashkin adopted this stretch of highway in Postville.

    Belsky can't get over how direction friendly the signs are out in these here parts.


    Woman fired after stopping robbery


    Kiryas Joel – State Police at Monroe are looking for a man, possibly driving a red Chrysler PT Cruiser, who picked up a four-year-old girl from her family’s front porch in the Village of Kiryas Joel.

    Police said the incident occurred around 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, September 25. The white male in his 40s, wearing camouflage pants and hat, green shirt and white sneakers, picked the little girl up his arms, pulled up her dress and attempted to kiss her. The man was startled with the girl’s eight-year-old sister came out the front door.

    The man put the child down and walked to his car and left.

    Several neighbors confirmed seeing the man and the vehicle at the scene.

    It is thought that the man is not Hasidic and investigators believe he was either passing through the village or was an outsider working there.

    Anyone with information on either the vehicle or the suspect is asked to call the state police at 845-782-8311.

  63. As a counsler I have seen many woman that have gone to the domestic violence unit at Ohel Family Services. They do not what they are doing. They screw up these womans lives that go there. Dont let anyone go near that place.


    Anonymous said...
    Very tzugepassed that R' Yudel put up the picture here of the "Porky Pig" cartoon character.

    In Rural Iowa, Residents Learn The Ways Of Their Orhtodox Jewish Neighbors
    by Rogers Worthington, Chicago Tribune.

    Chicago Tribune - November 27, 1992

    There have been some overtures of friendship. For example, Kedrick Groth, a young hog farmer, took Heshy Rubashkin, one of Aaron`s sons, and several others from the Orthodox community water skiing on the Mississippi two summers ago.

  65. Hey Schifty-Bauer, I don't know what your problem is. Me thinks your defense of Yudi Kolko is intellectual dishonesty. You know the reid in Rishonim & Achronim. You know why Rav Wosner's teshuva came to the conclusion that scum like Tendler & Kolko are guilty.

    Are you so blind that you don't know any normal rosh yeshiva privately says Kolko is as guilty as Hell?

    Are you unaware of the world that exists beyond Margo, Applegrad, Geldwerth, Belsky & the rov of your parents, Chaim Weinfeld?

  66. A prominent Rov told me that its time to clean house at Ohel. The original founders of Ohel created the place to take care of orphans. The present administration has turned Ohel into a money making machine by making it a supermarket to cater to anyone that was abused or has problems. After 9 11 Ohel realized that they can get grants to help people and fill their coffers. Ohels sole purpose is to inflate their caseload by getting as many people signed up for services as possible. The victims have reported that they in turn get mediocre services and some times it takes so long to fill in the paper work they only get to see someone fro a few minutes. The Rove has had a lot of experience with Ohel and helping the people Ohel destroyed because of their incompetence. The Rov knows that they hire unqualified people without experience because they are the only ones that will work for such low salaries. No one should give a cent to Ohel or attend their concert until they clean up the place and start being accountable to the Jewish community.

  67. There were kids at risk and other boys from troubled backgrounds at the St Louis yeshiva. It was whispered that some of them were Mondrowitz victims.

    The 2 biggest feeder cities to St Louis were New York & Chicago, both Mondrowitz outposts.

    I hope those victims contact the DA and a lawyer.

  68. UOJ send a female reporter to Ohel to pose as a domestic violence victim and you will have a nice story

  69. if mondrowitz was arrested, why is it not in any newspaper, here local and in israel?


    You know, it's the Jewish New Year today. So, we don't observe anything, but we worry about it a lot. And we've come up with a couple of traditions that we do that we're happy with, that any other Jew would laugh at. We go to an apple orchard and we pick apples and we make certain things to eat. It's a lot of fun for our son. Afterwards, the nanny came over so me and my wife could go for a hike. And we go, and it's a beautiful day. It's perfect. The dogs are running through the woods with us. So we come back down the mountain and we come inside. We call for our son, he's not there. We call for the nanny, she's not there. And my wife, who didn't grow up with this kind of religion, says, “Oh, you know what? She probably took him down to the pond. He loves it down there.” And I'm thinking, you know, Great day for an abduction. If you were God, don't tell me you wouldn't fucking think that.

    The problem is that I want to argue both sides. If someone who was religious came back a month later and was an atheist, I'd argue the religious side. It’s nuts. I can jump back and forth.

    My trouble is, and this might just be that I’m an asshole, but if more than five people start agreeing vehemently with each other, I start doubting the whole thing. On one hand I think, religion gave me this idea that God is out to kill me any second. On the other hand, what it also caused in me is the inability to trust any groupthink or even an idea that is agreed upon by more than three people. It’s ridiculous.

    I sound like a fucking lunatic.

  71. UOJ,
    I humbly suggest that this be yours and Michael Lesher's moto:
    "open your mouth on behalf of the mute" (Proverbs 31-8)

  72. Thanks above Anon. Both Michael and myself believe..."schar b'hai alma lecka"..., nor do we expect rewards. We're both trying to make certain that permanent, effective, iron-clad safeguards for our community be put in place.

    There will be more press...and more...and more....until that happens!


    Anonymous said...
    I don't know of any restaurant serving Deer meat (venison) besides Levana's.

    It's highly advised to stay away from them as they have been caught red handed being machshil customers with bishul Shabbos, maacholos treifos/tomeyim and who knows what else. As a matter of fact, the infamous chef from Le Marais used to work for them and they helped the OU whitewash him.

    I don't know if anyone is producing venison besides Musicon which Rabbi Belsky looks after. I hope they are separating the meat as advised in this article:

    The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation asks hunters and outdoor enthusiasts to provide information to them about any sick, dying or dead animals encountered in the field. Sick or dead deer should be reported to the regional office at 256-3060 or to 800-847-7332.

    Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease does not pose a threat to humans, but hunters should always take precautions to protect themselves from exposure to disease. The DEC recommends the following precautions:

    • Wear rubber gloves when field dressing game.

    • Thoroughly wash instruments and any parts of the body exposed to animal tissues, blood, urine, etc. with soap and water.

    • Have bagged game processed promptly, and request that animals are processed individually, without mixing or coming into contact with meat from other animals.

    • Eating organ meat poses a greater risk of infection with a number of diseases. Hunters should have deer boned out and have as much fat, connective tissue and lymph nodes removed as possible.

    • Do not handle or eat any deer that appeared sick, acted strangely or was found dead. Contact the DEC immediately.

    Whose Shechita is this? said...

    If it's Levana's owner Kirschenbaum, who would eat shechita from someone who was machshil the oylam with tarfus?

    Because kosher quail is not available from any established kosher producer, Avrum Kirschenbaum periodically camps out overnight in a slaughterhouse in Harlem or the Bronx to monitor the quail killing and preparation, overseeing 100 birds at a time. Nonkosher poultry is dipped in hot water to loosen the feathers, but kosher law prohibits this hot-water dip; the feathers must be plucked by hand.

    But even when it's available, perfectly cooked game can be an acquired taste for many kosher diners. Game is best served rare, and although all kosher meat is drained of blood, the juices of rare meat can appear "bloody," an off-putting sight for observant Jews who are prohibited from consuming blood and have become conditioned to prefer meat cooked medium or well-done. However, for game meats like bison and venison, which are lower in fat than beef, too much cooking time equals tough, leathery meat.

    "If you don't eat bison rare, it's like a Reebok," Avrum Kirschenbaum said.


    Dr. Marion Nestle, Paulette Goddard Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University and the author of Food Politics.

    "The bottom line is that kosher junk food is still junk food."

    This quest for a parve label means manufacturers go to some icky extremes. Instead of, say, using cheese powder, Kitov's Cheese Curls are chockfull of monosodium glutamate, a flavor-enhancer for low-grade ingredients. While Oreos are kosher but, on closer inspection, dairy, Bloom-eos are parve—thanks to heaping doses of corn syrup and partially hydrogenated vegetable-oil shortening.

    Golden Fluff a 23-year-old Lakewood, New Jersey, operation sells snacks like pre-popped popcorn (in flavors like BBQ and onion- garlic), as well as enchilada-flavored tortilla chips. (What in heaven's name would enchilada chips even taste like?) Frustrated by marshmallows, which contain gelatin derived from animal hooves, Golden Fluff spent years developing a kosher alternative fashioned from fish gelatin. There must be a huge market among s'mores-loving Jewish campers.

    My research done, the time had come—at last—to test the product. In order to see how Bloom-eos stood up to Oreos, I brought a kosher junk sampling to a land teeming with enough Jews to complete a minyan twice over: the offices of a celebrity magazine in Midtown Manhattan.

    On my desk, I arranged Lolly Fizz, Bloom-eos, Hot Fries, Golden Fluff's Corn Dips, Shoobi Doobis, Cheese Curls and Fluffy Stuff. Then, at afternoon snack time, I invited over a cross-departmental mix (Fact Checker, Designer, Copy Editor, Copy Chief, Assistant Editor).

    Like predators surrounding unknown prey, they sniffed, poked and prodded, before tearing into the most accessible edible.

    "Oreos, Bloom-eos, whatever—these are damn tasty," said Copy Editor, as she separated the top cookie layer from the cream beneath. Others agreed.

    The dark, crunchy bear-shaped Shoobis, however, divided the house.

    "This is bad," said Assistant Editor. She bit a Shoobi, crumbs spilling onto my desk.
    "They're too dry and sort of...horrible."

    Fact Checker, as befitting his job, disagreed and declared his own truth: "Shoobi Doobi has just the hint of chocolate without being too sweet." He was also enthralled with the crispy, crimson potato-matchstick Hot Fries, knock-offs of Spicy Andy Capp's Hot Fries. "The Hot Fries are just delicious. How often do you buy something that claims to be spicy and it really is?" he said, cramming Hot Fries between his teeth.

    The thick, salty Corn Dips slabs were universally admired, but "it's near impossible to mess up corn chips," Designer said.

    There were as many misses as hits. Kitov's Cheese Curls—hollow, pinkie-size tubes of finger-staining orange—were loathed. One bite turned them into pasty goo. "How can something with so many preservatives go stale?" Copy Editor asked.

    The Lolly Fizz, which promised a Pop Rocks-like explosion when you dipped the lollipop into the sugary dust, was as effervescent as day-old Diet Coke.


    I have nothing against fressers. They help me pay the bills.

    It was nice of PETA to conceal my face but they should have concealed my boych also.


    All units:

    Moishe Rubashkin is punching the daylights out of someone again at 770.

  77. Rashi (Gen. 2:23) quotes a midrash and states: "Adam mated with every [species of] domesticated animal and wild animal but his appetite was not assuaged by them, until he discovered Lipa."

  78. R. Lipa of Budapest, the author of Sefer Retzicha, explained Rashi's comment as meaning that Adam went out to see if any of the animals lacked a partner, and found that they did not. R.Yaakov Applegrad understands Rashi as explaining the midrash as meaning that Adam literally mated with the animals.

  79. A "Lox" on both your houses!

  80. 2 important points here:

    1. Belsky was oymed on cruel practices that Rabbi Shain says are not required to restrain a deer.

    2. The OK Kashrus Levy brother being referred to here expired after he locked himself in his car with the exhaust going. His mishpocho blamed the almona to cover up what really happened.

    Yudel Shain said...
    Hershel Ashkenazei does some of the schechita & nikur, then Rabbi Belsky does for some other customers.
    He is not there to supervise the Schechita or bedikas for Ashkenezai.

    I went once to a different deer schechita with Herschel Ashkenazei, I was the Bodek Sakinim for him.

    Anonymous said...
    Because deer are wild animals, is it possible to do a better job to not cause the animal tzaar, or is there no choice but to pull it hard by the ears?

    Anonymous said...
    Does anyone know why OK does not allow Ahava beshum oyfan but allows Rubashkin? Surely Rabbi Levy knows about all the scandals at Postville.

    Yudel Shain said...
    I was at a deer schechita with Rabbi Ashkenazei-there was no ear pulling nor any of the video'd items.

    Levy knows what he wants to know (or care).

    Ask his brother partner Eliezer ob"m.

    Anonymous said...
    Is there any indication that what happened with the brother Eliezer ob'm had anything to do with hashgocho related matters?

    I do know that the almonna is a wonderful catch. She does have a hard time finding a zivug sheni because she has 5 kids and because relatives of the niftar are being motzee shem ra that it was her fault. It's really a rishus what's being done to her.

    Yudel Shain said...
    The Almonah did remarry & made some simchas already.

    I guess the brother / partner will one day take them to a din-torah or Court.


    I heard this story about a month ago from a former Crown Heights resident who was abused as a boy in Crown Heights. I'd give him a hat tip but this shaliach does not want to be named.

    When his body was found in the garage of the Chabad center,Don Yoel Levy, his brother and the CEO of OK Kashrut blamed the wife of his late brother, the mother of his children, for his suicide. They placed the blame on her with accusations that she was mean to him and that is what drove him to end his own life.Chana Levi was mentally abused and neglected by her in laws while she was living a nightmare with her 5 children who were mourning the loss of there father.Don Yoel Levy not only placed the blame on an innocent victim and caused immense emotional distress for Chana Levy he also refused to help his deceased brothers wife and five young children financially.Chana Levy (maiden name Prus) was blamed for her husbands decision to end his dark double life, because she was mean. The fact that Eliezer Levy was molesting hundreds of kids and teenagers for years, sometimes in the presence of his mother and his brother could not possibly be the reason why he couldn’t stand himself anymore and ended his worthless life. Chabad and OK Labs could not have a pedophile who died in a garage with nothing but a dirty ash tray listed as a Shliachon there resume, it would have a harsh negative effect on the future fundraising and financial situation of Lubavitch and OK Kashrut. The unwritten Chabad rule of placing the blame on the victim and covering up the damage and pain caused by the child molester was immediately put in to action.

    The second floor of the building houses a magnificent and truly inspiring shul built by the Levy family in memory of Rabbi Levy’s brother, Reb Eliezer Yitzchok Levy.

    It will be known as “Beis Eliezer Yitzchok.”


    Rubashkin doesn't allow even customers, Rabonim, experts, etc into the plant without an appointment.

    Rabbi Weismandel made all of the Shoichtim sign an agreement that if they tell any outsider of any problems at Rubashkin there is a $5,000.00 penalty & grounds for immediate dismissal.

    The only one that will talk openly is a disgruntled employee. The US Govt "Feds" always use the disgruntled employee for information & to "blow the whistle".

    We utilize the insider aka "a shtinker", the disgruntled, the employee that has left plus numerous other "industry tactics" which are better left unexplained.

    Years ago I advised Rubashkin (due to the high incident of "geneivas" at the plant (in the high 6 figures-annually) they should bar-code & have readers all over the plant.

    The bar-coded meat will give "traceability" re: glatt, kosher, minuker, salted, non-kosher, treif etc.

    They refused-they said they don't want to tell me why they won't invest $300,000.00 to save almost a million a year.

    I know the answer "they were making more than a million a year in having the freedom of label switching.

    On any piece of meat you can put "Bais-Yosef, Hatchual-sefradic, Weismande-Supreme, KAJ, Brodie, CHK, Zeilingold etc".

    If it was worth 12 years ago over a million a year? do the math.

    Their main business is treif/ neveilohs.
    50% of each animal (back-half) is sold as non-kosher-the entire animal of treif & neviloh also sold as non-kosher.
    You are left with some 70-80% of their business is from treif.

    They have the leeway to label anything with any label that a customer wants, HEY that's dollars in the pocket-ask Finkel.

    Does Weismandel, brody, KAJ, Hatchual, CHK, OU etc know all of this? NO!

    With all the money they are making, they are blinded for so long "they don't care" anymore they are all on a "HIGH".$$$$$$$$$$$$ look in the Torah

    Will the Rubashkin's knowingly sell mislabeled product e.g. non Bet Yosef as Bet Yosef to Sefardim, non-glatt as Glatt, non-kosher as kosher, etc?

    The answer is a resounding YES!

    Will they knowingly lie?
    The answer is again, YES.
    Will they knowingly fool the Rabbonim?
    The answer is again YES.

    Finally "what is the RED-LINE by the Agri-Rubashkin that they will not cross?

    The answer is they are color-blind by the $$$$$.

    I have Rabbi Weismandels report in Hebrew & the contract that he made the Shoichtim sign re: above.

    If you read the report with careful scrutiny, you will conclude that it's not only the Rubashkin's that are are fooling everyone.

    C'mon $200,000.00 salary for Rabbi Weismandel say a lot.

    If someone wants to distribute the report or rewrite it to English (including my comments), contact me for an authentic copy.

    Rabbi Weismandel & the Rubashkin's want to know "how I got a hold of a CONFIDENTIAL document?"

    Rush Limbaugh says I should put it on Ebay, it may fetch some nice dollars.

    Thu Oct 18, 05:14:00 PM 2007

  83. "...There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically," Watson wrote. "Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."

  84. also has a copy of the above mentioned “confidential document” - The Weismandel contract with the Shochtim - and can attest that indeed it does forbid the employees to disclose to outsiders, any problems at Rubashkins.

  85. Since Chabad does not have a central beis din for geirus, many shluchim from around the country who do not get involved in beis din themselves, send their candidates to Rabbi Herbert Bomzer.

  86. WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Internet search engines were being hijacked and directed to Chinese-owned Baidu, analysts said Wednesday, speculating that the move was in retaliation for Washington's award to Tibet's exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama.

  87. There is 8:30 tehillim tonight at Glen Avenue for Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer who had surgery earlier today. Everyone is urged to keep Yaakov ben Chanah Hendel in their tefillos.


    Yes all of the Govt concerns are relevant to kashrus.

    First of the Rubashkin's have a very sophisticated system in place, which is the root of the Govt concerns which directly impact kashrus.

    Besides abuse to employees (including the Shoichtim, boidkim, Mashgichim etc) complete disregard for System-controls etc.

    The plant management staff (including corporate) spend a tremondous amount of time and energy "koichis" that "there-shall-be-NO-SYSTEM" hence no-traceability, no accountability, no regulations and in the end there can't be any kashrus standard.

    Kosher Konsumer said...
    All of Rubashkins tactics are suspicious. If they had nothing to hide they wouldn't be afraid to allow someone in to inspect the plant without an appointment and they wouldn't have to threaten their employees with firing if they reveal anything to outsiders. etc. I don't know how they still are able to sell meat to any G-d fearing Jew with all this adverse publicity.

  89. is the Rabbi Eisemann story dead? Can we assume it was all false??

  90. Following the lead of the OU, most hashgochos are feeling vulnerable these days after R' Y. Bitton blew the whistle at Le Marais. They are becoming draconian and out of control against their own employees. That word derives from the ancient Yavani named Draco (7th century BCE), an Athenian lawmaker. His harsh legal code punished most crimes, even trivial ones, with death. The OU is getting even more secretive now with all the intense scrutiny of what's going on at Rubashkin and elsewhere.

    In the spirit of the Omerta, the Sicilian mafia code that prohibits speaking or divulging information about activities of the organization, the OU is forcing employees to sign documents too. I'm not sure if it's a guzma to say the "agreement" would have any leaker or whistleblower fired 50 times over before incurring additional penalities.

    Someone has already been fired for opening his mouth.

    The OU is also on the attack against outside critics or even anyone not supporting the Party line. So much for "Glasnost", comrades.

    The top brass of the OU was furious that Kashrus Magazine's very watered down and kid glove handling of the Le Marais scandal did not absolutely condemn Bitton and exonerate the hashgocho. A call was placed to publisher Rabbi Yosef Wikler, requesting that he retract. Rabbi Wikler refused. The OU is now retaliating against him in a rather spiteful and childish manner. And the OU should be required to answer how many poison pen letters are enough to be directed at a single rov who will not blind himself to the truth of documented evidence, upheld by the courts, that the OU did in fact cover up a scandal.

    This corruption must be stopped. It is not a seditious act for kashrus personnel to speak up when a wrong is being committed. In my humble opinion, it is the OU that is betraying the Klal.

    I chose to post my message here because I have reason to believe it is the most widely read and impacting (uncensored) website among the audience I seek to target. I invite other blog editors to post it on their own sites.

    Bekeaiv lev,

    An OU insider who will not be silenced.


    There have been rumors floating around the blogisphere that Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz was arrested yesterday in Israel. There have been no sources in Israel that were able to confirm this has happened.

    There is a fear that he may be a flight risk considering it was made public that Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes finally signed papers requesting the U.S. Justice Department extradite Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz back to the United States.

    If anyone has proof that Mondrowitz was arrested please post what you know.

    Israeli in U.S. said...
    He was arrested and released on his own recognizance after they confiscated his passports. He has dual citizenship.

    October 18, 2007 7:38 PM

    steve said...
    UOJ was told that he was arrested yesterday. I read somewhere that Mondrowitz tried to escape prior to the extradition request. The Israeli government confiscated his passport.

    October 18, 2007 8:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I called various agencies in Jerusalem and no one knew anything about his arrest.

    October 18, 2007 9:31 PM


    Does anyone have any updated information on the case of Rabbi Ze'ev Sultanovitch, who was a teacher at Merkaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusaem?

    Ze'ev Sultanovitch was accused of sexually molesting a number of adult yeshiva students at the prestigious Merkaz Harav Yeshiva, which is considered the flagship of the national religious yeshivas (which is located at the Wohl Torah Center, and at the Orot yeshiva in Jerusalem and at the yeshiva in Har Bracha).

    The police acted after receiving four complaints from yeshiva students between the ages of 20 and 30 who allegedly fell victim to Sultanovitch, a 40-year-old bachelor who teaches Jewish philosophy at Merkaz Harav.

    According to their testimony, Sultanovitch would carry out his abuse in his apartment in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood, across the street from the yeshiva or in his office. Sultanovitch has apparently lived alone since his mother died two years ago.

    The police estimate that 10 students suffered sexual abuse from the teacher, although some have not filed a complaint. The police are also investigating whether Sultanovitch abused students at other yeshivas too.

    By Nina Pinto

    Ha'aretz Daily - January 12, 2000

    He is considered a genius in his field and an influential educator. He was recently dismissed from the yeshiva in Gush Etzion, apparently following rumors concerning complaints from students. The affair came to light following a conversation three students held among themselves, during which they discovered that all three had suffered from the sexual advances Sultanovitch forced upon them.

    The teacher, known to them as Rabbi Sultanovitch, allegedly stroked the students and fondled their genitals.

    As revealed yesterday on Israel radio, three students decided to complain a few months ago and sent an anonymous letter to the head of the yeshiva, Rabbi Avraham Shapira, a former chief rabbi of Israel, in which they described the abuses committed by the yeshiva teacher.

    After nothing was done, according to the students, they decided to reveal their identities in an open letter sent to Shapira. Following the letter, Shapira summoned the three students.

    The three young men were asked to retract their complaint. They demanded an apology from Sultanovitch. The meeting, say the students, ended on a strident note, after which they decided to turn to the authorities.

    The yeshiva denies that the three students complained personally to Shapira. However, other students at the yeshiva began to apply pressure on the three men, however, in hopes of convincing them to reconsider their intent to involve the police in the affair.

    They were threatened, told that they would have trouble finding jobs and wives if the affair became public.

    The police waited for many months for permission from the Attorney General's Office to interrogate the 80-year-old Rabbi Shapira under warning. Ultimately, police were given permission to interrogate him by correspondence. The rabbi denied any knowledge of sexual abuse.

    The rabbi's son, Yaakov Shapira, insists that there was no attempt to cover up the crimes and that the yeshiva looked into all the complaints. He said that a special investigator appointed by the yeshiva, Rabbi Menahem Borstein, concluded that the accusations were "all lies."

    The police are also looking into accusations that Sultanovitch drank a toast after Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated, saying that if Yigal Amir had not killed Rabin, he would have.

    According to yeshiva officials, Sultanovitch is not an employee, and therefore they are not legally obliged to provide answers on any issue.

    Police investigators expressed surprise at the notion that Sultanovitch taught at the yeshiva for a decade without payment.


    Rabbi Eliezer Y. Levy; founder of Chabad center
    Journal Staff Writer

  94. I have a woman that comes to me for counseling that also goes to a social worker at Ohel Family Services for Domestic Violence. This woman keeps a detailed report of everything the social worker tells her. She showed me the notebook this week and I was astounded by the utter incompetence of the social worker at Ohel. I agree with the comments that its about time Ohel hires competent staff.

  95. A psychologist in haifa was sentenced to a 1 1/2 years in prison for molesting underage patince, his lawyers claim that he should not get any prison time since he only caught the disease from avrohom mondrowitz.


    It's true there are problems with some RCA rabbis doing geirus, like Gil Student's pal Rabbi Michael Broyde, but who trusts Leib Tropper?


    Just because I paid for "Beis Eliezer", for this UOJ is going to pick apart the hashgocho?


    Thelma, if UOJ goes after your son Don Yoel Levy's hashgocho, it's because he may be the biggest thug in town after Moishe Rubashkin.


    This is schreklich! Ever since I found out UOJ is on my case, I've had this deer-in-the-headlights look.


    By SUTIN WANNABOVORN, Associated Press Writer
    2 hours, 36 minutes ago

    BANGKOK, Thailand - A Canadian schoolteacher suspected of sexually abusing boys was arrested in rural Thailand on Friday after an international manhunt that relied on digitally unscrambled photos and tips from the public.

    Neil was found in the province of Nakhon Ratchasima, where police said he had been hiding in the town of a Thai friend believed to have arranged some of his alleged sexual liaisons with boys.

    Neil was found after an unusual public appeal by Interpol. The international police agency released reconstructed Internet photos of a man said to be abusing Asian boys in a bid to identify a suspect, receiving hundreds of tips as a result.

    Thai authorities issued an arrest warrant Thursday for Neil after determining that he may have sexually abused boys in Thailand, in addition to a dozen Cambodian and Vietnamese boys, some as young as 6, whom Interpol suspects he abused.

    The Thai arrest warrant was based on the testimony of one boy, who said he was lured to Neil's apartment in Bangkok by a Thai man, Wimol said Thursday.

    The boy was one of three Thai youths, aged 9, 13 and 14 at the time, who contacted police Wednesday after seeing Neil's photograph on television. They claimed he had paid them to perform oral sex on him in 2003, Wimol said earlier, adding that the Canadian allegedly also had sex with at least one other underaged male.

    The boys said the suspect showed them pornographic images on his computer at his apartment in Bangkok, and paid them each $16 to $32, Wimol said.

    Neil has taught at various schools in Thailand, South Korea and Vietnam since at least 2000.

    He suddenly left his most recent teaching job in South Korea last week on a one-way ticket for Thailand as investigators closed in on his identity.

    The hunt for Neil began three years ago when German police discovered about 200 online photographs of a man sexually abusing children. His face was digitally obscured, but German police were able to reconstruct a recognizable image and Interpol circulated those images last week.

    More clues about the suspect's background emerged with the discovery of a Web page on the social networking site MySpace that Interpol officials believe was kept by Neil.

    "Been kicking around Asia for the past five years, teaching mainly and finding other forms of mischief," reads the profile, which describes him as "5 feet, 11 inches tall, slim and slender."

    "I love teaching, can't get enough of it really," the entry says, going on to describe his passion for drama, musicals and karaoke.

    Before teaching in Asia, Neil had worked as a chaplain in Canada, counseling teens.


    The situation at Postvile far more outrageous in this respect, far more than anyone expressed here yet.

    Rubashkin has a very strict policy which amounts to a “CATCH 22″ to guarantee that non of their Kashrus problems can never, easily be exposed.

    Rubashkin works their COVER-UP game this way:

    Rubashkin warns all their Shochtim and Mashgichim employees that if anyone dares to “Talk” to an outsider and expose any faults of Kashrus at Rubashkins, they will be instantly FIRED !

    This is not just a threat but has happened several times already, bepoal.

    This means that as long as an employee is still employed he can’t talk (because he will be fired on the spot).

    On the other hand:

    What if the employee no longer works at Rubashkins?

    Then Rubashkin can also discredit him by saying:

    “You can’t trust an X-employee’s testimony because he is now deemed to be “A DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE”.

    So who elese can expose the truth at Rubashkins?

    An Outsider?

    Someone who never worked there was never hired and was never fired at Rubashkins?

    Rubashkin “Locks the Door” on them !

    Rubashkin will not allow them to inspect the plant without a prior appointment, when he knows who is coming and when they are coming - so that he can make things “LOOK GOOD” for that brief moment during the outsiders inspection.

    As you can see, Rubashkins Policy is a Catch 22, so they can always deny, and discredit any Kashrus Faults that are exposed about them.

    Now does Mr. “AMAZED” still wonder why it’s so difficult to show “THE PROOF” about Rubashkins problems in Kashrus?

  102. Rabbi Tropper, who is the founder and rosh yeshiva of Kol Yakov, a Monsey-based haredi ba'al teshuva yeshiva, is a controversial figure.

    Rabbi Tropper has been accused of using bait-and-switch tactics to lure potential converts from intermarried families. In one southern city, Rabbi Tropper promised potential converts that a mikva would be built and a shul opened – no one would need to move to Monsey or another Orthodox enclave. But, when the time for conversion neared, no mikva existed and no synagogue functioned. The promised rabbi Tropper was to send had not arrived. Then, Rabbi Tropper dropped a bombshell. These potential converts, all serious, all had studied for more than a year, would have to move from the southern United States to Monsey, New York – or their conversions were off.

    Rabbi Tropper told me these converts confused his hopes with promises. But in email correspondence shared with me, Rabbi Tropper admits in part to misleading these poor people.

    Further, there are cities with mikvas, Modern Orthodox congregations and YU-trained rabbis relatively close to where these people live. They could drive for an hour and a half and spend Shabbat and holidays with families there until a congregation can open in their home town. Rabbi Tropper did not propose that option. (In their home town, by the way, there are other such Tropper-involved families facing similar decisions, and where one or two observant Jews live. Some of those potential converts have been said to be fearful that Tropper will cut them off, too, if they speak out about his dishonesty.)

    The husband of this family is in his 50s. He has years vested at his job with a pension due on retirement. He will lose all that if he moves, along with facing the problem of finding a new job at that age. Rabbi Tropper made many cloud-like promises – this friend in Monsey will find something for you or that man who works for the city will take care of you – but nothing concrete, and the family was unwilling to trust a man who had already lied to them.

    Rabbi Tropper summarily threw the eldest son of this family out of his yeshiva, leaving him broke with no way to get to the airport and back home. He claimed the boy was not serious about his learning yet the boy's teachers had given the family nothing but praise – until the day they refused to move to Monsey. This teenager had to borrow money to get home.

    Tropper had promised the family the boy would be able to get his GED at Kol Yakov, and he urged them to withdraw the child from public school and send him to Monsey and Tropper's yeshiva. But Tropper made no arrangements for that GED. It did not matter, however, because the boy was ineligible for a GED under NY law because he was too young. He lost a year, and had to regroup and restructure his life, all because Rabbi Leib Tropper cannot tell the truth.

    These people spent thousands of dollars on new kitchen appliances and dishes, kept strictly kosher and did whatever Rabbi Tropper demanded. They appeared on Tropper's EJF website praising the organization and were used by Tropper as examples of his "successful" approach. This material was apparently shown to Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Israel's Sefardic chief rabbi, and to other Israeli haredi leaders who later moved to block acceptance of all Rabbinical Council of America (Modern Orthodox) conversions. Now this family is "lost" to "Yiddishkeit" because of Tropper's failings.

  103. To OU Insider:

    I encourage you to keep up your important work. People must speak out...Blogs get the word out about what was years of criminal-like behavior by "criminals" in every stripe and every type of hat and yarmulke.

    I will assist you in any way posssible!


  104. Who drafted the new OU policy?


  105. It's almost always the other way around.

    Rabbi gives safety tips to ‘rabbis in danger’
    By Candice Krieger
    TODAY’s rabbis are expected to be everything from educators to spiritual guides, halachic authorities to family counsellors. But what of the precarious situations their delicate roles may lead them into — leaving them vulnerable to physical assault, for instance, or even sexually propositioned by congregants?

    Now Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain of Maidenhead Reform Synagogue has written a guide book to help his colleagues. He calls it Rabbis in Danger.


    Kudos On Cemetery Suit
    by Robert Avner

    I want to congratulate John Lucker for initiating a class-action lawsuit against Congregation Shaare Zedek for its shameful long-term lack of maintenance of Bayside Cemetery. It was in the same condition in 1989 when I first visited my great-grandparents’ grave at Acacia Cemetery, which is next to Bayside Cemetery.
    Bayside, Acacia and Mokom Shalom make up a complex of three Jewish cemeteries in Ozone Park, Queens. The latter two are managed by an organization called United Hebrew Congregations. Although Acacia is not in the same sorry state as Bayside, it is an uninviting, desolate place with no on-the-premises staff or security and no sense of safety. You feel that you’re risking danger visiting your deceased relatives.

    Fresh Meadows, Queens


    Not Interested In Auslander
    by Gerald Zisholtz

    It appears that The Jewish Week has nothing better to do than devote almost two full pages of its Oct. 5 issue to the rantings and ravings of Shalom Auslander. His so-called book appears to be nothing more, based upon the write-up in your paper, than a personal explosion about his upbringing. I am neither interested in nor do I intend to read the book because I believe that the subject matter, which is strictly personal to Auslander, has no journalistic or redeeming public value.
    With the enormous increase of anti-Semitism worldwide and the loss of survivors of the Holocaust on a daily basis, it would appear to me that The Jewish Week should be more interested in devoting space to the accounts of the
    survivors than to give credence and respectability to a disgruntled loser who is venting his spleen and bashing Jews. There are hundreds of books on the Holocaust that could have better used that space.

    Mineola, L.I.

  108. Anonymous said:
    is the Rabbi Eisemann story dead? Can we assume it was all false??

    I don't think it's dead or false, if it was wouldn't The Awareness Center have to remove it from their web page?

    I think to prove the case was dead HaRav Eisemann would have to go through an evaluation with someone who specializes working with sex offenders.

  109. But what of the precarious situations their delicate roles may lead them into ” leaving them vulnerable to physical assault, for instance, or even sexually propositioned by congregants?
    Rabbis have a duty to themselves and their families to be on guard for these warning signs. These incidents almost never happen without some sort of advance notice.

    1-If a rabbi suspects a congregant of being violent (for good reason)..he should avoid counselling this person and send them off to a most cases rabbis are absolutely incompetent to give advice on complex issues.

    2- A rabbi should NEVER be secluded with a female congregant and in today's complex environment, never be secluded with a child of any gender!

  110. I want to state yet once again:

    Rabbi Moshe Eisemann is a danger to children of any age! There is absolutely no doubt at all that he is a very ill man....and has a history of verified sexual abuse since his days in the Yeshiva Of Phialdelphia (Kaminetzky).

    I have people that would testify in court, if need be, that they were molested by him and that Shmuel Kaminetzky was aware of Eisemann's illness and sent him knowingly to NIRC!

    That they choose not to come out publicly, is a decision that I understand!

  111. UOJ, Here is my first atempt at guest-blogging:

    If Avreml Mondrowitz knew how many victims are waiting for a chance to testify against him, he would seriously contemplate suicide. That idea shouldn't be strange to him at all since some of his teenage playthings were driven to that sad fate by his actions. The the idiot rabbis and those at ohell must be shakin an quakin that the carpet sweaping of nearly a half century will all come to light now. look how they are now playing catchup in the jewish observer and hamodia! each one of those rabbid rabbis that signed that kol korach or wrote the articles were personaly involved in one or more serious cover-ups and/or keeping the victims from going to the authorities. hell isn't hot enough for those who denied victims any justice or healing. capital of all the rabbinic crimes is the inference molesters took from this that they can go on molesting and would-be molesters never gave a seconds thought that the rabbis would agree to turn them in to the authorities. hence they took up this incestuous and heinous practice on innocent children and teens and left us with hundreds, if not thousands, of physicaly or emotionaly DEAD sexual deviance victims. It is a tough call who is the greater rasha: the sexual predators or the rabbinic enablers. No claim of ignorance or statements of mea culpa will do. One should never ever get involved in heady issues they are not well versed in. and if they do, they should apologise to all effected. Instead of lecturing parents on how they are the ones ultimately responsible to watch the children, these rabbis should lecture on how one should not follow the errant ways of the rabbis of our times when obvious pikuach nefesh is involved. How many leading rabbis or yeshivos can claim they were not involved in any of these massive coverup attempts. Don't try to appease by analytical articles on todays social woes. Get off your fat asses, beg us for mechila and start us on the path toward healing. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, STAY OUT OF THE WAY, NOW AND FOREVER, FROM ANYONE WHO WANTS TO TAKE THESE ISSUES TO THE POLICE. If you want to get involved, give those going to the cops a free ride to the station in your driver's car. BTW, if u dig around you will find that this disease in our schools was around before WW2 in Eastern Europe. What I found out during some research would shed uncomfortable light on some very big names.


    The Noviminsker Rebbe, Shlita will be in Chicago for the Shabbos Hachtara of Reb Pinchos Eichenstein, Shlita as Rav of K"K Ohr Yissochor (formerly Tifferes Yisroel). The Rebbe will daven in the shul and speak several times over Shabbos including an Oneg Shabbos Friday night and Shalosh Seudos.

    Explain that Yossi Meystel has got to be terminated as Gabbai of the Chicago Center for Torah & Chessed. A molester belongs away from children, NOT as Gabbai, NOT under a tallis with kids for Kal Han'orim.


  113. social worker said...
    Anyone that has any complaints about molestation or abuse connected with the Vaad can call board member Baruch Barry Hertz's wife Joan Hertz she is a social worker at Ohel
    and she will surly know what to do or how to advise her husband. Her number at Ohel is 718 851 6300 and her home number is (718) 258-8274 and she lives at 1304 E Seventh St
    Brooklyn, NY 11230-5104.
    check out these
    campaign contributions
    Call the Hertzs and find out if the case is dead

  114. Rabbi Wikler is also being smeared by some coward writing anonymous posts on blogs. He appears to be a Lubavitcher working for a kashrus organization. There is reason to suspect he is one of Levy's people at the OK. Kashrus Magazine once had a write up about a scandal that left out any mention of names, places or other identifying factors. No one would ever figure out it was the OK except for a select few organizational figures who already knew the whole story. This didn't stop Levy from pulling a Belsky and threatening Rabbi Wikler, through his lawyers, to retract a story that didn't even refer to anyone.

    What's ridiculous about all this is that they are painting Rabbi Wikler as politically motivated and the "number 2 shmutzmonger after Yudel Shain".

    Nothing could be further from the truth. Rabbi Wikler is probably the most aidel and unpolitical figure in the kashrus world. If anything, people are often upset that he is too diplomatic with wrongdoers.

  115. UOJ, Here is my first atempt at guest-blogging:

    Great job of expressing yourself; I want to see more of you here!

    Mondrowitz is in danger, not only of getting back here and having victims testify against him; the criminal rabbis and organizations would do almost anything to silence him.

    Equally as big a story would be if the "yemach shemo" would seek to cop a plea for information he has on Ohel, the Agudah, Ger, Twerski, and others including YTT.....

    He has no idea to what lengths the above would go to make certain that he never gets back to the U.S.


    The pest is back promoting Joan Hertz & Ohel. It was hidden inside the above linked posting to sneak it past UOJ's filter.


    R' Yudel Shain writes this morning that a mumche in Shaatnez from Eretz Yisroel, R' Yaakov Gurwitz, has agreed with his findings, that the Treetop shaatnez checker in Monsey doesn't know his head from his foot and is being machshil everyone.

    Rabbi Yaakov Gurwitz - 011-972-52-633-4417 or 011-972-52-877-2626.

  118. Regarding Shalom Auslander:

    I believe it should be required reading (Foreskins Lament) for every parent!

    People develop into who they are because of their environment and upbringing! "It takes a village"!

  119. I assume "yemach shemo" is Mondrowitz. How does he figure in with YTT?

  120. "People develop into who they are because of their environment and upbringing!"

    That is true in most cases, however Auslander may be just plain mentally ill. There are reactions and going totally off the deep end. If you read the excerpts, the putz doesn't even make sense.

  121. I assume "yemach shemo" is Mondrowitz. How does he figure in with YTT?
    YTT sent "troubled" kids to Mondrowitz for YTT type of therapy!


    Oh man, this is really disgusting even by my standards!

    I wish the union wouldn't have scanned & posted the violation letters by Federal inspectors who were completely grossed out by all the grease, blood and big pieces of schmaltz that were schmeared all over walls & tables in areas that are supposed to be kept clean.

  123. I thought Margo prides himself at having a school void of any troubled kids. So what happened? Does he bend the rule for wealthy benefactors or did Yudi Kolko want to hang on to them so he could share the fresh meat with Monstrowitz?

  124. That is true in most cases, however Auslander may be just plain mentally ill. There are reactions and going totally off the deep end. If you read the excerpts, the putz doesn't even make sense.

    If you were aware of what this guy went through as a child, you would be more sympathetic!


    Thats what many of the monsey defenders did till it blew up in their face.

    I’m not saying that every word yudel shain says is tora misinai.

    There may very well be exagerrations.

    However, if only half is true its pretty bad.

    And my own personal experience in talking to current and ex employees and also talking to Rabbi weissmandel, confirms many of Shains allegations.

    I’m no fan of Shain whatsoever, however, there is enough independent claims that corroborate many of his points.

    There is no smoke without fire.

    My objective advice, stay away from rubashkins products as far as possible.

  126. You know it's really incredible that all of these holy-holy rabbis and organizations are schturming against Internet, Videos, TV, women dressing Tzniusdig, V'Chuloo; but the stuff they're doing makes the most salacious (for dose of u in Buru Pahk und Villyamsboorg, dis meens shmutz und shmutz)Daytime soap-opera look like Mr. Rodgers neighborhood.

    We are so Neck Deep in Dreck that it is to despair if extrication will ever be possible.

  127. Are there any lawyers here who can comment on whether the OU, Weissmandel & Rubashkin are breaking the law by trying to silence whistleblowers?


    Whom are you going to take a to Din Torah? Rubashkin or Rabbi Weismandel or Rabbi Osdoba?

    Reports say that the Rav Hamachshirs at Rubashkins are “compensated” in the range of from $200,000 to $1 Million, and you seriously think that they are going to go to a din Torah that will embarrass them, show their lack of diligence in their Hechsher?

    You can’t be serious.

    It has never happened and will never happen.

    The only thing that can effectively influence such Kashrus changes is consumer awareness.

  129. Keep reading the USDA letters. Rubashkin chickens were rejected because they were contaminated on the salt ramp by oil leaking out of the motor.

  130. I bet Genack & Savitsky have already been referred to the post and are going nuts trying to figure out who he is.

    They're probably huddling with Belsky & Nat Lewin as we speak to prepare the guillotine.

  131. Hi, I'm the infamous arms dealer on the OU board of directors.

    Belsky asked me to donate some items to the OU arsenal to deal with the whistleblowers. He feels that beheading is not enough, rather that incineration is called for.

    I do have a couple of these extra armaments laying around like shoulder fired missiles and tactical nukes.

  132. Rubashkin's pipes are also leaking onto food being prepared. More rejected food.

  133. Is that huddling or humping that's going on at OU headquarters?

    Can I join? Pretty please?

  134. Three Cheers for OU Insider said...
    I bet Genack & Savitsky have already been referred to the post and are going nuts trying to figure out who he is.

    They're probably huddling with Belsky & Nat Lewin as we speak to prepare the guillotine.


    No wonder they hate the internet!

  135. The clampdown on speech at the OU and elsewhere is a very troubling development.

    According to my sources, things have become so totalitarian, that OU employees are even afraid to report problems within the organization.

  136. It's not so bad at the OU. Once an employee is "too old" to fight the system it's a moot point. I of course define too old as anyone past their 35th birthday which would leave very few people over.

    If any of you youngsters out there have some genuine concerns, you can come speak to me. I promise I won't reveal your identity to anyone.

  137. How do we know that Hynes won't cover up the role of his fundraising friends and Twerski & co, even as he prosecutes Mondrowitz?

  138. Could UOJ explore with an attorney if a class action or friend of the court suit can be brought against Rubashkin for fraud?

    At this point, I don't see any other way to save most of the Klal who Rubashkin is feeding his dreck to.

  139. A class action suit is the way to go if:

    1- A lawyer who knows what they're doing is willing to do this...
    2-Solid evidence
    3-Reliable witnesses

    ...and most importantly; 50 people or so willing to put their names on it outlining the damages that a court would find worth compensating!

    What would the damages be?

    Everybody is eating non-kosher and still remodeling their homes...going to the bungalows, driving a couple of Lexus...vacationing in Florida, fressing out for Pesach at NON-KOSHER hotels...and live another year to go back!

  140. WASHINGTON (AP) Federal health advisers have recommended that cold and cough medicines not be used in children under 6.

  141. If the stupid Monsey crowd who ate Puerto Rican chickens, and by now know that Finkel's wife was in on the whole scheme. That his father and brother-in-law are loan sharks, and a bunch of crooks. Yet no action is being taken, why would a lawyer make a class action suit against Rubashkin.

  142. It was being negotiated with neutral parties to have some kind of platform for OU employees to have internal grievances mediated.

    Unfortunately, the OU stormtroopers that call the shots, killed the whole intitiative.

    They're displaying a perverse sense of statisfaction towards some people involved that the idea collapsed.

    Yasher koyach to the frauds hiding behind their rabbinic titles who prolong the golus.

  143. Where can we verify that Finkel's shver & shvogger are involved with loan sharking? And what are their legal names that we can look for any criminal / court records?

  144. The first question we need to ask about Shevach-Monsey is what happened with samples seized by State enforcement agents commanded by Rav Luzer Weiss.

    Why was Finkel not charged with a felony? Who is the DA in Rockland County? Start calling his office and ask questions.

    If Weiss killed any indictment, is he taking orders from Twerski and 42 Broadway?


    I have first hand knowledge of problems from various Shchtim and Bodkim, I have first hand incriminating statements from Rabbi Weissmandel and therefore I remain firm in my objective advice. STAY AWAY FROM RUNASHKINS MEATS. I do not need to rely on Shain for what Im saying here. Therefore, Not only is it NOT loshon Horo, I consider it a mitzvo lefarsem in order to save the public. You seem like a Rubashkin plant. What really needs to be done, is to have a flyer posted to every jewish home citywide with big headlines LEAFRUSHO MEISORO!

    Someone claimed that: Consumer awareness is assur unless it is proven.


    In the case of Rubashkin, there is no control of the labeling process and the “machshirim” are relying on the honesty and credibility of the owners.

    Furthermore, the fact that the machshirim are being paid directly by Rubashkin makes them unfit to give an unbiased evaluation of the kashrus of the plant.

    The kosher consumer has a right to know since he is relying on these mashigichim.

    To say that consumer awareness is assur is ludicrous.

    Coverups are assur, consumer awareness is a chiyuv!


    I once spoke to a rav hamachshir who told me the following vort:

    In the parsho of Soito it says venistero vehi nitmoo.

    If she is secluded than she is tomei.

    He said the same applies in Kashrus.

    Wherever you have a situation where you cant gain entry, it is TOMEI.

    In Kashrus you need transparency, not secrecy.

  147. I think everyone should read this, watch the video and complain to Aish about the dangerous message they are trying to push on unsuspecting baal teshuva's and ffb's.

  148. What's with all these suits? Did someone declare open hunting season on Rubashkin?

    Friday, October 19, 2007 11:59 AM CDT
    Agriprocessors wants portion of lawsuit dismissed
    By JOSH NELSON, Courier Staff Writer

    CEDAR RAPIDS --- Attorneys for Agriprocessors were in court Wednesday trying to have part of a federal class action lawsuit dismissed.

    Employees filed the suit March 23 claiming the kosher meat packing plant in Postville didn't pay them for time required to get ready to work.
