Thursday, March 22, 2007


I mean it, I wish my take on the state of affairs of Judaism was wrong. There is corruption everywhere that I look. Every investigation I undertake, opens up a new episode of fraud, corruption and animalistic behavior by "rabbis". The Yated talks so hypocritically about our Mesorah when it comes to grating horseraddish, and scrubbing down walls for Pesach, but will never discuss the walls of humanity that have been torn apart by so many sub-human people posing as rabbis and rebbes. The lives and the emunah that have been destroyed because of the rampant fraud in the ranks of our rabbis, is beyond our collective imagination.

Every part of our lives is muddied with scandal. Kashruth is a farce, and we are trusting people like Yisroel Belsky who is "mezuyaf m'tocho"! There is no hotel that can be kosher for pesach! If chometz is osur b'mashau (miniscule crumbs) then it is impossible to have a kosher for Pesach kitchen that feeds hundreds upon hundreds of people 24/7, period!

The very rabbis that do nothing to protect our children from sexual abuse, are the ones trumpeting certain financial death and untold misery for life, for our young marrieds, by encouraging kollel for all. It's a bankrupt way of life! There are thousands of good and innocent people that are being savaged by these perverted guidelines. There is NO one size fits all.

As I open the mail daily, I look at the sheer staggering number of letters signed by rabbis under the banner of "pikuach nefesh" (life and death), about the thousands of families in need of food and shelter. We breed more poverty and shnorrers with every passing day!(I am not talking about the legitimate hardship cases)

There is no cure in sight. What has become of our sense of right and wrong? How did we lose our way so badly? Where is the outcry from all of us? Where does the scandalous behavior in the name of Torah end?

I am saddened that I was so right about the Israel Singer case, I am so saddened that we are destroying each other, I wish it was different.

I am in mourning; the Judaism that I grew up with and loved so much, has died!

Kailee, Kailee...Lamah azavtanu?

Yitgadal, v'yitkadash shmei rabah........

You may vote for 5 out of the 6 questions!

Download the Belsky files here:
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............................"We must not sit silently in the name of peace when a mockery is made of divrei Chazal. It is precisely by remaining true to our mesorah, and by our intolerance of ziyufim, that we will be zoche to the siyata diShmaya to succeed in spreading the light of the Torah, intact and unsullied by winds of change."................................................

The Belsky files can be downloaded here:
(copy & paste)