Saturday, March 01, 2008


CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE (Especially the Taliban Singles Site for an appropriate shidduch for bochurim looking for tznius l'mehadrin!)


  1. Taliban Singles on Line is a great graphic. ROFLMAO.

    All Sheitel stores in BP/Flatbush should use these pics in their display windows.

  2. Do you thing the monsey sex molester Harav Ha-pedophile, Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Wolmark SR"Y would bring his young teenage "talmidim" to the mall to visit the Victoria's Secret boutique if the women there were covered in the taliban standard?

    We demand that Mordechai Gimpel Wolmark be returned to Detroit and that he stand trial there for his molestations of children. Enough is enough!!

    C'mon Rabbi Tropper you could make it happen.

  3. This is an Open Letter to Rabbi Leibel Tropper

    Do you thing the Monsey sex molester Hapedophile Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Wolmark of Yeshiva Shaarai Torah would bring his young teenage bachurim to the mall to visit the Victoria's Secret boutique if the women there were covered in the taliban standard?

    Mordechai Gimpel Wolmark should be thrown out of Monsey and out of chinuch forever. This dangerous sex pervert should not be around children or women. He should sit in prison for life with his buddy Avraham Mondrowitz.

    Please Rabbi Leibel Tropper you should have done something about the bastard Wolmark long ago. You can still do it. Please don't be like those selfish unconcerned pigs that sat back silently for decades while knowing that Kolko was molesting and destroying hundreds of young children and did nothing. Your waiting for Rabbi Moshe Green who is not well to lead the way, is just a bad excuse for doing nothing. Besides, I cannot remember even one public issue of which Rabbi Green had been actually the leader.

    Rabbi Tropper sitting back and doing nothing while Mordechai Wolmark continues to molest young boys in our community is not acceptable.

  4. Avrahom Mondrowitz, Epraim Bryks, Mordechai Gimpel Wolmark and Yidi Kolko the four most known pedophiles in the orthodox community. Beware.

  5. Ephraim Bryks and Mordechai Wolmark are also notorious molesters of girls and women.

  6. Mendy Greenwald says: It is a Mitzvah Gedolah to Publicize

    Attention All Women and Husbands and Parents of Women working at the Yeshiva Shaarai Torah:

    If you are a woman and work for Mordechai Wolmark, or if your wife or daughter works for him, you are being warned to beware of this sly sexual predator. Mordechai Wolmark has no qualms about destroying your family, sons and daughters. As soon as he has the opportunity, he will be there to do it, as he has done so many times in the past.

    Mendy Greenwald
