Sunday, April 06, 2008

Tragedy Then Triumph - Editorials - MORE ON THE ISAAC HERSH TRAGEDY!

Tragedy Then Triumph - Editorials


  1. Why did the Y.U. article not use Reb Aharon Shechter's name? Is he going to get a free pass on this one? Will CB triumph again over its enemies, by weaseling out of the truth and avoiding taking responsiblity for its actions. How much more is the public gonna stand for?

    What are they putting in the kool-aid that is so powerful? Somebody needs to pay for sociologists/psychologists to study and understand the nature of the stupidity of frum people who are very intelligent in many other ways.

    Paraphrasing Michale Savitch on liberals, it appears that "Frumkeit is a Mental Disorder."

  2. How do you stay sane UOJ or do you?


    It depends who you speak to....

  3. What if we each print out copies of documents posted here like the Hazmanas to RAS, etc. and mail them to prominent CB supporters? (I'll be many are still clueless).

  4. YU Alumnus,

    Thanks for the heads up. The sheer number of communications gets overwhelming. Sometimes, unfortunately, comments slip through inadvertently.
