Monday, July 28, 2008

"Rabbi Shafran ignores the cultural forces of shame and denial that have kept child rape victims from going public"


Summer Reruns - Timeless Words!

Orthodox Abuse And Cultural Forces

Robert Kolker

For those closely following the issue of rabbinical sexual abuse accusations in the fervently Orthodox Jewish community, last week’s Jewish Week represented something of a historic moment: An authority from the esteemed haredi organization Agudath Israel, Rabbi Avi Shafran, openly acknowledged that sexual abuse is indeed a problem that requires more attention and measures than the community currently brings to bear.

In the past, The Jewish Week’s own reporting has mentioned how rabbinical sexual abuse has been roundly ignored at Agudath Israel conventions. Rabbi Shafran himself has eschewed any calls for a centralized body to deal with the problem, instead encouraging anyone claiming to have been abused to “go to the rebbe or community rabbi.” So it is refreshing to read Rabbi Shafran grappling with these issues in an open forum and writing, “Must more be done? Yes. And it will be.”

But pausing only briefly to extend sympathy to victims of abuse, Rabbi Shafran saves his real outrage — and most of the space in his piece — for my recent feature story in New York magazine, “On the Rabbi’s Knee,” the first report to publicly detail the plaintiff's astonishing allegations in a recent sexual-abuse lawsuit. (The defendants are Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Temimah of Flatbush, and Camp Agudah, which Rabbi Shafran acknowledged is affiliated with Agudath Israel.) While the detailed and brave testimony of the plaintiff received little attention from Rabbi Shafran, the uncomfortable question asked in my piece — if molestation is more common in the fervently Orthodox community than it is elsewhere — must have hit a nerve.

Because last week, Rabbi Shafran accused the New York magazine article of “slip[ping] toward slander, not only of Orthodox Jews but of Judaism itself.”

As a journalist and a Jew, I take this accusation very seriously, and I’m grateful for the chance to respond.

First, Rabbi Shafran suggests that when I wrote that “there’s reason to believe the answer to that question [of more sexual abuse among the fervently Orthodox] might be yes,” I was engaging in something “sinister” — and that the only substantiation I provided was an insight from the author Hella Winston about the countless incidents she heard about in her laudable research on chasidic exiles.

While everyone including myself and Rabbi Shafran can stipulate that no hard statistics are available, my explanation of this belief extends for several more paragraphs. The next paragraph suggests that some experts believe “repression ... creates a fertile environment for deviance.” Rabbi Shafran takes this as an assault on what he calls “a Torah-observant life.” I intended it only as my sources did: as a belief that any society that shies away from open discussion of certain issues is a society that allows problems to fester longer — and abusers to stay in business longer.

But it’s what I discuss next that Rabbi Shafran ignores completely: the cultural forces of shame and denial that have kept child rape victims from going public for decades. Nowhere in Rabbi Shafran’s piece is a mention of the so-called shonda factor, lashon hara, shalom bayit, mesira, and chillul Hashem, all of which are invoked to keep victims from bringing their community unwelcome attention by the authorities.

Rabbi Shafran spoke to mental-health experts who believe the problem is smaller among the fervently Orthodox. The experts I interviewed said otherwise — like the pediatrician who was in tears discussing how these pressures keep victims silent, and two psychologists who agreed that the fears of being ostracized from the community prevent victims from speaking out and being treated.

Common sense would indicate that even if there are fewer fervently Orthodox abusers, if they’re allowed to remain in positions of power for decades they can abuse hundreds of more victims and perhaps even create victims who go on to become abusers themselves. As one abuse victim told me, “Whether it’s Jewish or Amish or Mennonite or Catholic or Muslim, it doesn’t make a difference. I feel like this is kind of like a fungus. It grows in the dark.”

But above all, this sort of chauvinistic we-abuse-less argument is an insult to the victims who felt so alone and intimidated for so long. Can there be any doubt that until the cultural bias against the reporting of abuse is tackled head on, not defensively, community leaders are only paying lip service to the problem?

Rabbi Shafran would have you believe that something is being done, but is it really?

While the Catholic Church now has a charter calling for removal of any clergyman who commits an act of abuse, the 3-year-old guidelines for preventing abuse in Jewish day schools that Rabbi Shafran mentions are non-compulsory. Torah U’Mesorah, the National Society of Hebrew Day Schools, has no real disciplinary system in place, but the New York City schools do. Are Jewish children somehow entitled to less protection than public school children? If Rabbi Shafran wants to suggest that fervently Orthodox religious observance in fact fosters superior moral behavior, then why not throw open the doors to the public? Why not urge complainants frustrated by the bet din process to take those grievances to an American court?

The absence of such conviction leads me to conclude that the real point of Rabbi Shafran’s editorial appears to be to distract attention from the lawsuit and make people believe that Agudath Israel’s reputation deserves their support more than the victims do. He would have you believe that the mainstream media — the usual bugbears of the Internet and MTV — are the villains here. He is obviously more concerned with defending Judaism from paper tigers — illusory enemies — than he is with actually dealing with the problems of his community.

Still, a major step has been made. At long last, by admitting there is a problem, Rabbi Shafran has opened the door for more discussion. Is it possible that outside forces like the lawsuit and the mainstream media have actually done some good here? As a Jew and a journalist, I hope so.

Robert Kolker is a contributing editor at New York magazine.

Special To The Jewish Week


Hella Winston Responds

For the second time on the pages of your paper (Rabbi Marvin Schick’s paid column “Is this Jewish Sociology,” May 12, and Rabbi Avi Shafran’s Opinion piece “A Matter of Orthodox Abuse,” June 23), the participants in my research have been subject to baseless speculation that they may have lied about their experiences of sexual abuse. I find this disturbing, not only for what it implies about their character and my research, but also because it serves as confirmation that victims who speak out about abuse can expect to have their credibility called into question, even by those ostensibly charged with representing their interests.

What I reported in my book was the result of several years’ research, involving not only chasidim who left their communities, but those who remain within them, as well as a variety professionals who work closely with this population. To be clear: Nowhere have I asserted that sexual abuse is more common in the Orthodox world than it is in the general population; reliable published statistics on this issue are notoriously hard to come by. What I have noted, however — along with many others — are some of the factors that make it particularly difficult for chasidic victims of abuse to seek help and justice: the fear of stigma; the traditional Jewish antipathy toward informers; concerns about lashon hara and making a chillul Hashem; the taboo against speaking openly about sexual matters; the lack of independent entities within these communities to investigate charges of abuse; the fact that offenders often find refuge in other communities.

All of this means that it is possible for abusers to go on abusing unhindered, sometimes for years. Ultimately, however, quibbling over numbers is merely a distraction from dealing with an issue that deserves our undivided attention.

Dr. Hella Winston - professor of sociology - Queens College


Don’t Circle Wagons On Orthodox Abuse

Avi Shafran (“A Matter Of Orthodox Abuse,” June 23) quotes David Mandel of Ohel as saying, “The degree to which Torah leaders have spoken out [on abuse in the Orthodox community] has been remarkable.” I wish he were right.

While there are some who have spoken out in clear, responsible ways, what is remarkable to me are the many who have spoken out against lashon hara (slander), hillul Hashem (scandal) and mesira (the prohibition of going to secular authorities), to name just a few halachic walls to inappropriately hide behind, as a means of silencing victims. What is remarkable are the many stories that I have heard in my extensive work through JSafe with victims of sexual abuse, child abuse and domestic violence in all parts of the Jewish community of denial, cover-up and dismissal.

Interestingly, the non-Orthodox often see abuse as an Orthodox problem, and the Orthodox see it as a non-Orthodox one. And it is a problem for all of us. To date we do not have appropriate studies that give us real numbers. But perpetuating stereotypes of where to find perpetrators does no one any good.

I agree with Shafran’s critique of the New York magazine article and his dismissal of its suggestion that somehow Orthodox repression fosters abuse. But I believe that there are unique factors within the Orthodox community that make it extremely difficult for victims to come forward and get the help they need. There is systemic intimidation, covertly and overtly, of victims and their advocates, and even their rabbis. These people often fear retaliation and intimidation, as well as harmful consequences to their own reputations and those of their families. There are batei din (rabbinic tribunals) that have adjudicated these cases that have no expertise or understanding of these issues and no means to protect past and future victims.

Now is not the time to circle the wagons in order to protect an idealized vision of the community. Now is the time to do everything possible to protect victims from abuse. Then opinion makers won’t have to write columns defending their communities and accusing others of having nefarious agendas — they won’t need to.

CEO, JSafe

Rabbi Mark Dratch
West Hempstead, N.Y.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


"I have been after Aron Tendler for over 5 years. I have pleaded with major rabbis (who knew what he had done and was doing) to stop him - they refused to help. When I went to a very well known rabbi/psychologist and told him of a "rabbi" who had severely molested teenage girls and who was now a rabbi of a shul, the rabbi replied "maybe he doesn't have access to children!!!" I pleaded with him to intervene - He would not. This rabbi would not even let me tell him Tendler's name!

When I went to a well known Rabbi of a well known yeshiva for advice (I had not told him who it was yet, only that he was a rabbi in California) he told me I should talk to Aron Tendler about it and he would be able to do something. He told me I could trust Aron completely.

I told him that I couldn't do that since Aron Tendler was the one I was talking about.

I pleaded with him to intervene and get him away from the shul and possible future victims. He would not.

I spoke to a rabbi from the RCC several times over the last 5 years. Each time he pushed me off saying they were looking into it. Then he told me that the RCC couldn't do anything because in exchange for Aron stepping down from the RCC, they signed a confidentiality agreement with him. When I called him another time he told me that the shul board was looking into it and that he had in his possession an inappropriate email that Aron had sent to his daughter's friend, BUT "he didn't think he had enough to do anything with it."

A year ago Aron came to Baltimore – he tried to buy a house here. Certain people in the community were able to stop him from doing so. He told the rabbis that he had received "in- patient therapy" and was "rehabilitated." The rabbis said that he still could not stay because there were victims of his in the vicinity and it would cause them great distress. He promised that he would not move there and that he would find somewhere else to live. I kept on asking the rabbis if he was still there – they said he was in the middle of moving out.


He has not moved anywhere.

He even had his address changed to a Baltimore address. He has been living with his daughter until now and has no intention of moving anywhere. I went back to the rabbis and "they told me that they are not sure what they can do at this point." How can this be happening????? No one in Baltimore has been told about this man. He is free to go wherever he wants and to interact with whomever he wants.


I am a victim of rabbinic abuse myself. I know the devastating effect this has on survivors. I know how to stop this but I need your help! Please contact me at - - You don't need to tell me who you are – you just need to hear my solution. We need to protect potential victims and we need to help heal his many survivors. We need to show the rabbis that we will not tolerate their weakness and inabilty to protect our community from sexual predators, here in Baltimore, or anywhere."

Jewish coach at yeshiva culled nude pix from boys - cops say!

Coach culled nude pix from boys, cops say Monday, July 21, 2008

RIVER EDGE — A former middle school basketball coach convinced at least four teenage boys into taking naked pictures of themselves by claiming that a group of blackmailers already had nude shots of the boys and their families, authorities said today.

Adam Melzer, 34, of Teaneck, told the former Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey students that the blackmailers used telephoto lenses to shoot the boys naked in their homes, Bergen County Prosecutor John L. Molinelli said.

Melzer, who was a basketball coach at the school, told the boys the only way to prevent the group from publishing the photos was for the boys to take naked pictures of themselves with digital cameras that Melzer supplied, Molinelli said.

Melzer claimed he would forward these pictures onto the blackmailing crew, and the crew members would in return give him the pictures they had taken of the boys and their families, authorities said.

All four boys took photographs of themselves and gave them to Melzer.

Joseph Macellaro, chief of detectives for the Prosecutor’s Office, said he was unsure of how many photos Melzer collected.

“He used his position of authority and respect to gain access to very personal photographs,” Molinelli said Monday.

School and law enforcement officials said Melzer told the ruse to two separate pairs of boys in 2006 and 2007. All four, who were between the ages of 14 and 16 at the time, were recent graduates of the Kinderkamack Road school.

Melzer, who had been their basketball coach while they were students, took them on as volunteer referees after graduation, authorities said.

The school’s dean, Rabbi Schmuel Goldstein, said he was shocked by the allegations and described Melzer as popular and well-liked. Melzer was a coach the past four years and had already decided not to return next year for scheduling reasons, Goldstein said.

“There were never any accusations while he was coach,” Goldstein said. “Certainly if there were any concerns we would’ve responded quickly.”

Melzer, who is married, turned himself into county authorities Friday at the Prosecutor’s Office’s office in Paramus, authorities said.

He was released after posting $50,000 bail, authorities said. Melzer is charged with four counts of child endangerment and is scheduled to appear in Municipal Court this afternoon, authorities said.

Calls made to his Briarcliff Road home were not immediately returned Monday.

Molinelli said Melzer also told his victims that the fictitious crew also sought pictures of the boys’ sisters and mothers in various states of undress.

The investigation began recently after one set of victims heard the other set speaking about the Melzer incident. All four are now high school students, though authorities wouldn’t specify at which schools.

“It’s definitely out of the ordinary. I haven’t seen this before,” the prosecutor said. “But in the area of sexual predators, I’m never surprised.”


Monday, July 21, 2008

The Three Weeks Of Mourning Begins!

Dr. Asher Lipner is going to be a guest on the Dov Hikind radio show this Motzei Shabbos, July 26, 2008, to talk about sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community. It airs at 11:00 (Saturday evening) - on WMCA 570 AM - New York.

Child sexual abuse
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which a child is abused for the sexual gratification of an adult or older adolescent.[1][2] In addition to direct sexual contact, child sexual abuse also occurs when an adult exposes their genitals to a child, asks or pressures a child to engage in sexual activities, displays pornography to a child, or uses a child to produce child pornography.[3][1][4]

Effects of child sexual abuse include depression,[5] post-traumatic stress disorder,[6] anxiety,[7] propensity to re-victimization in adulthood,[8] and physical injury to the child, among other problems.[9] Sexual abuse by a family member is a form of incest, and can result in more serious and long-term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest.[10]

Approximately 20% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were sexually abused when they were children.[11][12][13][14][15] Most sexual abuse offenders are acquainted with their victims; approximately 30% are relatives of the child, most often fathers, uncles or cousins; around 60% are other acquaintances such as friends of the family, babysitters, or neighbors; strangers are the offenders in approximately 10% of child sexual abuse cases. Most child sexual abuse is committed by men; women commit approximately 14% of offenses reported against boys and 6% of offenses reported against girls.[11] Most offenders who abuse pre-pubescent children are pedophiles,[16][17] however a small percentage do not meet the diagnostic criteria for pedophilia.[18]

Under the law, "child sexual abuse" is an umbrella term describing criminal and civil offenses in which an adult engages in sexual activity with a minor or exploits a minor for the purpose of sexual gratification.[19][4] The American Psychiatric Association states that "children cannot consent to sexual activity with adults",[20][21] and condemns any such action: "An adult who engages in sexual activity with a child is performing a criminal and immoral act which never can be considered normal or socially acceptable behavior."[20]

Millions of Children Sexually Abused by School Employees Wires
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Sex Abuse by Teachers Worse Than by Priests

WASHINGTON – More than 4.5 million children are forced to endure sexual misconduct by school employees, from inappropriate comments to physical abuse, according to an exhaustive review of research that reads like a parent's worst nightmare.

The best estimate is that almost one in 10 children, sometime between kindergarten and 12th grade, are targets of behavior ranging from unprofessional to criminal, says the report for Congress by Charol Shakeshaft, a professor at Hofstra University's School of Education.

"Most people just don't think this can really happen," said Shakeshaft, hired by the Education Department to study the prevalence of sexual abuse in schools. "We imagine that all teachers are like most teachers, in that they've gone into teaching to help children. Most do, but not all. We need to acknowledge that's the case and do something to stop it."

The report, required under the No Child Left Behind law and delivered to Congress on Wednesday, is the first to analyze the field of research about sexual misconduct at school.

Some educators immediately took issue with its approach, mainly the combining of sexual abuse with other behavior, such as gestures or notes, into one broad misconduct category.

But another prominent researcher supported the findings, suggesting, as Shakeshaft did, that they might even understate the problem. American Association of University Women, whose surveys of pupils were at the core of the new report, stood by its research.

There have been no nationally financed studies to collect data about how common sexual misconduct is in school, one of many areas Shakeshaft suggests must be addressed. Her analysis covered almost 900 documents and reviews that have dealt with the topic in some way, from private research and newspaper stories to reports for government agencies.

What she found portrays a problem that, no matter how uncommon, united groups of teachers, superintendents, parents and education leaders in concern and disgust.

The report describes schools as places where abusers come to prey, targeting vulnerable and marginal pupils who are afraid to complain or unlikely to be believed if they did.

It describes adults who trap, lie, and isolate children, making them subject to unwanted behavior in hallways, offices, buses or even right in front of other pupils in class. And the offenders work hard to keep children from telling, threatening to fail or humiliate them.

The report found teachers were the most common offenders, followed by coaches, substitute teachers, bus drivers and teacher aides. Among students, 56 percent of those targeted are girls, and 44 percent are boys, a smaller gap than commonly expected, Shakeshaft said.

Robert Shoop, a Kansas State University professor of education law and expert on sexual exploitation in schools, said the estimate of one in 10 children affected was not high. The actual number might be larger, he said, because of historical underreporting of the problem.

"Children need to be very clearly educated about inappropriate behaviors, and teachers do too, so when children see the earliest signs of this behavior, they have someone to tell," Shoop said. "But often, parents say, 'Mind your teacher.' So it's very unlikely that this 10-year-old kid is going to rip the teacher's hands off and say, 'Back off.'"

Describe what you see and how you feel in light of the continued destruction of the precepts of the Torah, in spirit and in deed!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Billionaire Bloggers

I thought I'd get this in before Elul - Pretty corny I must admit!

In an undated photo - UOJ training for the rabbinate

Internet Billionaire Bloggers - The Semi-Jewish Press - Bombay Edition - By Nisht Emes - Contributing Editors - Nisht Geshtogen & Nisht Geflogen

When a billionaire wants a soapbox, he has plenty of options.

He could found his own television network, like Ted Turner did with CNN. Maybe buy a magazine, taking a page from Mort Zuckerman, who bought U.S. News & World Report. Or just go for an old-fashioned newspaper in a nod to Rupert Murdoch, who recently paid $5.6 billion to add The Wall Street Journal to his media empire.

But a few of the world's wealthiest have opted for a decidedly less costly option. One is activist investor Carl Icahn, who has recently been waging very public battles with Yahoo! and a handful of other companies. Another is Ross Perot, a fellow billionaire probably best known for his surprisingly strong 1992 bid to become U.S. President.

UOJ's fortune is a closely guarded secret that - he discloses to no one - for he believes most of the rabbis in the world will be hanging out at his place of business, and a host of other undesirables. He is not very fond of most rabbis, and makes no secret about it. UOJ is a recluse, making it very difficult to get a current photo. The above photo was taken by a former yeshiva classmate - before UOJ was dragged off to the principal's office. He obviously was on to something at a very young age.

In March, Forbes estimated Icahn's fortune at $14 billion and Perot's at $4.3 billion. That's more than enough for each to buy any newspaper, magazine or TV channel, but those bring the pesky issue of editorial independence, and it's clear both Icahn and Perot are interested in editorializing.

At, Perot takes up a familiar cause: the ballooning federal deficit. Balancing the budget was a central plank in his run for the White House. He says the problem is only getting worse, and the U.S. is now facing its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

Icahn also wants to point out a problem facing the country at On his site, he's railing against corporate abuses in America.

Not surprisingly, some of the abuses Icahn decries are corporate practices that hinder his investing methods. In posts, he attacks the practice of staggered boards, which makes it more difficult for activist investors like Icahn to gain control of a company.

He also rails against so-called "poison-pill" measures, which many publicly traded companies adopt to limit the number of shares any one shareholder can buy. Last year, Icahn built up a 14.6% stake in homebuilder WCI Communities; the board of the homebuilder responded by adopting a provision that would kick in when a shareholder acquired more than 15% of the company's stock.

Blogging billionaires aren't new. UOJ has broken the back of the vastly corrupt Orthodox Jewish establishment, and exposed rampant child sexual abuse by rabbis; although the Agudath Israel, Rabbi Mattisyahu Salomon from New Jersey, and Marvin Schick Esq. - an officer of the court ---- who took an oath to uphold the laws of the United States - vehemently deny that there is a child sex-abuse problem among rabbis; --- "" Mark Cuban has been writing regularly on since 2004. Pierre Omidyar has a blog and Twitter feed at

Of course, these men have the Web to thank for their billions. Omidyar, 40 and worth $7.7 billion, founded online auction site eBay. Cuban, 49 and worth $2.6 billion, launched a Web audio and video portal he sold to Yahoo for billions; but UOJ refuses to disclose how many billions he made through his blog.

Other billionaires have taken a more measured pace to getting out their messages: Warren Buffet is famous for his annual newsletter to shareholders--that's not exactly a 140-character Tweet. Bill Gates has penned books and newspaper columns.

A blogging Icahn and Perot are a jolt, though. They are part of a different generation of billionaires from which you wouldn't expect as much Web savvy. Perot, 77, made his money in computer services long before the rise of the Internet. Icahn, 72, accumulated his fortune by buying into troubled companies and agitating for turnarounds.

Despite that, early indications are that they're not having any difficulty garnering readers or attention. Their prominence, success, and billions of dollars are instantly granting them an audience curious to hear their two cents.

USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, the New York Post, and plenty of other traditional print media outlets covered the unveiling of the Icahn blog. Ross Perot's only post so far, which is merely a press release announcing the Web site, has received 75 comments in the few days it has been up.

The Jewish Press, run by descendants of Albert Einstein, has contributed greatly to UOJ's notoriety, and claims on an average day, there are thousands of hits on his blog (on Shabbos that number falls to about 8,000.)

UOJ, Icahn and Perot have got something to say. It looks like plenty will listen. And they only had to pay for some Web hosting.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Stefan Colmer's Bail Hearing This Wednesday - Bail Has Been Reduced To Just $500,000 - To Spring This Animal From Rikers Island!

Right to left:
Lazer Ginzburg - Stefan Colmer - During happier times in the Mir Yeshiva learning Torah together.

The Colmer hearing is scheduled for this coming Wednesday morning (no time specified) July 16,2008 at the Brooklyn (Kings County) Supreme Court (Criminal Term), 320 Jay Street, Part 11, before Judge Mullen. The docket number is 04314-2007.

Rabbi Lazer Ginzburg of Flatbush (Agudath Israel Synagogue) is involved in raising money for his bail, and there is a good chance that he will be in court (or his representative).

If members of the Jewish community attend, please act respectfully. It would be rather important that our community demonstrate to the D.A., that "we're angry as hell and we won't take it anymore." This hopefully, will set the stage for the D.A.'s conduct, when Mondrowitz is extradited from Israel. Avrohom Mondrowitz is being held in an Israeli jail until he is extradited. The warden - Mickey Achbar - confiscated his shipments of Preparation H; he now sleeps standing up.

Various members of the national and international media will be in attendance.

Steve gently adds his thoughts:

Anyone that contributes to this fund to free Colmer deserves to be locked up together with him and those who enabled him. This is the most perverted distortion of the halacha of pidyon shvuyim. Just like it is a tremendous mitzvah to help free an innocent man, such as Jonathan Pollard, it is a huge aveira to help free a sexual predator like Stefan Colmer. This is a slap in the face of his countless victims, several of which found the courage to go to the police. Is the message we want to send to other child molesters? Do what you want, and if you get turned in, we will set you free and call your victims "shakranim" and "reshaim". This is exactly what is happening. It is Kolko circa 1985 once again, only the players are now Ginsberg and Levin. To them and to all those that aid and abet them by contributing to this criminal fund I say, IT'S OVER! The days of cover ups and pidyon shvuyim for molesters and the perversion of the laws of messira, lashon hara, rechilus are over!

The klal has had enough already! The victims are finding the courage to do the right thing by turning these predators over to the police so that no more innocent children can be harmed. Look at the Yona Weinberg case as one example. All of you that think that you are baalei chessed by contributing to free this beast are baalei chassidim shotim of the worst kind and baalei aveira of the worst kind. You will be exposed and help up to ridicule just like the enablers. If Colmer sees the light of day again, it will be shortlived. The same goes for Mondrowitz and Leizerowitz. The under the carpet sweeping days are over! The reign of terror by the molesters and their enablers is over! We will not turn back the clock to 1985 or 2005 for that matter. Justice will be served and our children will be protected, despite all your perverted efforts.

P.S. Lazer Ginzburg & A.C. Levin fom Chicago are brothers in-law!