Monday, July 21, 2008

The Three Weeks Of Mourning Begins!

Dr. Asher Lipner is going to be a guest on the Dov Hikind radio show this Motzei Shabbos, July 26, 2008, to talk about sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community. It airs at 11:00 (Saturday evening) - on WMCA 570 AM - New York.

Child sexual abuse
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which a child is abused for the sexual gratification of an adult or older adolescent.[1][2] In addition to direct sexual contact, child sexual abuse also occurs when an adult exposes their genitals to a child, asks or pressures a child to engage in sexual activities, displays pornography to a child, or uses a child to produce child pornography.[3][1][4]

Effects of child sexual abuse include depression,[5] post-traumatic stress disorder,[6] anxiety,[7] propensity to re-victimization in adulthood,[8] and physical injury to the child, among other problems.[9] Sexual abuse by a family member is a form of incest, and can result in more serious and long-term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest.[10]

Approximately 20% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were sexually abused when they were children.[11][12][13][14][15] Most sexual abuse offenders are acquainted with their victims; approximately 30% are relatives of the child, most often fathers, uncles or cousins; around 60% are other acquaintances such as friends of the family, babysitters, or neighbors; strangers are the offenders in approximately 10% of child sexual abuse cases. Most child sexual abuse is committed by men; women commit approximately 14% of offenses reported against boys and 6% of offenses reported against girls.[11] Most offenders who abuse pre-pubescent children are pedophiles,[16][17] however a small percentage do not meet the diagnostic criteria for pedophilia.[18]

Under the law, "child sexual abuse" is an umbrella term describing criminal and civil offenses in which an adult engages in sexual activity with a minor or exploits a minor for the purpose of sexual gratification.[19][4] The American Psychiatric Association states that "children cannot consent to sexual activity with adults",[20][21] and condemns any such action: "An adult who engages in sexual activity with a child is performing a criminal and immoral act which never can be considered normal or socially acceptable behavior."[20]

Millions of Children Sexually Abused by School Employees Wires
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Sex Abuse by Teachers Worse Than by Priests

WASHINGTON – More than 4.5 million children are forced to endure sexual misconduct by school employees, from inappropriate comments to physical abuse, according to an exhaustive review of research that reads like a parent's worst nightmare.

The best estimate is that almost one in 10 children, sometime between kindergarten and 12th grade, are targets of behavior ranging from unprofessional to criminal, says the report for Congress by Charol Shakeshaft, a professor at Hofstra University's School of Education.

"Most people just don't think this can really happen," said Shakeshaft, hired by the Education Department to study the prevalence of sexual abuse in schools. "We imagine that all teachers are like most teachers, in that they've gone into teaching to help children. Most do, but not all. We need to acknowledge that's the case and do something to stop it."

The report, required under the No Child Left Behind law and delivered to Congress on Wednesday, is the first to analyze the field of research about sexual misconduct at school.

Some educators immediately took issue with its approach, mainly the combining of sexual abuse with other behavior, such as gestures or notes, into one broad misconduct category.

But another prominent researcher supported the findings, suggesting, as Shakeshaft did, that they might even understate the problem. American Association of University Women, whose surveys of pupils were at the core of the new report, stood by its research.

There have been no nationally financed studies to collect data about how common sexual misconduct is in school, one of many areas Shakeshaft suggests must be addressed. Her analysis covered almost 900 documents and reviews that have dealt with the topic in some way, from private research and newspaper stories to reports for government agencies.

What she found portrays a problem that, no matter how uncommon, united groups of teachers, superintendents, parents and education leaders in concern and disgust.

The report describes schools as places where abusers come to prey, targeting vulnerable and marginal pupils who are afraid to complain or unlikely to be believed if they did.

It describes adults who trap, lie, and isolate children, making them subject to unwanted behavior in hallways, offices, buses or even right in front of other pupils in class. And the offenders work hard to keep children from telling, threatening to fail or humiliate them.

The report found teachers were the most common offenders, followed by coaches, substitute teachers, bus drivers and teacher aides. Among students, 56 percent of those targeted are girls, and 44 percent are boys, a smaller gap than commonly expected, Shakeshaft said.

Robert Shoop, a Kansas State University professor of education law and expert on sexual exploitation in schools, said the estimate of one in 10 children affected was not high. The actual number might be larger, he said, because of historical underreporting of the problem.

"Children need to be very clearly educated about inappropriate behaviors, and teachers do too, so when children see the earliest signs of this behavior, they have someone to tell," Shoop said. "But often, parents say, 'Mind your teacher.' So it's very unlikely that this 10-year-old kid is going to rip the teacher's hands off and say, 'Back off.'"

Describe what you see and how you feel in light of the continued destruction of the precepts of the Torah, in spirit and in deed!


  1. Rav Elyashev weighs in on Telz

  2. Dis iz vat I hate about der drei vochen:

    Halachos of Fast of 17th of Tammuz, The 3 Weeks, and Tisha B'Av

    Beginning with the 17th of Tammuz and for the entire 3 week period we do not make weddings, listen to music, dance, take haircuts/shave, wear new clothing or eat a new fruit which would require a Beracha of Shehechiyanu (except on Shabbos), >>> or hit children <<<.

    Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 551

    Mistumme Belsky can mach me a heter.

  3. Ven de Moshiach comes IY"H the Chazir vil become mutahr.

    vil dee chaziril become a Maaleh-Gairah or todays Chaziril vil be mutahr?

    Of course it'll become a Maaleh-gairah...Todays chaziril vee don't moshiach to be matir..dee Rabonim did that already vit out moshiach..farshteist?

  4. A distinguished rov (who is a secret admirer of UOJ) reports that he has observed Baruch Lanner since his release from prison acting very creepy around kids.

  5. A distinguished rov (who is a secret admirer of UOJ

    Is the rav doing something about it?

  6. Do Teshuva now, avoid the ELUL Rush.

  7. Man to plead guilty in tax fraud scheme involving Orthodox Jewish group

    Uri Mandelbaum admitted avoiding nearly $300,000 in federal taxes because of donations he made to the Spinka sect that were mostly refunded to him. He could face 10 years in prison.

    LA Times staff report
    July 19, 2008

    A Hancock Park man agreed to plead guilty to federal tax evasion charges for making donations to an Orthodox Jewish group that were mostly refunded and then deducting them on his tax returns, federal prosecutors said today.

    Uri Mandelbaum, 70, agreed to plead guilty to two felony tax charges and to pay more than $1.5 million in back taxes, according to his plea agreement with the U.S. Attorney's office in Los Angeles.

    Mandelbaum's plea agreement is the first involving a "donor" to a charity associated with Spinka -- a Hasidic sect within Orthodox Judaism that is at the center of a pending federal tax fraud case. The group is based in New York.

    "Mr. Mandelbaum deeply regrets what he did," his attorney John Vandevelde said in a statement today. "Prior to any contact by the government, he decided to do what was right by voluntarily coming forward, not to provide information about others, but to take full responsibility for his own conduct and his own personal tax obligations."

    The Grand Rabbi of Spinka, Naftali Tzi Weisz, several other defendants and five Spinka charities were indicted last year by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles on tax fraud and money laundering charges.

    Two other defendants in the case -- Israeli banker Joseph Roth and Weisz's assistant Moshe Zigelman -- have pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit tax fraud and are to be sentenced later this year.

    The U.S. government is now targeting more than "100 PEOPLE" who contributed to Spinka organizations, said U.S. Attorney's Office Spokesman Thom Mrozek.

    Mandelbaum admitted to not paying nearly $300,000 in federal income taxes in 2005 and 2006. During those two years, he donated nearly $900,000 to Spinka organizations, 95 percent of which was returned to him, court papers state.

    Mandelbaum admitted that he claimed the entire amount as charitable contributions on his federal income tax returns for 2005 and 2006, according to court documents.

    Mandelbaum is set to appear July 28 for his arraignment in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. The charges carry a statutory maximum penalty of 10 years in federal prison and $500,000 in fines.

  8. There is a breakoff girls school in Lakewood - that has Rabbi Yisroel Belsky on the Vaad Hachinuch?

  9. Forstmann: Credit Woes to Worsen

    Wednesday, July 16, 2008 1:52 PM

    If you think the credit crunch is bad now, wait — you ain’t seen nothing yet.

    So says Theodore J. Forstmann, co-founder of Forstmann Little & Company, a private equity firm which was once the world's most successful. Until 2005 Forstmann was also a member of the elite Forbes 400 richest Americans list.

    "We are in a credit crisis the likes of which I've never seen in my lifetime," Forstmann told The Wall Street Journal in a recent interview.

    "The credit problems in this country are considerably worse than people have said or know," Forstmann said.

    "I didn't even know subprime mortgages existed, and I was worried about the credit crisis."

    Forstmann was among the pioneers of the private equity business in its boom years of the 1980s, and he accurately predicted the implosion of the junk bond business.

    Now he's forecasting a similar calamity for the credit business.

    Forstmann contends that our current economic problems began almost immediately after 9-11 when the Fed unleashed a torrent of money into the economy.

    Too much cash easily available and freely circulating skewed both incentives and the decision-making process of banks and the finance industry.

    As Forstmann explains it, short-term interest rates dropped to zero in real terms, and then fell below that level. In effect, you could borrow money free.

    And money borrowed at less than zero is virtually a worthless debt as a generator of profit for the lender, observes Forstmann, with its value dropping and loan interest not accumulating.

    "I don't know when money was ever this inexpensive in the history of this country," Forstmann says. "But not in modern times, that's for sure."

    Printing too much money also depresses its value and hikes prices — that's economics 101.
    So cheap money may be no bargain.

    Yet another lesser known consequence of an over-abundance of cash is more troubling for Forstmann: the propensity of banks and the financial industry to assume greater risks for smaller returns.

    "Something that's free isn't worth much," says Forstmann, referring to the cost of money for a time after 9/11. Therefore, he argues, the usual prudence and caution which once characterized the financial industry were compromised as riskier ventures were financed.

    "They [the financial industry] could not find enough appropriate uses for the money," he says.

    Adding to the problem were loan syndication and securitization, loans which could be removed from the banks’ ledgers, permitting the raising of more capital, beginning the cycle anew.

    Hedge funds then bought the loan products with money they borrowed from the same banks that syndicated and securitized the debt.

    We're feeling the results of all this now, according to Forstmann. To remedy the problems, "there's going to have to be a certain amount of pain," he says. "The market's going to have to clear somehow ...

    "Things are going to fail," he predicts. "Enterprises are going to fail. The economy is going to slow [even more]."

    Forstmann does not blame Alan Greenspan, who was Fed chairman for four-plus years after 9/11, for the current economic problems.

    "Greenspan had really tough decisions to make, so I don't think it's a black-and-white kind of thing at all," Forstmann says.

    Yet, he says, Greenspan had "... no idea of what the consequences [of his monetary policies were] going to be."

  10. UOJ - I sent you an email about aron tendler. I'm taking him down but I need your help. Please read the email. I need to act quickly!

  11. John:

    I have not received any e-mail from you --- I'm not sure what's left to take down. Put his name in bold letters in the subject line.

    In my opinion, most the entire family is genetically ill and chronically evil.

  12. I sent it again. As you will see from the email there is still plenty to do. I will email you the details after you have had a chance to read my email. You and I have been in contact before.

  13. John:

    How do you view my role? No traditional or conventional "petch" will ever work in cases like these.

  14. did you receive my email? If so i will email you my plan. Trust me this will not be a "petch" !

  15. isnt it amazing that someone can converse with himself trying to sound like it is with another person!!

  16. Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
    Eleven reasons America is the new top socialist economy

    Welcome to the conservative’s worse nightmare: The law of unintended consequences. Why? Nobody wants to admit it, folks, but the conservatives’ grand ideology is backfiring, actually turning the world’s greatest capitalistic democracy into the world’s newest socialist economy. ...Read the rest of the story

  17. Please, Please, Please Get an Education!

    B”H, with much chessed from the Ribbono Shel Olam, I have the opportunity to work in the Human Resources department of a Fortune 500 company. In today’s unfortunate economic times, many businesses, including Frum owned businesses, are downsizing. I therefore have recently received a number of resumes from Frum people seeking jobs or on behalf of someone who is seeking a job. My company has openings so I eagerly open each resume hoping that I can somehow help someone find the right opportunity. With each resume that I open though I become increasingly discouraged. Many of the resumes, while they are filled with great, relevant work experience, lack any type of formal education. They have neither a graduate degree nor even an undergraduate degree from an accredited college. Unfortunately, I am left with telling the person that there are no openings for them. In today’s economy, while business experience counts for a lot, when the potential candidate is up against someone with work experience and formal education, formal education will always win out. It is considered to be a predictor of potential success. (I am not here to argue whether it is true or not, that is the reality).

    We all know that parnossah comes from the Ribbono Shel Olam, but Hishtadlus is our responsibility. If you are choosing a professional or business career please do yourself and your family a huge favor and get a formal education. There are so many flexible programs out there (Touro, Farleigh Dickinson, Thomas Edison among others) there is no excuse to not to go to school whether you are in Yeshiva, Kollel or working already. Even if you already have a job and a degree, don’t take it for granted, get an advanced degree. I know of many situations where people who already had jobs got advanced degrees and B”H it helped them get promoted and grow. Don’t make the excuse about the cost of education, education loans are probably the best possible loan rates you will ever get and the amount of time to pay back the loans are very flexible. Don’t make the excuse you don’t have the time, make the time. Your education will last you the rest of your life! You can go to great schools at night or even get your degree online. Just get it done. You will never regret it. Over the past 10 years I have convinced dozens of bochurim and yungerleit to go to school, in a derech and environment that works for them and doesn’t make them compromise anything. I have yet to have any of them come back to me and tell me he regretted his decision.

    A final thought, I know many are going to read this post and respond that so and so was matzliach without even a high school education. For every guy who is matzliach without the education there are 10 guys who are not, who all could have increased their chances by getting an education.


    Still plenty of interesting info newly posted today about Rubashkin & the OU.

  19. "Is the rav doing something about it?"


    The rov asked my advice after being creeped out by Lanner and he knows I am likely to post the info on UOJ.

    Al regel achas, I think Vicky Polin had a good idea to call 911 when Lanner is seen getting close to children at the kosher Dunkin Donuts in Elizabeth. Even if the cops have no grounds to detain him, their most likely course of action because he is an ex-con is to intimidate him and make him leave the store.

    If anyone knows who is renting living to quarters to Lanner, please pass the info along.

    Most shuls in Elizabeth are under the auspicies of Rav Teitz. I don't know if he gets along with his brother in law Rav Yosef Blau, but we should find out what plan is in place to monitor Lanner when he steps foot in any shul there.

  20. Well, considering that Avoda Zara is yehurag veal yaavor, it does seem worse than bittul Torah and histaklus on airplane video.

    I ventured into Deli Kasbah not knowing what I was getting into. I certainly would not eat there.

  21. Dr. Asher Lipner is going to be a guest on the Dov Hikind radio show this Motzei Shabbos to talk about sexual abuse in the frum community. It airs at 11:00 on WMCA 570 AM.

  22. The Lubabs must be really banking on UOJ turning YTT into luxury condos. Why you ask? The Chabad shtiebel on Margo's block was offered $3 million for their property. They considered it a lowball offer & turned it down.

  23. Dov Hikind is way too cozy with Ohel. Lipner should put him on the spot.

  24. Court: Sullivan Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 002032/2000
    Case Type: Other Torts Negligence
    Track: Expedited
    Upstate RJI Number: 2032-2000
    Disposition Date: 04/24/2003
    Calendar Number: 52-20202 2001
    RJI Filed: 06/12/2001
    Jury Status: Unknown
    Justice Name: HON. MARK M. MEDDAUGH

    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    ORSECK LAW OFFICES Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    PO BOX 469
    LIBERTY, NY 12754

    Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
    INGBER & INGBER, ESQS. Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    BOX 977
    MONTICELLO, NY 12701

  25. Ok, this is complicated, but let me explain.

    UOJ posted that lawsuit today of Chase Bank vs the Agudah, but it's not what it seems.

    Remember a couple of years ago, when UOJ reported on my ill fated visit to Bencraft Hats to get my Borsalino steamed? It's mamash not yashrus that Stanley Goldstein should get paid after he interrupted the steaming in the middle and chased me half way across Williamsburg while almost decapitating me with an antique hat brush! I was using the company credit card and contested the charges. Chase Bank took Bencraft's side after reading the slanted reporting on this blog so I cancelled the card and refused to pay out of principal!

  26. Anyone wondering why the same attorney is representing both sides?

    Court: Kings Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 002112/1983
    Case Type: Other Torts Negligence
    Track: Complex
    Upstate RJI Number:
    Disposition Date: 02/21/1997
    Calendar Number: 1993-010961M
    RJI Filed: 05/28/1993
    Jury Status:
    Justice Name: WILLIAM J. GARRY (PT. 28)

    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    MARY JO MARCHISELLO Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038
    (212) 341 - 6400

    Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
    MARY JO MARCHISELLO Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038
    (212) 341 - 6400

  27. Court: Kings Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 004941/1986
    Case Type: Other Torts Negligence
    Track: Unknown
    Upstate RJI Number:
    Disposition Date: 05/02/1989
    Calendar Number: 1986-030718M
    RJI Filed: 11/13/1986
    Jury Status:
    Justice Name: JOSEPH B. WILLIAMS

    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    ISAACSON,ROBUSTELLI,FOX,F,G&F Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    277 BROADWAY
    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10007
    212 962-1200

    Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
    JACOBOWITZ SPESSARD &GARFINKEL Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10004
    212 809-8000

  28. Court: Kings Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 019107/1995
    Case Type: Other Torts Negligence
    Track: Unknown
    Upstate RJI Number:
    Disposition Date: 11/07/1996
    Date NOI Due:
    NOI Filed: 09/30/1996
    Disposition Deadline: 01/01/1998
    Calendar Number: 1995-022068T
    RJI Filed: 09/12/1995
    Jury Status: Jury At Plaintiff's Request
    Justice Name: VICTOR I. BARRON

    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    AVROHOM BECKER Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    111 JOHN STREET,STE 1910
    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038

    Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
    HARVEY GLADSTEIN & GLADSTEIN P Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10005
    212- 952-1111

  29. Court: Kings Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 031580/1999
    Case Type: Other
    Track: Standard
    Upstate RJI Number:
    Disposition Date: 01/07/2000
    RJI Filed: 09/09/1999
    Jury Status:
    Justice Name: REINALDO E. RIVERA

    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    HELLER,HOROWITZ & FEIT Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10017


    Chosen People Ministries, was founded as the Brownsville Mission to the Jews in 1894 by Leopold Cohn, a Jewish believer in Jesus. The ministry was later relocated and became the Williamsburg Mission to the Jews until 1924. From 1924 until 1984 it was known as the "American Board of Missions to the Jews". Since then it has been known by its current name, Chosen People Ministries, Inc. It is an evangelistic organization of Messianic Judaism.

    History of Chosen People Ministries - List of Presidents

    Leopold Cohn (1894-1920)
    Joseph Hoffman Cohn (1920-1953)
    Harold Pretlove (1953-1957)
    Daniel Fuchs (1958-1975)
    Dr. Harold Sevener (1976-1988)
    Sam Nadler (1989-1997)
    Dr. Mitch Glaser (1997-current)

  31. Anyone know why this machsheyfe sued the shul? She is the owner of Levana's restaurant who was caught cooking food on Shabbos for cruise ships that had to set sail. Levana's had other treif stories and was the training ground for the problem chef at Le Marais.

    Court: New York County Civil Court
    Index Number: CV-020417-98/NY

    Case Type: Civil
    Filing Date: 06/29/1998
    Disposition Date: 06/07/2008
    Calendar Number:
    Jury Demand: No
    Judge Name:

    Attorney/Firm(s) For Plaintiff - LEVANA KIRSCHENBAUM:
    ROBERT L. LEWIS Attorney Type: Attorney
    312 WEST 71ST STREET
    New York, New York 10023


  33. Court: New York Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 006141/1985
    Case Type: Other Torts
    Track: Unknown
    Upstate RJI Number:
    Disposition Date: 12/11/1987
    Date NOI Due: 10/30/1987
    NOI Filed: 03/10/1987
    Disposition Deadline: 06/10/1988
    Calendar Number: 1987L-01229
    RJI Filed: 10/09/1986
    Jury Status: Jury At Plaintiff's Request
    Justice Name: MCCOOE, W.P.

    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    HARRY I. KATZ Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    FRESH MEADOWS, N. Y. 11365
    1-718 463-3700

    Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
    LEVY BIVONA & COHEN Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10016
    212 889-2520

  34. R' Lipa Cohn is an honorable meshumed.

  35. During the 3 weeks one should refrain from going to any dangerous place, (ie. swimming in an ocean or river) and certainly one should be extra careful during the 9 days from Rosh Chodesh Av until after Tisha B'Av, (because one's mazel is weak during this period).
    Piskei Tshuvos 551:1,46

    Belsky told me that water parks like Lake Compounce hobben an andera din and it's mutter to take little boys there in their bathing suits.

  36. Shabbos also has an andera din so you'll be fine ven me geit tzu mikva.

  37. Wow. The court website shows many, many instances of Ralbag's & Auman's Young Israels being sued by apparent members of the shul or community.

    Why are these two shuls on Avenues K & I the target of so many lawsuits?

  38. Misnaged said
    "I ventured into Deli Kasbah not knowing what I was getting into. I certainly would not eat there."

    Notwithstanding the fact that the owner happens to be a crazy meshichist,I have a couple of questions.
    The moment you walked into Deli Kasbah and saw the "avodah zorah"going on there,(yaihoreg val Yaavor)you must of run out of the store immediately.That being the case how do you know that he was playing these "avodeh zoredick" videos continuously for hours? What made them avodah zoredick to begin with?
    Oh my gosh.He must of mentioned the "M"word,Moshiach.Feh,what nivil peh.The Rebbi was a messianic, he actualy spoke about Beas Hamoshiach.According to Shmiras Haloshen this is the highest form of nivel peh and idolatry.
    I suggest that you stop saying the Yud Gimmel Ikorim of the Rambam,at least the part abut Moshiach,lest someone will be choishesh that you are a messianic Jew,a oivaid avodah zorah and while your at it throw out your siddur,your bantcher or any other saifer mentioning or even hinting about Moshiach.
    As for your "bittul Torah",your really full of yourself.What was a "ben Torah" like you doing there to begin with?
    Now go back to watching your filthy videos. I'm sure your local Blockbuster has the kind you like in the "adult only" section.Anythings better then watching or maybe learning something from a sichah of the Rebbi.Hashem yishmor.

  39. I give regular shiurim in this shul:

    Court: Queens Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 019659/1986
    Case Type: Negligence
    Track: Unknown
    Upstate RJI Number:
    Disposition Date: 04/12/1988
    Date NOI Due: 11/04/1987
    NOI Filed: 03/31/1988
    Disposition Deadline: 07/02/1989
    Calendar Number: G001138
    RJI Filed: 11/12/1986
    Jury Status: Jury At Plaintiff's Request
    Justice Name: NAT H. HENTEL

    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    LLOYD SOMER, ESQ. Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    150 BROADWAY
    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10038

    Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
    WAXMAN,MILLER & TRAUTWIG,P.C. Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    GREAT NECK, NY 10021

  40. Sunday, July 20th

    Yeshiva of Brooklyn / Parkway Paradise
    1200 Ocean Pkwy, corner of Avenue L

    5:30 PM Mincha

    Yearning for Redemption
    Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi Yechiel Perr and Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin

    8:30 PM Maariv

    $10 ($30 maximum per family)

    For more information call 718-998-5822 or email TorahConnections@

  41. I'm the putz ex-yeshiva bochur lawyer (no longer frum) who tried profiting off Holocaust lawsuits. The NY Times did an expose on all the cases I bungled.

    Court: Richmond Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 014013/1994
    Case Type: Other Tort
    Track: Standard
    Upstate RJI Number:
    Disposition Date: 05/25/2001
    Date NOI Due:
    NOI Filed: 09/28/2000
    Disposition Deadline: 12/30/2001
    Calendar Number: 58218
    RJI Filed: 02/15/1996
    Jury Status: Jury At Plaintiff's Request
    Justice Name: JCP-SANGIORGIO

    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    FAGAN & ASSOCIATES Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    NEW YORK, NY 10004
    (212) 293-1900


    When the National Council of Young Israel and Young Israel of 5th Ave - housed in the same building - were in lawsuits with each other, the judge had to order Passover Lerner to stop locking the bathroom on the top floor near the sukkah.

  43. Court: Kings County Civil Court
    Index Number: CV-116539-06/KI

    Case Type: Civil
    Classification: Consumer Credit
    Filing Date: 08/25/2006
    Disposition Date:
    Calendar Number:
    Jury Demand: No
    Judge Name:

    Attorney/Firm(s) For Plaintiff - YOUNG ISRAEL OF LAURENCE CEDARHURST:
    SIMON B. GLUCK P.C Attorney Type: Attorney
    36 WEST 44TH ST.
    New York, New York 10036

    Court: Kings County Civil Court
    Index Number: CV-116540-06/KI

    Case Type: Civil
    Classification: Consumer Credit
    Filing Date: 08/25/2006

    Court: Kings County Civil Court
    Index Number: CV-116541-06/KI

    Case Type: Civil
    Classification: Consumer Credit
    Filing Date: 08/25/2006

    Court: Kings County Civil Court
    Index Number: CV-116542-06/KI

    Case Type: Civil
    Classification: Consumer Credit
    Filing Date: 08/25/2006

    Court: Kings County Civil Court
    Index Number: CV-116543-06/KI

    Case Type: Civil
    Classification: Consumer Credit
    Filing Date: 08/25/2006

    Court: Kings County Civil Court
    Index Number: CV-116544-06/KI

    Case Type: Civil
    Classification: Consumer Credit
    Filing Date: 08/25/2006

  44. Court: Kings Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 033042/2001
    Case Type: Other Torts Negligence
    Track: Standard
    Upstate RJI Number:
    Disposition Date: 09/18/2002
    Date NOI Due:
    NOI Filed: 12/14/2001
    Disposition Deadline: 03/17/2003
    Calendar Number: 2001-019769T
    RJI Filed: 11/14/2001
    Jury Status: Jury At Defendant's Request

  45. Court: Kings Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 038143/1997
    Case Type: Other Torts Negligence
    Track: Standard
    Upstate RJI Number:
    Disposition Date: 12/08/1999
    RJI Filed: 04/15/1998
    Jury Status:
    Justice Name: WILLIAM J. GARRY (PT. 28)

    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    TOM STICKEL, ESQ, Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    BRONX, NEW YORK 10451
    718 293-4800

    Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
    RIMBERG & ASSOCIATES P.C. Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10016

  46. Court: Queens Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 024295/1991
    Case Type: Contract
    Track: Unknown
    Upstate RJI Number:
    Disposition Date: 09/23/1993
    Date NOI Due:
    NOI Filed: 08/14/1992
    Disposition Deadline: 11/15/1993
    Calendar Number: K003430
    RJI Filed: 08/14/1992
    Jury Status: Non-Jury
    Justice Name: COSMO J. DITUCCI

    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    MORT M. HOROWITZ Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active
    233 BROADWAY
    NEW YORK, NY 10279
    212 227-0887

    Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
    HECHT & HECHT Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Status: Active

  47. Court: New York County Civil Court
    Index Number: CV-004889-98/NY

    Case Type: Civil
    Filing Date: 02/13/1998
    Disposition Date: 06/06/2008

  48. Court: New York County Civil Court
    Index Number: CV-000646-07/NY

    Case Type: Civil
    Filing Date: 01/05/2007
    Disposition Date: 01/02/2008

  49. Court: Kings Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 010545/2008
    Case Type: Other Torts Negligence

    On July 8th, Margo's lawyers demanded that the judge dismiss the case.


    Passenger: El Al waited 90 minutes for tardy rabbi

    By Zohar Blumenkrantz

    A group of ultra-Orthodox passengers delayed for about 90 minutes the takeoff of a scheduled El Al flight from Kiev to Ben-Gurion Airport last month because their rabbi was late in getting to the airport, according to a passenger on the flight. El Al and its Ukrainian partner have a monopoly on the route.

    "The passengers were in their seats. The flight attendants were ordered to close the doors when a Haredi passenger suddenly came running from the back of the plane to the front," the businessman related. He said the flight was scheduled to take off at 11:35 P.M. on June 19.

    "He ordered a flight attendant not to take off, and to wait for a rabbi who was supposed to arrive," the passenger continued. "An argument began and [the Haredi passenger] called up several other Haredi passengers, who came up to Business Class. They threatened to leave the plane unless the flight was delayed for the rabbi."

    According to the passenger who spoke to Haaretz about the incident, about 35 minutes after the scheduled takeoff time the pilot announced that after consulting with Tel Aviv he was instructed to wait for the rabbi, who arrived about an hour later with two or three other ultra-Orthodox men. The rabbi, a man in his 70s, according to the witness, took his seat and told his fellow passengers, "Every delay is for the best."

    "The flight was delayed due to the tardiness of a group of about 15 passengers," El Al said in a response.

    "There were about 150 passengers, not all Haredim," the source said. "I fly El Al frequently and never experienced anything like this, a plane filled with passengers sitting and waiting for a latecomer. What if this were a flight with passengers who had to catch a connection? Instead of landing at 2 A.M. we landed at 3:30 A.M."

  51. 1716 Realty is one of the phony front companies that Federal investigators seized because Leib & Shmelka were using it to launder stolen money.

  52. I'm surprised no one has brought a class action suit against AgriProcessors for fraud. To have a claim for fraud, a plaintiff must allege: (i) that a person/company knowingly misrepresented a material fact, (ii) upon which the plaintiff justifiably relied, (iii) resulting in an injury.

    In a class action on behalf of all consumers of kosher products, we would need to allege that AgriProcessors knowingly labeled non-kosher meat as kosher or used non-kosher shechita methods for meat labeled as kosher, that consumers bought the meat only because they thought it was kosher, and were thereby injured. You never know if you have a winning case until you go to court, but the last thing AgriProcessors needs is to be hit from another front. There may also be a legitimate claim against the OU if they were certifying meat based on a standard different from the one articulated on their website. Someone may want to download info from their website now, before it suddenly "disappears."

    This is a Federal Case, as interstate commerce was involved.

  53. I believe, an attempt was made in New York State, where Rabbi Rubin was appointed as "Kosher Commissioner" - under the Consumer Fraud Protection Law - to protect the consumer from kosher fraud.

    I am not aware if there is a kosher commissioner presently.

  54. "There were about 150 passengers, not all Haredim," the source said. "I fly El Al frequently and never experienced anything like this, a plane filled with passengers sitting and waiting for a latecomer. What if this were a flight with passengers who had to catch a connection? Instead of landing at 2 A.M. we landed at 3:30 A.M."

    Voos plopple tzach? There are no outbound flights from Ben Gurion between 1:20 AM and 4:50 AM, so what connection would of been missed?

    The real issue is that the next flight this plane would of flown may of experienced a delay due to late arrival (fueling, catering) as the first LY flight of the morning is to Zurich @ 5:00 AM. Lucky that the crew did not time out, otherwise there would of been real problems since they could not fly the aircraft.

    Posting this story in an aviation forum to see what the reaction would be there

  55. Days after securities regulators raided the St. Louis headquarters of Wachovia Securities as part of a broad investigation into questionable practices involving auction rate securities, the bank posted a $9 billion Q2 loss tied to mortgage loans.

  56. Fannie, Freddie books under inspection - report

    Plunge in stock prices of the two mortgage finance giants triggered scrutiny by bank examiners, according to NYT.

    LONDON ( -- Bank examiners from the Federal Reserve and the Comptroller of the Currency are scrutinizing the books of U.S. mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, according to a published report.

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson told The New York Times Monday that the examiners began inspecting the two companies' books after their plunging stock prices roiled the market.

    Fannie Mae (FNM, Fortune 500) and Freddie Mac (FRE, Fortune 500) own or back about $5 trillion of home mortgages. Their stock has plummeted in recent weeks on concerns about the losses they face amid the housing slump.

    Paulson unveiled a plan earlier this month that would give the two firms an extended line of credit with the U.S. Treasury. Under the plan, the government would also be able to buy stock in Fannie and Freddie if they aren't able to raise enough capital on their own.

    Paulson told the Times he still believes the two firms have enough cash to withstand further declines in the housing market.

    First Published: July 22, 2008: 4:49 AM EDT

  57. Paulson told the Times he still believes the two firms have enough cash to withstand further declines in the housing market.

    It seems like Paulson is getting coached by Avi Shafran and 5W! (Not 5E)

  58. Rav Rubin's a'h powers were made impotent by various shysters who sued NY State. There was the supposedly "orthodox" Rabbi Harry Cohen who filed a lawsuit claiming no one can decide what an orthodox standard of kashrus is and tell him his loopholes and outright fraud is no good. The Conservative had some characters who filed similar suits. This resulted in all standards being allowed as long as you post your shita for customers to see. The lawsuits also prevented publication of violators names and the fines they received. Then there is that ex-Torah Vodaas bum Israel Meyer Steinberg who manages to outsmart the rules by creatively tiptoeing around them.

    Rav Rubin was also too weak to stand up to the OU when they violated kashrus takkonos.

    The position is filled today by Rav Luzer Weiss who is suspected by some of going too easy on his machshir friend who perpetrated a tarfus fraud for decades at Maimonides Hospital.


    The father of the modern goji cult, Dr Earl Mindell is a Canadian-American who describes himself as "the world's leading nutritionist", but who actually scored his PhD from an unaccredited online university (the same "diploma mill", in fact, from which the Honourable Marcus Einfeld 'graduated'). Mindell, who published Goji: The Himalayan Health Secret in 2003, and who also happens to sell "goji" juice through multi-level marketing group, Freelife International, recently claimed during a Canadian television interview that "goji" was a cure for cancer, as had been proved, he said, by a study from the prestigious Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, when in fact, according to the Sloan-Kettering website, no such study has taken place there at all. Almost everything else "Dr" Mindell has said about goji juice appears to be complete bunk.

    In fact, for all the claims that riddle "goji" literature insisting that "studies have proved" this or that, there appears to be not a shred of credible evidence that "goji" is anything but a regular antioxidant, the legend of its magical properties existing exclusively on "goji" advertising material, which is equal parts hearsay, folklore, flaky testimonial and flat out lies.


    Yudel erased some of his comments like that Rabbi Moskowitz is giving a hechsher when it's being blended with grape juice that is probably not kosher.

    G-O-J-I JUICE- ????? 1-212-990-7238 # 2 and 6 (The-rest-of-the-story)

  61. Now this! I smell Shafran!

    Cost of Loan Bailout, if Needed, Could Be $25 Billion


    Published: July 23, 2008

    WASHINGTON — The proposed government rescue of the nation’s two mortgage finance giants will appear on the federal budget as a $25 billion cost to taxpayers, the independent Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday even though officials conceded that there was no way of really knowing what, if anything, a bailout would cost.

    The budget office said there was a better than even chance that the rescue package would not be needed before the end of 2009 and would not cost taxpayers any money. But the office also estimated a 5 percent chance that the mortgage companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, could lose $100 billion, which would cost taxpayers far more than $25 billion.......

  62. Sixteen people were wounded, one of them moderately, as a bulldozer driver went on a rampage in central Jerusalem Tuesday afternoon in an apparent attempt to recreate the terror attack in the capital earlier this month.

    The vehicle reportedly left a construction site near the Yemin Moshe neighborhood and set off towards Liberty Bell Park (Gan Hapa'amon), near the corner of Keren Hayesod and King David streets. It drove a distance of approximately 160 meters, attempting to overturn a bus and crashing into four other vehicles - one of which it flipped over. The man was then shot dead by a civilian and a border policeman.

    The wounded were evacuated to hospitals in the capital.

    The perpetrator of the attack, Ghassan Abu Tir, was a relative of Muhammad Abu Tir, a Hamas parliamentarian jailed in Israel.

  63. Actually, the Congressional Budget Office sounds more like Lubinsky who specializes in slicing & dicing figures to downplay bad news.

    Shafran would refuse to comment and tell you off for asking or claim that there is no problem whatsoever.

  64. While neither the Treasury nor the White House budget office has estimated publicly the cost of a bailout, lawmakers including Senators Jon Tester of Montana and Richard Shelby of Alabama said last week they were concerned the cost could reach into the trillions of dollars.

    Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, the top Republican on the Senate budget panel, said it's impossible for the CBO to come up with an accurate estimate because it's too hard to predict what will happen.

    ``They've been asked to do something they can't possibly do -- it's like trying to predict the weather two years from now,'' Gregg said today. ``It's as arbitrary as any number you could pick.''

    Senator Jim Bunning, a Kentucky Republican who argued with Paulson at a congressional hearing last week over the bailout's potential costs, rejected the CBO estimate as too low. ``I don't believe a word of it,'' he said.

  65. Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, a Democrat from North Dakota, called the estimate ``good news.'' He said the CBO assessment will be ``very helpful to those who want to advance this legislation.''

    House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, called the CBO's analysis ``very encouraging.''

  66. Louisiana Asks Supreme Court to Reopen Child Rape Case

    Mark Sherman

    The Associated Press
    July 22, 2008

    Louisiana prosecutors asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday to revisit its recent decision outlawing the death penalty for people convicted of raping children.

    The unusual request is based on the failure of anyone involved in the case -- lawyers on both sides as well as the justices -- to take account of a change in federal law in 2006 that authorizes the death penalty for members of the military who are convicted of child rape.

    The Court almost never grants such requests, but lawyers for Louisiana said their situation was different because the 5-4 decision written by Justice Anthony Kennedy relied in part on what Kennedy called a "national consensus" against executing convicted rapists.

    The ruling on June 25 drew harsh criticism from politicians in Louisiana and other states where executing those who rape children was authorized or under consideration. Presidential contenders John McCain and Barack Obama also said they disagreed with the outcome of the case.

    But only in the days following the decision did anyone point out that Congress changed the law and that President Bush signed an executive order in September 2007 that implemented the change. It was first discussed on a military law blog.

    Louisiana "regrettably did not know of this federal provision," the state's lawyers wrote Monday. "This was a significant error, for which (Louisiana) accepts full responsibility."

    In spite of their mistake, however, the lawyers said the federal law is relevant to the case and should be considered by the Court.

    The main author of Monday's filing with the Court was Georgetown University law professor Neal Katyal, who has previously represented Guantanamo Bay detainees at the Supreme Court.

    It is unclear when the justices will take up the request. It takes five justices, a majority of the court, to reconsider a ruling.

    The decision in June said executions were too severe a punishment for raping children or other crimes against individuals that do not result in the victim's death.

    The ruling struck down laws in Louisiana and five other states and spared the only people in the U.S. under sentence of death for raping children -- two Louisiana men convicted of raping girls 5 and 8.

    However devastating the crime to children, Kennedy wrote in his majority opinion, "the death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child."

    The Supreme Court banned executions for rape in 1977 in a case in which the victim was an adult woman.

    Forty-four states prohibit the death penalty for any kind of rape, and at least four states besides Louisiana permit it for child rape -- Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas. There's disagreement over the status of a Georgia law permitting execution for child rape, although Kennedy said in his ruling that it was still in effect.

    The Court previously barred executions for the mentally retarded and people younger than 18 when they committed murder, citing trends in the states away from capital punishment.

    In this case, proponents of the Louisiana law said the trend was toward the death penalty, a point mentioned by Justice Samuel Alito in his dissent.

    "The harm that is caused to the victims and to society at large by the worst child rapists is grave," Alito wrote. "It is the judgment of the Louisiana lawmakers and those in an increasing number of other states that these harms justify the death penalty."

    But Kennedy said the absence of any recent executions for rape and the small number of states that allow it demonstrate "there is a national consensus against capital punishment for the crime of child rape."

    When Congress in 1994 expanded the number of federal crimes that could get the death penalty, it did not include raping a child, Kennedy said.

    The case is Kennedy v. Louisiana, 07-343.


    FDA finds salmonella strain in jalapeno pepper

    The strain blamed for an outbreak that has sickened thousands shows up in a Mexican-grown pepper in Texas. Officials warn against eating fresh jalapenos.

    By Conor L. Sanchez and Jerry Hirsch, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers

    July 22, 2008
    Fresh jalapeno peppers joined tomatoes as possible culprits in the nationwide Salmonella Saintpaul outbreak that has sickened thousands of people and killed two since April, the federal government confirmed Monday.

    The same salmonella strain once thought to have originated in raw tomatoes was found in a Mexican-grown jalapeno in a Texas distributing plant, the Food and Drug Administration said Monday, prompting a nationwide warning for consumers to avoid fresh jalapenos and food products made with fresh jalapeno peppers.

    Downsizing government to death
    Tracking produce proves complex
    Processed, cooked or pickled jalapeno peppers are not included in the warning.

    Unlike this spring, when alarm caused major supermarket chains to pull tomatoes from their shelves, Southern California merchants are keeping jalapenos on the market.

    The development signified a major break in the investigation, but FDA officials said they still were not certain of the contamination's origin.

  68. Rabbi Breuer quit as the rov and is moving to Israel. I wonder if the Breuer lawsuit against them has anything to do with it.


  69. The strain blamed for an outbreak that has sickened thousands shows up in a Mexican-grown pepper in Texas. Officials warn against eating fresh jalapenos.

    American tomato growers had to till their crops under, losing a fortune, all because some Mexican growers don't provide enough porta potties for their workers.

    Forget about lead paint on toys, the real scandal is importing food from what are essentially third world countries.
