Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Spinka Rebbe Jailhouse Rock - The Bubba Mitzvah Dance Hokey Pokey!

Purim Fever


  1. Chicago UOJ Correspondent12:38 AM, February 03, 2010

    At Monday Night's speech by the World's Biggest Expert on Everything, Moetzes Head Honcho & Molester Cover-Upper Jake Perlow in Chicago, which was either on video or a hookup (details are unclear), a shliach from Torah Umesorah SHUT OFF his Novaminskerism because "it was going too long."

    Why is Big Jake suddenly interested in holocaust education? (Recall his fellow Moetzes member Avraham Chaim Levin called the holocaust "Gilui Shechina" and the establishment of the state of Israel "hester panim"!)

    At Chicago headquarters, the following scenario has been revealed from the sodos and is now nigleh:
    Big P's brother-in-law Moshe Meiselman (Dov Linzer, Rosh Yeshiva of YCT was a student of his, see Kovetz Torani Zichru Toras Moshe Avdi, Tammuz 5744, published by Yeshivas Toras Moshe (Jerusalem)) recently led group of his talmidim & their fathers (who foot the bill) through Europe on a holocaust trip. MM must have told JP how much money he made on this trip, so Jake P wants to initiate holocaust education so all these students at agudah-influenced schools will go to Europe, thus generating profits.

  2. Living Holy in the Holyland,

    Alot has been written about leading a life of sham in Chutz Laaretz. Why has it become an accepted saying that those living in Eretz Yisroel are so Chashuv and Holy. The same garbage that is happening to religious orthodoxy in America is happening here, if not worse. The same Rabbi problems, kids at risk, molestation, affairs and so on - just take a look around. For some reason, is still considered amazing to be living here in Eretz Hakodesh. I'm starting to wonder if the non religious jews are leading a holier life than the orthodox. At least whatever they are doing, its out in the open. When will someone start a blog about all the fraud and fakeness that is happening here?


    When Amy was a little girl, her uncle made her famous in the worst way: as a star in the netherworld of child pornography. Photographs and videos known as “the Misty series” depicting her abuse have circulated on the Internet for more than 10 years, and often turn up in the collections of those arrested for possession of illegal images.

    Now, with the help of an inventive lawyer, the young woman known as Amy — her real name has been withheld in court to prevent harassment — is fighting back.

    She is demanding that everyone convicted of possessing even a single Misty image pay her damages until her total claim of $3.4 million has been met.

    The most novel approach is being taken by Amy’s lawyer, James R. Marsh, whose practice focuses on child exploitation cases. Mr. Marsh’s arguments are the fruits of a national movement granting greater rights to crime victims and shifting the financial burden of crimes to criminals, said Paul G. Cassell, a former federal judge and professor of law at the University of Utah, who advised Mr. Marsh and wrote a brief supporting his position in a Texas case.

    Amy’s uncle is now in prison, but she is regularly reminded of his abuse whenever the government notifies her that her photos have turned up in yet another prosecution. More than 800 of the notices, mandated by the Crime Victims Rights Act and sent out by the federal victim notification system, have arrived at Amy’s home since 2005.

    Those notices disturb Amy when they arrive, but Mr. Marsh, looking at the same pieces of paper, saw an opportunity: he could intervene in the federal prosecutions and demand restitution. He had Amy write a victim-impact statement and hired a psychologist to evaluate her. Economists developed a tally of damages that included counseling, diminished wages and lawyer fees. The total came to $3,367,854.

    Amy’s first restitution award came in February in the Connecticut case; it involved Alan Hesketh, a British executive at the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, who paid $130,000. Since then, Mr. Marsh has automated the process and e-mailed Amy’s filings to United States Attorneys in 350 cases. “I’m able to leverage the power of the Internet to get restitution for a victim of the Internet,” he said.

    Mr. Marsh has, in effect, expanded his small New York law firm by hundreds of federal prosecutors. Some of them decline to file for restitution — a judge in Minnesota ordered prosecutors to explain why — but many have. Judges’ reactions have varied, with some declining to order restitution, including one in Texas and another in Maine, usually saying that the link between possession and the harm done is too tenuous to reach the level of “proximate harm” generally required under the law for restitution.

    Yet in two Florida cases, judges have ordered defendants to pay nearly the full amount requested and even more. Many judges who have considered the issues award a few thousand dollars. Even though many of the defendants have no way to pay even the smallest fine, Mr. Marsh’s efforts in the first year have earned $170,000 for Amy.

    Another victim known as Vicky has begun making similar claims in court, and still more victims could come forward.


    NASHUA, N.H. — President Obama hit the road again Tuesday to promote the new job-creation program he described as his No. 1 priority, but he refused to abandon his embattled health care legislation, vowing to “punch it through” resistance in Congress.

    His town-hall-style meeting at a local high school here was the fifth time he had taken questions from an audience or over the Internet in 12 days, and he rejected the notion that the Massachusetts election doomed the health care overhaul.

    “Suddenly everybody says, ‘Oh no, it’s over,’ ” Mr. Obama said in mocking tones. “Well, no, it’s not over. We just have to make sure that we move methodically and that the American people understand what’s in the bill.”


    A university registrar, Karl Woodgett, handed out fake degree certificates to black African women in exchange for spanking sessions to satisfy his sexual desires, a court heard.


    Boro Park

    A 61-year-old man slugged a store manager over Rubashkin steaks Monday afternoon, police said.

    The NYPD arrested Agudah trustee Israel Lefkowitz, 61, for assault and criminal damaging after he repeatedly punched Shoprite store manager Monte Erwin, 44, in a dispute over the price of Rubashkin steaks.

    The store apparently made a mistake in the price of Rubashkin steaks, and Erwin offered to sell the man the first pound at a discounted price but the rest at the correct price.

    Lefkowitz allegedly spit in the manager's face, head-butted him and hit him five or six times in the face, breaking the manager's glasses, according to reports. Lefkowitz claimed the manager hit him with a price gun. The manager told police he had a price gun around his wrist and might have hit the man while protecting his head but didn't do so intentionally.

    Witnesses said the manager didn't fight back.

    Lefkowitz did not appear for his scheduled court date Tuesday, but a new date will be set once he hires an attorney. He did issue a statement to the media that he is against all kinds of molestation.

  7. funny if it wasnt true

    The kolel honoree at the NMB kolel dinner thanked his brother ( who should recieve theeishes ish award ) by stating there isnt an item in the kolel that doesn't happen without him

    He also thanked his california drug rehab center but neglected to tell the crowd that he is back on pills

    Rosh kolel shmeltzer who is fighting a flyer that states he could be replaced by Rabbi singer and a time clock resulting in over 100k in savings to the coomunity gave an impassioned plea to the community asking for help and money to pay his salary

  8. I posted the below on yesterday's post. If you have any humanity left, and live in NMB.....

    I am a former resident of NMB, it is an interesting combo of "Ir HaNidachas" and an "Ir Miklat". The native Floridians, never the sharpest tools in the shed, are easily bullied by the transplanted NYers, who are there to escape something, or are running there to be "frei". After nearly 2 years in that swamp I decided, for my children's sake to decamp. If an area's residents have to constantly sell you on how happy they are there, run for the hills. You will never attract a nice young Rav, because the spiritual stench, and dearth of educational choices for children would drive away anyone not already on the road to perdition. My educated suggestion would be to leave NMB. It was an extremely difficult decision for me, economically, but even I (who am not, unfortunately, from the biggest baalei bitachon)saw the yad hashem when I left. Hatzlocho.

  9. You put your right cheek in,
    You put your right cheek out,
    You put your right cheek in
    And you shake it all about.
    You do the Hokey Pokey
    And you turn the Rebbe around,
    That's what it's all about.

    You put your left cheek in,
    You put your left cheek out,
    You put your left cheek in,
    And you shake it all about.
    You do the Hokey Pokey
    And you turn the Rebbe around,
    That's what it's all about.

    You put your right hand in,
    You put your right hand out,
    You put your right hand in
    And you shake it all about.
    You do the Hokey Pokey
    And you yank the Rebbe around,
    That's what it's all about.

    You put your left hand in,
    You put your left hand out,
    You put your left hand in,
    And you shake it all about.
    You do the Hokey Pokey
    And you yank the Rebbe around,
    That's what it's all about.

    You put your right ball in,
    You put your right ball out,
    You put your right ball in,
    And you shake it all about.
    You do the Hokey Pokey
    And you turn the Rebbe around,
    That's what it's all about.

    You put your left ball in,
    You put your left ball out,
    You put your left ball in,
    And you shake it all about.
    You do the Hokey Pokey
    And you turn the Rebbe around,
    That's what it's all about.

    You put your right hip in,
    You put your right hip out,
    You put your right hip in
    And you shake it all about.
    You do the Hokey Pokey
    And you turn the Rebbe around,
    That's what it's all about.

    You put your left hip in,
    You put your left hip out,
    You put your left hip in,
    And you shake it all about.
    You do the Hokey Pokey
    And you turn the Rebbe around,
    That's what it's all about.

    You put your whole self in,
    You put your whole self out,
    You put your whole self in
    And you shake it all about.
    You do the Hokey Pokey
    And you turn the Rebbe around,
    That's what it's all about.

  10. Abba Cohen, is that you?

  11. nmb is a ceepool becuase of its leadership

    the way to change that is to have first and formost the rosh kolel to leave the kehilla and go elsewhere as he can be replaced by a timeclock and rabbi singer a well liked young rabbi

    shmeltzer has no credibility with at least half the community that think hes a big joke

    he would not have a job if it wasnt for his brother in law rabbi shapiro allowing the kolel to be in his shul and telling people what a great man he is ( he does that for sholom bayis

  12. Filed at 2:53 p.m. ET

    PITTSBURGH (AP) -- A San Francisco man claims he was high on a double dose of medical marijuana cookies when he screamed, dropped his pants and attacked crew members on a cross-country flight, forcing its diversion to Pittsburgh, the FBI said Wednesday.
