Monday, July 05, 2010

B'Tzelem Elokim?


Excerpted from Living and Dreaming with God



    Mr. Prechter is convinced that we have entered a market decline of staggering proportions — perhaps the biggest of the last 300 years.

    Buy-and-hold stock investors will be devastated in a crash much worse than the declines of 2008 and early 2009 or the worst years of the Great Depression or the Panic of 1873, he predicted.

    For a rough parallel, he said, go all the way back to England and the collapse of the South Sea Bubble in 1720, a crash that deterred people “from buying stocks for 100 years,” he said. This time, he said, “If I’m right, it will be such a shock that people will be telling their grandkids many years from now, ‘Don’t touch stocks.’ ”

    The Dow, which now stands at 9,686.48, is likely to fall well below 1,000 over perhaps five or six years as a grand market cycle comes to an end, he said. That unraveling, combined with a depression and deflation, will make anyone holding cash “extremely grateful for their prudence.”

    Mr. Prechter is hardly the only market hand to advocate prudence now, but nearly everyone else foresees a much rosier future, once current difficulties are past.

    The “mathematics don’t work,” Mr. Acampora said, because such a big decline would imply that individual stocks would need to trade at unrealistically low levels. Furthermore, he said, “I don’t want to agree with him, because if he’s right, we’ve basically got to go to the mountains with a gun and some soup cans, because it’s all over.”

    Still, on a “near-term” basis, he said, “We’re probably saying the same thing.”


    What am I going to do now that R' Hershel Schechter has been put in cherem by a beis din (along with Rabbi Union & Rabbi Sauer)?


    I'm glad that the NY Times did this front page expose to masser on the tzedokos that give money to West Bank settlements. Now I can direct the IRS to stop allowing tax deductions for these pesky Jews.

  4. I saw that; I'm not quite as pessimistic as he is -- but we're in for a very rough time ahead.


    National Institute of Health Awards Millions for Gay Escort Sex Study

  6. "You may have seen the blurb where Reb Malkiel Shlit"a basically condemned an Orthodox Jewish Newspaper for undermining the importance of limud HaTorah as a full time profession as well as lifestyle. In other words, they glorified one who was at odds with many of the leaders of Torah Jewry, VeChein Lo Yaasu! Who was this terrible man who needed to be condemned posthumously? Dr. Bernard Lander, the man who took thousands of potential full time Kolel Yungeleit and helped them go out and earn a living. (gasp!) We can sit here and argue that fact, or not. We all know that even the current numbers are way overboard. Most of these yungeleit would do a lot better being kovea ittim. Yeah, I know. It's mamesh apikorsus what I'm saying. Whatever. the point is that RMK doesn't really want every yungerman that gets married in America to come live in Lakewood and live out his life earning a kolel check. Not only does he not want it in Lakewood, but Monsey, Flatbush or anywhere else would not serve his purpose either. It's bad enough as it is; he has no real control over his town anymore. It's all min HaSofoh U'Lechutz, lip service B'La"z. Somehow he's gonna save Torah by speaking out here.

    I get him, really I do. Reb Malkiel is carrying on the legacy of his zeide who saw himself as the messenger of Torah here in America. To his zeide any guy going to college was a travesty and the person responsible for it the devil, or whatever. I can appreciate that, despite the fact that this is not some kind of chassidishe dynasty here, and it doesn't necessarily need to be his job just because his zeide did it. But I would believe that even his zeide only wanted that the serious ones stay beim lernen forever, he had no real use for stam leidig geyers and shnooks waiting out their kest. Dr. Lander for the most part - at least recently - helped guys like myself, who had no place going to a mainstream college, earn a very respectable living. You had guys from Monroe-KJ shlep in to Flatbush after a day's work and sit there until almost 11pm, before heading back to KJ, to arrive around 1am. Many of them - despite having a 3rd grade Satmar secular education - are today respected professionals earning a good living in the world of Finance. These guys were not shayech to learning all day- especially since it's not their derech at all to live off shnorr and send your wife to work.

    So we can safely and maturely agree that Dr. Lander, O"H, was no worse than the founder of Tomchei Shabbos, even if you hate what he did. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. He saved Tomchei Shabbos and countless other organization an endless amount of money. Each one of them should have written an appreciation for him. Correct? Good. Now that we've established that we can sit here and wonder why the fact that the newspaper printed an appreciation of DL is worthy of a condemnation by the R"Y of BMG? This despite all the advertising and free publicity the Yeshivah gets from that paper just to promote Torah and the Lakewood lifestyle! What's that? you say that they could've made less of a big deal about him? They didn't need a multiple page insert dedicated to him? Now that's nitpicking already. I'm sure the paper was compensated for their work, as well they should be, since they have bills of their own to pay, which means that obviously we can agree that there were monetary considerations for the big tribute. But that's what makes the world go 'round. Money. Money everywhere, in the newspaper business as well as at BMG."

  7. When I first saw this headline in a Catskills newspaper, I thought for sure it was going to be Potchu Lipschitz. Hopefully they will get the old pervert one day.

    83-year-old man groped young girl, police say


    Ramapo police today indentified a man found dead along the former Conrail railroad tracks as 22-year-old Moshe Gluck of Monsey.

    Police don't suspect that Gluck died from foul play, but the investigation is continuing into his death, Ramapo police Detective Lt. Brad Weidel said.

    Two ATV riders found the body lying face down on the tracks along the rail line on the east side of New County Road in Airmont at 9:30 p.m. Sunday.

    The body — fully clothed, clean-shaven, and wearing sneakers and a yarmulke — was found about a quarter mile from County Road and removed at about 11:20 p.m.

    The Rockland County Medical Examiner's Office removed the body from the scene. Gluck will be buried later today at Community Cemetery in New Hempstead, Weidel said.

    "Our investigation is not concluded at this time," Weidel said. "However, no evidence has been found to suggest any signs of foul play in this matter."

    A large crowd had gathered and was asking police for information.

    Weidel said there were no missing-person reports filed and that it was not known how long the body might have been there. He said a path along the rail line is used frequently by people in the area. Neighbors said the homeless use the trail, which ends on Route 59.

    The Rockland County Sheriff's Bureau of Criminal Investigation responded along with a Monsey communty emergency response group called Misaskim, Weidel said.

  9. Are the hackers still attacking? I can't even post a short article.

  10. Obama throws Israel under the bus

    WASHINGTON — It was only one paragraph buried deep in the most plain-vanilla kind of diplomatic document, 40 pages of dry language committing 189 nations to a world free of nuclear weapons. But it has become the latest source of friction between Israel and the United States in a relationship that has lurched from crisis to crisis over the last few months.

    At a meeting to review the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in May, the United States yielded to demands by Arab nations that the final document urge Israel to sign the treaty — a way of spotlighting its historically undeclared nuclear weapons.

    Israel believed it had assurances from the Obama administration that it would reject efforts to include such a reference, an Israeli official said, and it saw this as another sign of unreliability by its most important ally. In a recent visit to Washington, Israel’s defense minister, Ehud Barak, raised the issue in meetings with senior American officials.

    He was referring to the dispute during a visit to Israel by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in March, when Israel approved plans for Jewish housing in East Jerusalem. Mr. Obama was enraged by what he perceived as a slight to Mr. Biden, and when Mr. Netanyahu visited a few weeks later, the White House showed its displeasure by banning cameras from recording the visit.

    In addition to singling out Israel, the document, which has captured relatively little public attention, calls for a regional conference in 2012 to lay the groundwork for a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East. Israel, whose nuclear arsenal is one of the world’s worst-kept secrets, would be on the hot seat at such a meeting.

    At the last review conference, in 2005, the Bush administration refused to go along with any references to Israel, one of several reasons the meeting ended in acrimony, without any statement.

    This time, Israel believed the Obama administration would again take up its cause. As a non-signatory to the treaty, Israel did not attend the meeting. But American officials consulted the Israelis on a text in advance, which they found acceptable, a person familiar with those discussions said. That deepened their surprise at the end

  11. Obama throws Israel under the bus

    It was only one paragraph buried deep in the most plain-vanilla kind of diplomatic document, 40 pages of dry language committing 189 nations to a world free of nuclear weapons. But it has become the latest source of friction between Israel and the United States in a relationship that has lurched from crisis to crisis over the last few months.

    At a meeting to review the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in May, the United States yielded to demands by Arab nations that the final document urge Israel to sign the treaty — a way of spotlighting its historically undeclared nuclear weapons.

    Israel believed it had assurances from the Obama administration that it would reject efforts to include such a reference, an Israeli official said, and it saw this as another sign of unreliability by its most important ally. In a recent visit to Washington, Israel’s defense minister, Ehud Barak, raised the issue in meetings with senior American officials.

    He was referring to the dispute during a visit to Israel by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in March, when Israel approved plans for Jewish housing in East Jerusalem. Mr. Obama was enraged by what he perceived as a slight to Mr. Biden, and when Mr. Netanyahu visited a few weeks later, the White House showed its displeasure by banning cameras from recording the visit.

    In addition to singling out Israel, the document, which has captured relatively little public attention, calls for a regional conference in 2012 to lay the groundwork for a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East. Israel, whose nuclear arsenal is one of the world’s worst-kept secrets, would be on the hot seat at such a meeting.

    At the last review conference, in 2005, the Bush administration refused to go along with any references to Israel, one of several reasons the meeting ended in acrimony, without any statement


    Anonymous said...
    I am the person who knows some of the Queens Vaad's dirty secrets.

    Some of these secrets are only alluded to by the angry commentators like Mr. Spotlight without all of the details because I have not yet opened my mouth to people about everything I know and people can only post regarding what they know.

    I am fed up with the Vaad's intransigence - they refuse to fix most anything brought to their attention.

    I am fed up with the Vaad's arrogance - why don't you come in to shmuz so "we can agree to disagree"? (pirush hadevorim: We already made up our mind to cover up and just need to find a way to stop you from talking)

    And I am fed up with the Vaad planting Agitprop here instead of doing the right thing (Merriam-Webster dictionary definition: Etymology: Russian, ultimately from agitatsiya, agitation + propaganda). It is obvious for instance that many stupid "Spotlight" comments are from the Vaad imbecile who impersonates the Spotlight.

    Believe me, I have ways of really ratcheting up the pressure through being modiah more rabbonim and outside hashgochos and when I have time, even maybe getting the gedolei Eretz Yisroel involved. This is besides releasing more details to the angry "street" who are trigger happy to share new information with R' Yudel's readers.

    You will get the message when the buzz starts and when more outside hashgochos start kashering before using a Queens Vaad facility.

    You know exactly what must be fixed.

  13. Obama throws Israel under the bus

    It was only one paragraph buried deep in the most plain-vanilla kind of diplomatic document, 40 pages of dry language committing 189 nations to a world free of nuclear weapons. But it has become the latest source of friction between Israel and the United States in a relationship that has lurched from crisis to crisis over the last few months.

    At a meeting to review the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in May, the United States yielded to demands by Arab nations that the final document urge Israel to sign the treaty — a way of spotlighting its historically undeclared nuclear weapons.

    Israel believed it had assurances from the Obama administration that it would reject efforts to include such a reference, an Israeli official said, and it saw this as another sign of unreliability by its most important ally. In a recent visit to Washington, Israel’s defense minister, Ehud Barak, raised the issue in meetings with senior American officials.

    He was referring to the dispute during a visit to Israel by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in March, when Israel approved plans for Jewish housing in East Jerusalem. Mr. Obama was enraged by what he perceived as a slight to Mr. Biden, and when Mr. Netanyahu visited a few weeks later, the White House showed its displeasure by banning cameras from recording the visit.

    In addition to singling out Israel, the document, which has captured relatively little public attention, calls for a regional conference in 2012 to lay the groundwork for a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East. Israel, whose nuclear arsenal is one of the world’s worst-kept secrets, would be on the hot seat at such a meeting.

    At the last review conference, in 2005, the Bush administration refused to go along with any references to Israel, one of several reasons the meeting ended in acrimony, without any statement.


    Anonymous said...
    And the oylam should know that the Queens Vaad mafia is on a fishing expedition to find out who is behind the "groysa avlah" of informing rabbonim on the outside and/or posting comments on the internet about them.

    They have harassed & threatened a number of people in their quest to find the leaks including their own mashgichim and some poor guy who doesn't even know how to use a computer.

    The latest guy who they are after isn't so easy to get to directly so they had someone convey threats that he will have a hard time doing shidduchim because he will be bashmutzed and that he won't even be able to make a bar mitzva (as if he would want to use a Queens Vaad caterer).

    So kol Hatorah kulah gets thrown out the window by these Queens Vaad gangsters in their quest to find the "bad guy". Choshed bikesherim, lashon harah & motzi shem ra (sometimes befarhesya) and other issurim.

    It's also interesting that when someone working for the Queens Vaad (who is a lead Queens Vaad agent on the blogs) used to be at the Agudah, he was known as a big baal shita that the internet is treif and you should not even be goress anything there. Funny how things change.

    Ask around and find out how the Queens Vaad threatened and bashmutzed R' Moshe Handler from Flatbush for going to Rav Elyashev about them.

    They even threatened to have him killed by the mafia. In fact, one of the 4 people who caught the Queens Vaad & Ohel's David Jacobson digging up graves was found murdered in a case that was never solved by the police.

  15. Wall St Fresser9:48 AM, July 06, 2010

    Re: Vos zogt UOJ

    The depression under President Van Buren, 1837-1841, was far worse than the 1929 depression but we have very little documentation and economic data about it.

    90% of the businesses on the Eastern seaboard closed down.

  16. Not only are comments not making it to the site --- comments are successfully being removed once posted!

  17. Vos Zugt UOJ:

    I saw that; I'm not quite as pessimistic as he is -- but we're in for a very rough time ahead.

  18. "You may have seen the blurb where Reb Malkiel Shlit"a basically condemned an Orthodox Jewish Newspaper for undermining the importance of limud HaTorah as a full time profession as well as lifestyle. In other words, they glorified one who was at odds with many of the leaders of Torah Jewry, VeChein Lo Yaasu! Who was this terrible man who needed to be condemned posthumously? Dr. Bernard Lander, the man who took thousands of potential full time Kolel Yungeleit and helped them go out and earn a living. (gasp!) We can sit here and argue that fact, or not. We all know that even the current numbers are way overboard. Most of these yungeleit would do a lot better being kovea ittim. Yeah, I know. It's mamesh apikorsus what I'm saying. Whatever. the point is that RMK doesn't really want every yungerman that gets married in America to come live in Lakewood and live out his life earning a kolel check. Not only does he not want it in Lakewood, but Monsey, Flatbush or anywhere else would not serve his purpose either. It's bad enough as it is; he has no real control over his town anymore. It's all min HaSofoh U'Lechutz, lip service B'La"z. Somehow he's gonna save Torah by speaking out here.

    I get him, really I do. Reb Malkiel is carrying on the legacy of his zeide who saw himself as the messenger of Torah here in America. To his zeide any guy going to college was a travesty and the person responsible for it the devil, or whatever. I can appreciate that, despite the fact that this is not some kind of chassidishe dynasty here, and it doesn't necessarily need to be his job just because his zeide did it. But I would believe that even his zeide only wanted that the serious ones stay beim lernen forever, he had no real use for stam leidig geyers and shnooks waiting out their kest. Dr. Lander for the most part - at least recently - helped guys like myself, who had no place going to a mainstream college, earn a very respectable living. You had guys from Monroe-KJ shlep in to Flatbush after a day's work and sit there until almost 11pm, before heading back to KJ, to arrive around 1am. Many of them - despite having a 3rd grade Satmar secular education - are today respected professionals earning a good living in the world of Finance. These guys were not shayech to learning all day- especially since it's not their derech at all to live off shnorr and send your wife to work.

    So we can safely and maturely agree that Dr. Lander, O"H, was no worse than the founder of Tomchei Shabbos, even if you hate what he did. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. He saved Tomchei Shabbos and countless other organization an endless amount of money. Each one of them should have written an appreciation for him. Correct? Good. Now that we've established that we can sit here and wonder why the fact that the newspaper printed an appreciation of DL is worthy of a condemnation by the R"Y of BMG? This despite all the advertising and free publicity the Yeshivah gets from that paper just to promote Torah and the Lakewood lifestyle! What's that? you say that they could've made less of a big deal about him? They didn't need a multiple page insert dedicated to him? Now that's nitpicking already. I'm sure the paper was compensated for their work, as well they should be, since they have bills of their own to pay, which means that obviously we can agree that there were monetary considerations for the big tribute. But that's what makes the world go 'round. Money. Money everywhere, in the newspaper business as well as at BMG."

  19. Oilem Goilem has left a new comment on your post "B'Tzelem Elokim?":

    "You may have seen the blurb where Reb Malkiel Shlit"a basically condemned an Orthodox Jewish Newspaper for undermining the importance of limud HaTorah as a full time profession as well as lifestyle. In other words, they glorified one who was at odds with many of the leaders of Torah Jewry, VeChein Lo Yaasu! Who was this terrible man who needed to be condemned posthumously? Dr. Bernard Lander, the man who took thousands of potential full time Kolel Yungeleit and helped them go out and earn a living. (gasp!) We can sit here and argue that fact, or not. We all know that even the current numbers are way overboard. Most of these yungeleit would do a lot better being kovea ittim. Yeah, I know. It's mamesh apikorsus what I'm saying. Whatever. the point is that RMK doesn't really want every yungerman that gets married in America to come live in Lakewood and live out his life earning a kolel check. Not only does he not want it in Lakewood, but Monsey, Flatbush or anywhere else would not serve his purpose either. It's bad enough as it is; he has no real control over his town anymore. It's all min HaSofoh U'Lechutz, lip service B'La"z. Somehow he's gonna save Torah by speaking out here.

    I get him, really I do. Reb Malkiel is carrying on the legacy of his zeide who saw himself as the messenger of Torah here in America. To his zeide any guy going to college was a travesty and the person responsible for it the devil, or whatever. I can appreciate that, despite the fact that this is not some kind of chassidishe dynasty here, and it doesn't necessarily need to be his job just because his zeide did it. But I would believe that even his zeide only wanted that the serious ones stay beim lernen forever, he had no real use for stam leidig geyers and shnooks waiting out their kest. Dr. Lander for the most part - at least recently - helped guys like myself, who had no place going to a mainstream college, earn a very respectable living. You had guys from Monroe-KJ shlep in to Flatbush after a day's work and sit there until almost 11pm, before heading back to KJ, to arrive around 1am. Many of them - despite having a 3rd grade Satmar secular education - are today respected professionals earning a good living in the world of Finance. These guys were not shayech to learning all day- especially since it's not their derech at all to live off shnorr and send your wife to work.

    So we can safely and maturely agree that Dr. Lander, O"H, was no worse than the founder of Tomchei Shabbos, even if you hate what he did. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. He saved Tomchei Shabbos and countless other organization an endless amount of money. Each one of them should have written an appreciation for him. Correct? Good. Now that we've established that we can sit here and wonder why the fact that the newspaper printed an appreciation of DL is worthy of a condemnation by the R"Y of BMG? This despite all the advertising and free publicity the Yeshivah gets from that paper just to promote Torah and the Lakewood lifestyle! What's that? you say that they could've made less of a big deal about him? They didn't need a multiple page insert dedicated to him? Now that's nitpicking already. I'm sure the paper was compensated for their work, as well they should be, since they have bills of their own to pay, which means that obviously we can agree that there were monetary considerations for the big tribute. But that's what makes the world go 'round. Money. Money everywhere, in the newspaper business as well as at BMG."

  20. Part one
    "You may have seen the blurb where Reb Malkiel Shlit"a basically condemned an Orthodox Jewish Newspaper for undermining the importance of limud HaTorah as a full time profession as well as lifestyle. In other words, they glorified one who was at odds with many of the leaders of Torah Jewry, VeChein Lo Yaasu! Who was this terrible man who needed to be condemned posthumously? Dr. Bernard Lander, the man who took thousands of potential full time Kolel Yungeleit and helped them go out and earn a living. (gasp!) We can sit here and argue that fact, or not. We all know that even the current numbers are way overboard. Most of these yungeleit would do a lot better being kovea ittim. Yeah, I know. It's mamesh apikorsus what I'm saying. Whatever. the point is that RMK doesn't really want every yungerman that gets married in America to come live in Lakewood and live out his life earning a kolel check. Not only does he not want it in Lakewood, but Monsey, Flatbush or anywhere else would not serve his purpose either. It's bad enough as it is; he has no real control over his town anymore. It's all min HaSofoh U'Lechutz, lip service B'La"z. Somehow he's gonna save Torah by speaking out here.

    I get him, really I do. Reb Malkiel is carrying on the legacy of his zeide who saw himself as the messenger of Torah here in America. To his zeide any guy going to college was a travesty and the person responsible for it the devil, or whatever. I can appreciate that, despite the fact that this is not some kind of chassidishe dynasty here, and it doesn't necessarily need to be his job just because his zeide did it. But I would believe that even his zeide only wanted that the serious ones stay beim lernen forever, he had no real use for stam leidig geyers and shnooks waiting out their kest.

  21. Comments are successfully being removed from the site, and some 74 comments I let go through, never got published!

  22. Part two

    Dr. Lander for the most part - at least recently - helped guys like myself, who had no place going to a mainstream college, earn a very respectable living. You had guys from Monroe-KJ shlep in to Flatbush after a day's work and sit there until almost 11pm, before heading back to KJ, to arrive around 1am. Many of them - despite having a 3rd grade Satmar secular education - are today respected professionals earning a good living in the world of Finance. These guys were not shayech to learning all day- especially since it's not their derech at all to live off shnorr and send your wife to work.

    So we can safely and maturely agree that Dr. Lander, O"H, was no worse than the founder of Tomchei Shabbos, even if you hate what he did. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. He saved Tomchei Shabbos and countless other organization an endless amount of money. Each one of them should have written an appreciation for him. Correct? Good. Now that we've established that we can sit here and wonder why the fact that the newspaper printed an appreciation of DL is worthy of a condemnation by the R"Y of BMG? This despite all the advertising and free publicity the Yeshivah gets from that paper just to promote Torah and the Lakewood lifestyle! What's that? you say that they could've made less of a big deal about him? They didn't need a multiple page insert dedicated to him? Now that's nitpicking already. I'm sure the paper was compensated for their work, as well they should be, since they have bills of their own to pay, which means that obviously we can agree that there were monetary considerations for the big tribute. But that's what makes the world go 'round. Money. Money everywhere, in the newspaper business as well as at BMG."

  23. Please excuse the double posting.I think you have some hacker manipulating your blog.The first time around I was told that my post was to large.I then broke it in two and tried again.

  24. I think that Dr.Lander's Z"L alleged "transgression" was that he did not heed "Das Taireh" of which Malkiel considers himself to be part of.

  25. Will the OU ever answer if Andy Kastner is shechting by them at a major East Coast shechita? If he is, are they going to cover it up like they tried and failed to cover up Seth Mandel's involvement with Kastner and the other yoyos at the minor shechitos?


    Kastner agreed to let The Jewish Week watch him on the job after one Northeast kosher poultry producer politely refused access and another did not return phone calls.

    Kastner and a partner, (Conservative) Rabbi Shalom Kantor, methodically worked through their assignment with a swift slicing of the birds’ trachea and esophagus.

  27. While as an agudist I should have respect for RMK and I do. But it is not a secret that even the most Charedi gedolim had a divergence of opinion regarding this issue.

    Rav Ruderman of Baltimore or Reb Moshe did not hold anything wrong with a person seeking a secular education. So the central question is and should be; can a person like RMK demand of Hamodia (the name of the publication is not a secret) adherence to his particular approach to Yiddishkeit.

    Hamodia is a paper that tries to serve not only the Charedi community but the wider Orthodox community.
    The Satmar Rebbe had no objection, nor did a slew of major -in particular chasidishe- gedolim, for anybody to go out and seek a 'faach' (profession) and in particular to attend Touro.

    In addition, noware in the publication was any particular 'derech' praised! A 'man' was praised for his chesed!

    It is outrageous for anybody to expect a publication such as Hamodia to be forced to accept a particular way as the 'only' legitimate charedi way.

    All the RMK could have done is to instruct his talmidim or followers that according to his view the entire enterprise of Dr. Lander was not kosher and to set aside this supplement as not 'nogeah' to lomdei Torah in Lakewood and sholem al yisroel.

    It is maddening, yes maddening, that at time when each and every week there are 2 yiddish publications coming out every week filled with loshon harah, nivul pe, bizayon talmidei chachomim,machalokes, abject litzanus on Rav Elyashuv Rav Steinman etc. and malshinus on 'am hayoshev be'tziyon, and never one word from RMK.

    But a post mortem praise on a 'man' who is responsible for the parnose of 10s of 1000s of Yidden is so terrible, that it must require a PUBLIC rebuke?

    RMK knows that in Lakewood every week on Shabbos the Satmar shul davens shacharis after zman tefilah, the post zman tefilah is posted on the wall of a shul in HIS town. But he respects that each and every kehilah has their right to their own ways.

    So why can't he recognize that Hamodia's constituency is wider then his own, and that many legit Charedi lechol dovor gedolim, have a different approach to secular education?

    Even by his own standards; is this the only bezoyan ha'torah going on at this moment in our community?

    Could it be that Hamodia -the only paper that employs- at great cost mashgichim to check -word by word- for the slightest loshon horah, for the slightest machalokes or nivul peh, become an easy target when they seem not conform lock and step with a particular Torah view? It sure seems so.

    One more major point, why does/did RMK ignore the fact that 1000s of women who end up supporting their kolle spouses, who sometimes end up as speech therapists in Lakewood institutions, got their education at Touro?

    If secular education is so trief why does the Agudah operate similar programs for men and women? Would he have criticized Hamodia for publishing extensive praise of that Agudah program?

  28. Even if RMK is right that the boys should all sit and learn but what about all the speech therapists , OT'S and PT'S that support their husbands in kollel - doesn't Rabbi Dr. Lander deserve some Hakoras Hatov for that . Why condemn Hamodia for paying tribute to a man who actually helped LAKEWOOD grow and shteig

  29. It's surprising that the Queens Vaad operatives have been fighting back this week on Yudel's blog for being exposed on kashrus considering they have much bigger things to worry about lately.

    The Jewish Board of Advocates for Children is on their case BIG TIME for covering up child abuse.

    The Queens Vaad is mamash shvitzing about the Jewish Week article but just wait until the NY Times finishes investigating them for a major expose.

    The Board is comprised of various rabbonim & askonim who have had enough of Queens Vaad corruption which seems to be in yedden oyfan.

    One of these JBAC rabbonim has been telling people a very interesting story which shows the true colors of the Queens Vaad and makes their behavior on this website all the more transparent.

    Queens Vaad President Yoel Schoenfeld has been emailing JBAC to see if he can figure out their next moves. On each email, he copies a henchman. The henchman started emailing JBAC himself asking obnoxious questions. It was not immediately apparent who the henchman was but when JBAC asked him to identify himself, he refused. It later emerged that the email address belongs to none other that Queens Vaad Executive VP Chaim Schwartz.

  30. Koilelnik
    RE, the Hamodia Masgichim censor, is the words Breast cancer /Ovarian cancer passable by the stringent mashgichim?Or they are they all in the Catskills for July and August. Please notify me since I see that you have some input in the Hamodia, I will try to abstain from buying your paper till the full mashgichim staff returns


    Suspect in public sex complaint urinates on fingerprint machine at Hoboken police station

  32. Yes! I have my inside sources at Hamodia.

    FYI. "Breast cancer" was asked by Hamodia to untold gedolim, the last one being Reb Aron the Satmar Rebbe who told a Hamodia delegation; that his sister died from breast cancer and of course Hamodia should clearly write the word.

    עפר אני תחת רגלי ר' משה זצ"ל

    But I do carry in the BP and Willie eruv. RAK and RMF held that I am a mechalel shabbes. Wow!

    The point is, that Hamodia can do a write up on Reb Chazkel Roth or Reb Fishele (and Hamodia has featured both) even though they are matir the eruv something that so called "Daas Torah" says is chilul shabbes!

    "Daas Torah" is a term that does not appear in the entire Jewish history till the last century. It is a term that the Chasam Sofer, the Magen Avraham or the Baal HaTanya did not use (in the sense that it is being used today) and would not recognize it. I myself never clearly understood what it is and what are the parameters to achieve that elusive quality.

    I know that Rav Shach זצוקלה"ה
    held that the Lev Simcha had no "Daas Torah" because he was a businessman. By that standard, the the author of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rav Shlomo Gansfreid, the Bais Efrayim and Rashi are disqualified too, (they were wine dealers)

    As far as I am concerned Daas Torah is an insider code that only "privileged" people know . I don't!

    I know one thing, if the Skevere Rebbe or Reb Motele Viznitzer let individuals who ask them if it is permitted to take Touro courses,they allow it. It means that a Toreh'dige person can go there and give a Yasher Koach to the person who provided for it!

  33. The Matzav article encapsulates what, for me, has been a major area of discomfort with the so-called "Torah World". Why does RMK have to go out of his way to slam an individual for doing unquestionable acts of chesed just because they are not "his" way? What, pray tell, did Dr. Lander do to cause any harm to RMK or any of his predecessors?

    If RMK doesn't approve of Lander's acts then just don't say anything! And don't tell me that his words were for his talmidim only. This was posted on the web and even pischikers like me are able to read it.

  34. Former Lakewooder2:42 AM, July 07, 2010

    I'm glad some people are starting to expose Lakewood for its strong arm Mafia tactics of control. I must warn you though- these guys play real dirty!! If they view you as a threat to their MONEY or POWER they will go any distance to eliminate you!! They have been doing this for years- they simply silence their oponents and that is the way they have been making all this money for years! They own every person working in the township and they are corrupt as ever!UOJ, HELP US STOP THEM, PLEASE!!!


    As Mercury Rose, So Did Smell of Trash

    Published: July 6, 2010

    Lorna Bumbury, who waited for a bus in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, swiped at the tip of her nose. She was at a loss to explain why the nine empty trash bins she stood next to still emitted a repulsive odor. She figured it had something to do with the mysterious liquid dripping from them.

    “It smells like cat or dog feces mixed with food that been there for weeks or something,” Ms. Bumbury said.

  36. BANGKOK (Reuters) - Award-winning Russian pianist Mikhail Pletnev has been arrested at a Thai beach resort, accused of raping a boy, police said Wednesday.

    Pletnev, 53, an acclaimed pianist and conductor of the Russian National Orchestra, was arrested in Pattaya charged with raping a 14-year-old Thai boy and appearing in compromising photographs with several others.

    "We received a tip-off from a detained Thai man who is involved in a prostitution ring. And we received more information from the child's parents, the child himself and other witnesses," Police Lieutenant-Colonel Omsin Sukkanka said.

    Omsin said Pletnev denied the allegations.

    Pletnev was served with an arrest warrant while having dinner at a restaurant Monday evening. He was released on 300,000 baht (5,965 pound) bail Tuesday but will have to ask for court permission to leave the country.

    He faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison if found guilty.

    Police said Pletnev had a house and several businesses in Pattaya, a popular tourist destination 150 km (90 miles) from Bangkok.

    The resort town has been known for its vibrant nightlife and sex trade since the days of the Vietnam War, partly due to its proximity to an American air force base at the time.

    Pletnev is a member of the Russian president's advisory board on culture and holds the title of "people's artist," the highest state merit conferred on people in the arts.

    He founded the Russian National Orchestra, whose recording of Sergei Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf and Beintus's Wolf Tracks, conducted by Kent Nagano and narrated by Sophia Loren, Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev, received a 2004 Grammy Award.

    In 2005, he won a Grammy Award for his own arrangement of Prokofiev's Cinderella.

  37. Outside Observer9:51 AM, July 07, 2010

    You have to understand Malkiel's illogic.
    The eruv is only a shaila in halacha which is of secondary importance. But the question concerning Touro and Rabbi Lander is a question of
    dai'os and affiliation and association which is of primary importance to Malkiel and his cronies. Eleven Rosh HaYeshivos signed a prohibition against the Board of Rabbis and the Synagaogue Council of America and this prohibition has become the sod hayesodos of Charedi Jewry, whereas halachic questions have taken a secondary role. Malkiel Kotler is a product of his environment - a tinok shenishba - how can one fault him for having a bad sense of priorities. It is a makas hamidina.
    Who are the leaders in the yeshiva world constructing eruvin - those who identify themselves as talmidim and followers of HaGoan Rav Ahron Kotler. Even among Lakewooders, the psak of RAK is brazenly ignored. Chillul Shabos is the price that Lakewooders and their cohorts in the Charedi community pay in order to become popular and spread the glorified philosophy of "daas Toira" among more modern orthodox Jews.

  38. "This was posted on the web and even pischikers like me are able to read it.


    You are NO PISHICKER --that's the mindset that these Daas Tairaniks created for anyone that goes to work to support their family.... And that's the mindset I'm going to break!

  39. I am not surprised, Seth Mandel, you have eaten from American Airlines 955 fronm JFK to EZE food that you choose from AA carts, you didn't get a kosher meal, when I complained to the OU's Chief Operating Officer Rabbi Elefant he said that you dismissed my claim with some lousy excuse, shame on you, remember you were continuing to Uruguay, I was in business class and you were upgraded

  40. The entire BMG is a FOR PROFIT BUSINESS!! Anything they do and say is strictly to make money! Torah is not in the equation- Just because the rebetzin gave out jobs to her son and sons in law when her husband died- does not make them OUR GEDOLIM!

  41. Ephraim Bryks must be a pretty bad guy if his son is ashamed enough to go to court to legally change his last name.

    The father is the kind of lowlife who the Queens Vaad has been protecting for years.

    But the Queens Vaad gig is up. There are people who are now ready to go to the police about everything they know.

    Queens County Civil Court
    Index Number: NC-000383-10/QU
    Case Name: BRYKS, CHAIM MEIR
    Case Type: Name Change
    Classification: Individual Adult
    Filing Date: 04/12/2010



    The Religion Of Holocaust Museums!

  43. An Inside Observer2:10 PM, July 07, 2010

    It says in the gemara that sometimes rabbinic laws are treated more stringently than biblical laws because the words of the sages needs strengthening whereas the words of the torah do not need strengthening. It is obvious that if words of sages need strengthening, it is obvious that the words of the fools and ignoramuses that are recognized as torah leaders today need strengthening. This is the obvious reason for why he people in lakewood are more concerned with their own agenda than with G-d's agenda. They feel that their words need more strengthening than the words of the Torah. Simple logic and an absurd conclusion is the foundation of the daas torah movement today.

  44. The present Kotlers have de facto destroyed the lives of thousands of innocent Jews --- 3 - 4 generations of misery --- including thousands of kids and adults that went Off The Derech!

    For what?

    For their own corrupt malchus!

  45. I can't chime in to much on the Lakewood chicanery since I am a nogeah bidover.I am a Lubavitcher and Lubavitch has not exactly had a "love affair", to put it mildly, with Lakewood.
    My older sister has a number of grandchildren whose main goal and purpose in life is to gain entry into Lakewood and remain there ad meah viesrim.Some are already doing so.
    What perplexes me is what is this aura of elitism and privilege associated with Lakewood and where does it come from?
    Is the oilem truly goilem regarding Lakewood? How can they (Lakewood) get away with all their under handedness without the hamoin am catching on?

  46. Every imbecile was scrambling to give money to Bernie Madoff!

    This Ponzi Scam will also collapse - while thousands of Jews will once again realize they've been had!


    Ploni said...
    I have been following the fascinating commentary here for some time now and it's getting difficult for me to hold back a real juicy story. Back in the winter, Shonfeld from Queens Vaad was picked apart for a letter he wrote attacking bloggers who he called shluchim of Satan.
    With the kvureh scandal, there was another crook in on it with Queens Vaad and Jacobbson, Rabbi Sidney Applebaum who was with the Flatbush Vaad until he escaped to Israel when the police were closing in on him.
    When Moish Handler was investigating the story he went to Applebaum's house to speak to him along with a Chasidisha rov. Applebaum was polite and invited them inside. What happened next is truly eyepopping, more than any OU scam. Applebaum had a huge portrait of Lucifer the Devil in bright red, the way he is pictured by the goyim. Under the portrait were black candles burning like Devil worshippers use to do Black Magic. This would be kishuf which is mechayev meesah.
    Needless to say, the visitors were extremely creeped out.
    You can verify this story with Handler who is the cousin of Mechel Handler, the head of Flatbush Hatzolah.

  48. Kind of interesting to me, a product of the "real world" prior to finding out about the real world (that of Hashem) the comments about why Lakewood is so magical (my words). Why do people clamor to get into and stay put at Yale, Harvard, Stamford? Because of their aura and prestige. Lakewood (BMG) has been for a long time a factory churning out the stamped bochur who goes on to be the stamped yungerman. Boys run there because the pickings are better with the name Lakewood attached to the where did you learn question. As opposed to Sh'or Yoshuv, where the learning is as good, but the flocks don't fall over themselves to get in. Religion is a personal matter and the perception of d'veikus is also a personal perception. For those that would knock Touro they obviously don't feel the need to make a parnassah. Touro was established because Dr. Lander, OBM, obviously took to heart the six days you shall work. Dr. Lander, OBM, didn't wreck a boy who wanted to go to Lakewood after earning a degree at Touro. He may have harbored reservations, to himself, about the boy's sanity - but he would never derail such a plan. Pandering to starving yungeleit by ripping the very foundation of Hashem's blueprint so that these yungeleit feel good about being led and hungry is just pandering. The present Lakewood is Fakewood - this proves it again.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. They are forced to "grow" Lakewood, like every smooth Ponzi operator they know they must constantly increase their "investor/donor" pool to exist.

    So while they are hitting on their new client base for money, paying the old "investors" with their new suckers' hard-earned money, the new guys have a 2 year wait until they can get their "returns"...and eventually it must burst!

    Therefore college is such a threat to these scam artists -- their pool of suckers become educated instead of defrauded!

  51. ....And BTW - Who do you think wrote the song on "Toras Hashem Temima?"



    In today's comments to this post, the Queens Vaad is trying to do a smear job on Asher Lipner and JBAC. They have come out swinging and call them and UOJ a bunch of "reshoyim" and start getting evangelical like woe to those who associate with them. They call UOJ, Lipner and others a bunch of zavim, metzoraim and mithalters. This is after they were calling their kashrus critics all kinds of names like dog and chazir for the past 6 months.

    They blame UOJ for being the cause of kids who go off the derech. This is rich considering that the Queens Vaad is exposed day in day out for kashrus scandals which the seforim say is a major cause of kids going off the derech.

    It all started when Asher Lipner wrote to the Jewish Week about Bryks. Within a week, the Queens Vaad was forced to get rid of him because of the bad PR. Queens Vaad President Yoel Schonfeld is pishing in his pants and constantly emailing Lipner to figure out his next move. Someone else was emailing Lipner and bugging him with stupidities. He refused to identify himself but it was later learned that the email address is that of Queens Vaad Exec VP Chaim Schwartz.

    All of their dumb talking points that they emailed Lipner are included in the smear job that they have and are still not finished posting on Yudelstake.

  53. I think you are all going a little overboard on Lakewood.

    Kollel should be for the best & brightest which all pi rov is who is getting into Lakewood.

    What percentage exactly stays there for a yovel that you are all getting worked up? Maybe things have changed but when my oylam was in yeshiva 15-20 years ago, most guys left for work after a little while. And BMG was just starting then to grant undergrad degrees that you could take (gasp) to a secular university. The only opposition to this was a loser who himself had a job in the office instead of learning in kollel but considered himself the big nosei degel of Rav Aharon Kotler ztl.

    Is there some corruption with the money? I won't argue on that. But it's not like there are hordes of yungerleit being chained to their shtenders for life.

  54. But it's not like there are hordes of yungerleit being chained to their shtenders for life.


    No skills, No self-confidence, no education, no money --- where are these guys going?

    Of course they're stuck -- add on the social derision factor -- candidates for the nut house!

  55. Questions for the Queens Vaad10:34 PM, July 07, 2010

    1. Which of the gedolei haposkim told Yoel Schonfeld he is mechuyev to put up signs in Queens Vaad shuls to warn about Bryks and why is Schonfeld ignoring him?

    2. Why is it too much of a concidence that all of the dumb talking points emailed by Schonfeld & Schwartz to JBAC are included in the hatchet job they are trying to do on Rabbi Dr. Asher Lipner?

    3. Why is the Queens Vaad trying to belittle everyone as nobodies and manhig Beyisrael wannabes when someone high up in the Queens Vaad took over a shul thanks to patronage, in a move that caused a huge uproar and a large chunk of the members to leave in disgust?

  56. Lakewood yungerleit can easily take the undergrad degree to a Jesuit or Ivy league law school which are the 2 school types most amenable to Talmudic degrees.

    Agreed, there are plenty of loafers in Lakewood who will never do that because they are reading newspapers in the dorm while living off the shver's check. But you can't blame the yeshiva for that.

    Law is not the only option available to the non-lazy types either.

  57. ... because they are reading newspapers in the dorm while living off the shver's check. But you can't blame the yeshiva for that.


    Who should I blame, the Agudah?

    When was the last time these jokers took attendance at davening or at seder? Hashem yirachem that everybody in the yeshiva shows up for seder at the same time!

  58. Who stands to gain most by kool aide drinking followers of the Lakewood Yeshiva cult choosing to stop "bringing Hamodia into their house" and having to look elsewhere for their charedi newpaper?

    ummmmm...could it be Yated Ne'eman?

    So why does Reb Malkiel owe Pinny Lipshutz anything for? After all, Pinny's unlce Reb Elya was the one who took away Reb Malkiel's opportunity for real malchus by splitting the yeshiva four ways?

    Ok, listen.

    Aron Kotler was worried that Hershel Herhskowitz was going to win the frum vote (which he did) and get elected to the city council (which he didn't). He ran on a platform to clean up corruption and help the little guy in Lakewood as opposed to the old boys club called the Vaad that is just the Yeshiva's frontmen for their own personal interests.

    Ok, still holding kup? Aron decides to threaten the Lakewood Scoop if they publish anything positive about Hershel, and it caves immediately.

    But Matzav. com had a beutiful article on it called "Why I'm voting for Hershel". And who really runs Matzav? Pinny F***ing Lipshutz!

    Right after Aron "goes to the mats" with the scoop, he calls Pinny and complains. Puts pressure and all of a sudden the pro-Herhsel post disappears faster than a big serving of cholent on Lipa Margolis's plate (paid for by money stolen from Torah V'daas, but that's for another time).

    Then the next day Yated Ne'eman runs an editorial attacking "individuals who go against Daas Torah, even if they claim they have agendas that will help people" comparing them to the Meraglim. its payback time. Pinny was a good boy and did what Don Aron told him (he made him an offer he couldn't refuse) so now the Don showed his appreciation by getting his brother Fredo (I mean Malkiel) to attack his competition Hamodiah so that Yated will now be seen as the only "Daas Torah-true newspaper."

    UOJ, does it make sense, or does it make sense???


    Is UOJ going to blame me in the Young Israel of Beverly Hills machlokes?


    Howard Stern dined (twice) at Nick & Toni's in the last week ... On Thursday, the glitzy eatery also provided kosher hors d'oeuvres for Ivanka Trump Kushner's private jewelry launch at London Jewelers in East Hampton.

    That's very kosher with chazir on the menu.


    I wonder if Sruly Singer's name is going to pop up in the FBI investigation.

  62. UOJ, does it make sense, or does it make sense???


    Dollars and Cents - Where's Luca Braza when you need him?

  63. In The Godfather, Luca Brasi is one of Don Vito Corleone's personal enforcers. Brasi is portrayed as slow-witted and brutish, but his ruthlessness and his unwavering loyalty to Don Corleone means he is both feared and respected. Fluent in Italian and able to handle himself in any fight, he has a dark reputation among the underworld as a savage killer.

  64. ...And R' Luca Brasi (Luzer Berish Fleishman)...was a talmid of Lakewood with no skills...but needed to feed his mishpocho.

    And Don Corleone needed a Jew on his team so Abe Foxman wouldn't go nuts!

  65. S.O.S. from Queens10:59 AM, July 08, 2010

    We need help to neutralize the Queens Vaad gangsters. There are a lot of them but the two most out of control right now are Yoel Schonfeld and his personal enforcer Chaim Schwartz.

    Schwartz who used to work for the Agudah is spending his whole day writing attacks on the internet and email to defend molesters and cover up for non-kosher food and grave robbing. They pay this putz 6 figures to do this when he is supposed to be overseeing kashrus. He even sent an email to taunt a victim of Eisemann in Baltimore. When he's not on the computer or Blackberry he is making phone calls to have people threatened.

    Schwartz is like Bungalow Putz Neuhoff, Avi Shafran and a shlemazal version of Margulies-Belsky all rolled into one.

    Schonfeld is a YU and yeshivat hesder guy who decided to improve his resume by capping off in Lakewood for a short time. He makes sure that the food in town never reaches an acceptable kosher standard and has Schwartz run around with his big payos and yeshivishe shprach to lie to everyone that it is lemehadrin.

    These unterveltniks are also working together with Peretz Steinberg & Elchonon Zohn to cover up the millions they make from grave robbing.

    Besides help from UOJ, any information about these creeps from the public is appreciated.

  66. "no skills...but needed to feed his mishpocho"

    Azoy hob ich gehert fun der tatte

    Here's how the tatte explained why he had to chop off the fingers of Mr. Satriale:

    I know you like Mr. Satriale.

    We all do. He's a lovely man.

    The man is a gambler.

    He got over his head in debt.

    He owed me money and refused to pay.

    He avoided me.

    That's why you should never gamble,


    What was I supposed to do?

    That's my livelihood.

    It's how I put food on the table.
