Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Disposable Jew by Michael Lesher Esq.


...“When you’re abused as a child,” says one of my clients, “and you grow up to be an adult, and you know the man who violated you was never punished, the violation never leaves you. You’re never whole. People,” he adds, meaning his coreligionists, “have got to understand that.” Or, as another victim put it: “Every day that the perpetrator is living openly, knowing that nothing is being done to him, that no one cares, is another day of being victimized all over again.”

My connection to these people is inseparable from the theme of continuing victimization. The man my clients accuse of abusing them – a Hasidic psychologist/school administrator named Avrohom Mondrowitz, who won the trust of the Brooklyn Orthodox community with the title “rabbi” – has remained unpunished for over twenty-five years. Though authorities believe Mondrowitz sodomized or otherwise abused hundreds of Orthodox Jewish children in the early 1980s, not one of their families reported him to police.

After the parents of a few non-Jewish children (who were also allegedly abused by Mondrowitz) did press first-degree sodomy and child abuse charges against him, Mondrowitz fled the country in December 1984 and reappeared in Jerusalem, where he lived undisturbed for the next twenty-three years. Technically he was a wanted fugitive – but at the urging of the Orthodox Jewish community in both countries, legal authorities were content to leave Mondrowitz a free man until steadily mounting public pressure resulted in his arrest in November 2007.

In fact, if rabbinic leaders had had their way, he would never have been arrested. “It was a long time ago,” was how one prominent rabbi responded, as recently as the summer of 2006, to my suggestion that Mondrowitz should face prosecution. “What for?”...


  1. Just imagine the pain of those abused by Elior Chen as they see the letter of recommendation written by the 'Gedoilim' about their abuser. Sickening.

  2. i heard an unconfirmed rumor that kranzer who is accused of molesting his own kids is hanging out in bnei brak by ponovitch yeshiva.

  3. Berlusconi and Tropper try to twist and turn their way out of the ugly web they spun for themselves4:11 AM, March 03, 2011

    The Telegraph:

    "Police did not believe Silvio Berlusconi's 'Mubarak granddaughter claims'

    Italian [Israeli] police [bloggers] did not believe Silvio Berlusconi [Leib Tropper] when he told them that a teenage belly [hora] dancer in their custody was "the granddaughter [rebbisheainikal] of Hosni Mubarak [Shabtai Rzvi]", according to evidence gathered by investigators [bloggers].

    By Nick Squires in Rome 1:08PM GMT 02 Mar 2011

    But the officers [bloggers] claim they were were compelled to release the 17-year-old [whatever] anyway because of the intense pressure they came under from the prime minister [rosh yeshiva].

    The teenager [convertee], Karima El Mahroug [Shannon Orand], also known by her stage name of Ruby the Heart Stealer [Shannon the Dallas Hottie], was arrested in Milan [Monsey] on May 27 last year after being accused of stealing 3,000 euros from a female [mikvalady] friend.

    She was questioned for a few hours but then released without charge around midnight allegedly after a flurry of phone calls from the prime minister [rosh yeshiva], in which he told them that she was the granddaughter of Egypt's [Ghetto's] president [navisheker], who was toppled from power [oisyechi] last month.

    But police [bloggers] knew by 7pm that evening that far from being a relative of a head of state [brainwashed sect], Miss Mahroug [Miss Orand] was in fact a 17-year-old Moroccan [Texan] who had run away from home and worked as a [hora] dancer in [tikunchatzos] nightclubs.

    They ran checks on a police [blogger] database which showed that she had left a sheltered [baisyaakov] community in Sicily [Springvalley].

    Ermes Cafaro [Emes Uojblogger], the first officer [blogowner] to interview the teenager, told investigators [blogosphere] that when he asked her to identify herself, "she replied she was Karima El Mahroug [Shannon Orand], born in Morocco [Derheim] on 1 November 1992, and a belly [hora] dancer at various Milan [Monsey] clubs [yeshivas]."

    The officer's [blogger's] testimony, obtained by the Italian [Israeli] press [blogs] on Wednesday, casts further doubt on Mr Berlusconi's [Mr Tropper's] claim that he intervened to have Miss El Mahroug [Miss Orand] freed in order to avoid an embarrassing diplomatic incident with the Egyptian [Ghetto's] government.

    The officer [blogger] also claimed Miss El Mahroug [Miss Orand] told him that Mr Berlusconi [Mr Tropper] had "made approaches of an intimate nature [yikes, what else did you expect?]" towards her when they first met at his mansion [yeshivahorizons] outside Milan [Monsey] and that he subsequently gave her 15,000 euros in cash in an envelope [kvitel].

    She denies that she had sexual relations with the prime minister [rosh yeshiva] [Clinton parsed it well: I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky].

    Mr Berlusconi, 74, [Mr Tropper, 60+] is due to stand trial [dintoira] on April 6 accused of abuse of office [groiseshtella], by applying pressure on the police [blogs], and of paying for sex with an under age prostitute [wannabe convertee]. He denies both allegations. [because he is in denial.]"

  4. Berlusconi and Tropper suffer from incurable sex addiction4:32 AM, March 03, 2011

    The Telegraph:

    "Berlusconi's ‘sex orgy' flats found, say prosecutors

    Italian [Israeli] prosecutors [blogowners] have uncovered a series of properties in Milan [Monsey] that were used to accommodate a stable of young women that were paid to perform striptease for Silvio Berlusconi [Leib Tropper], the Italian [Israeli] Prime Minister [Rosh Yeshiva] investigators [bloggers] have revealed.

    By Nick Squires, Rome 5:20PM GMT 16 Jan 2011

    The claims, contained in 300 pages of legal [baisdin] documents [shtaros], provide details for the first time of the so-called "bunga-bunga" parties that a teenage [whatever] Moroccan [Texan] [tikunchatzos] nightclub [hora] dancer said she witnessed last year at the prime minister's [rosh yeshiva's] mansion [yeshiva] at Arcore [HardcoreXXX], outside Milan [Monsey].

    Prosecutors [blogowners] are investigating [blogging] whether Mr Berlusconi [Mr Tropper] paid for sex with the then 17-year-old [whatever] girl [pupka], Karima El Mahroug [Shannon Orand], who gave herself the stage name of Ruby Rubacuori [Roit ViEisav], or Ruby the Heart Stealer [Shannon the Dallas Hottie]. Paying for sex with a woman [or man] under the age of 18 [whatever] is a crime [it is?] in Italy [Israel] and Mr Berlusconi [mr Tropper] faces a prison sentence of up to three years if the allegations are proved [no one doubts them]. Prosecutors [Blogowners] want to interview him this week and insist that he face trial [dintoira] immediately.

    The 74-year-old [60-something-year-dirtyoldman] prime minister [rosh yeshiva] allegedly kept up to 14 women in [dormitory] apartments in Milano II [Monsey II], a housing estate he built on the outskirts of Milan [Monsey] in the 1970s. Police [Blogs] allegedly found sex toys, gifts of expensive jewellery and envelopes [kvitlach] stuffed with 20,000 euros (£16,800) in cash in the flats [dorms]. Mr Berlusconi [Mr Tropper], who defeated a parliamentary [aguda] no confidence vote last month [Schechter-Wachtfogel-Green saved his neck], said at the weekend that the investigation [blogging] was a politically-motivated attempt to destroy him by Left-wing [Modern-orthodox] prosecutors [blogowners, who are guilty of loshan hora].

    He said: "We face the umpteenth attempt to throw mud on my person [and you deserve every bit of it] and my institutional [agudist] position, in the illusory attempt to eliminate me from the political [rabbinical] scene. But this time they have exceeded all limits. [while you have continued to womanize like a sex addict]"

  5. Its no joke Saudis and Haredis would pay top dollar to shut down the hated Internet if they could5:08 AM, March 03, 2011

    TG Daily:

    "No, the Saudi king is not buying Facebook

    Posted on Feb 28th 2011 by Emma Woollacott

    Dozens of middle eastern newspapers and blogs have fallen for a spoof [note: many a truth is spoken in jest] article suggesting that King Abdullah [Aron Schechter] of Saudi Arabia [Haredi Stan] is planning to buy Facebook [with zillions from Abe Fruchthandler's merciless real estate deals and mercenary sky high rentals, culminating attacks on the Internet that were launched by the Michael Hersh case].

    Dawn Wires reported that, upset at the way Facebook has been used to fuel popular revolt, King Abdullah [Aron Schechter] was offering $150 billion [kleingelt it's not even ten times chai] to buy up the company - and close it down [the ultimate totalitarian and haredi dream]. The deal was being handled by Goldman Sachs [naturally, they are the world's leading enriched techsavvy mastersoftheuniverse ganovim], it said.

    'Sources' told Dawn Wires [Alos Hashachar] that the decision was made after [yiddisher boy] Mark Zuckerberg [not related to Karl Marx but creating as much revolution] reneged on a promise to ban [taliban and ban of vin etc] revolt-related pages on the site.

    "Had he seen the movie [chasvesholom] Social Network [Shidduch Scene], he would have been better advised than to trust Zuckerberg [Yiddisherkop]," the article's author wrote.

    The beautifully-executed spoof [it's actually more scary than funny] ended up with the following statement: "Sunday [Purim] Humor article at [] are meant to humor our readers [frighten the hell out of our oilem goilem]. They may or may not be the truth. [as if it ever mattered.]"

    But it seems not everybody bothered to read that far. [many did and are still taking it seriously because the Saudis and Haredis have money to burn and lots of time on their hands to shut down blogs and sites they hate.]

    Many commenters on the article took it literally [and why not, after the ban on VIN and the attack on Harry Maryles, with Hersh suing bloggers and much more anti-Internet war rumblings]: "Even if they close Facebook, we will continue to revolt, no matter what. Enough is enough," said one [if they shut down the Internet, they shut down the 21st century and the information age].

    "Our country [agudaconvention] has been sold out Enough, Their shouldn't be a price on Everything..Consider the Implications..The control of Our freedoms Will be Limited. If this Happens!!!!" says another.

    Others argue about the merits of Zuckerberg [Yiddisherkop] taking the money, then starting a Facebook clone [it's already there, it's called a microblog, and it's name is Twitter].

    Rather more worryingly, though, several mainstream newspapers and online titles picked up the story and ran with it as fact [because they know this is a real threat, China spends billions to censor the Internet]. Indeed, the Tehran [Terrorist] Times, Ahlul Bayt News Agency [Alle Zenen Dort Meshuga] and some others reprinted the article almost word for word.

    Rather pleasingly, though, they didn't even credit Dawn Wires [why should they, they say infidels must die, stupid] as their source - leaving them with even more egg [chara] on their [ugly] faces."

  6. China and Satmar cannot stop or control the Internet PC World 16:01 AM, March 03, 2011

    Part One:

    PC World:

    "Online Calls for Protests Put China on the Defensive

    By Michael Kan, IDG News Mar 3, 2011

    Recent online calls for mass protests have sent the Chinese [Satmar] government [rebbes] on the defensive, and while experts say the online activity probably won't lead to outright revolution [nebech], it could force China's [Satmar's] leadership [rebbes] to be more responsive to social problems [plenty of those] ailing the country [chasidim].

    Starting last month, an anonymous activist group began calling on the Chinese [Satmar] people to stage a "Jasmine ["Internet"] Revolution", a reference to the anti-government [anti-novisheker] protests that have erupted in the Middle East [Frum World].

    China [Satmar] had already blocked the site [naturally] from which the calls to protest came. But the government [rebbes] has taken the extra step of preventing any mention of related terms. Searches for the word "Jasmine" ["Kokushcake] have been blocked on microblog services, while users of social networking sites have been barred from posting any information related to the protest calls.

    The Chinese [Satmar] government [rebbes] remains averse to protests or movements of any kind that might threaten the leadership [rebbes]. The Falun Gong [Chabad Lubavitch] spiritual movement, for example, was banned in China [Satmar] when it grew too big, and the government [rebbes] has maintained a watch on Tiananmen Square [Marcy Avenue] in Beijing [Williamsburg] ever since the protests there in 1989, when the Chinese [Satmar] government [rebbes] called in the military [behaimas] to squash a student-led [open-minded] democracy [modernorthodox] movement.

    China's [Satmar's] attempts to prevent unrest also extend to the mass communication abilities of the Internet, with any talk of government [rebbes] overthrow [halevai] online immediately silenced. Chinese [Satmar] authorities [rebbes] even shut down the Internet in the western region of Xinjiang [Division Avenue] when ethnic [belzer] rioting erupted there in 2009.

    Although the recent protest calls have yet to spark demonstrations in China [Satmar], the online activity has been powerful enough to force the Chinese [Satmar] government [rebbes] to take action, said David Bandurski [Shmarya Rosenberg], a researcher [blogowner] at the University of Hong Kong's China Media Project [Failed Messiahs of Chabad and Satmar and all Chasidim]. "It's clearly shown the capacity of the Internet," Bandurski [Rosenberg] said. "It has the capacity to really pressure the leadership."

    Since the protest calls were made, China [Satmar] has deployed large police [behaima] forces across cities in China [Satmar], harassed foreign journalists [shaigetz, shaigetz] and arrested human rights [colored shirts] activists.

    The moves show that the Chinese [Satmar] government [rebbes] is clearly "cautious" about the Internet, Bandurski [Rosenberg] said.

    The activists originally posted their protest calls on the Chinese [Hungarian] political blog [just say no to] After it went offline, they set up a blog at [just like UOJ etc] where they wrote: "We learned that Chinese [Satmar] government [rebbes] employs hundreds of thousands of people [trolls and dimwits doing di rebbes megen blogen] to make overflow attacks on Boxun, VOA, Twitter and other websites, in order to block information about this movement."

    Bandurski [Rosenberg] described the government's [rebbe's] actions as "a kind of full-on assault," adding that: "The Chinese [Satmar] leadership [rebbes] is responding to this in a kind of draconian [rishusdikke] way with very clever [chasidisha chaps] systems of technical controls to stop the threat of people gathering."

  7. China and Satmar cannot stop or control the Internet PC world 26:04 AM, March 03, 2011

    Part Two:

    PC World:

    "Online Calls for Protests Put China on the Defensive

    The activists behind the protest calls are urging the Chinese [Satmar] people to bring forth democracy in the country and have called for new rallies this Sunday, March 6.

    Activists contacted for this story declined to answer questions. "At this point, none of us can reveal the personal identities nor the locations or number of people working on this," one of the organizers said.

    The recent online protest calls, however, are not as serious as previous attempts at reform, said Nicholas Bequelin [Marvin Sheker], a senior researcher at New York-based Human Rights Watch [Do Nothing Watchers]. The online activity "seems to me to have been an opportunistic move by people mostly based outside of China [Satmar]," he said. [ever the apologist.]

    "What makes the Chinese [Satmar] authorities [rebbes] nervous is not the call itself, but the realization with the Middle East [Frum World] revolts that the Internet can actually play a major role in triggering protests," he said. [duh!]

    China [Satmar] has the world's largest Internet population with 457 million Internet users [Chasidim exaggerate because it good for the gesheften]. The country is notorious for taking down or blocking politically sensitive content on the web. U.S. sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are all inaccessible, although users can pay for online services that allow them to get past Chinese [Satmar] Internet censors [dayonim].

    The Chinese [Satmar] government [rebbes] also exercises strict control over news. In the case of the anti-government [anti-gedolim] protests in Egypt [Ghetto], it restricted information related to the event, with coverage limited to photos and short articles.

    While the Chinese [Satmar] government [rebbes] does not tolerate open calls for revolution [only fundraising for the heimisher oilem is approved], "Chinese cyberspace [huh? no one owns cyberspace, it's like saying they own the air] is full of views critical of officials [rebbishekinder] and government [rebbes] policies [takanos]," said Wenran Jiang [Yosef Blau], a professor at the [Yeshiva] University of Alberta [and Albert]. "The government [rebbes], while controlling the Internet [and everything else], also gets feedback from the masses and responds to those complaints in order to defuse crises. [wishful thinking that totalitarians can change.]"

  8. China and Satmar cannot stop or control the Internet PC world 36:05 AM, March 03, 2011

    Part Three:

    PC World:

    "Online Calls for Protests Put China on the Defensive

    This happened on Sunday when China's [Satmar's] Premier [Rebbes] Wen Jiabao [Aroni Zali] answered questions from Internet users during a two-hour webcast. Wen [Aroni] said that the government [rebbes] would tackle the challenges of inflation [givewelfare], rising housing prices [sectioneight] and corruption [shochadthewaytogo].

    Wen [Aroni] has spoken in similar webcasts before. But the timing of the appearance suggests that the government [rebbes] wanted to address the current tensions, experts said. [no expertise needed at this point, it's pretty obvious.]

    "These are as close as you get to town hall [tishen] meetings in the U.S. [heim]," said Jiang [Blau]. "In that sense, the growth of the Internet in China [Satmar] is a positive story, and it has played a role in putting the government [rebbes] on alert and forced it to be more responsive [how so? wishful thinking that dictators can change]."

    The recent protest calls for a Jasmine [Internet] revolution, however, just add to the mounting pressures facing the Chinese [Satmar] government [rebbes], experts say.

    "I would not be surprised that those calls and similar Internet-based messages could lead to tangible policy changes [more wishful thinking that totalitarians can change], even meaningful reforms in China [Satmar]," said Fei-Ling Wang [Avi weiss], a professor [rab] at the Georgia Institute of Technology [Riverdale Rabba Institute thinking veibish].

    But some are questioning how long China [Satmar] can maintain strict control over the Internet without allowing for free speech not much longer the dam is about to burst big time]. Last month, U.S. Secretary of State [Znus] Hillary [vast right wing conspiracy to blame China] Clinton said China [Satmar] and other countries [rebbistivas] with prevalent Internet censorship would face long-term costs like social unrest [and for that she gets to be in the US government?]. Mention of the speech was immediately blocked on microblogs searches in China [Satmar] [because chasidim do not listen to kol isha so what was she thinking?].

    China [Satmar] is making a "gamble" [nope, it's a deliberate controlling dictatorship] by believing it can continue with its Internet censorship policies, said Phelim Kine [Groiser Ibberchuchem], an Asia [Sephardi] researcher also with Human Rights Watch [whose human rights do they watch?].

    "So far it's working for the Chinese [Satmar] government [rebbes]," he said [he must be a paid stooge of the dictators]. "It's a cat-and-mouse [chad-and-gadya] game of people trying to push the envelope through the Internet and into the public sphere. [but the oilem will not be a goilem forever as that old saying goes, you can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but not all the people all of the time. Who said that? Was it not another guy who set gazillions of slaves free and turned the world upside down without an Internet, so now it's gonna be even more than that. It has to.]"

  9. Tropper cites Moshe Rabbeinu as justification for for taking millions with NO explanation or accounting to those who gave him millions6:38 AM, March 03, 2011

    In the latest hypocritical post by ex-rabbi Leib Tropper on his nutty "כבוד התורה " blog (so far no heterim mentioned who allows him to blog and attack others) Tropper goes on to cite a medrash that some wrongfully questioned Moshe's wealth and motives, thereby implying that it's wrong to do so altogether especially as it applies to ex-rabbi Tropper himself.

    Consider this selection and have in mind what Tropper did in the last decade or more since he teamed up with the billionaire Tom Kaplan-Guma Aguiar family, and what does it say in light of Tropper's own greed of having received and pocketed literally tens of millions of dollars from the very naive billionaires Tom Kaplan and Guma Aguiar who were taken for the ride of their lives by tricky-tropper and the millions more greedy-tropper quickly and efficiently pocketed and looted like a mobster running from the feds from the bank accounts of his former Yedei Eisav "yeshiva" as he was being booted out by the consensus of the Monsey rabbonim:

    "March 2, 2011 Parasht Pikudei (sic) (when will this guy learn to type, why does he mangle the word parshat into "Parasht"? Tropper being Tropper on his own or with a Terrible Typist)...The midrash teaches us that some light headed individuals were saying that Moshe became rich off the contributions of the Jewish nation for the Mishkan (i.e. he pocketed goods for himself). Therefore, Moshe devoted time to count exactly what came in and gave an exact count as to where all the goods went...when it comes to holiness people always find reason to dispute, however when there's no substance, anything mention as to what was done with the gold. Why didn't he announce what was done with all the gold ?...Who are always the people at every tzedokoh appeal shedding reasons not to give ? The people who lack an understanding and a desire to contribute with their whole heart..."

    Crooked money, crooked money, crooked money on the mind. Tropper even had a little post before that about someone who took tzedaka money in Monsey and got caught (obviously not trained by treif-tropper), see: "Friday, February 25, 2011 Missing Money
    Money raised towards the campaign to free the long time prisoner, Gad Shalit, lay' missing.

    The thief who was caught and identified has a history of raising Money for causes and then skimming much of the money for himself.

    He was imprisoned previously for 4 years."

    Tropper is having a good laugh to himself because so far he has escaped going to jail for any of his many immoral crimes (such as for cross state solicitation of prostitution) and frauds, so no wonder he mocks and "warns" about the nebech who was caught.

    How hypocritical and self-righteous can this guy be? Obviously he feels he can shoot his mouth off and say all this garbage and he imagines nobody notices. When will this guy finally learn to shut up?! Not soon enough it seems.

  10. Are you sure about Kranczer hanging around Ponivizh? I haven't gotten any faxes from Bnei Brak about that yet. Let me know so that I have something to tummel about at Lakewood Minyan in Boro Park.

  11. Awesome article worth the entire read. Thank you, Michael Lesher.

  12. There is a felon living in the Shomron who is wanted by the US federal authorities, who whilst living overseas many years ago, molested a young girl/student when she was 13, 14 and 15 years old.

    There is a possibilty that this individual, whose initials are ME, has molested others. Please be warned.

  13. Getzel, you haven't graduated to email yet? You must be the last guy in NY still using thermal paper like you were 20 years ago.

  14. What's annoying you so much Dovy just skip em if you dont like em2:10 AM, March 04, 2011

    Dovy said...Who's the idiot who keeps posting these long articles with names swapped in and out? It's annoying as hell!

    Hey Dovy dovey, this blog is being run by UOJ who is the blogowner, if UOJ wouldn't like em they wouldn't get posted, it's as simple as that. The minute UOJ get's fed up with the very funny posts and stops posting them, that's when they'll stop. Obviously.

  15. How fitting and no wonder Tropper has krumme gelt, krumme gelt, krumme gelt on his mind (what else besides znus, znus, znus), as now reported by the FM blog (also hated by Tropper, no wonder, just imagine what Tropper would get away with if blogs never reported about him, because he has the Aguda in his pocket):

    "Tropper Confidant And His Mother Arrested In $10 Million Dollar Ponzi Scheme

    An 80 year old Monsey mother and her son have been charged with stealing $10 million from at least 75 people through a Ponzi scheme. They are both closely linked to Rabbi Leib Tropper, who was caught pressuring a potential convert to sex with Tropper's friends. [See original legal letter linking thim to Kol Yaakov yeshiva]

    ( Monsey mother, 80, and son accused in $10M Ponzi scheme

    Mar 2, 2011

    A 80-year-old Monsey mother and her son have been charged with stealing $10 million from at least 75 people through a Ponzi scheme, Rockland District Attorney Thomas Zugibe said today.

    Jeanette Berney, 80 and of 25 Highview Road, and Elliot Berney, 52 and of 12 Langeries Drive in Monsey, were each charged with second-degree grand larceny.

    Zugibe said the Ponzi scheme crafted by the Berneys involved convincing customers — including mostly neighbors and family — that their firm "NHI Metals" was investing in "bank notes" or "metal securities" in Europe.

    The investigation found the investment company didn't exist and no investments of customers' money was made, Zugibe said.

    Many of the swindled customers invested large sums of money and lost their life savings, Zugibe said.

    Anyone who may have done with the Berneys is asked to call the District Attorney's Office 845-638-5013.

    Read more about this story tomorrow in The Journal News.

    ...Motion against the Berneys over Kol Yaakov yeshiva as a PDF:

    Download Motion In Answer to Berney - Kol Yaakov (PDF 7 pages)

    Photo: Above right, Rabbi Leib Tropper; above center, front page of motion in suit over Kol Yaakov's assets that shows the Berneys are linked to Tropper..."

  16. Part One:

    (Significant post from the Hirshel Tzig Anti-Tzemach blog):

    "Sunday, February 27, 2011
    The "kanoyim" have won. Vos Iz Neias is done for. You saw it here first.

    [Text of the recent "kol koreh" against VIN]

    If you're a frequent reader of VIN you'll notice that there's something missing there recently. News. I mean news from our very own Heimishe community. They have plenty of news that most Heimishes don't care about, like what some fashion designer said, or whether or not Newt is gonna run for POTUS, but not the news that many relied on VIN to bring. Why last week alone there were two stories in 2 days that a while ago would've made it onto the website and would've garnered 100s of comments, and nary a word on Vos Iz Neias about it! Not even with initials, and not even without the names. Nothing. It never happened. That's just one example. There are lots more. You'll also notice that the ads may not speak to you or advertise products or services that you require. No more Artscroll and Chinese Auction banners from frum organizations flashing away. All you see now is Zev Brenner, Dov Hikind and ads by non-"BP/Williamsburg/Lakewood groups." See for yourself, don't take my word for it. Lots of Israeli ads from the Dati Leumi sector, Lubavitch and affiliates like Kol Menachem, and small time businesses selling their services. Lubavitch is a bit behind the times here - they'll figure it out soon. But gone are the big ones. And it's not by accident, my friends. Oh, and Rabbi Dr. Twerski too. But that's it.

    We all laughed when they banned it a few months ago, saying that it'll never work, that the cat's outta the bag, the horse has left the barn, the ketchup's outta the bottle. We thought that the Lipa concert ban back in '08 was the proof that bans never work. All the pundits told us so, and they thought that this was the last cry of the zealot."

  17. Part Two:

    "Sunday, February 27, 2011
    The "kanoyim" have won. Vos Iz Neias is done for. You saw it here first.

    But we underestimated the fact that there are lots of people with time on their hands that have no problem harassing advertisers, telling that the Rabbonim will come out against them for advertising with VIN. I speak from experience with at least organization that was harassed and maybe even threatened that if they do not take down their ad from that site that the Rabbonim will be informed, and that the Mossad will lose its Rabbinic protection - which it very much needs, due to the nature of the activities that it engages in. Sure enough the ad was down soon after that phone call. They too were not aware of the fact that K"K was a serious one, and that the site was being watched by "Askoonim." It was that incident that made me pay attention more to the news and advertising content of VIN, and I soon saw what any of you can see, if only you pay attention closely.

    So the fact that they ignored two "juicy" scandals - and I won't tell you what they were - tells me that they've noticed too, and that they're paying attention. They didn't just "miss them." But I believe that it's too late now. I say that they'll never recover. Check the stories they bring; they hall have 0-5 comments, no more. It's all cut and paste now from the AP and other news agencies, and most people don't need VIN for that, they have all the news sites, and even the squeaky clean Yeshiva World and Matzav for that. With readership down advertising rates will go down, and that'll be that. So we can clearly say and see that the kanoyim have won. VIN made lots of enemies over the last few years with all the scandals that he printed and allowed in the comments, and they'll find very few sympathetic ears to their cries. I would not be surprised if some his victims were the ones that spearheaded the campaign. So you heard here first, folks. Remember that when he closes up shop some time soon.

    I'm out."

  18. UOJ,

    these long articles with name switches are very annoying. Please don't post them. Thanks.

    I like your blog, but I am finding it very hard to keep coming back with these stupid posts about Berlusconi etc.

  19. This is my first post and I agree with Dovy. The guy posting these long "articles" just isn't funny and it has become rather annoying.

  20. Just wondering. How is it that in chassidishe yeshivas they can find all the euphemisms available to get the message across that a male may not touch "makom habris" (penis to all those who don't get/understand euphemisms) because it can lead to all sorts of aveiros, but have no words to convey the message that you may not touch another male's "makom habris" (once again, penis to all those who don't get/understand euphemisms) either as it certainly leads to all sorts of aveiros as well which are probably far worse than holding yourself to ensure that the stream actually hits the bowl. This sure explains why bathrooms in chassidishe establishments smell so bad.

  21. Are the recent Anonymous complainers sincere or are they tricky TROLLS out to stop criticism they hate4:31 PM, March 04, 2011

    Anonymous said...UOJ, these long articles with name switches are very annoying. Please don't post them. Thanks. I like your blog, but I am finding it very hard to keep coming back with these stupid posts about Berlusconi etc.

    The point is dude, that it's NOT about Berlusconi, it's about Tropper!!! Or did you miss that entirely???

    UOJ is the only one who really can judge by looking at stats if they are up, if the few new style of posts based on factual articles but proving how they are exact parallels for what is going on the Charedishe world are interesting or not.

    Let's face it, most people who come to this UOJ blogsite are visitors and for many this is where they get their "ammunition" and tension relief and dose of truth serum by escaping from the politically correct styles of the Yated types.

    If web traffic is up on this blog, and only UOJ has access to that information, then it means that the news series are success and must stay. Then it would also prove that the pestering "Anonymous" comments are not here to complain about the long posts, but they are just pure TROLLS out to stop what they KNOW is very effective and powerful commentary and criticism that they hate.

    Another thing, UOJ was recently successful in fighting off a very serious legal challenge from the Aron Schechter Aguda crowd when Michael Hersh's attempt to sue and fight blog owners and bloggers was defeated and thrown out of court. The struggle of the big Charedim against the Internet and blogs that they hate (because they get criticized directly) is the exact SAME "challenge" in the eyes of all dictatorships like among the Arabs and Iran and totalitarian states like in Red China and North Korea that spend lots of time and money and employ lots of people to fight the blogs and any part of the Internet they hate.

    It looks like the "Anonymous" complainers with "Dovy" are just part of that pattern because if they don't like the posts they can just skip over them and read other stuff, or they could comment on content.

  22. Dovy and Anonymous do not like that some new posts focus on Tropper and Internet censorship4:57 PM, March 04, 2011

    Anonymous said...This is my first post and I agree with Dovy. The guy posting these long "articles" just isn't funny and it has become rather annoying.

    Could you explain which parts you find "annoying"? so that we could understand where you are coming from and then maybe try to make them funnier and less annoying. Your feedback would help.

    Just a reminder, the only one who knows the truth if the posts are good or not is UOJ himself who monitors the web traffic to this site, and if his stats are up for the posts you are complaining about then he is in a better position to judge than anyone complaining who does not even give a reason just that he is "annoyed" as if that was some sort of "reason" when it's just another way of saying "shut up" and by the way, how come you are not responding to the CONTENT of the posts and you'll read that guys like Leib Tropper are being super-duper annoying yet you and Dovy do not complain about that.

    UOJ is to be given credit for focusing on two serious problems with the new series posts that deal with only TWO issues:

    1) The re-emergence of that old menace and menuval ex-rabbi Leib Tropper, to which not enough attention is being right now. At least UOJ sees that threat of Tropper's re-appearance and with the new posts based on Berlusconi's "sexcapade tzores" and financial greed and misuse of funds for corrupt personal ends, mirroring the exact same things that is true about Leib Tropper.

    So at this time, this is an important public service, done with a bit of humor, to keep the spotlight on Tropper the menuval who is up to no good again.

    2) The other issue that the new posts focus is, is about attempts at INTERNET CENSORSHIP that is now on the front burner of the gedolim and rebbes (they would rather focus on the Internet "cyber-bogeyman" instead of real-life problems on their doorsteps and backyards) as they press ahead with a war on the Internet and blogs and blog owners they mark for censorship and destruction.

    This is the exact same issue on the front burners of today's remainingg big time dictatorships, oligarchies and totalitarian governemnst that have the EXACT same mind-set and agenda to block and fight the Internet and blogs they way the gedolim and rebbes are doing it.

    By using a fe well-chosen and INFORMATIVE current articles and with a little humor comparing current high class news articles with what is going on SIMULTANEOUSLY in the Charedishe and the dictatorship worlds, it brings the spotlight onto this challenge to freedom of speech and to human freedom as well as to freedom from suppression and stopping the suppression of the truth. No more sweeping problems under the proverbial rug simply because it can't be done in the open Information age.

    UOJ should be given credit for realizing the seriousness of all this, and how it's all connected, especially since he was dragged to court over his blog and he WON against the attempts to rip him open and shut him down in the notorious Agudist honcho Aron Schechter-Michael Hersh case.

    If "Dovy" and the "Anonymous" bellyaching TROLLS cannot see seriousness of the above issues then they should not be reading and visiting this blog in the first place. But in the end UOJ will decide because this is his blog and it's his call in any case.

  23. Although UOJ is not a news blog, I attempt, time permitting, to post topics that deal with various "human" issues - that stretch across the human/religious divide (including the sidebar and now Facebook and Twitter). So, it could be what interests one, may be a total turn-off to another. It's hard to gauge those sentiments because of the broad diversity of our readers.

    I believe I'm the only Jewish Blog that refuses advertising, which I take pride in. I can not be influenced by what a group of cavemen/clergy label me as. Judging by the monthly unique hits, and the geographics of those visitors, I can't make any determination at all if the Italian readers (readers from Italy), for example, come here for the Catholic rants, or what else that may bring them here.

    I do know that when one Googles Unorthodox Jew in all its variations, we're side by side with other branches of Judaism. That sort of drives home my point as to the effectiveness of UOJ.

    So in terms of the Talmud - Teiku - or perhaps there is no one right answer, or answer at all, or we have to wait for the arrival of Moshiach to answer this important question:-).

    As a rule, unless its highly offensive,(you'll be surprised how many comments I do not post, for content, or for the pure lack of time to read them)... I will ask everyone to be mindful of your fellow commenters' sensitivities to the best of your ability, but by all means feel free to continue to express yourself freely.

  24. P.S., When you Google Orthodox Jew, as of today's date, we're on the first page, both in the middle of the page, and referenced on the bottom of page one, pretty awesome.

    Good Shabbos!

  25. It's annoying that the sentences don't read straight. I have to keep stopping and figuring out your sentences. (with all those parenthesis)

    I appreciate that you put in some sentences in blue ink, so that I know to just skip those posts.

  26. >>If "Dovy" and the "Anonymous" bellyaching TROLLS cannot see seriousness of the above issues then they should not be reading and visiting this blog in the first place. But in the end UOJ will decide because this is his blog and it's his call in any case.<<

    Just for the record: I've been coming to UOJ consistently (usually a few times a week, sometimes multiple times a day for quite a few YEARS now) and have recommended the site to others. If you want to believe I'm a troll for complaining about the ridiculously overused 'Moshalim' with names swapped in and out, be my guest.

  27. the thing is, the 'Bersceloni and Tropper' guy is all good and right, but it gets really annoting trying to pull the one lined more valuble comments that get mashed between the huge articles that are posted.My advice to the guy who posts them is to start his own blog with all of his articles and parentheses in them.

  28. I want to say something about the comparison between Tropper and Berlusconi.If Tropper never showed up on the Orthodox stage the entire community would be better off. I personally don't see any redeeming features to Tropper. OTOH he's not a major person, more of a medium size hustler. If he doesn't return to public life the problem is solved.

    Berlusconi is a much more complex situation. On the negative side he is in my opinion a proto fascist that manages to distort and destroy Italian democracy by his immense power over the media.His sins of lust and avarice are endless. On the positive side, he has provided stable government and is an imoprovement over what existed before. The Christian Democrats were a sad bunch. The Red Brigades operated with impunity for two decades kidnapping and then murdering Aldo Moro, a leading politician and one time Prime Minister. The governments formed by this party were inherently unstable, many years seeing the fall of two governments within a year. Giulio Andreotti, who was Prime Minister two times, was a very bad man, connected to the Mafia and suspected of multiple murders. I suspect that if Berlusconi had been a little more careful with his sexual escapades he could be reelected one more time.Many bourgeois Italians support him on the grounds that what was before him was impossible to tolerate.

    It's a small point, but I thought it was relevant.

  29. EJ:

    Tropper, indeed a hustler, was well on his way to controlling all or most Orthodox conversions in the USA. Imagine if he was a big-time hustler!

    The big league hustlers are the rabbis that took any money from this guy, or that showed up at his events. Why, even Shmuel Kaminetzky waited until his partner in Philly, R' Elya Svei passed away (Svei despised Tropper), no sooner was his body cold, did Kaminetzky participate in these EJF orgies and take money from Tropper.

    Tropper is Orthodox Judaism today - hustlers with their pants down and hands out!

  30. Isn't there something wrong with Rabbi Reuvain Feinstein hanging on to the 3 million smackeroo$ he got in exchange for helping Tropper promote the big lie that his own father R' Moishe supported Tropper's bogus gerus standards?
