Saturday, October 29, 2011

Camp Agudah Failed To Report Abuser - Yudi Kolko was 18 when he learned that Camping offered a unique opportunity to meet boys.


Boy Scouts failed to report abuser

By Jason Felch and Kim Christensen, Los Angeles Times
Sat Oct 29 2011

Rick Turley was 18 when he learned that Scouting offered a unique opportunity to meet boys.

He would show up in a uniform with a sash full of merit badges, charm parents with claims of being a "top" leader and offer to take their preteen boys out for a swim or drive. Then, often after plying them with alcohol, he would fondle or rape them — once going so far as to kidnap a boy in a stolen plane.

Over nearly two decades, Turley molested at least 15 children in Southern California and British Columbia, most of whom he met through American and Canadian Scouting, a Los Angeles Times and Canadian Broadcasting Corp. investigation has found.

Scouting officials on both sides of the border not only failed to stop him, but sometimes helped cover his tracks, according to confidential Scouting records, court files and interviews with victims, families and Scout leaders.

At one point in 1979, Boy Scouts of America officials decided not to call police after Turley admitted molesting three Orange County boys, the organization's records show.

"We were following exactly the national recommendations of the Boy Scouts of America and its board who set up the rules," said A. Buford Hill Jr., a former Orange County Scouting executive, in a recent interview. "You do not want to broadcast to the entire population that these things happen. You take care of it quietly and make sure it never happens again."

But it did.

Turley returned to British Columbia, signed on with Scouts Canada, which is separate from its U.S. counterpart, and continued his abuses for at least a decade.

Turley, now 58, is still surprised at how often he got away with it.

"It was easy," he said in an interview this month at the Alberta truck-stop motel where he now works.

Turley is one of more than 5,000 suspected child molesters named in confidential files kept by the Boy Scouts of America. The documents — called the "perversion files" by the organization — include unsubstantiated tips as well as admissions of guilt.

Those records have surfaced in recent years in lawsuits by former Scouts, accusing the group of failing to exclude known pedophiles, detect abuses or turn in offenders to the police.

The Oregon Supreme Court is now weighing a request by newspapers, a wire service and broadcasters to open about 1,200 more files in the wake of a nearly $20-million judgment in a Portland sex abuse case last year.

The Scouts' handling of sex-abuse allegations echoes that of the Catholic Church in the face of accusations against its priests, some attorneys say.

"It's the same institutional reaction: scandal prevention," said Seattle attorney Timothy Kosnoff, who has filed seven suits in the last year by former Scouts but was not involved in the Oregon case.

Current Boy Scouts of America officials declined to be interviewed and would not say how many files exist or what is in them. Their lawyers have said the records are confidential, in part to protect victims and because some of the files are based on unproven allegations.

"The BSA has continued to enhance its youth protection efforts as society has increased its understanding of the dangers children face," the Scouts said in a statement.

In the 1980s, the Boy Scouts began requiring that at least two adults be present for troop activities. The following decade, it mandated criminal background checks for staffers, a requirement that was expanded to the organization's nearly 1 million volunteers in 2008. Last year, it required child abuse prevention training as well. All suspicions of sexual misconduct must now be reported to police.

Those measures would likely have stopped Turley had they been in place decades ago. Instead, the Scouts' national policy had long recommended keeping abuse and other misconduct a secret.

Turley said one call to police by Scouting officials in 1979 "probably would have put a stop to me years and years and years ago." Instead, he "went back to the Scouts again and again as a leader and offended against the boys," said Turley, who said he has learned to control his impulses.


  1. You are aware that the Beit Din of Crown heights has mandated immediately contacting the police in instances of CSA

  2. there are children running around miami beach who are not frum that were groped by rabbi schmeltzer who know is a teacher in montreal

    please beware

  3. The Life and Times of Matisyahu Pickwick Salomon 52:45 PM, October 30, 2011

    When it comes to real crimes committed by leading citizens of Lakewood ir hakoidesh, the normally highly preachy Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon remains uncharacteristically very quiet. He can embody the way those "see no, hear no evil, talk no evil" monkeys behave WHEN IT SUITS HIM and when it is "politically correct" for him to shut up.

    Just last week a major frum citizen of the Lakewood community was indicted, but of course, you won't hear anything from Rabbi Salomon nor from the Kotler cabal that employs him. Where are they all when this happens?:

    "Bloomberg Business Week:

    New Jersey Man Indicted by U.S. in $200 Million Ponzi Scheme

    October 28, 2011

    A purported New Jersey real estate investor was charged in an indictment with leading a $200 million Ponzi scheme that initially targeted fellow Orthodox Jews.

    Eliyahu [Eli] Weinstein, 36, was accused by a federal grand jury in Newark, New Jersey of using sham real estate deals to bilk investors -- some of them while he was out on $10 million bail after his arrest in August 2010. Prosecutors said he spent his stolen money on jewelry, art, gambling, cars and legal bills.

    An investor identified as H.D.W. sunk $70 million into Weinstein projects, including $5.4 million to buy property for a project in Trotwood, Georgia. Prosecutors say the town doesn’t exist. An H.D.W. representative met with Weinstein, according to the indictment. Weinstein asked what he and the man’s wife had in common. The representative said he didn’t know.

    “We both f---ed you,” Weinstein said, according to the indictment.

    Weinstein’s “exploitation of investors’ trust was so shameless he used doctored documents for properties he didn’t own,” U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said yesterday in a statement, “and continued to commit crimes while out on bail.”

    ...Weinstein, of Lakewood, New Jersey, was charged with one count of conspiracy, 29 counts of wire fraud, two counts of wire fraud while on pretrial release, one count of bank fraud and 12 counts of money laundering. He faces as long as 30 years in prison on three of the counts.

    Prosecutors said Weinstein, who began his scheme in 2004, targeted Orthodox Jews until 2010, when he also began targeting victims outside of that community including hedge fund principals. One victim, identified as R.B.S., was also a widowed retiree in Los Angeles who worked to assist orphaned and poor children in Israel, according to the indictment. Weinstein promised that he would help R.B.S. fulfill her dream of a music school for orphaned and poor children in Israel, prosecutors said.

    R.B.S. invested about $1.1 million with Weinstein, and he promised to secure her investment with collateral in three properties in Lakewood, according to the indictment.

    Those properties “were either fraudulently obtained, pledged to other victims of defendant Weinstein’s scheme to defraud, or were in foreclosure proceedings” before he pledged them to R.B.S., according to the indictment...

    Weinstein was indicted with Vladimir Siforov, 44, a resident of Manalapan, New Jersey. Siforov, a fugitive, is named in three wire fraud counts, according to prosecutors...

    The case is United States of America v. Weinstein, 10- mj-7115, U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey (Newark)."

    And this is only ONE such case while there are dozens more scandals both in the past and present that have surfaced in heart of the Lakewood ir hakoidesh community over the last few years.

    BUT noone will NEVER hear a peeps in public from Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon condemning this stuff. He would much rather babble on about how bad cell phones are and how the Internet is corrupting people when the REAL corruption is washing over his head like a tidal wave. But then again, in ye merry olde England, the likes of Pickwick are used to living in and making the best of bad foggy weather, whot!

  4. Citizens revolt against idiot bank fees continues3:23 PM, October 30, 2011

    Credit Union Times:

    "From the November 2, 2011 issue

    For Bank Transfer Day, It’s All CU Hands on Deck

    Some Expanding Hours on Saturday, Nov. 5, to Take Advantage of 'Fundamental Changes'

    By Myriam DiGiovanni, Jim Rubenstein

    The week prior to the official Bank Transfer Day, credit unions were busy encouraging consumers to take action.

    Launched by Kristen Christian, a Los Angeles art gallery owner unhappy with her bank, Nov. 5 has been dubbed Bank Transfer Day, when consumers act on their growing frustration with big banks by switching to a community bank or credit union. While many are uncertain how many people will actually change financial institutions, credit unions have been making the most of the media blitz.

    Three of Long Island’s largest credit unions, the $4.3 billion Bethpage Federal Credit Union, the $4.1 billion Teachers Federal Credit Union and the $1.7 billion NEFCU joined forces to launch to show locals how good banking can be by proving that there is a better way to bank. The microsite encourages consumers to “Take a stand: Join a community credit union today” or on Bank Transfer Day. According to Edward Paternostro, president/CEO of NEFCU, the day provides yet another opportunity for credit unions to educate consumers about the value of credit union membership.

    “We are seeing significant, fundamental changes taking place in the banking industry that are transforming the way people do their banking,” said Kirk Kordeleski, president/CEO of Bethpage Federal Credit Union. “These changes, coupled with consumers overall discontent in the financial arena, are creating positive awareness about the advantages of banking at a credit union. We are very enthusiastic about this national movement and are proud to all work together to help promote it.”

    "With more and more individuals and businesses getting frustrated with the additional fees they are being charged by banks, people are starting to look at their options," added Robert Allen, president/CEO of Teachers FCU...

    For San Jose Credit Union, Bank Transfer Day will mark the kickoff of its “Be Free” promotion, where each month during November and December, for every 10 debit card transactions, a member will receive an entry to win an iPad 2 or $500 cash.

    “Our debit card has always been free, so we’ve been toying with the idea of debit card promotion for a month. With the Bank Transfer Day grassroots effort, we decided what better day to kick it off?” said Sara Holtz, marketing manager at the $125 million San Jose, Calif.-based credit union. “We’re excited to educate and show consumers how convenient credit unions can be and just how easy it is to make the switch.”

    For some credit unions, the timing could not have worked out better.

    First Community Federal Credit Union will unveil its “Skip the Fee, Swipe for Free” campaign...

    During the months of November, December and January, the Parchment, Mich.-based credit union plans to pay its members up to $5 each month based on their aggregate debit card point of sale transactions. In addition, First Community will hold weekly drawings based on the previous week’s POS transactions to award $500 to 12 members. At the end of the promotion, one person will be randomly selected for a grand prize of $5,000.

    “It was our CEO Cheryl A. DeBoer’s idea to show how we’re different from banks. Not only has our MasterCard check card always been free, but we’ll pay members to use it,” said Nancy Loftis, marketing manager.

    “Giving back to our members is what we do as a standard business practice,” said DeBoer. “Our recent loan transfer campaign was an example of this, along with our Skip the Fee, Swipe for Free Debit Card campaign, where we are very excited to send this ongoing message to our current and potential members”...

  5. Positives uses of cell phones are here to stay4:20 PM, October 30, 2011

    Arutz Sheva/Israel national News:

    "Cellphones in the Service of the Blind

    With Project Ray, an Israeli entrepreneur hopes to marshal the power of modern smartphones to help the blind become more independent.

    By TechIsrael Staff


    Smartphones are getting more powerful by the day. Upgraded and expanded hardware provide us with more powerful cameras, better GPS systems, more sensitive sensors, and much more. These tools provide us with a better, more interesting, and more exciting user experience – whether we use them for playing games, texting, driving, and so on. Most of us could live without these tools, but they're nice to have.

    But for others – like the visually-impaired – these tools are more than just fun; they can actually help make them more independent and self-sufficient. The GPS, accelerometers, cameras, compasses, touch-screens, light sensors and other features of top-grade smartphones are good enough to provide navigation and other assistance even to those who can't see, those whose vision is so impaired they can't get around without help.

    That's the idea behind Project Ray, a project started about a year ago by Michael Vakulenko, Boaz Zilberman, and Arik Siegel, all three well-known players in Israel's cellphone industry. The objective is to develop a series of cellphone apps that will allow blind people to navigate their surroundings as independently as possible, and provide them with access to entertainment, information, and all the other things the sighted take for granted.

    For example, one Project Ray app will help blind people find their way when they are outside. The app will check the user's location using GPS and announce exactly where they are - street address, intersection, etc. - and what direction they are going in. Another app is designed to ensure that blind people take the proper medication at the right time; using the phone's camera, a user can scan the label of a bottle, and the phone, matching the information on the label to its database, will read out the name of the medication and when it is supposed to be taken.

    In addition to apps that can help blind people make their way through life more easily, Project RAY will help users order and listen to audiobooks – often the only entertainment blind people have. “A blind person is extremely dependent on the library – it is often their main source of entertainment and information, and the current system supplying blind users with audiobooks is inefficient and often frustrating, to say the least,” Vakulenko says. Instead of the braille books that are shipped by mail – and are subject to shipping errors, getting lost in the mail, etc. - users will be able to download audiobooks immediately over the internet from an audiobook library, without the hassle and the wait.

    The first Project Ray apps will be available next year, says Vakulenko, who is enthusiastic about being able to use technology to help those in need. Project Ray, he says, was “designed from ground up for the needs of blind people, along with the innovative use of sensors and cloud connectivity, blind people around the world can live with an unprecedented degree of independence.” "

  6. David Weinberger (Lawrence) can teach shmuely boteach how to women

  7. R' Don Ungarischer was nifter this morning.

    The Levaya will be at 12:30PM in Bais Medrash Elyon, 73 Main Street in Monsey. The Aron will then be brought to JFK Airport enroute to Eretz Yisroel, 4:30PM in the “Cell Lot”. Upon entering the JFK Expressway, follow the big blue signs to the Cell Lot. It is one of the first exits BEFORE the terminals.

  8. UOJ,

    I'm expecting the real obituary here!


    Was Rav Fisher in a car accident or something? Isn't he Ben Hirsch's rov?

  10. Bob Grant always said NJ Gov. Jon Corzine was nothing but a scruffy looking bum who has "nothing going for him except for $300 million and that dumb beard". Now there's no gelt either

    U.S. regulators are investigating whether hundreds of millions of dollars are missing from client accounts at MF Global Holdings Ltd. (MF), according to two people with knowledge of the matter.

    The firm, which filed for bankruptcy protection yesterday, was ordered by the enforcement division of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to preserve records for the review, one of the people said.

    MF Global, the holding company for the broker-dealer run by former New Jersey Governor and ex-Goldman Sachs Chairman Jon Corzine, told regulators yesterday about deficiencies in accounts that it managed for clients in the futures market, the CFTC and Securities and Exchange Commission said in an e-mailed statement.

    Corzine, 64, now faces a regulatory probe as well as a bankruptcy. He wagered $6.3 billion of the firm’s own money on sovereign European debt in a bid to increase profits. Instead, the firm reported a $191.6 million quarterly loss on Oct. 25 as Europe’s debt crisis led to demands from regulators to boost capital, as well as credit downgrades and margin calls, MF Global President Bradley Abelow said.


    Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Freed on Bail as Brooklyn Case Crumbles


    Herman Cain could be the first Black honoree at the Agudah dinner.

    Not only has the Yated's favorite Presidential candidate been involved in sexual harassment scandals that have been covered up until now, but as you can see here, he wears a yeshivishe style black hat!

    Poor Pinny Lipschutz will now have to find another candidate to devote so many pages to.

  13. Bank of America is dropping its plan to charge customers $5 a month for making purchases with their debit cards.

    The move is a dramatic retreat following decisions by several rivals in recent days to drop customer tests of the new fees. SunTrust Banks and Regions Financial also said Monday that they will stop charging customers for debit-card transactions.

  14. Dear UOJ,

    Yesterday, Jess Kutch sent you an update on the amazing progress in Molly Katchpole's campaign against Bank of America. Today, we have even bigger news: The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Bank of America has canceled all plans to charge any of its customers a fee for using a debit card!

    This is an amazing victory, and it only happened because 22-year-old Molly Katchpole decided to start a petition to take on Bank of America and you (and 300,000 other people) joined her.

    This is proof than anyone can start a movement, and that together we're mightier than even the biggest corporations.

    Congratulations UOJ, and thanks for being a change-maker.

    - Patrick and the team

  15. Rubashkin was a player in the Allou money laundering scandal.

    A massive federal bankruptcy case threatens to cripple the school system of Brooklyn’s Satmar community, whose operator is accused of a huge money-laundering scam, court records show.

    The United Talmudical Academy is being sued for $200 million by a bankruptcy trustee who claims the UTA helped a big donor conceal bank fraud at the contributor’s company -- and the case is expected to go to trial early next year.

    The trustee claims in Brooklyn federal bankruptcy court records that as far back as 1997, the UTA was helping the family of Victor Jacobs hide the fact that his Allou Distributors was cooking its books to boost its line of credit from a lender.

    Allou, a pharmaceutical- and health- and beauty-supply wholesaler, later went bust.
    An observer of the legal situation told The Post that the UTA could be forced to shut its doors if the trustee wins the case.

    “This organization has substantial amounts of real estate in Brooklyn and Queens. The trustee would have an obligation to collect,” the observer noted.

  16. Is this one of the Liberal causes that Rabbi Genack sympathizes with? Let's see if he turns right wing when it puts an OU account out of busine$$.

    The Occupy Wall Street movement, which says its goals include improving the economic lot for 99 percent of Americans, may have some explaining to do to some cafe workers now out of a job.

    Mark Epstein, owner of the Milk Street Cafe at 40 Wall Street, just let 21 employees go.

    The reason? The barricades police have set up throughout Wall Street as a consequence of the ongoing demonstration.

    In June, he opened the New York branch of the Boston shop, which has a 30 year history. Epstein says he leased the space on Wall Street because it was next to a pedestrian plaza – and his was the only restaurant along that plaza.

    “The opening was perfect,” Epstein told “The food was delicious, the customers were happy, and the line was out the door.”

    Customers kept coming back, Epstein said.

    “Everything was going in the right direction. Sales continued to grow. We started to build our catering business. Costs were going down. I felt that by October or November we would break even.”

    Then the Occupy Wall Street movement launched.

    “I came one Monday morning and I found the exit by the 2 or 3 subway station closed. I saw all these barriers – barricades – all up and down my street,” Epstein said. “At first I thought nothing of it, but after a week… it’s been six or seven weeks now.”

    Six or seven weeks of marches and occasional clashes between police and protesters. So the barricades have remained in place.

    “The end result of it is that it completely destroyed the pedestrian traffic on Wall Street. Completely destroyed it,” Epstein said. “It is a desolate, police-controlled area.”

    The cafe has a capacity of 150 seats. At the height of lunch hour Tuesday, Epstein estimated the shop was half full. With those sorts of numbers, he’s had to let people go.

    “We eliminated 21 positions in the company,” Epstein said. “First time in 30 years I’ve laid anybody off.”

    They’ve also cut back their hours at the New York location, closing now at 3 p.m. instead of 9 p.m.

    “Everybody should understand the consequences of their actions,” he said.

    Epstein says he’s brought his plight to the attention of city officials and police and has been met with empathy. But the barriers are still in place.

    “Everybody’s empathetic and they’ll have lots to say at my eulogy,” he said. “I don’t want to be eulogized. I want the barriers down.”

  17. Nuchim Rosenberg vet zugin az diss iz deserved for Satmar covering up "molestration"

  18. Both versions of the story are correct12:14 PM, November 02, 2011


    A lawyer for the man who confessed to killing 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky said the confession was coerced and his client is insane.

    Howard Greenberg, an attorney for Levi Aron, said during a hearing Monday in New York State Supreme Court in Brooklyn that he will prove that Aron is not guilty by reason of insanity in the July murder.

    Aron appeared in court through a video conference. He reportedly did not move or say a word during the hearing, according to the New York Post.


    A lawyer for the man who confessed to harboring Yudi Kolko as a rebbe at YTT said Kolko's termination was coerced and his client is too fat to stand trial.

    Avi Moskowitz, an attorney for Lipa Margulies, said during a hearing Monday in New York State Supreme Court in Brooklyn that he will prove that Margulies is not guilty by reason of obesity.

    Margulies appeared in court through a video conference. He reportedly did not scratch his tuchess or say a word during the hearing, according to the Yated.

  19. I was a camper at Agudah in the summers of (best recollection) ’67, ’68 and ’69. I remember Rabbi Borchart bellowing on the dining room PA system unconvincingly, “There will be no Color War this year,” and I remember the teams from one summer as being Ahavah vs. Yirah, and another as Zekainim vs. Naarim. At the end of that Color War we learned a song composed specially for the occasion, “Zekainim Im Naarim Yihallilu Es Shem Hashem.”

    During one of those summers my bunk was located in the multi-story building, and the picnic tables where our daily learning sessions took place were not far away. One morning I left my group to use the bathroom near my bunk, and an older guy (a camper, I think from another bunk) appeared out of nowhere and pulled me into his room. He pinned me down on a bottom-level bed and started forcibly kissing me. He touched me through my clothes, which was both painful and ticklish. I was obviously too young to understand the nature of what was happening. I remember feeling that the kissing was disgusting, having no idea as to why a man would kiss another man. I was physically incapable of freeing myself and was terrified. And then he just stopped and got up. He told me leave and not to tell anyone about this or he would kill me. I couldn’t believe what had happened, and just returned to my group, shell-shocked. I quickly put the matter out of my mind, somehow reassuring myself that it was a strange, inexplicable occurrence. A few days or weeks later it happened again, the exact same way, only this time rougher and more violent. And again, I was cautioned to talk to no one. After that second time I do recall telling someone, I don’t remember who. I think he was from that guy’s bunk. I remember him laughing knowingly and saying I was lucky he stopped. He told me the guy did this all the time. From that point forward I was mindful to never go back to my building when it was unoccupied. I told nobody else about any of this, certainly not my counselor. I don’t think I knew how or that I would be believed. And I was scared. And amid all the camp activities it was soon forgotten.

    I am not from New York and am not hooked into local news. It was only about two years ago when I was reading for the first time about the charges against Yiddi Kolko, that I recognized his name from my summers at Agudah. I don’t remember his position, but I remember he was a “macher.” I remember a song about him and a guy named Zorch, the lyrics being “Zorch and Yiddi, what a pity...”

    And then, like a bolt of lightning, all the memories described above came flooding back. Those events were completely out of my consciousness all these years as though they never happened. And now the recollections were crystal clear. I was stunned; this whole concept of suppressed memories was actually real – because it indeed happened to me. I was raped.

    Is any of this responsible for F’ing up my life? I don’t really know, but I can tell you that I just turned 60, and my encounters that summer were the first and last time I was ever intimate with anyone.
