Wednesday, November 09, 2011

“We felt we need to restore trust in the university” - So Simple - Shame on the Jews World Over!

The Wall Street Journal

In its fifth day, the metastasizing scandal at Pennsylvania State University ended the career of Joe Paterno—the longest-tenured coach in major-college football—and resulted in the ouster of the university’s president.

After an emergency meeting Wednesday evening, the school’s Board of Trustees announced at a news conference at 10 p.m. that they had dismissed Mr. Paterno and Graham Spanier, the school’s president for the past 16 years.

“We felt we need to restore trust in the university,” said John Surma, the board’s vice president.


  1. Chaim Berlin Yeshiva Announcement1:25 AM, November 10, 2011

    Press Release from the Rabbis, Board, Directors, Staff, Supporters, Alumni and Students of Yeshiva Mesivta rabbi Chaim Berlin-Kollel Gur Aryeh of Brooklyn, New York, USA:

    "We would like to emphasize that we are proud of our 30 year refusal to heed the words and rulings of our very own leading sages such as Rabbis Moshe Feinstein, Yaakov Kaminetsky, Yaakov Ruderman regarding the matter of our firing of our own Mashgiach Ruchani Rav Shlomo Carlebach (not the singer) even though he was a respected and beloved scholar among us, popular with our students and devoted to our institution and cause. We are proud that our president Abe Fruchthandler and our rosh yeshiva Aron Schechter have defied the normal pleas of several batei din (Jewish ecclesiastical courts) to settle and bring to closure the dispute surrounding our treatment of Rav Carlebach even though this has placed us in the status of contempt of court (lo tzayis dina) and hence has automatically blacklisted us with an expulsion from the ranks of normative Torah Jewry (cherem).

    We are also extremely proud of the fact that our rosh yeshiva Aron Schechter was a lead organizer in banning the concert of a famous Jewish singer Lipa Shmeltzer causing losses in the hundreds of thousands of dollars without it ever being paid back. Naturally, we are also very proud that Aron Schechter banned and disgraced a shopkeeper located across from us who sold ladies wigs who had the temerity to post large advertisements with ladies wearing wigs in his store window.

    We are VERY proud of Aron Schechter's support of our own student and child-kidnapper and abuser Michael Hersh and the support he is granted to this very day in spite of causing a major scandal and rift in our Torah community of the illegal kidnapping and incarceration of his 16 year old son Isaac in a concentration camp under Mormon auspices on Jamaica island.

    We are more than proud and happy of Aron Schechter's and Abe Fruchthandler's moral and finan cial support for defrocked sex-maniac ex rabbi Leib Tropper who traded promises of conversions to Judaism for sex for himself and his perverse friends, because he was and remains one of our favorite heroes, besides he is a true Torah scholar.

    We are delighted to announce that we are proud of one of our greatest alumni ex rabbi Gershon Kranczer who taught disabled kids even though he has had to flee the USA like a thief in the night for his years of incestuous rapes and abuses against his own many daughters. Kranczer has fled to Israel and we will never help anyone locate, arrest and bring him to justice as he deserves.

    We practice our own notions of justice that mere mortals and outsiders to our community cannot and will never understand which is their problem and not ours.

    Note, that we have a direct line to God through Aron Schechter even though he is showing serious symptoms of old age, dementia and lack of judgement for a long time now. We will follow him like the good people of Hamlin followed the their Pied Piper and even if he makes us drink Cool Aid along the way like Jim Jones that poisons our souls with his evil and sick outlook on the world!

    Calls from others to respond to any of the above will be ignored, denied, stonewalled, whitewashed and counter-attacked. We will make YOU seem like crazy and out of line for defying OUR holy Torah that only we know how to interpret best!

    Thank you. It has been our pleasure serving you for a century!"

  2. Cain a Pathological Liar says victim5:50 AM, November 10, 2011

    Soon to be ex candidate Herman Cain extorting sex from women is sounding a lot like ex premier Berlusconi of Italy who sees nothing wrong with Bunga Bunga orgies and like ex rabbi Leib Tropper who sees nothing wrong with extorting sex from women in exchange for conversions, but the women who accuse them know what sexual extortion means:

    "Accuser says Herman Cain has 'complete amnesia'

    Associated Press 11/9/2011

    CHICAGO — A woman who claims Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain groped her when she went to him for help finding a job accused Cain on Wednesday of having "complete amnesia" in saying he did not remember her. Sharon Bialek, who spoke to reporters outside her suburban Chicago home, said when asked about Cain's comments that he didn't know her that he was lying.

    "The man has complete amnesia, and I really believe that he believes in himself," she said. "Pathological liars usually do those kinds of things."

    [Photo caption: Sharon Bialek, a Chicago-area woman, with her attorney Gloria Allred, right, addresses a news conference at the Friars Club, Monday, Nov. 7, 2011, in New York. Bialek accused Republican presidential contender Herman Cain of making an unwanted sexual advance against her in 1997. Bialek says she wants to provide "a face and a voice" to support other accusers who have so far remained anonymous.]

    Bialek said she was "so proud" of another of Cain's accusers, Karen Kraushaar, for coming forward by name. Two other women who say Cain behaved improperly toward them have not been identified publicly.

    Bialek has said she approached Cain after he gave a speech at a Chicago-area tea party event several weeks ago. She denied reports that she hugged him at the event, saying instead that she grabbed his arm and whispered in his ear.

    She told WMAQ-TV in Chicago in an interview broadcast Wednesday evening that Cain told her at the Tea Party event that he remembered her.

    At a news conference in New York on Monday, Bialek said Cain made a sexual advance one night in July 1997, when she went to Washington to meet him and ask for help finding work. The encounter allegedly occurred while the two were in a car.

    "Instead of going into the offices he suddenly reached over and he put his hand on my leg, under my skirt toward my genitals," she said. "He also pushed my head toward his crotch," she added.

    Cain, a businessman and former National Restaurant Association executive, has insisted that he did not sexually harass anyone.

    He has denied Bialek's allegations and said Tuesday that he didn't know who she was until her news conference. His campaign has sought to undercut Bialek's credibility, sending a statement Tuesday that brought up her court battles in Cook County and reports of her involvement in a paternity case and a personal bankruptcy filing...

    "My whole intention in this whole ordeal was to do just that, to make sure that there's a voice," Bialek said Wednesday. "And if I had to be the first one, so be it. I totally hope it doesn't damage my reputation, but if I have to, fine."

    ...Joel Bennett, Kraushaar's attorney, has said he hopes to have all four women appear at a joint news conference. Bialek said Wednesday morning that she hadn't decided whether or not to join the conference, saying she had to consult with her attorney, Gloria Allred. Allred did not return messages seeking comment."

  3. Europe broke cause Euroes wasted on politicians and businessmens personal pleasures6:14 AM, November 10, 2011

    No wonder Italy -- and all the other spoiled brat countries -- go down the tubes as Berlusconi and his ilk pour all the money down the drains to satisfy all their lusts:

    UK Daily Mail:

    "Silvio Berlusconi paid £2.5m in cash to women invited to his bunga bunga parties, court documents reveal

    By Nick Pisa

    27th October 2011

    Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi gave women invited to his bunga bunga parties more than £2.5m in cash, court documents have revealed.

    The eye watering payments – which will amaze ordinary Italians in a time of belt tightening austerity – were made to dozens of women and included several five and six figure sums...

    The documents form part of 65,000 pages in a corruption case related to a political ally of Berlusconi and investigators have accessed several bank accounts used by both men.

    Details of the figures emerged just hours after Berlusconi had reassured worried European Union officials that he was tackling the financial crisis that was threatening to topple Italy into a financial abyss.

    However economists and political commentators are sceptical as to whether the proposed reforms, which include rising the retirement age and prompting growth will really reduce Italy’s £1 trillion public debt – which is 120% of its GDP...

    Ms Began, who has the initials SB tattooed on her ankle, in honour of Berlusconi, was given 50,000 Euro in 2008...

    Ms Began has been accused of procuring prostitutes – an allegation she denies and insists she was simply "evening out numbers of men and women" at the event...

    TV presenter Virginia Sanjust, who is rumoured to have had an affair with Berlusconi and who was given 150,000 Euro from his personal account...

    Barbara Matera, 29, who raised eyebrows after she went from TV to the European Parliament representing Berlusconi’s party without any political experience was given 95,000 Euro.

    Actress Evelina Manna, 37, who also claimed to have had a passionate relationship with Berlusconi and who was a regular at the parties he hosted was given 700,000 Euro...

    TV journalist Francesca Impiglia, 23, who was given 50,000 Euro while flame haired former Big Brother contestant Angela Sozio, 31, who was snapped at the same time was given 38,000 Euro.

    The bank records also show how a luxury car dealership in Milan was given 236,000 Euro and it is known several women who attended his now infamous bunga bunga parties were given Minis as gifts.

    Prosecutors have also discovered that women at the parties were given jewels as well and the bank records detail how one boutique on Milan’s prime shopping street of Via Napoleone received payments of 337,000 Euro.

    The figures appeared to show just how obsessed with young women Berlusconi is and his critics have accused him of spending too much time enjoying himself instead of trying to sort out Italy’s financial crisis.

    He is also currently involved in four trials – including one where he is accused of having sex with underage prostitute and belly dancer Karima El Mahroug, who was just 17 when she attended his bunga bunga parties.

    Moroccan born Miss El Mahroug is said to be one of 33 women who attended Berlusconi’s parties and like the others, was said to have been showered with gifts of cash and jewellery.

    However Berlusconi has insisted that nothing untoward took place and the events were simply "elegant civilised dinners" and that bunga bunga was a dance his guests took part in and he had nothing to do with.

    His sex trial is due to resume next month along with other trials for abuse of office, perverting the course of justice and financial irregularties which have promoted opposition MPs to say he is spending more time in court or with his lawyers than being prime minister..."

  4. Tropper sex scandal cant be fogotten or covered up6:26 AM, November 10, 2011

    Never Forget the ex rabbi Leib Tropper abomination uncovered, exposed and reported 2 years ago:

    New York Post:

    "Tal-mood for love: Sex-tape rabbi tries to 'share' hottie

    Sex-tape rabbi tries to 'share' hottie

    December 20, 2009

    Eww, that's not kosher!

    [Photo caption: THOU SHALT NOT! Rabbi Leib Tropper is heard on tape urging his "cutie pie," Shannon Orand, to have sex with others, and fantasizing about rape.]

    A prominent Orthodox rabbi has been caught on tape discussing his apparent love affair with a shiksa he was converting to Judaism -- whom he allegedly also pushed to have sex with his friends.

    Rabbi Leib Tropper of Rockland County is heard encouraging pretty, blond Shannon Orand of Houston to participate in phone sex and actual sex with men the rabbi knows, including one he calls "the Satmar guy."

    Tropper, who calls the woman "darling" and "cutie pie," talks about his own love affair with her at one point, saying: "I want to squeeze you."

    He also fantasized about rape. "I could role-play a rape with you but I couldn't actually rape you -- you know what I'm saying, darling -- does that make sense?" he asks.

    The scandal has rocked the Orthodox community from Rockland to Israel, and transcripts of the sex tapes are circulating on Jewish blogs, with the audio posted on YouTube.

    The rabbi talks about paying Orand money for a lawyer and a stipend of $1,300 for the month of November. He also mentions putting in writing an agreement between the two.

    "Why would you want to document that kind of agreement on an e-mail?" an upset Orand asks.

    Orand, who identifies herself on the tape, apparently recorded the phone conversations. "It was only supposed to go to a few leading rabbis," Orand, 32, told The Post.

    She refused to comment further, and later released a statement saying, "While an individual 'rabbi' acted in an inappropriate manner, my desire to become a bona fide Jew is undeterred."

    Orand reportedly told a Jewish blog,, that Tropper would tell her: "If you fulfill my needs, I'll fulfill yours -- and you need a conversion."

    The blog reported that Orand's conversion was to have been finalized last week, but was canceled at the last minute by a religious court.

    Tropper declined to comment, but a source close to him said the rabbi feels like he's a victim and was used by Orand.

    He resigned effective Dec. 12 from Eternal Jewish Family, a Monsey-based organization that primarily works to convert gentiles in interfaith marriages to Judaism.

    The 59-year-old rabbi is the founder of Eternal Jewish Family and sought to create strict universal guidelines for conversion, which are handled differently by various Jewish sects."


  6. White House: Obama believes that Penn State child-abuse allegations, if true, are outrageous

  7. you'll notice that the kashrus mavarik yudel shain has not one word to say about the meal mart mega-scandal of salmanella and undercooked (i.e. treif) livers. anyone still doubt that he is on their payroll?

  8. Stop lying. Yudel Shain has been saying for years not to eat any Meal Mart deli products or anything else produced by Meal Mart in South America.
