Thursday, July 12, 2012

Welcome To The Agudath Israel of Pennsylvania!


Breaking News Alert

The New York Times

Thursday, July 12, 2012 -- 9:11 AM EDT

Sandusky Sex Abuse Investigation Faults Paterno and Others at Penn State

The most senior officials at Penn State University failed for more than a decade to take any steps to protect the children victimized by Jerry Sandusky, the longtime lieutenant to head football coach Joe Paterno, according to an independent investigation of the sex abuse scandal that rocked the university last fall.

Our most saddening and sobering finding is the total disregard for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims,” said Louis J. Freeh, the former federal judge and director of the F.B.I. who oversaw the investigation. “The most powerful men at Penn State failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who Sandusky victimized.”

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News Alert From The Wall Street Journal

A widely anticipated independent investigation into Pennsylvania State University's handling of child-sex abuse allegations found that university administrators, including the former President Graham Spanier and the late longtime football coach Joe Paterno, "repeatedly concealed critical facts" to avoid bad publicity in connection with reports that former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky could be a pedophile.

The report, issued by former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Louis Freeh at the request of trustees, founds that Spanier and Paterno, along with former athletic director Tim Curley and vice president Gary Schultz, "failed to protect against a child sexual predator harming children for over a decade."




SNAP Responds To The Above Report:

Joe Paterno was a liar, there’s no doubt about that now. He was also a cover-up artist. If the Freeh report is correct in its summary of the Penn State child molestation scandal, the public Paterno of the last few years was a work of fiction. In his place is a hubristic, indictable hypocrite.

In the last interview before his death, Paterno insisted as strenuously as a dying man could that he had absolutely no knowledge of a 1998 police inquiry into child molestation accusations against his assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky. This has always been the critical point in assessing whether Paterno and other Penn State leaders enabled Sandusky’s crimes.

If Paterno knew about ’98, then he wasn’t some aging granddad who was deceived, but a canny and unfeeling power broker who put protecting his reputation ahead of protecting children.




  2. The most senior officials at Yeshiva Torah Temimah, Agudas
    Israel of America and Torah Umesorah failed for more than
    four decades to take any steps to protect the children
    victimized by Yudi Kolko, the long-time Yeshiva Rebbi,
    according to an independent investigation of the sex abuse
    scandal that has rocked the Yeshiva, Camp Agudah and the
    entire Brooklyn Orthodox Jewish community.

    “Our most saddening and sobering finding is the total
    disregard for the safety and welfare of Kolko's child
    victims,” said Louis J. Freeh, the former federal judge and
    director of the F.B.I. who oversaw the investigation. “The
    most powerful men at Yeshiva Torah Temimah, Camp Agudah and
    Torah Umesorah failed to take any steps for over 40 years to
    protect the children who Kolko victimized.”

    News Alert From The Wall Street Journal

    A widely anticipated independent investigation into Yeshiva
    Torah Temimah's handling of child-sex abuse allegations
    found that the Yeshiva's administrators, including Rabbi
    Lipa Margulies, Rabbi Simcha Kaufman and the late Rabbi Eli
    Teitelbaum, "repeatedly concealed critical facts" to avoid
    bad publicity in connection with reports that former
    elementary school Rebbi Yudi Kolko could be a pedophile.

    The report, issued by former Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Director Louis Freeh at the request of trustees, found that
    Margulies and Kaufman along with other senior officials of
    Camp Agudah and the Torah Umesorah Organization "failed to
    protect against a child sexual predator harming children for
    over four decades."

    It's now time for a full and thorough investigation of
    exactly what happened and who knew what was happening for
    over 4 decades at Yeshiva Torah Temimah.

  3. Moderne Lubavitcher "Larry" Gordon is at it again in his 5 Towns Jewish Times. He specializes in running ads for caterers / tours with lousy kashrus standards then fine tuning the description of the hashgocha to make it sound more frum. He already did it for Rabbi Dr. Israel Levinger & his Conservative rabbi mashgichim, renamed Rav Yisroel Meir Levinger with no mention of the Conservative rabbis.

    Now the newspaper is running ads for a British caterer Kosher Services Worldwide. In Israel, they have non-mehadrin Rabbinute, in England they have the London beis din. But Larry is running ads for their tours to foreign countries. For the other countries, the hashgocha is the modern orthodox Rabbi Stewart Weiss from Raanana who normally does cruise ships for the modern & secular crowds. He is named as the more frum sounding Rabbi Shmuel Weiss in Larry's paper.

    On the website of the caterer, they say that the tour to China is for "Jewish heritage". Meanwhile there is no mention of the Mirrer yeshiva in Shanghai.

    And the trip includes a visit to the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, which has significance in the Buddhist religion, not the Jewish religion.

    They also go to all the places where Jewish traders who came to China centuries ago, stayed to intermarry with Chinese shiksas. How's that for a celebration of "Jewish tradition"?

    The exact ad that Larry is running this week is for the tour of "mystical Ireland".

    They are promoting the "monastic" sites which is where monks & nuns worship Yoshkie.

    Not only is the tour going to all the tiflus but the caterer's website is maarich to say everyone will get to look through the Book of Kells, a Gospel manuscript that is over 1200 years old. Mamash shmad with a "kosher" supervision approval.

    "Mystical Ireland" itself is a common reference to the Druid pagan religion practiced in Ireland before the 5th Century arrival of St. Patrick who converted everyone.

    Once again, Larry Gordon stoops to anything to make a few ad dollars.

    The Agudah will never say a peep against Larry because Larry backs their pro-Rubashkin agenda and because Larry's shver saved the life of Avi Shafran's father in Siberia and because Larry's kids & Shafran's kids are friends and trying together to draw people to a new community they settled into which will raise their property values.
