Friday, December 14, 2012

18 Children Shot Dead In Cold Blood!

Eighteen children were killed on Friday morning in a shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., about 65 miles northeast of New York City, according to a person who had been briefed on the shooting. Another law enforcement official said there were adult casualties as well, which would rank it among the worst shootings in recent United States history.


  1. Baltimore Audacity of Evil4:00 PM, December 14, 2012

    חסד ואמת צדק ושלום נפגשו

    Celebration of 25 Years With
    Rabbi and Rebbetzin Yaakov Hopfer שליט״א

    Join us as we celebrate a quarter century with our beloved Rav and Rebbetzin. Join us as we thank them for all they have done for us as we relieve some of the wonderful moments we have shared together.

    Honored Guest Speaker:
    Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel
    Executive Vice President, Agudath Israel of America

    Special Video Presentation
    Sunday, January 27, 2013
    Location: Beth Tefiloh
    Time: 6.00 PM - 7:00 PM, hors d’oeuvres;
    7:00 PM dinner & presentations

    To order tickets or to place an ad visit
    or contact Sharon Galkin
    Fax #: 866-522-3915 · Phone: 410-466-3132

    ק״ק שארית ישראל
    Shearith Israel Congregation Gala Banquet

  2. It's only a matter of time until something like this happens at a school in brooklyn, monsey, kiryas joel et-al. There are so many souls wandering about, broken, angry, filled with murderous rage, lost and ressentful. These are all products of a horribly broken haredi (especially chassidish) 'education' system. A system rife with all kinds of abuse. I once knew a kid who was sexually abused by his rebbe. He was always suicidal. He once confided in me that he could never stop fascinating about doing exactly what the Columbine shooters did. His thoughts were bloody. I knew another kid, originally from williamsburg, who underwent consistent beatings and humiliations at cheder (he had learning disabilities, it later turned out....). He spoke of nothing more than murdering the person who beat and humiliated him (now a choshuve rov) and tracking down every single one of those that taunted him at school to watch them slowly die a painful death at his hands.

    Levi Aron is only the tip of the iceberg of what lies ahead...
