Sunday, January 12, 2014

A cancer that threatens the clergy sex abuse victims: Religious believers are lobbying to build barriers around themselves and their institutions so that they can operate autonomously from the law.

2013: The Year in Review for Child Sex Abuse Victims’ Access to Justice

Blind Justice

                                                                                                                                                                 Child sex abuse victims, their families and friends, and, frankly, everyone except perpetrators and those who enable them, should be pleased about the progress toward victims’ access to justice in 2013. This past year, the pace of the movement quickened remarkably.

Sadly, though, religious groups have gone back to the drawing board to find new ways to protect themselves from the law, so there is also a cloud on the horizon for victims as well.

We need civil-rights advocates, children’s advocates, and survivors and their communities to work hard to make 2014 even better than 2013, and if we all work together, the prospects of our doing so are good.

The New Barriers Appearing in Some States for Clergy Abuse Victims

While survivors break down barriers to justice for all victims in many states, there is a disturbing new development spreading across the country like a cancer that threatens the clergy sex abuse victims: Religious believers are lobbying to build barriers around themselves and their institutions so that they can operate autonomously from the law.

As I have discussed in many columns, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is sheer folly, and the state versions of the legislation are no better. They give religious actors who otherwise would be liable for breaking the law a defense that makes it easier for them to violate just about any law they prefer to ignore. (As I discuss in this column, the federal RFRA is the operative law in the contraception mandate cases pending at the Supreme Court.)

New iterations of the state RFRAs are even worse than the original versions. In the vast majority of the state RFRAs, believers at least have to show that a law imposes a “substantial burden” on their religious exercise. That has been a standard that has made it unlikely that they can overcome every law they challenge.

Courts have read the word “substantial” as though it has meaning, which means believers have not always won under the RFRAs. That has not satisfied the apparently insatiable demand by believers to be laws unto themselves. In new iterations, therefore, religious lobbyists have removed “substantial.” So any burden, however minor, could trigger the right to overcome the law. Kentucky actually passed such a misguided bill over the saner veto of its Governor. For good reason, this version of a state RFRA got no traction in Texas. Other states are considering it, though. Currently, in Ohio and Maine, the state legislatures are considering similar legislation that would create a new RFRA without the requirement of the term “substantial” modifying “burden.” This reduction in the burden on the believer would increase litigation, endanger the vulnerable, and further lead United States religious believers down the dangerous path of the Me-Me-Me generation I described in this column.

There seems to be no limit on the creativity of religious lobbyists in this era to find new ways to permit religious groups to break the law; there is yet another new and troubling RFRA mutation pending in Tennessee. This bill would build even higher walls around religious believers intent on breaking the law.

Under the typical RFRA, if the believer succeeds in proving that the law imposes a “substantial burden” on religious conduct, the burden shifts to the government to prove that the law serves a “compelling interest” by the “least restrictive means.” That is an extremely difficult burden for the government to carry, which means if the believer prevails in proving his or her burden, the odds are high the believer will not be required to abide by the law, no matter what the law is. The new Tennessee RFRA bill would pile yet another requirement onto the government: It would also have to satisfy its heavy burden with “clear and convincing evidence.” This is a formula for religious groups to simply ignore all state laws.

These new additions to these extreme religious liberty bills will make religious organizations and believers virtually bulletproof from the claims of the victims of clergy abuse in these states. Make no mistake about it: religious lobbyists fighting for RFRAs believe that believers belong above the law, and don’t want to talk about the vulnerable who are inevitably hurt by such regimes.

The harm arising from RFRAs doesn’t stop with child-sex-abuse victims, though, as these extreme state RFRAs will also open doors to immunize religious believers (whether they are parents, or institutions like churches, schools, or camps) from medical-neglect and child-abandonment claims, and a host of other crimes and torts.

 The sponsors of the legislation in each state appear to be sincerely interested in doing good, but in fact, they are paving the way to extraordinary harm and evil, and the last people who will explain to them what religious believers have done and can do to children and others are those lobbying for the RFRAs.

In sum, 2013 was a good year in a number of states where child sex-abuse victims will find it easier to get to court in the future. 2014 should be even better. The remaining concern, though, is that once clergy-sex-abuse victims get there, extreme religious liberty statutes will immunize believers and their institutions from being legally responsible for the crimes that they have committed and the harm they have done. For this and other reasons, there is still much work to be done by good people.
Marci A. Hamilton

Marci A. Hamilton is a professor of law at Cardozo School of Law, and the author of Justice Denied: What America Must Do to Protect Its Children, which was just published in paperback with a new Preface. She also runs two active websites on issues she writes about frequently, and Her email address is



  1. Shmarya has an obsession to badmouth Rav Elyashev ztl. He did it for years while he was still living and has not stopped after his petirah.

    Today Shmarya took a post by Prof. Marc Shapiro on the Seforim blog and magnified one detail to make the Chofetz Chaim look like a pathological misfit. Shmarya immediately cross-referenced Rav Elyashev and claimed that Rav Elyashev only cared about his volume of Talmud to the point that he could not recognize his own children.

    Well, Shmarya was too lazy to read Prof. Shapiro's extremely long post from beginning to end where in the very post SHmarya quotes from, Prof. Shapiro proves that the rumor about Rav Elyashev not recognizing his own children is FALSE. But don't ever try to get between Shmarya and his false agendas with the facts unless you want him to block you from posting on his Yellow pseudo-journalism website.


    Chisdai Ben Porat of Ottawa, Canada, who was arrested for molesting at Camp Dora Golding is currently living in Boro Park probably because he is not allowed to leave the country to go home while his trial is pending. He did in fact try to flee with help from camp officials but PA State Police were tipped off and intercepted him.

    Here is what appears to be his mug shot


    Chisdai Ben Porat of Ottawa, Canada, who was arrested for molesting at Camp Dora Golding is currently living in Boro Park probably because he is not allowed to leave the country to go home while his trial is pending. He did in fact try to flee with help from camp officials but PA State Police were tipped off and intercepted him.

    Here is what appears to be his mug shot

  4. “I Am Your Servant. The life of Rabbi Yosef Tendler.” (PART 1 OF 2)


    $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

    For the second yahrzeit of rabbi Yosef (Joseph) Tendler (January 16, 2014 = 15 Sh’vat), Art$croll has released the 460-page hardcover “I Am Your Servant. The life of Rabbi Yosef Tendler.” Akiva Tendler authored the book.

    Of course, rabbi Tendler is portrayed there as a righteous man, a Torah pioneer in the early “American wasteland,” a caring father-grandfather-teacher, etc. I flipped through the book and can confidently say that everything Tendler’s bootlickers wrote about him — and there is no doubt Akiva was helped by many — is a fraud.

    If you search the Internet for rabbi Tendler, you will find two approaches to his persona: 1) That he was a righteous man, or 2) that he was a monster.

    The first approach comes from the official NIRC camp (Ner Israel Rabbinical College of Baltimore where rabbi Tendler was the head of high school for half a century) and their puppets like ArtScroll — the creator of surrogate Talmud and fake “golden age” Jewish history — whose executives and faculty are related to many powerful NIRC families. The second approach is manifested by those who were wronged by rabbi Tendler and whose lives he destroyed. As everyone knows, that’s a significant group of individuals. Not as wordy as ArtScroll but genuine in their sufferings. A good example is “Rabbi Tendler’s Legacy of Fear” posted in the comment section at UOJ:

    Both approaches are naturally biased. Rabbi Tendler was neither a righteous man, nor a monster.

    In truth, rabbi Yosef Tendler was a typical fascist.

    To understand that, one must be familiar with the nature of Fascism. Someone is a fascist even without the swastika or other visual symbolism (which, anyhow, often typifies only the German NSDAP). Rather, you have to look for patterns and ideas. Fascism is always characterized by the rigid authoritarian/totalitarian dictatorship of a particular group, elimination of opposition, fervent nationalism and racism. Moreover, it gives its adherents the illusory sense of greatness for simply belonging to their nation. Fascism clearly labels who is a friend and who is a foe, promises a bright future and evokes memories of the golden past. Additionally, Fascism is savvy about aesthetics that are appealing to the masses, such as the neat black-shirted uniforms and theatrical acts. All these elements are, of course, instantly recognized in many forms of contemporary Judaism.

    In any case, Fascism and its ideas have never been foreign to the Jews. Abba Ahimeir’s “Revisionist Maximalism” is a classic hackneyed example. What is not much publicized is the fact that before 1938 more than one-fifth (1/5!) of the Italian Jews were members of the Italian Fascist Party (William I. Brustein, “Roots of Hate: Anti-Semitism in Europe Before the Holocaust”). Even the Orthodox Aguda or Agudas Yisroel (founded shortly before the emergence of European Fascism) shares its name with Fascism (aguda is a “bundle” in Hebrew and fascis is a “bundle” in Latin) — “prefascist intuitions” according to the leading Italian Fascist philosopher Giovanni Gentile.

  5. “I Am Your Servant. The life of Rabbi Yosef Tendler.” (PART 2 OF 2)

    Now back to rabbi Tendler and Co. They have been unjustly ruling Orthodox Jewish Baltimore for decades. There is no system of checks and balances. (That is = no democratic facilities in the traditional Western sense; however, according to Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile, that is, in fact, “an organized, centralized, authoritarian [Fascist] democracy.”) The NIRC rabbinical government misconstrues any perceived disobedience as going against the Torah — which these rabbis don’t even know — with all anticipated repercussions. (As stated by Mussolini and Gentile, “[T]he individual exists only in so far as he is within the state and subjected to the requirements of the state.... If liberalism spells individualism, Fascism spells government.”) I know people who perished because they confronted these Orthodox rabbis. The Tendlers and allies of their Corporation are the elite, the chosen, the Illuminati. They are better than nonobservant (or not-observant-as-they-are) Jews, and they consistently consider people of color subhuman. These statements are verified by rabbi Tendler’s lectures preserved on tapes, which can be obtained from the NIRC tape library.

    So how could it happen that “one of the best ball players on the Lower East Side [by the way, note the basketball T-shirt on this image:] became one of America’s most distinguished mechanchim, a man who taught, inspired and elevated thousands of talmidim [students] and their families?” (The quote is from the ArtScroll’s introduction.)

    The answer may seem paradoxical: Many Jewish survivals of Nazism embraced Fascism. Under a different name, of course. (A variation of the Stockholm syndrome, perhaps.) Absolutely accept what your rabbi — or a bearded man in Israel — says (Giovanni Gentile’s Fascism also rejected reason and advocated natural faith), hate those who — you are told — must be hated, wear only black-and-white uniforms (compare to black-shirted uniforms), suppress the voice of conscience, remember that you are superior to someone else — simply because your skin is whiter or your pedigree is better. Does this brainwash sound familiar? It has a name, and the name is not Chassidishe derech or Litvishe mechalech. It is simply Fascism.

    The figure of rabbi Yosef Tendler, therefore, becomes explained. He was genuine in his endeavors — generously helping his corporate friends and ruthlessly eradicating his opponents. As pointed out earlier, that was not because he was righteous or monstrous. He was just an ordinary Jewish fascist. The word fascist has not been used here as an insult but as the only proper explanation of rabbi Tendler’s ways. And if you also think that his ideology and behavior are typical of a Mafia boss, remember that Fascism shares the same birthplace with Mafia.

  6. “I Am Your Servant. The life of Rabbi Yosef Tendler.” (PART 2 OF 2)

    Now back to rabbi Tendler and Co. They have been unjustly ruling Orthodox Jewish Baltimore for decades. There is no system of checks and balances. (That is = no democratic facilities in the traditional Western sense; however, according to Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile, that is, in fact, “an organized, centralized, authoritarian [Fascist] democracy.”) The NIRC rabbinical government misconstrues any perceived disobedience as going against the Torah — which these rabbis don’t even know — with all anticipated repercussions. (As stated by Mussolini and Gentile, “[T]he individual exists only in so far as he is within the state and subjected to the requirements of the state.... If liberalism spells individualism, Fascism spells government.”) I know people who perished because they confronted these Orthodox rabbis. The Tendlers and allies of their Corporation are the elite, the chosen, the Illuminati. They are better than nonobservant (or not-observant-as-they-are) Jews, and they consistently consider people of color subhuman. These statements are verified by rabbi Tendler’s lectures preserved on tapes, which can be obtained from the NIRC tape library.

    So how could it happen that “one of the best ball players on the Lower East Side [by the way, note the basketball T-shirt on this image:] became one of America’s most distinguished mechanchim, a man who taught, inspired and elevated thousands of talmidim [students] and their families?” (The quote is from the ArtScroll’s introduction.)

    The answer may seem paradoxical: Many Jewish survivals of Nazism embraced Fascism. Under a different name, of course. (A variation of the Stockholm syndrome, perhaps.) Absolutely accept what your rabbi — or a bearded man in Israel — says (Giovanni Gentile’s Fascism also rejected reason and advocated natural faith), hate those who — you are told — must be hated, wear only black-and-white uniforms (compare to black-shirted uniforms), suppress the voice of conscience, remember that you are superior to someone else — simply because your skin is whiter or your pedigree is better. Does this brainwash sound familiar? It has a name, and the name is not Chassidishe derech or Litvishe mechalech. It is simply Fascism.

    The figure of rabbi Yosef Tendler, therefore, becomes explained. He was genuine in his endeavors — generously helping his corporate friends and ruthlessly eradicating his opponents. As pointed out earlier, that was not because he was righteous or monstrous. He was just an ordinary Jewish fascist. The word fascist has not been used here as an insult but as the only proper explanation of rabbi Tendler’s ways. And if you also think that his ideology and behavior are typical of a Mafia boss, remember that Fascism shares the same birthplace with Mafia.

  7. NEW NER ISRAEL CAMPUS DIRECTORY (PART 1 OF 3)1:21 PM, January 14, 2014


    This is the latest complete list of everyone working and/or living on the Ner Israel Rabbinical College campus. NIRC has been harboring pedophiles and other criminals for years. The people below have made the conscious decision to stay with the wrongdoers. They wont care if their or someone else’s kids are raped. They wont care if someone is murdered. Welcome to the NIRC hall of shame:


    SWITCHBOARD – 410-484-7200
    From outside, to bypass Switchboard Operator, dial 410-484-7204 & extension number, if calling within NIRC system dial “1” after an extension.
    OFFICE FAX NUMBER – 410-484-3060
    STUDENT FAX NUMBER – 443-548-6094
    GUARD HOUSE – 410-484-7204 (ext. 515)

    Gudelsky (1st Fl. Yeshiva) – 443-471-4885
    Gudelsky (2nd Fl. Yeshiva) – 443-471-4886
    Gudelsky (3rd Fl. Yeshiva) – 443-471-4887
    Katz (1st Fl. Yeshiva) – 443-471-4888
    Katz (2nd Fl. Yeshiva) – 443-471-4889
    Katz (HS Dorm Lobby) – 443-471-4874 (L) / 443-471-4875 (R)
    Schottenstein (1st Fl. 11th Grade) – 443-471-4870
    Schottenstein (2nd Fl. 10th Grade) – 443-471-4871
    Schottenstein (Stairwell) – 443-471-4872 (F) / 443-471-4873 (B)
    Kolker (1st Fl. 12th Grade) – 443-471-4876
    Kolker (2nd Fl. 9th Grade) – 443-471-4877
    Kolker (Stairwell) – 443-471-4878 (F) / 443-471-4879 (B)

    HURWITZ CLASSROOM – 443-471-4884
    BAIS HAMEDRASH – 443-471-4890/4891/4892 (ext. 111)
    SINDLER DINING HALL – 443-471-4893 (412)

    Mrs. Hinda Davis – ext. 237, home – 410-486-8744
    Rabbi Shmuel Glazer – ext. 231, home – 410-653-0650
    Rabbi Eli Greengart – ext. 219, home – 410-580-0002
    Rabbi Leib Hoffman – ext. 217, home – 410-653-2468
    Jerome H. Kadden – ext. 223, home – 410-484-7531
    Chaim Dovid Lapidus – ext. 234, home – 410-653-0405
    A.J. Levin – ext. 213, home – 410-484-8332
    Yitzchok Markowitz – ext. 238, home – 410-484-2879
    Mrs. Susan Minster – ext. 235, home – 410-484-0655
    Rabbi Boruch Neuberger – ext. 224, home – 410-602-5160
    Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger – ext. 222, home – 410-484-2847
    Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein – ext. 218, home – 410-358-0431, 443-253-0472, fax – 410-484-3060, e-mail –
    Mrs. Helen Raskas – ext. 230, home – 410-764-9250
    Larry Ribakow – ext. 220, home – 410-358-1672
    Shmuel Schachter – ext. 233, home – 410-484-2655
    Rabbi Jonathan Seidemann – ext. 216, home – 410-764-6335

    Rabbi Simcha Cook – ext. 317, home – 410-653-9311, fax – 410-653-9311, e-mail –
    Rabbi Yosef Neuberger – ext. 312, home – 410-484-9776
    Mr. Jacob Schuchman – ext. 314, home – 410-358-7315, business – 410-358-7061, e-mail –
    Mechina Weather Hotline – VM 355
    Mechina Office Fax – 410-484-3215

    Rosh HaYeshiva – 410-653-9433, fax – 410-653-4694
    Rabbi Nosson Friedman – 410-358-7670

    Einstadter, Tzvi & Risha (2-C) – 410-602-3154
    Gross, Pinchas & Sara (3-A) – 410-764-2217
    Hauptman, Azriel & Elisheva (2-B) – 410-415-6034
    Markowitz, Yitzchok & Esther (1-C) – 410-484-2879
    Mintz, Moshe & Helene (3-C) – 410-484-9026
    Neuberger, Sheffie & Rochel (3-D) – 410-484-1035
    Neuberger, Shraga & Binnie (1-B) – 410-653-2488, 410-484-8536
    Neuberger, Yosef Kalman & Shoshana (2-A) – 410-486-0572
    Wagner, Yosef & Tracie (3-B) – 410-484-2771

  8. NEW NER ISRAEL CAMPUS DIRECTORY (PART 2 OF 3)1:22 PM, January 14, 2014


    Cynamon, Dovid & Sora Mindy (3-C) – 410-585-0557
    Eisemann, Moshe & Paula (1-B) – 410-484-7396
    Eisenberg, † Ephraim & Shlomis (2-C) – 410-484-5790
    Ginsberg, Aaron & Aliza (3-D) – 410-358-1727
    Gold, Raphael & Esther (2-A) – 410-602-8388
    Levin, A.J. & Sorah (3-B) – 410-484-8332
    Schneider, Refoel & Dina (1-A) – 410-602-1671
    Skulnick, Pesach & Brocha (3-A) – 410-602-2044
    Slotchiver, Ezra & Gila (2-B) – 410-653-8636
    Tendler, † Yosef & Esther (1-C) – 410-484-9438

    Brody, Yudy & Neitza (1-D) – 410-486-4998
    Feldman, Avraham Chaim (2-A) – 410-415-6632
    Hinberg, Uriel & Breindy (2-B) – 410-484-0733
    Kinzer, Yitzchok & Chana Frumet (3-A) – 410-653-8690
    Landa, Avi & Ruchama (1-C) – 410-753-4868
    Lapidus, Chaim Dovid & Yocheved (1-B) – 410-653-0405
    Sax, Michael & Dahlia (2-C) – 410-602-2059
    Shnidman, Avrohom Shmuel & Elisheva (3-B) – 410-580-0652
    Stern, Mendy & Devora Rena (3-D) – 410-484-0700
    Tabrikian, Avraham & Nechama (3-C) – 410-358-1253

    Benyowitz, Yirmiyahu & Esther Miriam (2-A) – 410-484-2058
    Bernstein, David & Rochel (1-D) – 410-484-2374
    Ezra, Haskel & Rivka (2-D) – 410-486-8041
    Hinberg, Noam & Hadassa Miriam (3-C) – 410-484-7121
    Krasner, Shimon & Tova (1-B) – 410-653-2463
    Librowicz, Emanuel & Aviva (1-C) – 410-484-5534
    Moradian, Yehuda & Sara (2-B) – 410-764-2061
    Schachter, Yosef Aryeh & Chana Rochel (3-A) – 410-484-9562
    Segal, Gershon & Shaina Bluma (3-B) – 410-484-1209
    Shoob, Mordechai & Chavi (3-D) – 410-486-8183
    Tendler, Sholom & Rivky (2-C) – 410-486-2788

    Berkowitz, Yosef & Toby (1-D) – 410-484-5355
    Gersten, Avigdor & Tamara (3-C) – 410-358-0805
    Goldberg, Shlomo & Suri (2-C) – 410-484-2254
    Greengart, Eli & Laya (1-B) – 410-580-0002
    Hakkakian, Eliyahu & Sura Esther (2-A) – 410-486-6508
    Makovoz, Moshe & Nechama Rachel (3-A) – 410-484-4736
    Newmark, Izy & Leah (3-D) – 410-318-8575
    Rowshanshad, Binyamin & Shira (3-B) – 410-486-4260, cell phone – 443-803-1235
    Sandhaus, Moshe & Malkie (2-D) – 410-484-7112
    Schachter, Shmuel & Tova (1-C) – 410-484-2655
    Wolf, Elie & Sora (1-A) – 410-486-4200

    Feldman, Harav Aharon & Lea (3-A) – 410-653-9433, fax – 410-653-4694
    Feldman, Akiva & Yehudis (3-D) – 410-484-1471
    Mintz, Zalman & Esther (1-A) – 410-602-5264
    Neuberger, Boruch & Zehava (2-A) – 410-602-5160
    Rabinowich, Yossi & Tehilla (3-B) – 410-484-4227
    Riselsheimer, Gershon & Naomi (3-C) – 410-318-8838
    Steinhardt, Eliyahu & Russi (2-D) – 410-486-7163
    Weisbord, Beryl & Aviva (1-D) – 410-484-1918

    Jakobovits, Yoel J. & Michelle (1-C) – 410-653-3873, e-mail –
    Kosman, Chaim & Brochie (2-C) – 410-205-2886, cell phone – 410-736-3165, e-mail –
    Kroll, Abba & Sara (3-D) – 410-580-0603
    Neuberger, Ezra & Miriam (1-A) – 410-486-7681
    Rosenbaum, Moshe Ahron & Elana (3-B) – 410-318-8426
    Shane, Avi & Efrona (3-A) – 410-484-0477
    Tendler, Aaron & Aliza (2-A) – 410-653-5213
    Trenk, Shea & Basya (3-C) – 410-484-9422

    Berkowitz, Tzvi & Ettil (1-A) – 410-484-6209
    Danziger, Yaakov & Rivky (2-C) – 410-484-3943
    Hoffman, Dovid & Chaya (3-B) – 410-653-5283
    Hoffman, Leib & Judy (1-C) – 410-653-2468
    Neuberger, Yosef & Miriam (2-A) – 410-484-9776
    Nusbaum, Nosson & Ruth (2-D) – 410-484-8622
    Shafran, Mordechai & Leah Gittel (3-C) – 410-484-0387
    Weiner, Yehuda & Leah (3-D) – 410-484-6928
    Wenger, Yitzy & Tova (3-A) – 410-486-2854
    Yisraeli, Shlomo & Shira (2-B) – 410-653-0358, cell phone – 310-460-9900

  9. NEW NER ISRAEL CAMPUS DIRECTORY (PART 3 OF 3)1:23 PM, January 14, 2014


    Eisgrau, Yaakov & Leah (420) – 410-484-7267
    Glazer, Moshe Hillel & Goldie (414) – 410-486-7727
    Krakauer, Tzvi & Devora (424) – 410-484-7876
    Neuberger, Sheftel & Judy (418) – 410-484-2847
    Salb, Nachum & Tova (410) – 410-484-0784
    Shafran, Noach & Shalva (422) – 410-484-5987
    Weinreb, Calman & Devorah (416) – 410-484-8263
    Willner, Zvi & Brenda (412) – 410-484-9028

    Adler, Yitzchok & Malky (423) – 410-484-4172, 410-484-4137
    Cook, Simcha & Esky (425) – 410-653-9311, business – 410-484-7200, fax – 410-653-9311, e-mail –,
    Frand, Yissocher & Nechama (417) – 410-484-1605
    Friedman, Dovid & Sandra (415) – 410-653-5481, cell phone – 443-803-8596
    Glazer, Shmuel & Miriam (427) – 410-653-0650
    Goldberg, Bill & Rochelle (431) – 410-484-2291
    Jurkowitz, Pinchas & Ayala (411) – 410-484-4239
    Lansky, Nochum & Shifra (413) – 410-484-2997
    Mellman, Benzion & Miriam (419) – 410-653-3106
    Rosenbaum, Dovid & Ettie (429) – 410-486-0548

    Feuereisen, Yitzchok & Chana (8904 Greylock Rd.) – 410-998-9167
    Gelber, Yisroel & Avigail (8902 Greylock Rd.) – 410-356-3244
    Neuberger, Yitzchok (500 Mt. Wilson Lane) – 410-486-0053, business – 410-332-8510

    David Friedman – 410-484-7204 (ext. 511), if urgent – cell phone – 443-803-8596
    Mark Kuhr – 410-484-7204 (ext. 706), home – 410-764-3952, business – 410-764-7113
    Benyamin Ziman VM – 410-484-7204 (ext. 717), home – 410-318-6654, cell phone – 443-801-0736

    Bais HaMedrash of Baltimore – 410-486-0006
    Bais Yaakov Elementary School – 410-363-3300
    Bais Yaakov Middle & High School – 443-548-7700
    Binah Seminary – 410-764-7712
    Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore – 443-524-3200
    Community Kollel Bais Medrash – 410-358-5887
    Etz Chaim Center – 410-764-1553
    Maalot (WIT) Seminary – 410-358-3144
    Talmudical Academy (TA) / Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim – 410-484-6600
    Torah Institute (TI) – 410-654-3500
    Yeshiva Lev Shlomo – 410-764-6500
    Yesodei HaTorah – 410-764-0510

    Dr. Jakobovits (Office) – 410-580-0900
    Agudah Information Line – 410-764-3333
    Chaverim (Baltimore) – 410-486-9000
    Hatzalah (Baltimore) – 410-358-0000, 410-764-0000
    Kashrus Hotline (Star-K) – 410-484-4110
    Valley Cab – 410-486-4000
    Arrow Cab – 410-358-9696
    Shomrim of Baltimore – 410-358-9999

    Poison Control – 1-800-222-1222
    Mosheh Ben-Levy Car Service – 410-484-8434, cell phone – 443-804-9795
    Monsey Bus (to Boro Park) – 1-845-510-5100
    Seven Mile Market – 410-653-2000
    Baltimore Weather Report – 410-500-4450
    BGE Time & Weather Line – 410-662-9225
    US Postal Service – 1-800-275-8777
    Pikesville Post Office – 410-602-2761
    Postal Delivery Issues – 410-486-0342

    BGE Power Outage Reporting – 1-877-778-2222
    Free Directory Assistance – 1-800-373-3411
    News/Weather for any city – 1-888-247-2425
    Consumer Product Safety Line – 1-800-638-2772
