Monday, March 28, 2016

Finding Courage to Talk About Child Sexual Abuse - "If silence is a predator's best friend, and if shame and denial are the ingredients that help this epidemic to grow, then how can any of us stay silent? Maybe instead of just focusing on how uncomfortable this conversation is, we could focus on how this is an opportunity to have courage."


  1. Zweibel must be having an emergency meeting with the Cardinal at St Patrick's Cathedral.

    Marge Markey is starting up again with her victim bill. Check out multiple articles in today's NY Daily News.

    Has anyone seen Duvid Niederman from Satmar?

  2. Queens Vaad's Chaim Schwartz in a fight with cRc Chicago's Gedalya Schwartz

    (No relation)

    cRc says VHQ is no good. Took them off their reliable hechsher list, told consumers they are not reliable, etc.

    Chaim Schwartz claims that the cRc is getting nekama because the VHQ doesn't accept cRc meat (Rosenblatt) based on the two year old report of "mumche" Zwebner from EY who supposedly said that cRc meat is only fit for Muslims. VHQ refuses to release this report they claim to have.

    Both VHQ and cRc are a bunch of immature children.

  3. Rabbi David Shraga Telsner was the gabbai in Great Synagogue Jerusalem & later an executive of Mizrachi-Hapoel & other modern orthodox organizations.

    He co-certified the "kashrus" of chazir treif Jello gelatin for General Foods together with Rabbi Yehuda Gershuni (who the fake alias "Rabbi David Keter" aka Michael Broyde claimed to have semicha from). The Great Synagogue later shielded & gave a shteller to the infamous YU molester Rabbi George Finkelstein.

    David Telsner's son Tzvi Hirsh Telsner became a Lubavitcher as a bochur and emerged as the head of Chabad Australia.

    Or at least until he was forced to resign during the Federal investigation of all the child rapists he was protecting.

    And of course everyone knows about the menuvol spokesman for Jello, Bill Cosby, finally being arrested after 50 years or more as a predator of women & girls.

  4. I guess I'll have to stop eating my Jello!

  5. It's kind of shocking when you think that Gershuni's shver was the adam gadol R' Lazer Silver.

    Or maybe not when we've also got the Tendler garbage besmirching R' Moishe Feinstein.

  6. So, how will things change within segments of these Haredi communities? Is the incidence of child sexual abuse higher within these Haredi communities than the NON-HAREDI Jewish communities? If so, why? What cultural norms with these Haredi communities need to change?

    Why do Haredi rabbis condone the actions of members of their communities when they shun, vilify and threaten victims and their families when they report the crime to the police? Why do members of these communities treat those that go to the police in this manner?

    So, how will things change?
