Monday, March 21, 2016

Our tradition treats the crimes of Amalek with utmost severity and there are therefore three separate commandments relating to Amalek; their actions must never be forgotten, their actions must be remembered and their memory must be wiped out. The offences that Elon was convicted of embody this same immorality. The victims, students of Elon’s, had come to him in times of personal crisis, weak and defenseless. They looked to him for help and guidance and he took advantage of them. How can a man who commits such crimes so antithetical to Jewish morality return to be a spiritual leader in any Jewish community?

Mordechai Elon, we will not be silent

This past Shabbat, Shabbat Zachor, I had one of the most meaningful and memorable Seudat Shlishit that I have had in a long time.  After Mincha I went with a group of close friends and stood outside the Heichal Rachamim Shul in Givat Shmuel where dozens of other Gabash residents had already gathered. Men, women and children of all ages had all come to spend their Seudat Shlishit here in protest of the appearance at a communal event of Mordechai Elon, a formerly prominent rabbi in the religious Zionist community. Elon, who was once considered a rising rabbinic star in the community, was convicted of two counts of sexual assault against a minor in 2013. Takana Forum, which is a council of religious Zionist communal and rabbinic leaders, has described Elon as a threat to the public and has demanded that he refrain from taking rabbinical, teaching and communal positions.

Nevertheless, Elon continues to be honored at communal events and continues to teach.

Three and a half years before his conviction, Takana Forum had stated publicly that they had received incontrovertible evidence that Elon had sexually exploited a number of his students. The Takana Forum received evidence of Elon’s misconduct years earlier and confronted him about it.  Elon agreed to take upon himself a number of restrictions in order to avoid further misconduct.  The Forum only publicly released the evidence after receiving reports that Elon had committed even more severe offences and had violated the restrictions he had agreed to follow. The chairman of Takana Forum has since stated that the charges that were ultimately brought against Elon in court are small fry compared to the far more serious abuses that they had been presented evidence of.  Although Elon is said to have confessed in front of the Takana Forum he has never publicly admitted or expressed any remorse for his actions. 

A few days before Shabbat Zachor notices began to appear around Givat Shmuel inviting the public to participate in a series of events over the course of the Shabbat featuring Mordechai Elon as the honored guest and speaker. Quickly word spread throughout the community and a number of people began organizing a protest to take place outside the shul’s event hall where a seudat shlishit with Elon speaking was to be held. As a member of the Bar Ilan University chapter of Ne’emanei Torah Va’Avodah student organization I created a Facebook event and invited fellow students to participate in the protest. In the end the turnout was estimated to be over a hundred people. Drinks and food were passed around and the crowd joined together beautifully singing Shabbat songs while holding signs saying “Mordechai Elon, we will not be silent”.

I felt that it was particularly meaningful to stand up against this particular form of injustice on Shabbat Zachor, the Shabbat that religious Jews fulfill the various commandments relating to the crimes committed against us by Amelek. I was always taught that the crimes of Amalek represent a particularly heinous form of immorality. Amalek attacked, without provocation, the defenseless Israelites from behind, where the weak and exhausted people were. The immorality exhibited by Amalek in their attack on the weak and defenseless represents the antithesis of Jewish morality which is so concerned with protecting the weak and defenseless.

 Our tradition treats the crimes of Amalek with utmost severity and there are therefore three separate commandments relating to Amalek; their actions must never be forgotten, their actions must be remembered and their memory must be wiped out. The offences that Elon was convicted of embody this same immorality. The victims, students of Elon’s, had come to him in times of personal crisis, weak and defenseless. They looked to him for help and guidance and he took advantage of them. How can a man who commits such crimes so antithetical to Jewish morality return to be a spiritual leader in any Jewish community?

I do not believe that Mordechai Elon should be treated as if we was a member of Amalek. However, a community can not justifiably allow a man, who has committed such gravely immoral abuses of power, to return to a position of spiritual leadership. By allowing someone, who so flagrantly violates the Torah’s moral demands, teach that very same Torah, the Torah is effectively emptied of all its moral content. I am proud that my community stood up to him and I hope that if he continues to make public appearances in other communities they too will rise in protest. We must not be silent.

Benzion Sanders is an American-Israeli student of Philosophy and the Middle East and a former IDF special forces soldier.  



    Gedolim asser going to batei din with feminist attitudes similar to secular courts

    OU's BDA, cRc Chicago, Iggud Harabbonim, RCC LA, Memphis, any ad hoc beis din with Kaminetzky participation etc


    Menachem Genack embracing & kissing Hillary at AIPAC.

    At least he meant it, unlike that phony hespid he gave on Belsky.


  4. Dovid Weinberger allegedly committed disgraceful acts that ruined marriages and lives, yet he not only shops in local stores [traumatizing women who say they were assaulted by him or seduced by him] and attends a shteibel in his town but also has gotten at least one kibbud at that shteibel.

  5. Justice has never been served. Like Mordechai Elon, the notorious pedophile rabbi Moshe Eisemann still resides on the campus of Ner Yisroel in Baltimore. He never had any official criminal conviction, yet – he destroyed (no, destroys) countless lives. Now talk to me about god and heavenly justice. As far as I see, he or she doesn't exist. Amen.

  6. French Bastard from Le Marais9:18 PM, March 21, 2016

    Muslim police officers in France are refusing to protect synagogues or observe a moment of silence for terror victims, and the attitude may be a result of increasing Islamic radicalization among law enforcement officials, according to a report by the New York-based conservative think tank the Gatestone Institute.

    According to the report, a leaked confidential Department of Security memo detailed 17 instances of French police officers radicalized between 2012 and 2015. The memo, which was published by Le Parisien newspaper, noted that police officers broadcast Muslim chants on patrol.

    The French Interior Ministry’s anti-terrorist unit reports that there are currently 8,250 radical Islamists in France. While some have defected to Syria to join the ranks of ISIS, others have infiltrated the police force and armed forces.

    The Gatestone report, published on March 16, states that French police “were alerted to a policewoman who incited terrorism on Facebook, and called her police uniform a ‘filthy rag of the Republic’ while wiping her hands on it.”

    The report then said that shortly after the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the Hypercacher kosher supermarket in Vincennes, which left 17 people dead, the policewoman wrote on her Facebook page: “Masked attack led by Zionist cowards… They need to be killed.”

  7. Marc Faber, the Zurich based international money advisor, told Bloomberg TV that he would prefer Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

    “Given the alternatives, I would vote for Mr. Trump because he may only destroy the U.S. economy, but Hillary Clinton will destroy the whole world. That’s the difference,” Faber said in the interview on Friday.

    When asked further as to why he would pick Trump, Faber said, “Look at her nation-building in the Middle East, how successful that has been.”

    That’s a reference to the crisis unfolding in that region, where under her watch the Islamic State has upended millions of people’s lives in Iraq and Syria.
