Monday, May 02, 2016

Agudath Israel of America, an umbrella group representing Orthodox Jewish groups, joined the Catholic Church in successfully lobbying to derail the proposed law...

Coalition of Jewish leaders backs Child Victims Act, demand end to New York’s statute of limitation


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Chaim Levin, of the anti-abuse group Kol Voz, wants "to give people the power of the court to hold their abuser accountable.”


A coalition of more than 130 Jewish leaders now back the Child Victims Act which would eliminate the statute of limitation in New York — allowing countless child sex abuse victims to seek justice as adults
The show of support on Thursday comes just days before advocates of the bill plan a two-day lobbying effort in Albany to win passage of the long-languishing legislation.

“After decades of denial, coverups and darkness across New York State, light is finally being shone on the scourge of child sexual abuse,” read the petition signed by scores of high-profile leaders.

“The lasting and far-reaching damage caused by abusers is intolerable, and it is incumbent upon all the citizens of New York State to work to reduce it.”

The writers also acknowledged the role played by "religious institutions" in blocking the legislation in past years.

Former Manhattan Borough President Ruth Messinger (seen with Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington, in September 2015) is among those signing the petition. 

Former Manhattan Borough President Ruth Messinger (seen with Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington, in September 2015) is among those signing the petition.

Agudath Israel of America, an umbrella group representing Orthodox Jewish groups, joined the Catholic Church in successfully lobbying to derail the proposed law.

The bill was first introduced a decade ago by state Assemblywoman Margaret Markey (D-Queens), and has failed to pass in four previous tries.

Nine Jewish organizations are planning a trip to Albany to add their voices to the chorus supporting a change in the law on Tuesday and Wednesday.

“The most exciting thing about it is the range of voices — from right wing Orthodox to left-wing, secular Jews and everything in between,” Rabbi Ari Hart said.


Queens Assemblywoman Margaret Markey (second from left) introduced the bill a decade ago. 

Queens Assemblywoman Margaret Markey (second from left) introduced the bill a decade ago.

Among those signing the petition were close to 100 rabbis and former Manhattan Borough President Ruth Messinger.

“We need to demonstrate that some large groups who oppose this bill don’t speak for everyone,” said Chaim Levin, 26, of the group Kol Voz — a new global organization attempting to combat abuse in Jewish communities.

“We want to show our lawmakers that the Agudath does not represent everyone,” the Crown Height resident continued. “One of the most important parts of dealing with abuse is to give people the power of the court to hold their abuser accountable.”

Current New York law gives the victims up until the age of 23 to seek recourse in the court system — although many victims need years to deal with their abuse, and miss the deadline.


  1. The Novominsker won't protect kids but he protects piece of garbage Sheldon Silver

    Rabbis Rally for Leniency in Silver’s Sentencing; Wife Cites His Poor Health

    WEDNESDAY, 27 APRIL 2016

    Rabbi Perlow wrote, “I would respectfully urge that you focus on the entirety of Mr. Silver’s career, not just his unfortunate deviations from legal strictures.”

    VOA reported, “Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO of the Orthodox Union, wrote a letter on Silver’s behalf, citing an instance of Silver reaching out to an insurance company to advocate for a sick person who needed help covering their medical expenses. That letter, which described Silver as a ‘good person’ was written by Rabbi Genack on the stationery of his synagogue, Congregation Shomrei Emunah of Teaneck, and not that of the OU.

    Others who wrote letters to Judge Caproni on Silver’s behalf include former New York City mayor David Dinkins, United Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten, Silver’s former chief of staff Judy Rapfogel, and executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Malcolm Hoenlein.”


    This chazir molester caught on tape is allegedly the menahel of the main Satmar Aroni cheder in KJ, Moishe Hersh Klein.


    Police in Milan have arrested a rabbi for domestic violence after he allegedly hit and verbally abused one of his eight children.

    Police arrested the man, identified as 42-year-old M.E., a rabbi at the Chabad center at Piazza Castello, on Sunday night after being alerted by his wife, Italian media reported.

    The center lists Michael Elmaleh as a rabbi there.

    He beat the children with a broom handle, forbidding them to eat unless he first went to the synagogue to pray. After years of harassment an ultra-Orthodox rabbi of Milan 42, ME, was arrested by police and Monday night is in San Vittore prison. A report it was the wife, a 38 year-old American volunteer teacher at the Cultural Center, which said he also suffered an attack the day before, but he was unable to call the police because it was the Passover, and believers are not allowed to do work, or use your mobile phone, until twilight. The woman asked the intervention of the police. It was in the kitchen she heard her husband beating his fists on table and yell at the sixteen year old son, who the evening before was denied dinner because the teenager had not gone to the temple.

    Unpaid rent

    The couple has eight children from 4 to 16 and has chosen to give them an education strictly religious from an early age. The family is under threat of eviction and has accumulated 30 thousand euro of debts for unpaid rent: according to accounts, have helped worsen the already irascible man. Upon arrival of police were husband and wife in traditional dress. The man was having dinner as if nothing had happened, but the furniture in the house were damaged and the whole house was a mess.

    Mistreatment for years

    The reconstruction of investigators allowed to go back at least three interventions in 2015. Many incidents of violence recounted: in 2009 the man had broken a tooth of the eldest son by throwing a toy, in 2015 beat him with a broom, a few days ago had grabbed a young son in the neck that had hit a brother with a football. On this occasion - always according to the account of the wife - the rabbi told him: "You must apologize to your brother, choose a punishment for when we get home," and "You think you're stronger than him? I am stronger than you."
