Tuesday, November 15, 2016

CBS - 60 Minutes Interview Taped Friday Night November 11, 2016, After Dark....

Let me be clear - I was posting about the RCA conversion scam since 2009 (read link below) --- This is about fraudulent conversions --- therefore Lookstein's, Schechter's and all conversions are suspect when "converts" are treated totally differently, in clear violation of basic Jewish law - without any set of consistent standards. Ms. Trump is a victim of this fraud, wittingly or not! Any wonder Lookstein is a persona non-Grata in Israel?




"a. Where the Conversion is Primarily for the sake of Marriage

i. Where marriage to a particular Jewish partner is a major incentive to a prospective conversion, there is an increased possibility that the geirus may come with less than the complete commitment necessary for a conversion that would be in keeping with the standards we are trying to set for the regional Batei Din. Nonetheless, experience also shows that such a motivation can result in converts of the highest caliber. Conversion for the sake of marriage therefore requires the Beit Din to constantly reevaluate if the candidate and future partner are likely to subscribe to the requisite beliefs and practices. The Beit Din must be convinced that if the potential spouse were to disappear from the candidate’s life, his or her commitment to the Jewish faith and people would not waver. These factors inevitably prolong the process and make examination of the prospective convert more intense. Indeed, should the couple mention a proposed wedding date as a deadline or goal, the Beit Din should respond that the process will take significantly longer than that......"

c. Requirements of Other People in a Candidate’s Life

i. When a candidate is previously intermarried or is converting for the sake of an individual Jew (as per above), the spouse’s observance level and attitudes must be consistent with the present and future Torah observance of the candidate and not be a source of conflict or opposition to the convert’s adopting a halachic lifestyle. The Beit Din should also consider whether other significant individuals in the candidate’s life such as parents, or any existing minor children, will have an impact on the success or failure of the process and the aftermath of conversion.

שולחן ערוך יורה דעה הלכות גרים סימן רסח סעיף יב

אפי' נודע שבשביל דבר הוא מתגייר, הואיל ומל וטבל יצא מכלל העובדי כוכבים, וחוששים לו עד שתתברר צדקתו


RCA Kosher Shellfish!

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner celebrated Kushner’s 31st birthday with an intimate dinner rather than a blowout Tuesday, when they were seen at “a cozy corner table” at Jesse Schenker’s West Village hot spot Recette. Spies say the pair nibbled on hamachi with uni, fluke with shellfish congee and s’mores with graham cracker ice cream, topped off by a candle. Trump then presented her hubby with two maroon Polo Ralph Lauren waffle shirts and other gifts.  


Ivanka Trump leaves the 21 Club in New York City after dinner      


  1. you can see in the background that there is plenty of light coming in from outside. it was taped daytime. broadcast at night

  2. It was taped starting at approximately 6 PM Friday night, and aired on Sunday. This...from an executive at CBS, a friend of mine. I post only after I'm able to confirm the facts.

  3. Let me be clear - I was posting about the RCA conversion scam since 2009 --- This is about fraudulent conversions --- therefore Lookstein, Schechter and all conversions are suspect when "converts" are treated differently, without a universal set of standards. Ms. Trump is a victim of this fraud, wittingly or not!

  4. Maybe they provided her with limousine service? Maybe her father is her Shabbos goy?

  5. Did she do anything that was blatantly michalel Shabbos?
    Being interviewed might not be "Shabbsdik," but neither are many other things that 'frum' people do.
    This is not news.

  6. Maybe the Kushners only had a salad at the restaurant, and left the steak for the Donald.
