Sunday, February 12, 2017

Kushner & Trump Arrive In West Palm Peach Florida - Friday - 5:51 P.M. EST - Candle Lighting - 5:51 P.M. - Sunset 6:09 P.M.

  Any rabbi with any integrity at all would consider this scenario happening all through the Modern Orthodox world. " Wow....I can date a shiksa for years, then find a rabbi to convert her if my parents want her to, eat non-kosher, violate the Shabbos repeatedly, still call myself Orthodox if my father has money, and not one rabbi stands up and says this is a fraud not to be emulated" Shameful!

They deplane exactly at 5:51 P.M. EST (3:31 MST) 10:55 minutes into the video.

 Filmed by Fox Phoenix MST (2 hours behind EST). -VIDEO DISPLAYS MST TIME. (MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME)

Zmanim - Halachic Times

From Palm Beach International Airport, 1000 James L Turnage Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33415
To Mar-a-Lago Club, 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480

Map from Palm Beach International Airport, 1000 James L Turnage Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33415 to Mar-a-Lago Club, 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480
21.6 mi. About 27 minutes

Rabbi Menachem Genack, administrator of the Orthodox Union’s kashrut division, calls Kushner “a genuine Modern Orthodox Jew … serious about his Judaism.”

Palm Beach International Airport
To: Mar-a-Lago Club, 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480

Traveling on Erev Shabbos


Did Kushner/Trump Sleep At Palm Beach International Friday Night February 10, 2017? 



13. One should be careful not to leave on a trip on Erev Shabbos after mid-day13.

A plane or ship arriving late on Friday

20. When an airplane arrives late on Friday, after Shabbos has started, and the airport is located outside of the techum Shabbos limitations of the city, the traveler is permitted to exit the airplane, but he must remain at the airport for the duration of Shabbos. He is permitted to walk around anywhere in the terminal.

If however the airport is located within the city limits, the traveler would be permitted to walk to his destination during Shabbos.

The above ruling also applies to a situation in which the traveler has boarded the airplane early enough to arrive at his destination before Shabbos, but due to unexpected delays the airplane does not take off until after Shabbos had started. Since the doors have been already closed (and the plane was on the runway awaiting takeoff clearance) the staff does not allow him to leave the airplane and he was forced to fly and land on Shabbos.

If he has valuable items with him which are not permitted to be handled on Shabbos (muktzah), but which cannot be left at the airport, he is permitted to keep them and walk around with them in the airport. However, he would not be permitted to keep them with him if he is going to leave the airport.

בגר שאין םהדי שלא קבל מצות אף שאמר בפיו שמקבל 
 ---  סימן קנז

אגרות משה - חלק ב - פיינשטיין, משה בן דוד, 1895-1986
 /554 Prev הקודם>>

Modern Orthodoxy’s failings transcend Jared Kushner

In practice, it appears righteousness and accountability are not basic tenets of Orthodox or even Modern Orthodox culture. Whether or not the right-leaning OU — which also grievously enabled and elevated serial abuser Baruch Lanner as a dynamo for Jewish continuity — qualifies as part of the Modern Orthodox community, little has been done to avert subsequent or future abuses. As the executive who was supposed to reform that organization was being pushed out, one of the OU’s leaders unapologetically declared, “The post-Lanner era is over.” Or, as Kushner’s father-in-law would say, it was time “to move on.”

As an example of Modern Orthodoxy’s pervasive and permissive environment, it happens that Frisch itself had for years employed and touted Lanner as a teacher and administrator.

Given his unexceptional high school record, Kushner’s acceptance by Harvard highlights another iron-clad reality: the power of money, in Jewish as well as secular American life. With the understandable need to recruit and retain major donors to underwrite our economically unsustainable network of institutions, especially yeshivas and day schools, compromises are both inevitable and ubiquitous.....


1 comment:

  1. Kushner belongs to a kehila of rich lazy MO Jews who prefer personal desire over Halacha. Unlike the Open Orthodox, they are not progressive but still phony with their observance. Their laziness threatens the future of MO as many kids raised this way go OTD or escape to the Yeshivish velt. I grew up such and became the latter, which I found to be A BREATH OF FRESH AIR.
