Thursday, March 02, 2017

The Pope That Could Have Been an Orthodox Rabbi

Priests Who Raped Children Are Sentenced To “Lifetime of Prayer” By Pope Francis (TESHUVA)


Pope Francis is still viewed as a more progressive Pope, but a deeper look into his actions shows that is certainly not the case. Pope Francis has not taken strong action against the child rapists in the Catholic Church and his latest protection of them was appalling.

Mauro Inzoli is a high ranking priest that received Pope Francis’ clemency and was convicted for sex crimes against children in an Italian court. Inzoli, along with several other Catholic priests convicted of sex crimes, were sentenced to be removed from the church by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

However, Pope Francis overruled the defrocking sentence and instead wants the priests to serve a “lifetime of prayer.”

Pope Francis has defended his protection of these child rapists by citing the “mercy” of the church.

This is absolutely outrageous. How is the epidemic of child rape from Catholic priests going to change if the church cannot even police their own? A lifetime of prayer as a sentence is simply unacceptable.

Former Vatican official Rocio Figueroa has spoken out against the Catholic Church saying that they are “not zero tolerance” when it comes to sexual assault against children. However, we need more people in the church, especially those in positions of power, to come out and condemn these light sentences and protections of child rapists.

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  1. The Roman Catholics though have lost pretty-much everything as a result of their coverup. Hareidi institutions (such as those that have been covered in this blog) who have covered up sexual abuse at their institutions don't seem to have suffered any financial fallout or boycotts by the hareidi community. The cult of hareidi and yeshivish "Judaism" has a much more powerful hold on its deluded adherents than does Catholicism. Even the cult in Quebec/Guatemala is still doin' just fine.....

  2. The Catholic Church is the spiritual home to 1.1 billion people around the world. It's also a big business that handles billions of dollars.

    Here's how it makes money and how it spends it.

    1. The Vatican Bank has $8 billion in assets

    The Vatican Bank, which has about $8 billion in assets, has often been at the center of scandal and corruption since it was founded in 1942. Pope Benedict began the process of cleaning the bank up, and Francis has continued that work.

    Vatican Bank accounts are only supposed to be held by residents of Vatican City and church personnel. But according to Gerald Posner, a Vatican bank scholar and the author of "God's Bankers," these accounts were often awarded to powerful Italian officials looking to stash money without paying taxes.

    The bank closed over 4,000 accounts to weed out corruption and currently has a total of 33,400 accounts.

    The bank, formally known as the Institute of Works of Religion, has made progress, but still has a long way to go in becoming more transparent.

    2. The Vatican had over €1.1 billion off its balance sheet

    The Vatican is a separate entity from the Vatican bank, and underwent its own clean up last year.

    When it released its 2014 financial statements in July, the Vatican said it had more than €1.1 billion ($1.2 billion) in assets that weren't previously on the balance sheet.

    The Vatican has two main entities. The Holy See, which governs the Catholic Church and the Vatican City State, which governs Vatican City.

    The Holy See reported a deficit of €25.6 million ($27.9 million) in 2014, even though it received over €50 million from the Vatican Bank. Its biggest expense last year was paying its 2,880 employees a total of €126.6 million.

    The Vatican City State is responsible for running the Vatican Museums and in 2014 had a surplus of €63.5 million -- nearly double what it was the year before.

    3. The Sistine Chapel is for rent - kind of

    In October 2014, the Sistine Chapel was rented out for the first time to the automaker Porsche.

    Forty Porsche fans paid $5,900 to attend a gala under Michelangelo's famed painted ceiling as part of Pope Francis' Art for Charity project.

    Whereas the average visitor is permitted only a short stay in the chapel, for fear of damage to the frescoes, the Porsche guests were treated to a private choral concert and a dinner in the exhibit.

    Although money did change hands, the Vatican still contends it isn't renting out the chapel.

    "The Sistine Chapel can never be rented because it is not a commercial place," Vatican spokesman Monsignor Paolo Nicolini said.

    Instead, he described it as being "visible" for private groups.

    But don't try booking the chapel for your birthday or wedding anytime soon -- events are limited to art-related functions.
    sistine chapel pope francis vatican
    View of the Sistine Chapel's ceiling.

    4. It costs how much to become a saint?!
