Thursday, June 22, 2017

Not So Holy Holistic Piece Of Garbage In The Holy Land!

Holistic therapist accused of sexually assaulting patients


Alternative medicine therapist arrested after allegedly sexually assaulting haredi women during treatment.

Entrance to clinic
Entrance to clinic

 This individual, a native English speaker, has spent time "practicing" and seeing clients in Miami Florida in the last few years, as well as in his primary Jerusalem office. If you believe you may have been hurt by this man, please please reach out to your local police department.

 By Police Spokesperson

Jerusalem police arrested a man operating an alternative medicine clinic in the capital after several female patients said he sexually assaulted them during treatment.

The 57-year old Jerusalem resident was taken into custody Monday after two haredi women filed complaints with police.

Police say the clinic operator posed as a doctor, despite having no formal medical training.

At his Jerusalem clinic, the suspect offered a variety of alternative or holistic treatments including naturopathy, acupuncture, and carniosacral therapy.

The first complaint was filed last week by a 40-year old Jerusalem woman, who described to investigators a series of sexual offenses the suspect allegedly committed against her.

She claimed the crimes were committed while she was being treated at the clinic last year. When the woman felt the suspect’s behavior became inappropriate, she turned to a local assistance center, which after hearing the nature of her complaints, directed her to the police.

A second woman, 33 years old, also filed a complaint against the suspect, making similar accusations of sexual abuse.

After police took the suspect into custody, a court extended the arrest to next Sunday.


  1. How do you know he is from Miami?

  2. Dr. Condominium Putz7:57 PM, June 22, 2017

    There is no publication ban against media outside of Israel & even Shmarya's clone Silverstein violates the ban inside Israel all the time.

    So if you are against molestation of any kind, then why get we get some more info?

  3. Neuhoff, is that you? Don't tell me you're doing the condo time share thing in winter in Miami on top of summering in the Catskills?

  4. Shaulson is not goress Israeli publication bans either

    He has identified the bankrupt business owner who went to a Jerusalem seminary to keep raping women & girls as the slimy Frank named Matti BenDavid.

    A Sefardic Bill Cosby
