Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Enough is Enough says New York State!

 The gedolim/rabbis laughed at the laws of protecting our children from sex abuse, they scoffed at the State of New York on metzizah b'peh guidelines, Medicaid fraud is just stealing from the Goyim, Welfare funds are there for you to cheat as much as possible without getting caught, Vaccinations - feh - what do the Goyim know? No secular education in just about all Hasidic Yeshivas - producing illiterates and wards of society.  So here we are --- New York State said enough is enough!



  2. First of all, it was easy to see this coming.
    Look, there's another solution: simply disqualify any graduate of one of these yeshivos from ever receiving public funds - welfare, health care, etc. You don't want to teach math or comprehensible English? Great, but we're not going to subsidize your arrogant ignorance.

  3. Orange County Health Dept announcing 5 cases of measles. They won't say where but admit that the kids are not in public schools.

    Kiryas Yoel anyone?

    Philly is so generous that even Satmar are "beneficiaries"

  4. Ezra Friedlander is constantly bashed on the blogs as a Kapo but it's not like he's the only Kapo in town ...

    What about Monsey's Shlomo Pomeranz who is on a major power trip after being made an Airmont Fire official?

    He threatens & yells at rabbonim. He makes trouble for them even if they kiss his tuchess. But watch out for his pompous fury if they dare not bow down to his every word!

    And as the gofer boy of the smug anti-frum Italiano Airmont Mayor Pomeranz even spitefully terrorized a frumma Yid to dismantle his sukkah boi bayoim on erev Yom Kippur, threatening that when the Yid was davening in NJ he would send Marshalls on Yom Kippur night to forcibly remove his wife & children! The Yid was forced to shvitz most of the day with the dismantlement, could not make it to NJ and had to scramble to find a seat to daven in Monsey.

  5. What is the logic in Satmar's big outburst now? They could have kept quiet until the deadline to comply which is years from now & only then start dragging their feet and then fight if need be. Here they showed all their cards immediately which puts them at a disadvantage.
