Sunday, December 16, 2018

First Things First - Teach The Kids To Remove The Toilet Paper From Their Desks Before They Go To Sleep!


  1. What is really going on here? Is this more dishonest hysteria from Pinny Lipschutz & the Fressers like what they propagandized regarding Rubashkin? Or is there any legit reason to be concerned? Limudei Kodesh always went into partial cheshbon until now. Are they telling the truth when they now scream in the Yated that the State has abolished that portion of it? What happened all of a sudden to that specific concession that Simcha Felder got out of the Legislature to enshrine as law?

  2. Shrewd tactic by NYS. They believe if enough pressure is applied to all yeshivas and girls schools, the Chassidim will cave because of defunding and pressure from Agudah. They hope they can reach a compromise...starting out with an extreme position. I would not believe the rhetoric if Brudny and Reisman were not at the supposed meeting. But what do they know about playing hardball with government officials?
