Friday, December 21, 2018

Rumor Has It That Eddie Murphy Graduated From The Satmar Yeshiva....With Honors...


  1. In the 1990s there was a dorm room of Fallsburg bochurim in BMG who wrote "E. Murphy" on to the list of roommates. When the kollel guy in charge was compiling the list for the office he jotted down all the names he saw, including Murphy. The office was later trying to find out if any empty beds were available for new bochurim so they asked one of the letz roommates: "What's the story with Murphy? Is he coming back this zman?" The letz tells him oh yes he's coming back in a few days. Someone in the office finally figured out that Murphy is this foul mouthed Brotha so R' Dovid Schustal called these bochurim in & was not happy about it.

  2. Cute story. Rabbi Schustal should've watched an episode or two to appreciate the gadlus of the bachur Murphy. And Lakewood guys watching TV and movies? Truly a shanda!


    Suing Rockland Kosher is Rabbi Philip Ten who was a heimishe concert organizer in 1960s Monsey.

    father of LA Bikkur Cholim's Rabbi Heshy Ten who was involved in this annuities scam

  4. Most people know who Murphy is even not having seen any of his movies.

    He's been all over the newspapers & on radio commercials.

  5. Torah Vodaas paid for a full page shpiel in this week's Yated to wax nostalgic about 1959.

    That is a year that UOJ no doubt remembers from the traumatic event at the Agudah convention with a Fresser monning a dozen eggs for his breakfast omelet.

    Above EVP Hertz Frankel sporting a pencil moustache is an Isaac Feldman character labeled President of the alumni assoc.. Is he any relation to infamous Chairman Benjamin Feldman?

    And another question based on a blog from 2 weeks ago. Someone writes that Margo initially was beshutfus in his new "YTV of Flatbush" pirate entity with the Rav Lichtenstein from East 28th who is father of publicity hound David Lightstone, but that Margo quickly muscled him out. Are there are any interesting details missing from that revelation?

  6. Itzik Feldman - son of Benjamin...sold his business to Agudah Fresser Werdiger.

  7. Don't know about the Margo shutfis..anyone that was mishtatef with him had to be some sort of meshugener himself.

  8. Who was the "prominent" rabbi collaborating with Margo & Applegrad? And what did Margo's father actually do in Satmar?

    A prominent Brooklyn rabbi and Yaakov Applegrad, an administrator at Yeshiva Torah Temimah, the school parents were suing, asked the parents to a meeting — without their lawyer. After pleading with the couple to drop the suit, Applegrad and the rabbi turned up the heat and played the card they hoped would resonate powerfully with religious Jews: they compared the parents to Nazis for attempting to “bankrupt” the yeshiva. The Nazis, they said, destroyed the yeshiva in Europe built before the war by the father of Rabbi Lipa Margulies, Torah Temimah’s founder and dean. Now, the two suggested, the parents were doing the same with their lawsuit. (It is not clear that Rabbi Margulies’ father actually had a yeshiva in Europe).

  9. Dray kop

    In response to the ongoing pedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church, state Rep. Lance T. Mason of Shaker Heights recently introduced a bill in the Ohio House to require rabbis, priests and ministers to report suspected cases of child abuse to public authorities.

    "It becomes a sensitive issue," says Rabbi Napthali Burnstein of Young Israel of Greater Cleveland. "At what point does confidentiality end and I will have to report it? Is it counseling or just something the rabbi knows from hearsay or conversation?"

    In his job, Burnstein says he hears things all the time, and anything people tell him remains confidential. "The worse thing a rabbi can do is gossip."


    The Knesset has nothing better to do?

  11. Bob Grant used to say bsheim Charles Manson that it's no chiddush that someone is crazy today because there are doch so many meshugoyim.

    Someone Michael Feldstein taynas now on Facebook that it's tzvei dinim:

    "Rebbitzen Kaminetsky is certifiably nuts. But there are a lot of crazy people who are not a danger to society. Unfortunately, Rebbetzin Kamenetsky is not only loony but also has blood on her hands."

    The latest rumor now according to a Mrs. Bloch who posted she called him, is that R' Shmuel has changed his mind but doesn't have the spine to stand up to her.

  12. Gut gezogt from Mrs Elisheva Eisin on Philly:

    "Holding the criminally stupid in high esteem is why people are going OTD"

  13. The Red pustules with Coats are coming10:17 AM, January 01, 2019

    The Kaminetzky kooky anti-vax following known as PEACH, on their Twitter account, are attacking medical professionals by name who are being brought in to educate at heimish moisdos during this measles outbreak. They call the doctors "heretics".

    And PEACH has infiltrated the Orthodox Jewish Nurses Association. OJNA has always been problematic in that it's top leaders are Liberal Democrats and/or Open Orthodox, but one thing they got right is they are pro-doctor and do not allow the anti-vax to have a voice in their forums.

    Recently, OJNA was putting together a Power Point to debunk the anti-vax. A PEACH infil-traitor stole the draft (what is legally defined as intellectual property is also bichlal the issur of stealing) and took it back to PEACH who hurriedly put out a spoof that they pre-emptively used as a rebuttal to sabotage an attempt at pikuach nefesh.

    This is no chiddush coming from Philadelphia who already have a din rotzchim after all the gedolei haposkim opposed their dangerous shita on vaccination. There is a Ralbag in Nach that stealing is m'ain murder.

    Very "nice" values being advocated by a so called yeshiva.
