Monday, January 14, 2019

The (new) Adventures of H*E*R*S*H*E*L* S*C*H*A*C*H*T*E*R* - Going After Kids With Crayons!


  1. To be fair to Rav Schachter, this is a brief, edited excerpt from what certainly was a longer answer. The answer in the column is far too simplistic and I'm certain Rav Schachter knows the nuances of the ruling.

  2. Hershel Schachter is a sick hypocrite. Guys like him twist the religion as they please! May Ivanka Trump become Jewish, Hershy? Yes! May your son live on Ner Israel pedophile campus in Baltimore for swapping his wife with their rabbis? Sure! But the Sun is forbidden to be drawn! Why? Because, contrary to the above cases of Ivanka and your son, YOU do not get any CA$$$H from it! You are such an ignoramus and blockhead, Hershy, here is a page from the medieval book Tzurat ha-Aretz (Form of the Earth) by Abraham bar Hiyya (great-grandson of the Hezekiah Gaon), showing an eclipse of the sun explained and illustrated the Sun even has a face, but nobody religious in those days cared about that, like they didn't care about blue fringes you wear to show off you are wiser and better than others!

  3. That picture was likely not drawn by Abraham Bar Hiyya himself but rather by a Christian printer who published the book many hundreds of years later. It even contains a church with a cross on the top!
