Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Nuch a Dangerous Meshugener --- This Will Not End Well!

The son of a Holocaust refugee, Mr. Cahn was raised in a Jewish family in the New York suburbs - he draws upon his Jewish background, using the title of rabbi or wrapping himself in a prayer shawl emblazoned with the Beth Israel logo.

#MAGA Church: The Doomsday Prophet Who Says the Bible Predicted Trump

“Trump is offering us a window for revival, a window to return to God,” Mr. Cahn said. “What happened in the election was not about Trump but about something much higher, the purposes of God.”

A charismatic pastor in New Jersey (who also calls himself a rabbi) leads a church fixated on end times. Before the apocalypse, however, he’s fitting in a trip to Mar-a-Lago.

On a Sunday morning at Beth Israel Worship Center in Wayne, N.J., a bearded pastor named Jonathan Cahn stood on an elevated platform, gazing over a full house. Stage lights shifted from blue to white as the backing band played a drifting melody. Two men hoisted curled rams’ horns and let out long blasts.

“Some of you have been saying you want to live in biblical times,” Mr. Cahn said, pacing behind a lectern. Then he spread his hands wide. “Well, you are.”

Sitting at the end of a sleepy drive an hour from Manhattan, Beth Israel may look like any common suburban church. But the center has a highly unusual draw. Every weekend, some 1,000 congregants gather for the idiosyncratic teachings of the church’s celebrity pastor, an entrepreneurial doomsday prophet who claims that President Trump’s rise to power was foretold in the Bible.

Mr. Cahn is tapping into a belief more popular than may appear.

A recent Fox News poll found one in four Americans believe “God wanted Donald Trump to become president.” Celebrities like the televangelist Paula White and Franklin Graham have boosted the idea. The president’s own press secretary suggested as much in a January interview. And on the opening day of the Conservative Political Action Conference this month, the millionaire businessman Michael Lindell took to the stage and declared President Trump “chosen by God.”....



  1. Trump becoming president is another proof that God has a sense of humour, as it is writte: Yoshev bashamayim v'yischak

  2. Has UOJ heard any rumors regarding Berkowitz? Are there any articles pertaining to the wife's demise? What was her name? I can tell you that the Kaminetzky clan are experts at keeping secrets, for example no one in Philly knowing that Rebbitzen "anti-vaxx" Temi has a brother who dropped out of YTV to become a Reform rabbi.

  3. Some of Kahn's followers have heimish levush & groom themselves in the manner of Chassidishe even if never having been Jewish by birth.


    Here is one such freak who is a child molester

  4. To Anonymous @ 4:44 PM, March 21, 2019 & Colonel Mustard @ 2:18 PM, March 22, 2019:

    Meir Berkowitz's first wife was Faygie (his current wife is Sarah). She suddenly died in 2014, and her coffin was swiftly shipped from Baltimore to Pittsburgh for burial. There were some obituaries online at that time (I think the Berkowitz-Kamenetsky clan claimed she had cancer), but to everybody's surprise all obits were removed within a very short period. She was quite young and, at least in appearance, seemed perfectly healthy. I heard she wanted to get pregnant, but Meir was not ready for kids. (He had many love affairs in yeshiva and town; after Faygie was gone, Meir's mother Etty, who is Shmuel Kamenetsky's daughter and a matchmaker, said she would find "another virgin" for Meir, which she, of course, did.) Also, Faygie found out some dirty secrets of Ner Yisroel and was naively sharing them with others.
