Tuesday, May 14, 2019

One Would Think a Human Being With a Conscience Would Stand Up and Admit They Were So Very Wrong & Helped Create an Epidemic! Not These Guys!" Dual Scourges – Disease and Ignorance"

“I see vaccinations as the problem. It’s a hoax. Even the Salk vaccine [against polio] is a hoax. It is just big business.” Shmuel Kaminetzky

Trust any of these imbeciles at your own peril...and that of your community!



Vaccination is Pikuach Nefesh

By: Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt
Director, Halachah & Medicine Commission
Rabbinical Alliance of America/Igud HaRabbonim



  1. Now the Agudath Israel of America is claiming that they are strongly pro-vaccination:


    But what are they doing about their loose cannon Kaminetzky?

  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/brooklyn-measles-outbreak-how-glossy-booklet-spread-anti-vaccine-messages-n993596

    NBC News has outed various leaders of the "frum" anti-vaxx movement who includes a 5 Towns woman Rebecca Fleischmann who has a sizeable local following.

    Tzadok Katz warned in the Yated that many of these people are not just anti-vaxx but also anti-Torah since they are anti-Doctor & pro- practices that come from avodah zara.


    This is Fleischmann's "expert": Dr. Rabbi Yehuda Frischman, who pushes Chinese medicine, etc


    Despite his big payos he is a YU-Shaalavim guy

    But YU guys are also required to do what the Torah says

    And so are the heimishe Williamsburg idiots outed by NBC

  3. http://www.5tjt.com/ycq-closed-amid-measles-outbreak/

    NYC Health Dept shuts down day school full of Modern Orthodox anti-vaxx idiots

  4. My son said that the video obligates us in chazoras ha shots

  5. When I look at how these criminal rabbis act, I know who were the archetypes of the fake "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

  6. The Agudathniks are now feeling the heat and doing an about-face:


    Time to turn the heat up a few degrees higher!
