Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Ladies & Gentlemen ----- The President of the United States...

Trump sexual assault accuser: He pinned me against the wall

E. Jean Carroll recounts her alleged encounter with Donald Trump, who she says sexually assaulted her in a dressing room 23 years ago.


 “I’ll say it with great respect: Number one, she’s not my type. Number two, it never happened. It never happened, OK?” the president said while seated behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.



  1. Though unlikely that the Donald is innocent in every case, we see from Justice Brett Kavanaugh that partisan Democrats will utter any lie to change the balance of the country's power in their favor. And this is why the Rishonim said we believe molestation accusations except when the one pointing fingers is a known enemy.

    Trump has a tayneh here that the highest end dept store had security cameras in those days & it's a busy place. Even if there are no customers at a given moment they have staff in every corner ready to assist. I was there in that tekufah to see it first hand. Yet no one heard or saw anything unusual? Please

  2. Men are more than 90% of workplace fatalities.

    Men are more than 90% of prison inmates.

    Men are more than 90% of American homeless people.

    Men are more than 90% of people destroyed by divorce courts.

    Men are more than 90% of military fatalities and wounded.

    If any of these problems were happening to women,
    then solving those problems would be a high priority.

    But because they are happening to men, NOBODY CARES.

  3. WIFE: “Pack your bags and get out.”
    "I hope you die a long, slow, painful death.”
    HUSBAND: So you want me to stay?

    QUESTION: What does the modern wife say to her husband after sex?
    ANSWER: “I'll be home in 20 minutes.”

    QUESTION: What is a modern woman's idea of loyalty?
    ANSWER: She asks her friend before she sleeps with her husband...

    Rodney Dangerfield said:
    I told my wife the truth:
    I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist.
    Then she told me the truth:
    She was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers and a bartender.

    Henny Youngman said:
    Do you know what it means to come home at night
    to a woman who will give you a little love,
    a little attention, and a little tenderness?
    It means you are in the wrong house!

    Millionaire: I owe everything to my wife.
    Interviewer: Wow! What were you before you married her?
    Millionaire: A billionaire.

  4. So.. are we supposed to like Trump for moving the embassy to Jerusalem or hate him for being a dirtbag?

  5. I can smell the liars and opportunists by their body language; Ford was and is a liar, Carroll is truthful.

  6. I understand what UOJ is saying, and she does have an ehrliche demeanor. But there are a minority of cases where the person is an incredible actor / actress.


    Take the case of con artist Tommy Kirschner who hung out for years in the modern orthodox shul Shaarey Shamayim & defrauded many of it's members with exactly such a demeanor. And ironically, he had a whole Bubba maayse of how he was working with Trump.

    This guy was really good. I saw him in action. He had an incredible human touch. He was not able to fool one investor however but only because he was up against a MENSA IQ in that case and that particular sales pitch while sincere sounding just seemed a little too good to be true.

    I suspect that Ms Carroll may have overreached a bit here too. I would have been inclined to believe her if she cried molestation. But full blown rape in the middle of Bergdorf Goodman in broad daylight? Nah. And I suppose we can assume she doesn't vote Republican, nor do any of her editors.

  7. She has 2 contemporaneous witnesses that were deemed credible. She did have a Nokia phone that she called her friend on after she left Bergdorf. Could she by lying? Well, as a rule, most normal people do not make these things up, and as we now know, it takes years and decades until people can process what happened to them and talk about it.

  8. I'd like to know more as to who the witnesses are & what their background is.

    Take the case of John Bolton. Some articles speak of accusations against him of "harassing women", insinuating he's a molester. I spent a while today trying to find the exact details. I started getting suspicious the longer it took to find any shred of this supposed scandal. Finally I find some fake news blown out of proportion about a USAID contractor who accused him of making derogatory comments that she is a lesbian and fat. She doesn't get specific so she could have been insulted by any inane comment.

    Just like Kavanaugh is the biggest threat to the Left's dream of a Liberal SCOTUS, so is Bolton the biggest threat to their fantasy of a surrender-monkey foreign policy.

    (For the record it has also been falsely reported that Bolton is a Yid but he is Lutheran. The Boltons have always been Lutheran)

  9. Trump, by his own admission on tape, violates women on a regular basis for kicks. The only question for now is , is Carroll one of those violated women. And I believe her.

  10. Bergdorf Shlechtman5:38 PM, June 26, 2019

    If Trump is guilty of full blown rape in a public place then woe to America for that would make him a psychopath. He bragged about molesting to Bush, not rape. In a world without Torah, plain molesting by men in charge is commonplace. Or at least it was until "Mir Oichet". It's not just billionaires who were nichshol on a regular basis.

    I think it's more plausible that the Left would invest a lot of time & effort to find the "perfect" accuser who exudes girl-next-door ehrlichkeit. And what could be so wrong in the mind of a Liberal that if Trump takka molested her she could add a bit more to the story to make it more exciting.

    The Never-Trumpers who in their own way are psychopaths, will stop at nothing and some of them at least will learn from the mistakes they made in trying to sabotage the Supreme Court.

  11. I'm amazed at how many conspiracy-minded Trump supporters are claiming that it's some Democrat who's paying her to say this in order to damage Trump. Who would be foolish enough to waste their money? Trump's foolish supporters have stuck with him despite his years of childish behavior and will continue to no matter if, as Trump himself said, he would shoot someone on 5th Avenue. As to the rest of the population, they already know what a POS he is and there are few left to persuade.

  12. We have changed a lot as a nation. Once upon a time there were strong moral values and sincere human connections. Now everything has deteriorated. We are like monkeys. Monkey "religion" is food and sex. They do that nonstop. And we copycat them because we lost צלם אלקים of the previous generations. I feel bad I am a Jew. I feel bad I am human. I feel bad Hashem made me to be born into this damned and doomed world. I feel bad I finished the entire Talmud only to see that its lofty ideals have been forever profaned and desecrated by rabbis, leaders and about everyone who claims to be "frum." And I am proud I did not vote for Donald.
